Coke Sale- HC Parent Letter - Harris County High School Bands

Harris County High
School Bands
Dear Parents,
The Harris County High School Bands are sponsoring a Coca-Cola soft drink sale to raise funds for
student fees for Marching Band. Please help us reach our goal by participating and selling CocaCola Products to your friends and family! Each case sold will give you a $7 credit towards band
camp up to $310. All additional sales will go towards equipment and supplies for the band.
Begin taking orders on Tuesday,
Tuesday, May 18th
th, 2015
Order Forms are due on Monday,
Monday, July 20th, 2015
It’s easy! Each student has been provided with an order form listing popular Coca-Cola brands available through
our fundraiser. You can help by sitting down with your child and making a list of relatives and friends for them to
Each student has a “Summary Order Form” which they will use to record sales. Complete the “Summary Order
Form” and turn in by (Monday,
Monday, July 20th), along with full payment for the order(s). The fundraiser coordinator will
use this “Summary Order Form” to order Coca-Cola products for delivery to the school.
Drinks will need to be picked up in the band room. Coke requires a five day turn around on delivery. A firm delivery
date has not been set, but will communicated well in advance. We are looking at a tentative July 31st delivery date.
Students are responsible for delivering their orders to their customers.
This is a great way to raise money by selling friends and family something they want and use. Keep in mind,
product cannot be used for resale therefore we do not allow orders for businesses, and there is a maximum of 10
cases for each individual sale.
Each case of case of soft drinks contains 24, 20oz. drinks and each case of water contains 24, 0.5 liter bottles. All
cases are $25 which is a little more than $1.04 per drink.
Please support our efforts by selling Coke products and placing your order today.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact our High Note Club President, Brian McFarland at
Harris County High School Bands
8281 Highway 116 ♦ Hamilton, GA ♦ 31823 ♦ 706-628-5773
Miranda A.V. Carlsen, Director
Eric M. Carlsen, Assistant Director