William K. Sanford Town Library 2nd Annual Battle of the Bands Saturday, May 2nd 2015 7:00-10:00pm Band Registration Packet Battle of the Bands 2015 Rules of the Competition: The battle will take place on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 from 7-10pm. Bands must arrive ONE HOUR before the event. There will be a short, mandatory meeting that all bands must attend on Thursday, April 30th, 2015 at 7:30pm in the Teen Room at the William K. Sanford Town Library. Bands must consist of individuals ages 13-18 years of age, unless special permission is granted. If a band would like to be considered for special permission, call the Teen Room at 810-0315. Bands provide their own equipment, and must be able to set up and strike down in 5 minutes... The library is not responsible for any missing equipment, the band is responsible. A demo recording can be submitted (not required) by each band with their registration packet. Once your application is complete, you will receive an email. The contest will be judged upon: Musicianship Showmanship Audience Appeal Creativity Timing Professional judges will determine the winner, as well as the runners-up. All decisions are final. A lottery will be determined at the mandatory band meeting to determine the order of performers. Bands must give notification of any changes by April 30th. The following are strictly prohibited: Alcohol or drug use of any kind Fighting and antagonizing other acts or the audience Obscene or profane language or gestures Moshing, stage diving, or rushing the stage will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification of the performers. Violators will be escorted from the premises by law enforcement. Anyone caught violating these rules will be removed from the competition. Battle of the Bands 2015 Registration Form Band Name________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name and Phone Number_______________________________________________________ Contact Address_____________________________________________________________________ Contace Email_______________________________________________________________________ (Role = singer, lead guitarist, drummer etc…) List of Band Members: Name_____________________Age_____Grade____School_______________Role ______________ Name_____________________Age_____Grade____School_______________Role ______________ Name_____________________Age_____Grade____School_______________Role ______________ Name_____________________Age_____Grade____School_______________Role ______________ Name_____________________Age_____Grade____School_______________Role ______________ How long have you been playing together?_________________________________________________ What type of music does your band play?__________________________________________________ Have you played live before? Where?_____________________________________________________ Does your band play original songs or covers?______________________________________________ Please have every member of your band sign below to indicate that they have read and understood the event rules. ALL group members must sign this form to be eligible to participate. ________________________ ________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Registration forms must be returned to either the Teen Room Reference Desk, the Children’s Room Reference Desk, or emailed to valentee@colonielibrary.org . Questions: Contact Elissa Valente, William K. Sanford Town Library Teen Room at (518) 810-0315, or at the above email address. ENTRY DEADLINE: Thursday, April 16th, 2014
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