5/9/2015 WELCOME TO COLLINS INTERMEDIATE Established 1990 Built in 1990 Named after Donald R. Collins CISD school board president & Veterinarian School Colors: Maroon, Navy and Silver School Mascot: Friendly Cobra 1 5/9/2015 SCHOOL MISSION Collins students, staff, parents and community are united in developing each student to be a knowledgeable, responsible citizen filled with self-confidence, high expectations and a zest for lifelong learning. What to Expect @ Collins Positive teachers & staff that care about you! Productive – lots of things to learn Confident Responsible Prepared Knowledgeable High Expectations Help in your transition 2 5/9/2015 EXEMPLARY SCHOOL Exemplary campus since the opening in 1990. 90% of students in all content areas have met or exceeded state standards. Texas Business and Education Coalition (TBEC) award winning school for three consecutive years. Only 5% of schools in Texas receive this designation. Top 20 Greater Houston Middle School Rankings SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Shelli LeBlanc Principal Kelly Thompson Assistant Principal Beth Hall Counselor 3 5/9/2015 OUR COLLINS FAMILY COLLEGE PARK FEEDER ZONE 4 5/9/2015 TRANSITION Your child will be assigned a Learning Community (LC) in which they will stay in one hallway except for Fine Arts and PE classes. Movement and transition are an integral part of the school setting. This model helps our students prepare for the Junior High setting. Students sit at lunch with their entire LC (100 students) not just their “homeroom” Fine Art Electives Lunch 5th grade lunch 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Parents are welcome to visit for lunch – you may only eat with your child in our visitors section 5 5/9/2015 LOCKERS This is the first time many students use lockers. Most children are very excited and look forward to this next step. It takes about 2 weeks for students to adjust. GUIDANCE /COUNSELING Classroom Guidance Lessons H.O.T.T.T. Shots (Homework, Organization, Test Taking Tips) Various Student Interest Lunch Groups Y’s Guys Y’s Gals Mentors on campus 6 5/9/2015 Student Planners ACADEMIC PLACEMENT • Learning Communities are balanced. • Gifted and Talented Identification (all LC teachers are GT certified) • There are GT students in each LC • Students with special needs are in each LC • Math program – only accelerated program • Each LC is designed to meet a variety of instructional needs/services which include Gifted/Talented, Special Education, English as a Second Language and 504 • Language Arts/Social Studies/Math/Science 7 5/9/2015 GIFTED AND TALENTED ENRICHMENT Students identified GT in the following content areas received enrichment in their identified area(s). In addition, they participate twice a year in: LA/SS – Envision projects (required) Science – Participation in District SciMathelon Destination Imagination MATH PLACEMENT Students will take a 5th place placement on elementary campus. What will be reviewed: 80% or better on math placement exam 85% or higher on 4th grade STAAR Reading & Math (issue with state sending the math scores) 85% average on 4th grade Math Benchmarks Other Things to Consider: Maintained 85% average in 4th grade math Evidence of numerical fluency (# fact checks mastered) DRA Level Parents Notified by letter in early summer. Parent has right to decline placement in advanced math. 8 5/9/2015 • • • • • • • • • • • • 7th - Math 7 8th - PreAlgebra 8 9th - Algebra 10th - Geometry 11th - Algebra 2 12th - Pre Calculus or College Algebra or AP Statistics • 7th - Algebra (High School course) • 8th - Geometry (High School course) • 9th - Algebra 2 PAP 7th - Pre-Algebra PreAP 8th - Algebra (High School Course) • 10th - Pre Calculus PAP • 11th - AP Calculus AB or AP 9th - Geometry PAP Statistics 10th - Algebra 2 PAP • 12th - AP Calculus BC 11th - Pre Calculus PAP 12th - AP Calculus (AB or BC) and/or AP Statistics MATH IN J.H. & H.S. STAAR 2015-2016 Texas students will take the STAAR Test (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) 5th Grade – must pass Math/Reading to move to 6th grade Math – March 29th Reading – March 30th Science – May 11th 6th Grade Math – May 9th Reading – May 10th 9 5/9/2015 STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Conroe ISD Student Code of Conduct distributed in the Student/Parent Handbook Campus – wide student expectations meeting at the beginning of the year Classroom expectations reviewed at the beginning of the year High Expectations for all of our students Daily Attendance Early Checkouts DRESS CODE Halter-tops, muscle shirts, and spaghettistraps tops are not permitted unless covered by another shirt. Spandex clothing, yoga pants and leggings are to be worn under other outerwear that are at least fingertip in length. Student shorts must be fingertip length when the student rests his/her arms at side. Please see newsletter for complete guidelines. 10 5/9/2015 ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Crossing guards are on duty beginning at 8:10 a.m. Bikers-secure bikes on a bike rack enter through the front school doors Walkers enter through the front door at 8:00 a.m. Car Riders will be dropped off in the front of the school – no earlier than 8:00 a.m. Bus Riders will load and unload at the rear entrance and enter though the gym We encourage our students to arrive by 8:30 a.m. to begin their day. Instruction promptly begins and tardies are marked at 8:45 a.m. MORNING ACTIVITIES Many students participate in activities that require students to arrive prior to the instructional day. Students in Choir, Orchestra and Band needing to attend morning rehearsals will enter the school through the side doors by the band hall The library is open each morning at 8:00 a.m. Students are allowed in the gym at 8:00 a.m. We encourage our students to arrive at school by 8:30 a.m. 11 5/9/2015 STUDENT RECOGNITION Monthly Colossal Cobra Award for each 5th and 6th grade School-Wide Positive Behavior Program Summer Star Reader Program N.E.A.T. – Never Ever Absent or Tardy Activities Cobra Council Honor Band, Orchestra & Choir Book Club Recycle Club Read For A Better Life Open Hearts Club Destination Imagination KCOL Crew Members – Live TV! 12 5/9/2015 Activities Cool Things at Collins Red Ribbon Week Mix It Up Day IPOD Day Field Trips / Mission to Mars (6th Grade) Special Performances Visiting Authors / Book Drive KCOL Crew Members – Live TV! 13 5/9/2015 COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS Collins Scholarships Awarded Interfaith Food Drive Book Drive Coat Drive Toy Drive 14 5/9/2015 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Curriculum includes units in: Volleyball Basketball Football Skills Soccer Kickball Fitness Gram Many other recreational activities FINE ARTS OPTIONS Band – 36 Weeks Orchestra – 36 Weeks Should attend an instrument info night to help with selection for coming school year One Year Commitment Art/Music – 18 Weeks Classes meet everyday for 45 minutes 15 5/9/2015 General Music Music History Famous Composers Musical Terms Note Value Note Identification Choir - Singing Technique Sight-Reading Performance Solfegé 16 5/9/2015 5th Grade Band Instrument Selection The following instruments are offered: Flute Clarinet Alto Sax Trumpet (Cornet) Trombone Percussion All students are assessed by the band directors to determine instrument assignment. 17 5/9/2015 Orchestra Orchestra Instrument Selection Students may choose from: Violin Viola Cello Bass Orchestra instruments come in sizes to accommodate any student. 18 5/9/2015 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS Technology integrated in interdisciplinary units in each content area Access to interactive whiteboards for enhancing education Multimedia presentations are integral in each content area Classroom use of 5 WOW laptop carts, 1 IPAD cart and 2 Computer Labs PARENT COMMUNICATION Parent Access Center (automatic update) School Website School Newsletter CISD Blackboard Collins Planner Learning Community Weekly Newsletter Teacher Websites Parent Conferences /phone calls and email 19 5/9/2015 FUTURE EVENTS May 5th – Fine Arts Interview Night 4:30 -7:00pm (No Percussion) May 6th – Incoming 5th Parent Orientation Meeting – Collins Library 9:00 a.m. (Repeat Session) May 11th – Fine Arts Interview Night 4:30 -7:00pm (Percussion Night) May 19th – Orchestra Parent/Vendor Night 6:30 pm August 13th – Collins Express Orientation 5th 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. August 20th – Meet and Greet August 24th – First Day of School September 7th – School Holiday September 8th – Parent Information Night 6:30 pm COLLINS PTO Volunteer during school events Help teachers and students Provide funding for student enrichment programs such as field trips Assist in enhancing instructional programs Webstore – NEW!!! PTO President – Tina Rabson tinarabson@sbcglobal.net 20 5/9/2015 QUESTIONS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Have your child email questions or visit with their teachers Send an email to the teachers to clarify information Email your teacher to set up a conference Call or email the counselor or principal with concerns We Can’t Wait For You To Get Here or To Return Home! 21
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