Election Packet - College Ten - University of California, Santa Cruz

College Ten Senate 2015-16
Election Packet
Thank you for your interest in seeking a position with the College Ten Student
Government for the 2015-16 academic year!
Please complete the “Intent to Run,” form, sign, and submit to the College Nine and
College Ten Programs and Activities Office (in the Recreation Lounge) by 12pm on
Wednesday, April 29, 2015.
In addition to the” Intent to Run,” form, please email a photo of yourself (pdf or jpg)
along with your name to acpc910@ucsc.edu with the subject line, C10 Elections. The
photo will be included with the candidate statement information sheet that will be
provided to voters.
For questions or concerns please contact the College Ten Elections Commissioner at
Important Dates
April 22:
Election Packets available at the College Nine and College Ten
Programs and Activities Office (located in the Recreation Lounge below
the dining hall).
April 28:
Intent to Run forms and candidate statements due by 12pm noon at the
College Nine and College Ten Programs and Activities Office.
May 3:
College Ten Senate Election Kick-Off at Sunday Funday
May 3:
College Ten Election Voting Opens
May 7:
Elections end at 5pm
May 8:
Election Results Announced
College Ten Senate Elections
Intent to Run Form
Phone: _______________________
Grade Level as of Fall 2015:__________ Email: ________________________
College Ten Box #: ____________
or Local Address:
Please mark which position you are seeking. (You may only seek one
__ President
__ Vice-President
__ VP of Communications (Secretary)
__ VP of Finance (Treasurer)
__ VP of Publicity (Outreach Manager)
Candidate Statement
Please read the following questions and submit your numbered responses on a separate sheet
of paper (no more than one page total for all three questions).
1. Why do you want to run for College Ten Senate, and what skills will you bring to the
2. What experience do you have with student government and working with
organizations on campus?
3. What are your goals as a student government member?
I certify that the information I have provided in this application is accurate and valid.
_______________________________________________ __________________
Applicants Signature
College Ten Senate Elections
Officer Descriptions
Required to attend ALL senate meetings and is responsible for conducting weekly meetings.
The President sets the agenda and responds to Senate mail and emails, confirming
appointments for all funding request proposals. The President oversees the planning and
execution of all events and is responsible for making sure all resources are obtained for events,
and can call extra or emergency meetings. (Past experience in College 10 Senate is preferable).
Required to attend ALL senate meetings and is responsible for conducting Senate meetings in
the absence of the President. The Vice President is responsible for filling in at all positions
if the rep is absent and helps respond to the College Ten Senate mail and emails. The Vice
President oversees all College 10 Senate committees and helps the senate plan and put on
College Ten and campus wide events. (Past experience in College 10 Senate is preferable).
VP of Communications (Secretary)
Required to attend ALL senate meetings and is responsible for recording and typing the
minutes of the College Ten Senate meetings. VP of Communications is responsible for emailing
the meeting minutes to the Senate Advisor AND the Senate within 48 hours of the last
meeting. VP of Communications is also responsible for compiling the reports of the other reps
in the senate minutes. VP of Communications also helps plan events and is responsible for
making sure people follow through with their delegated tasks.
VP of Finance (Treasurer)
Required to attend ALL senate meetings and keep record of College Ten finances. Works with
the Senate advisor to create a yearly budget and keeps track of all the money spent on events
and funding requests. The treasurer is also responsible for forwarding the appropriate
documentation to the Senate Advisor in order for the transfer of funds to the orgs and groups
that College Ten Senate funds to take place. Treasurer is also responsible for informing orgs via
email the funding amount they were awarded by the Senate. Helps the senate plan and put on
College Ten and campus wide events.
VP of Publicity (Outreach Manager)
Required to attend ALL senate meetings and is responsible for helping plan College Ten events
and is in charge of outreach and media. Duties consist of making posters, quarter sheets, and
fliers in addition to tabling for events and making sure all College Ten events are publicized.
The VP of Publicity also serves as the Senate liaison to other campus organizations and groups.
VP of Publicity may also be responsible for publicizing campus-wide events at College Ten.
College Ten Senate Elections
Election By-Laws
Section I
The Executive Council Elections
2.1.1 Elections to elect the Executive Council are to take place in the spring quarter of the
academic year preceding the year in which the Council will serve.
2.1.2 All and only students of College Ten are eligible to vote in the Executive Council
2.1.3 All candidates must submit a letter of intent to run by a posted deadline.
2.1.4 A student may be elected with a majority of the write-in votes, which must be no less
then ten. After the election the student must submit a letter of intent before taking office.
Only students of College Ten, who are full-time and in good academic and community
standing, are eligible to run for the Executive Council.
2.1.6 To win, a candidate must obtain a simple majority of the votes.
2.1.7 In order to be eligible to vote for Residential Representative, you must reside in the
house/community which that you will represent.
2.1.8 If an Executive position has no candidates then there will be ad hoc appointments the
following fall, with at least 15 College Ten Students Present.
Section II
2.2.1 All posters, flyers, and other forms of advertisement must follow the guidelines set forth
by the University of California, Santa Cruz.
2.2.2 Candidates are allowed to disperse flyers equivalent to the number of students currently
enrolled full-time in College Ten.
2.2.3 Each candidate is allowed a maximum of three posters in each of the designated
residential areas (College Ten Residence Halls Halls and the Colleges Ten and Nine Apartments).
2.2.4 Each poster may not exceed 20 square feet.
2.2.5 Posters and flyers may only be distributed and posted within the boundaries of College
2.2.6 There is to be no distribution of election paraphernalia other than flyers and posters by
the candidate. This includes but is not limited to buttons, pencils, pens, t-shirts, key-chains, hats,
2.2.7 Candidate flyers and posters may not in any way discriminate or otherwise adversely
advertise against another candidate.
2.2.8 Each candidate is responsible for the timely removal of all election materials and
disposed of properly within four (4) days after the election results have been posted.
Section III
2.3.1 Failure to adhere to any and all of the above election by-laws will result in the automatic
disqualification of the candidate from the election.
Section IV
Ballot Measures
2.4.1 All ballot measures must be approved by two-thirds of the voting student body of College
Ten in order to take effect.
2.4.2 All ballot measures will be put forth to the student body in conjunction with the spring
elections for the Executive Council.