First draft of Senate Roster –Spring 2015 for review/updated information. 1.7.15 vm SUNY BUFFALO STATE •COLLEGE SENATE ROSTER Spring 2015• •Senate Administration• President Vice Presidents Provost AFFILIATION School of Arts and Humanities School of Education Katherine ConwayTurner Michael LeVine Hal D. Payne Dennis Ponton SENATOR Emily Boyce Victoria Furby**see footer Jason Grinnell Carlos Jones Karen Sands O’Connor Jozef Bajus Nancy Chicola Dianne McCarthy(sab.) Kevin Miller Hibajene Shandomo Krista Vince Garland LOCATION EXT. E-MAIL President’s Office CLEV 517 4101 CONWAYKS Finance & Mgt. Student Affairs CLEV 505 CLEV 519 4311 5901 LEVINEMF PAYNEHD Academic Affairs CLEV 519 5901 PONTONDK DEPT. LOCATION TERM EXT. Music Music Philosophy Theatre English Design El. Ed. & Reading Except. Education Except. Education El. Ed. & Reading Except. Education ROCK 203 ROCK 132-G BISH 232 THEA 221 BISH 239 UPTO 412 BACO 302 B BACO 302 D KETC 202 BACO 316-H KETC 206 2012-2015(1) 2014-2015(C-1) 2014-17(2) 2013-2016(1) 2014-17(2) 2014-2015C-1 2012-2015(1) 2013-2016(2)* 2012-2015(1) 2014-2017 (2) 2014-2017(1) 6401 3159 5289 3057 3335 4133 5916 3693 5317 4528 4639 E-MAIL BOYCEEW FURBYVJ GRINNEJD JONESCR SANDSK BAJUSJ CHICOLNA MCCARTDS MILLERKJ SHANDOHM GARLANKM **Victoria Furby will sit for David Ben-Merre while on sabbatical for the 2014-15 Academic year, he will return to the 2015-16 Senate. * “Jane Doe” will sit for Dianne McCarthy from the School of Education, while she is on Spring 2015 sabbatical. Wendy will chose someone by 1.31.15 Page 1 First draft of Senate Roster –Spring 2015 for review/updated information. 1.7.15 vm School of Natural and Social Sciences School of the Professions At-Large Senators William White Soc.Psy. Found.Ed. BACO 308 2012-2015 (2) 4304 WHITEWL Jill Gradwell-C-1 Jennifer Hunt Patrick McGovern Kenneth Mernitz Daniel Potts Kevin Williams History & So.Stud. Psychology Political Science Hist. and So. Stud. Biology Earth Sci.,Sci Ed CLAS C 209 CLAS C-308 CLAS B 222 CLAS C- 211 SCIE 302 SAMC 122 2012-2015(2)C-1 2012-2015(C-1) 2013-2016(2) 2014-2017(1) 2014-2017(1) 2013-2016(2) 5427 3421 6203 4503 5007 5116 GRADWEJM HUNTJS MCGOVEPJ MERNITKS POTTSDL WILLIAKK Lynn Boorady Jill D’ Angelo Anthony Hotchkiss Jim Mayrose Arlesa Shephard Barbara Sherman Fash & Text Tech. Criminal Justice Engineering Tech. EngineeringTech. Fash & Text Tech. Comp.,Info.,Sys. TECH 306 CLAS C110 TECH 107 TECH 126 TECH 311 TECH 206 2012-2015(1) 2012-2015(2) 2013-2016(1) 2013-2016(2) 2014-2017(1) 2014-2017(2) 5716 4517 6130 6017 4661 3217 BOORADLM DANGELJM HOTCHKAJ MAYROSJ SHEPHAAJ SHERMABA David Carson Ken Fujiuchi Amy McMillan Ted Schmidt Ron Stewart Amitra Wall Mark Warford Hist. & So. Stud. Emerg.Tech Libr. Biology Econ. & Finance Sociology University College Mod. & Clas. Lang. CLAS C-219 BUTL SAMC 316 CLAS B 217 CLAS B 313 TWIN 100 BISH 140 2012-2015(1) 2013-2016(1) 2014-2017(2) 2013-2015(2) 2014-2017(1) 2013-2016(1) 2012-2015(1) 6830 6312 3756 5120 6436 3542 4814 CARSONDA FUJIUCK MCMILLAM SCHMIDTP STEWARR HODGEAA WARFORMK **Victoria Furby will sit for David Ben-Merre while on sabbatical for the 2014-15 Academic year, he will return to the 2015-16 Senate. * “Jane Doe” will sit for Dianne McCarthy from the School of Education, while she is on Spring 2015 sabbatical. Wendy will chose someone by 1.31.15 Page 2 First draft of Senate Roster –Spring 2015 for review/updated information. 1.7.15 vm Professional Staff Josephine Adamo Christine Frezza Patrick DeWind Cynthia Fasla Heather Maldonado Deborah Sarratori M. Scott Goodman Joe Marren University Faculty Senators Library Support Staff Presidential Appointees Marc Bayer David Lysiak Benjamin Christy Wendy Paterson Parliamentarian Slade Gellin STUDENT Student Senators Stacy Creech Yasmin Declet Terron Grant Jalia Hines Nicholas Irion Ashley Lanning Tahnee Marcus-White Diaisha Richards Jennifer Rodriquez Serenity Smith 1st Year Dev, Intia. Spec. Prog. Office Comp. Tech Serv. Registrar’s Office University College Weigel Health Ctr. Chemistry Communication SOUT 530 SOUT 420 TWIN 206 MOOT 210 TWIN 100 WEIG SCIE 313 BISH 210 2013-2016(1) 2013-2016(2) 2014-2017(2) 2012-2015(2) 2012-2015(1) 2014-2017(1) 2014-2017(2) 2013-2016(2) 5223 4328 4611 4907 5222 6711 5204 6008 ADAMOJP FREZZACA DEWINDPT FASLACM MALDONHD SARRATDM GOODMAMS MARRENJJ Library BUTL 150-A 2014-2017(1) 6305 BAYERMD Accounting CLEV 414 2012-2015 (1) 4118 LYSIAKDS Dean, SAH Dean, SOE ROCK 122 BACO 2014-2015 2014-2015 6326 4214 CHRISTY PATERSWA Technology TECH 115 2013-2014 6002 GELLINS DEPARTMENT LOCATION CSCC member Grad Student Senate Agenda Comm. Rep Chair Student Welfare Grad Student PHONE n/a n/a 646-240-2400 646-932-1163 716-544-8167 716-861-3660 347-481-8841 914-602-2142 n/a 917-635-2145 E-MAIL **Victoria Furby will sit for David Ben-Merre while on sabbatical for the 2014-15 Academic year, he will return to the 2015-16 Senate. * “Jane Doe” will sit for Dianne McCarthy from the School of Education, while she is on Spring 2015 sabbatical. Wendy will chose someone by 1.31.15 Page 3 First draft of Senate Roster –Spring 2015 for review/updated information. 1.7.15 vm Ashleigh Sutherland Trevon Williams USG President n/a n/a OFFICERS AND SECRETARY CHAIR David Carson VICE CHAIR William White History, Social Studies Dept. Soc. Psy. Foundations Senate Office CLAS C-219 6830 CARSONDA BACO 308 4304 WHITEWL CLEV 211 5139 MASCIVT SECRETARY Vincent Masci • COLLEGE SENATE WEBSITE: SENATE E-MAIL: The College Senate Agenda Committee includes the following members: College President or Provost, all Chairs of Standing Committees of the College Senate, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate, the two SUNY (UFS) Senators, and Terron Grant an elected Student Representative on the Senate Agenda Committee. COMMITTEE NAME ACADEMIC PLAN-(APC) BUDGET & STAFF ALLOCATION-(BSAC) BY-LAWS & ELECTIONS-(BLE) CURRICULUM COMMITTEE-(CSCC) INSTRUCTION & RESEARCH-(I&R) FACULTY & STAFF WELFARE-(FSW) STANDARDS FOR STUDENTS-(S4S) COMMITTEE CHAIR Jason Grinnell Ted Schmidt Amitra Wall Karen Sands O’Connor Kevin Williams Amy McMillan Heather Maldonado ADMINISTRATIVE LIAISONS Dennis Ponton Jim Thor Bill Benfanti Rosalyn Lindner Margaret Shaw-Burnett Susan Earshen Charles Kenyon **Victoria Furby will sit for David Ben-Merre while on sabbatical for the 2014-15 Academic year, he will return to the 2015-16 Senate. * “Jane Doe” will sit for Dianne McCarthy from the School of Education, while she is on Spring 2015 sabbatical. Wendy will chose someone by 1.31.15 Page 4 First draft of Senate Roster –Spring 2015 for review/updated information. 1.7.15 vm STUDENT WELFARE-(SWC) Chair, Ashley Lanning Vice Chair, Jill D’Angelo Sarah Velez 1 (#) AFTER TERM = 1ST OR 2ND TERM OF 3 YEARS C1 = Senator is completing another Senator’s term. As per the Senate Handbook, Senate By-laws, Article III, Section D. 1, (p. 18), “No elected member of the Senate shall be eligible to succeed himself after serving two consecutive terms.” As per the Senate Handbook, Organization and Structure, “Senators may serve on the Senate for a maximum of six (6) consecutive years or for two (2) consecutive terms of three (3) years each. After two terms or six years (whichever comes first) a senator must remain off the Senate for one (1) year before returning.” (p. 5) •COLLEGE SENATE MEETINGS 2014-2015• Location- Butler Library 210, TIME: 3 P.M. unless noted* SPRING 2015 FEBRUARY 13, 2015 MARCH 13, 2015 APRIL 10, 2015 *MAY 8, 2015 @ 2 P.M. (SEE BELOW)** **Caucus meeting for presentation by candidates to members of the 2015-2016 Senate: May (12:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.) Butler 210 PLEASE NOTE: ARCHIVE REQUESTS FOR SENATE ITEMS DATED PRIOR TO 2007, SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE BUTLER LIBRARY ARCHIVES OFFICE, VIA E-MAILTO: D. DiLandro or P. Hatfield, or by phone at x6304. **Victoria Furby will sit for David Ben-Merre while on sabbatical for the 2014-15 Academic year, he will return to the 2015-16 Senate. * “Jane Doe” will sit for Dianne McCarthy from the School of Education, while she is on Spring 2015 sabbatical. Wendy will chose someone by 1.31.15 Page 5
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