March 29, 2015 Opening Songs All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name Days of Elijah Our God Saves Welcome and Announcements Scripture Reading John 12:12-18 Page 762 Offering/Special P.I.G.S. Puppet Team Children’s Message Children are dismissed for Children’s Church in Room A Message Crying At The Party Luke 19:28-44 Mahlon Friesen - Interim Pastor Communion Closing Song Hallelujah For the Cross -2- TODAY’S ACTIVITIES 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM Praise Team Practice Prayer Sunday School Golden Living Center Church Service Worship Service VISITOR INFORMATION Visitors - If you are visiting with us today, we would like to give you a Welcome Packet and a booklet called “The God Questions”. In the Welcome Packet you will learn more about Broken Bow EFree Church and all of our ministries. Welcome Packets and the booklet are available on the Information Table in the lobby or ask an Usher or Greeter for assistance. Thanks for worshiping with us today. Nursery - Is available for any infants and toddlers under the age of 3. The nursery is located off of the Activities Room in Rooms D and E. Children’s Church - Is available for children ages 3 through 1st grade in Room A. Children will be dismissed prior to the sermon. Children’s Bulletins - Are available in the foyer and contain Bible activity pages for kids. The green ones are for ages 3-6 and the blue ones are for ages 7-12. Song Sheets - If you have a hard time seeing the words on the screen, yellow song sheets are available in the foyer. Questions - Ushers are available to answer questions or to help find what you are looking for. Watch and Listen Online - If you cannot make it to church or if you are visiting out of town, you can still be a part of the Worship Service by watching the live broadcast at You can also watch or listen to previously recorded services. -3- ANNOUNCEMENTS Financial Report God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7 Weekly Budget Mar. 22nd Offering $5,892 $11,067 6:10 Fund - Today the gold 6:10 Fund box is on the table in the foyer to receive any money that you would like to give to help the needy in our church family or in our community whenever these needs are made known. For questions about the 6:10 Fund, contact Dan Anderson. Spring Fling – Come and join us for a Women’s Night Out on Fri., April 17th, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM at BB-EFC. There will be a supper, guest music and guest speakers. Please call the church office 872-3000 to RSVP. There will be a Freewill donation. Lost and Found Dishes – Please look in the kitchen to see if any of the dishes on the counter belong to you, and if so, please take them home. If they are still left after a few weeks, we will donate them to the Community Connection. Church Directory - We are trying to complete the new Church Directory for 2015. If you have not contacted the church office to update your information, picture, have a new picture taken, or if you want to use your current picture and information, please call or email the church office as soon as possible. VBS - Will be June 8th - 12th from 9:00 AM - Noon. We especially need more Crew Leaders. If this is something you would like to help with, please fill out a volunteer sign-up sheet, and place in the VBS container in the foyer. 50 for 5 - If you are interested in praying for the Pastoral Search, there are prayer guides available in the foyer. Challenge Center Building Update - The current total is $395,433.58. -4- ANNOUNCEMENTS Revolution Student Ministries Senior High Retreat - April 17th-19th Timberlake Ranch Camp is hosting a retreat for 9-12th grade students. The weekend will include a great mix of four chapel speakers. Topics include: Mercies of God, Counter Cultural, Transformed and Will of God. There will be music, games like “Fugitives”, “Conquest”, basketball, swimming, Open Mic, racquetball, volleyball, paintball, horses and more. Leave BB on April 17th at 4:30 PM and eat supper in Central City. Registration begins at 7:00 PM with Session 1 following at 8:00 PM. Arrive back in BB on April 19th by 3:00 PM. The cost is $45 plus 2 dozen cookies or 2 bags of chips. Lead the Cause University - LTCU is a great way to be inspired and equipped to take your faith to the next level of spiritual maturity and leadership. This event is July 13th - 18th, 2015 in Denver, CO. Send in a $50 deposit by Apr. 12th. Broken Bow High School Baccalaureate - Will be held on Wed., May 6th, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Jr. High School Auditorium. This year’s theme is “The Solution to the Problem” with Tyce Jensen, as Guest Speaker. He is a graduate from Broken Bow High School and is the Broken Bow Berean Church pastor. New Food Bank Facility - The BB Ministerial Association in partnership with the Lion’s Club is working to complete the new Food Bank Facility located at 1100 South 6th Ave. They are looking for volunteers to help them complete the interior of the building. The earlier dates will consist of hanging drywall, with the later dates involving some painting. The goal is to have the “Food Bank” side done by May 1st. All work days will start at 1:00 PM scheduled on the following Saturdays: Apr. 11th and 18th. This Week’s Birthdays and Anniversaries Mar. 29th- Apr. 4th Mar. 31 Jeannie Myers Mar. 29 Tracey & Wilma Cassell Apr. 1 Larry Coleman 3 Maxine Anderson 4 Don Cunningham -5- THIS WEEK Monday, Mar. 30, 2015 7:30 PM LIFE-Group for Women @ Wanda Anderson’s Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2015 8:00 PM Elder Meeting Wednesday, Apr. 1, 2015 6:00 AM 9:30 AM 12:05 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM Men’s Fraternity Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study Sermons A La Carte - BB U. Methodist Church P.I.G.S. Puppet Practice AWANA Revolution Youth Group Thursday, Apr. 2, 2015 9:30 AM Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM *Weight Watchers Friday, Apr. 3, 2015 - Church Office Closed 7:00 PM Good Friday Service UPCOMING EVENTS Apr. 5 5 6 6 8 10-11 Easter Coffee 9:00 AM (No Sunday School Classes) Easter Worship Service 10:00 AM Church Office Closed Worship Meeting 7:00 PM P.I.G.S. Puppet Practice P.I.G.S. Puppet Tour *Denotes non-BB-EFC activities being held at the church Our Mission: Leading People into a Growing Relationship with Jesus Christ. -6- PRAYER AND PRAISE March 29, 2015 “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Pray for many in our congregation who are struggling with illnesses. Pray that 2015 would be a time of significant personal and congregational spiritual growth in love and service. Pastoral Search: Pray for our Search Team as they prayerfully seek a godly Senior Pastor candidate and to be given wisdom and clear insight from God. Pray for total church harmony in the call of the pastor and continued prayer support for the pastor and family in their life with us. BB-EFC Missionary of the Week: Andy and Lauren May, with CRU in Omaha, NE, writes that they have been blessed to have an opportunity to help their friend in Creighton University’s International Office with the ESL Conversation Hour. In the past this was only open to international and American Creighton students but now is open to other volunteers in the community. Praise God for unexpected opportunities. Pray for a Midwest District Church: Evangelical Free Church, Sidney, NE, Pastor Doug Birky Those Serving Today: Nursery: Stephen and Michelle Nichols, Samy Hundstad Children’s Church: Michelle Simmons Ushers: Craig Safranek, Lonnie McCullough, Ron Millsap Greeter: Clifford and Gaylean Olson Those Serving Next Week: Nursery: Gwen Kugler, Elle and Noah Ralls Children’s Church: Kyla and Abby Olson -7- SERMON NOTES Crying At The Party Luke 19:28-44 March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday helps me see Jesus as ... Lord: ______________________________Him vv. 28-35 King: ______________________________Him vv. 36-40 Savior: _____________________________Him vv. 41-44 How does God want me to respond to this passage? Pick up a copy of today’s Word Find (orange) puzzle in the foyer. Next week we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection! Broken Bow Evangelical Free Church 2079 Memorial Drive Broken Bow, NE 68822 (308) 872-3000 Church Office Hours – 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Mon.-Thurs. Interim Pastor - Pastor Mahlon Friesen Email: Associate Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries - Pastor Brant Taylor Email: Secretary Geri Johnson Email: - 8-
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