www.aberfeldyshowandgames.co.uk Atholl & Breadalbane Agricultural Society ABERFELDY SHOW Friday 8th and Saturday 9th August 2014 Wades Park, Aberfeldy ENTRY SCHEDULE Entries must be lodged with the Secretary by Monday 14th July 2014 Competitiors must adhere to the “Elegibility for Entry” paragraph on Page 2. Secretary: Highland Glen Producers Ltd, Aberfeldy Business Park, Aberfeldy, PH15 2AQ ATHOLL & BREADALBANE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Save for personal injury or damage caused by the negligence of the organisers or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, the organisers of the Atholl & Breadalbane Agricultural Show accept no liability for any accident, injury or damage to competitors, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever. ELIGIBITY FOR ENTRY It should be noted that entries will be strictly confined to the Show Area. The show is confined to the area embraced by the former Atholl, Aberfeldy and Killin branches of the National Farmers Union of Scotland. This means that competitors must have a residence within the show area and the animal(s) must be kept within the show area at all times, with the exception of Highland Ponies (Classes 1-12 inclusive) and Clydesdale Horses (Classes 15-23 inclusive) for which entry from outside the area will be by invitation of the committee. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO BY THE ORGANISERS AND ENTRIES OUTWITH THE AREA WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, EITHER ON PAPER OR ON THE DAY. If in doubt, please contact the Show Office on 01887 820666. GUIDELINES FOR HORSE & PONY COMPETITORS Hard hats should be worn when loading/unloading and MUST BE WORN at all times when mounted. Hats must conform to PAS015, ASTMF1163 or EN1384 with a kitemark or SEI. Extreme care must be used when mounted outside of the competition rings. No cantering. Control of the Horse or Pony should be maintained at all times. Competitors will be excluded from taking part in competition if adequate control is not maintained. Riders must behave in a courteous and safety conscious manner towards officials and spectators at all times. The Committee requests that Exhibitors in this section submit entries by the closing date. Late entries can be taken but cause great inconvenience to stewards on the morning of the show. Cost of late entries will be £5 per class PLUS membership and paramedic cover. PET SHOW This will take place approximately between 1.00pm and 2.00pm on Friday. All types of pets are accepted but please have them suitably restrained. Could all children entering this class please ensure that their parents are orderly and well behaved. Entries are taken on the field at £1 per entry. CLEAR ROUND JUMPING & HANDY PONY This competition will run during the afternoon on Friday. Entry fee is £1 per entry for each competition Entries are taken on the field NOTES FOR HORSE & PONY EXHIBITORS: Attention is drawn to the “ELEGIBILITY OF ENTRY” paragraph on Page 2. Passports must be produced when collecting rider numbers. Guidelines for Turnout in Mountain & Moorland ridden classes: Bridles should be plain and workmanlike. Plain browband – metal or clincher are permitted but some judges don’t like them (NB: brass was traditionally for stallions) Either no numnah or one which is discreet and matches the horse and saddle No boots or bandages Brown or black tack – brown is preferred by traditional judges and is always correct in the show ring Snaffle bridle for novice classes Double bridle or pelham for open classes Straight cut or working hunter saddles show more of the horse’s shoulder and movement, so are preferable to GP saddles Manes, tails and feathers may be pulled/trimmed in some breeds, according to the breed society’s specifications Quarter markers are not correct for native ponies In-hand Classes - horses and ponies should be shown in a suitably fitting bridle/headcollar/halter Friday 8th August 2014 HORSE & PONY SECTION Entry is £2.50 per class - £5.00 if entered on the field Judging commences at 9.00am prompt. Class 1 Best Turnout 13.2hh and under, to be ridden by child 16 years and under. Class 2 Best Turnout exceeding 13.2hh Class 3 Best Native Horse or Pony in hand - unplaited Class 4 Best Light-legged Horse or Pony in hand - plaited Class 5 Lead Rein Pony under 12.0hh to be ridden by child 8 years old or under. Class 6 Ridden Pony 12.2hh and under to be ridden by child 12 years old or under. Under no circumstances may the same Pony & Rider be entered in classes 5 and 6. Child Handler Class – for children under the age of 10 years and ponies 12.2hh and under. Children will be asked to lead ponies at walk and trot, lift their pony’s feet and generally demonstrate to the Judge that they are competent handlers of their ponies. Class 7 Class 8 Ridden Pony exceeding 13.2hh but not exceeding 14.2hh. Rider to be 18 years or under. Class 9 Ridden Pony exceeding 12.2hh but not exceeding 13.2hh. Rider to be 16 years or under. Class 10 Ridden Horse or Pony exceeding 14.0hh Under no circumstances may the same Horse/Pony & Rider be entered in classes 8 and 10. Class 11 Best team of Three Ridden Horses or Ponies Class 12 Coshieville Cup - Best Rider aged 10 to 16 years Class 13 Working Hunter over 14.0hh. Class 14 Working Hunter exceeding 13.2hh but not exceeding 14.2hh. Rider to be 18 years or under. Class 15 Working Hunter exceeding 12.2hh but not exceeding 13.2hh. Rider to be 16 years or under. Class 16 Working Hunter 12.2hh and under. Rider to be 12 years or under. Under no circumstances may the same Horse/Pony & Rider be entered in classes 13 and 14. Competitors in Classes 13, 14, 15 and 16 will be asked to negotiate approximately SIX obstacles. Nursery Stakes – lead Rein Jumping for children 8 years old and under, riding ponies 12.2hh and under. Competitors in class 17 will be asked to negotiate approximately SIX obstacles on a lead rein. Under no circumstances may the same Horse/Pony & Rider be entered in classes 16 and 17. Class 17 Class 18 Fancy Dress - “Strictly Come Dancing” If sufficient entries, classes may be grouped by age. Class 19 Lead Rein Games for ponies not exceeding 12.2hh and children 8 years old and under. Special prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd with Special Rosettes for all competitors. Class 20 Games - exceeding 12.2hh but not exceeding 13.2hh. Class 21 Games - exceeding 13.2hh but not exceeding 14.2hh Class 22 Games - 12.2hh and under. th Friday 8th August92014Friday 8th August Saturday August 2014 2014 HIGHLAND PONY SECTION (Not exceeding 14.2hh) N.B. All animals entered in the above classes must be registered or eligible for registration by the Highland Pony Society. Judging commences at 9.00am prompt RING 1 Class 1 Stallion Class 2 Yeld mare 4 years or over. Class 3 Gelding 4 years or over Class 4 Filly or Gelding 3 years old Class 5 Filly or Gelding 2 years old Class 6 Filly or Gelding 1 year old Classes 4 and 5 may be combined if there are insufficient entries in either class. Class 7 Best Mare with Foal at Foot Class 8 Best Foal Class 9 Best Ridden Highland Pony Class 10 Best Ridden Highland Pony - Novice Class 11 Best Pair of Highland Ponies in-hand or ridden Class 12 Traditional Working Highland Pony. Pony and Exhibitor to be presented in traditional working harness and attire e.g. Deer Saddle or Panniers, etc. Ponies are to be shown in-hand. The Winner of the D.J. MOLTENO PERPETUAL TROPHY and the Winner of the ALFRED BROWN MEMORIAL TROPHY will be required to compete for the OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP - THE MCLEOD QUAICH CLYDESDALE SECTION RING 2 Class 15 Best Mare with Foal at Foot Class 16 Best Foal Class 17 Best Mare 3 years old or over Class 18 Best Gelding 3 years old or over Class 19 Best Yearling Filly Class 20 Best 2 year old Filly Class 21 Best 1 or 2 year old Gelding Class 22 Best Decorated Horse and Harness Class 23 Best Harness CATTLE AND SHEEP SECTIONS RULES & REGULATIONS FOR CATTLE AND SHEEP EXHIBITORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. All persons in charge of stock and all persons admitted to the showyard shall be subject to the Rules of the Committee and must obey the orders of the Committee. The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entries it may think fit to exclude, or cancel any entry made, or to prohibit the exhibition of any stock. Entries of stock are accepted only from Members of the Society. Attendants must remain in close attendance of their stock in the showyard. Horse and Pony exhibitors, when showing animals in the judging ring and on parade, must wear number tickets. Admission tickets to showyard will be issued to stock attendants on following basis – Cattle classes – up to six entries, one ticket; over six entries, two tickets. Sheep classes – up to six entries, one ticket; up to ten entries, two tickets; over ten entries, three tickets. In case of inclement weather, the Committee reserves the right to withhold part or the whole of the Show. No animal may leave the showyard before 4.00pm, unless by permission of the Committee. The decision of the judges in all cases of dispute shall be final. All animals shown, except where otherwise stated, must be at the time of entry bonafide property of the exhibitor(s) in whose name they are entered, and must have been on the farm(s) from which entered for a period of not less than three months prior to the date of the Show. No animal shall be eligible to compete for a prize or trophy against any other animal which has previously been placed above it in a competition on the same day at the Atholl and Breadalbane Show. Any dispute on this point to be referred to the Committee before decision. The Committee will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever and entries are only accepted on this condition. Straw is not permitted in the showyard. COMPETITORS IN THIS SECTION ARE ASKED TO COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT REGULATIONS FOR MOVEMENT OF CATTLE. EXHIBITORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RECORDING WITH BCMS THE MOVEMENT OF CATTLE OFF AND ON TO THEIR HOLDING. SHOWGROUND CPH IS 89/677/8000 CROSS CATTLE Judging to begin at 9.00am Prizes in classes 1 – 18 First £10; Second £8; Third £5 Class 1. One Cross Cow in milk or in calf. Class 2. Best Breeding Cow and Calf. (1st prize pair cannot be shown again until Championship) Class 3. One Breeding Heifer – any age – Calf not eligible. Animals shown not eligible for Class 19 Class 4. One Stot Calf by Limousin Bull born between Show Day 2013 and 31/10/13 Class 5. One Heifer Calf by Limousin Bull born between Show Day 2013 and 31/10/13 Class 6. One Stot Calf by Limousin Bull born between 1/11/13 and 28/2/14 Class 7. One Heifer Calf by Limousin Bull born between 1/11/13 and 28/2/14 Class 8. One Male Calf by Limousin Bull born after 1/3/14 Class 9. One Heifer Calf by Limousin Bull born after1/3/14 Class 10. Limousin Salver – Best Limousin Calf in classes 4 to 9 Class 11. One Stot calf by any other Bull of a Beef Breed born between Show Day 2013 and 1/3/14 Class 12. One Male Calf by any other Bull of a Beef Breed born after 1/3/14 Class 13. One Heifer Calf by any other Bull of a Beef Breed born between Show Day 2012 and 1/3/14 Class 14. One Heifer Calf by any other Bull of a Beef Breed born after 1/3/14 Class 15. Best Calf by a Bull of any Breed other than Limousin Class 16. Best Pair of Calves Any breed, can be mixed sex, bred by exhibitor, born after ShowDay 2013. Calves shown in classes 4-14 (apart from 1st prize winners) are eligible for this class Class 17. One Yearling Stot Class 18. Best Yearling Heifer Not in Calf Animals shown in Class 3 not eligible Class 19. Best Calf on Show Class 20. Best Calf of Opposite Sex to Champion Class 21. Best Animal in A.A. class by A.A. Bull Class 22. Overall Champion Class 23. Overall Reserve Champion Keepers sending stock to shows will now need to complete TWO movement documents. Movements to and from the show must be completed by the keeper of the animals. The white copy of each form should be sent to SAMU and pink and yellow copies retained by the keeper. This is the responsibility of the exhibitor - NOT the show Secretary. The requirement to record the individual tags of the animals has been removed and only the number of animals needs to be recorded. SHOWGROUND CPH IS 89/677/8000 Exhibitors’ attention is drawn to the Welfare of Livestock (Prohibited Operations) Regulations 1982. Suffficient tail must be retained to cover the vulva in the case of female sheep and the anus in the case of male sheep. The Committee reserves the right to prohibit the showing of sheep which are considered to have been over-docked and may insist upon their removal from the showground. BLACKFACE SECTION (Judging to begin at 9.00) Prizes in Classes 1 to 10 · 1st £10; 2nd £8; 3rd £5; 4th £3; 5th £2. Class 1. One Ram, Three Shear & Over Class 2. One Ram (Two Shear) Class 3. One Shearling Class 4. One Ram Lamb Class 5. One Ewe in Milk without Lamb Class 6. One Gimmer Class 7. One Ewe Lamb Class 8. Two Ewe Lambs Any Lamb shown in Class 7 not eligible Class 9. One Sheep owned by Shepherd The animal must be the property of an employee Class 10. One Sheep with Best Fleece for Manufacturing Purposes Class 11. Best Blackface Male Group Aged Ram, Shearling and Ram Lamb Best Blackface Male Shown. Class 12. Class 13. Best Blackface Female Group Ewe, Gimmer and Ewe Lamb. Eild Ewe excluded. Class 14. Best Blackface Female Class 15. Best Lamb, Male or Female Class 16. Best Animal bred by Exhibitor Class 17. Champion. Best Animal Shown PRIME LAMB & CROSS SHEEP SECTION (Judging to begin at 9.30 with Classes 18 – 24 inclusive being judged in pens. Judging of Breeding Sheep will begin in Ring 2 at 11.00 or as soon as possible thereafter) Prizes in Classes 18 - 20 and 22 - 28 · 1st £10; 2nd £8; 3rd £5; 4th £3; 5th £2. Class 18. Pen of Three Pure Blackface Lambs Class 19. Pen of Three Cross Lambs from Blackface, Swaledale, or Cheviot Ewe by Leicester Ram Class 20. Pen of Three Pure Cheviot Lambs Class 21. Hay Trophy - Best Pen of Lambs from Classes 18, 19 and 20. Class 22. Pen of Three Cross Lambs (Blackface Ewe and any Ram except Leicester) Calss 23. Pen of Three Cross Lambs (Suffolk Ram and any Ewe except Blackface) Class 24. Pen of Three Cross Lambs (Other than in Classes18, 19, 20 22 or 23) Classes will be split by weight if more than eight entries are forward. Class 25. Best Cross Ewe for Breeding Purposes Class 26. Best Cross Gimmer for Breeding Purposes Class 27. Best Cross Ewe Lamb for Breeding Purposes Class 28. Best Cross Ewe Lamb for Breeding Purposes from Blackface, Swaledale or Cheviot Ewe by Leicester Ram(excluding those entered in Class 27) Class 29. Best Young Handler of Sheep of any Breed for breeding Purpose. Entrants must be aged 16 years or under on day of Show This class will be judged on the handling of the animal. Class 30. Best Group of Three from Classes 25, 26 & 27 or 28. Class 31. Best Pen of Prime Lambs Class 32. Champion Entry Awarded to the Best Exhibit in the Prime Lamb & Cross Sheep Section WOOL SECTION JUDGING AT 11 AM Participants to indicate Breed Name in Classes 36, 37 & 38. All Classes - 1st £7; 2nd £5; 3rd £3 Class 33. Best Fleece, Blackface Ewe, Hogg, Wether or Ram (Mattress) Class 34. Best Fleece, Blackface Ewe, Hogg, Wether or Ram(Fine) Class 35. Best Fleece, Cheviot Ewe, Hogg, Wether or Ram Class 36. Best Fleece (Naturally Coloured) Class 37. Best Fleece (Greyface, Mule, Lustre) Class 38. Best Fleece (Fine and Medium) RULES FOR W.R.I. AND OPEN INDUSTRIAL SECTIONS One entry per person in any one class. Maximum of two entries by one person in Community Classes Exhibits of baking etc will not be judged unless placed on paper plates and covered with film/polybag and labelled. The judges’ decisions are final. No bought pastry allowed Chutneys must have wax circle and then cellophane cover/metallic screw top lid or Kilner Jar. Jams/Jellies – wax circle and cellophane cover or screw top lid. Articles must be made since last Show, and must be competitor’s own work. SWRI members may not enter competitions in Section 12 (open). SWRI members who have competed at the Show previously may not enter competitions in Section 6 (novice). Community work: marks will be given for display. Every care will be taken of exhibits but the committee does NOT hold themselves responsible for any loss or damage. No exhibits may be uplifted before 4p.m Anyone wishing to retain their exhibits please put a large ‘R’ on the label or remove entries at 4p.m; otherwise entries will be auctioned. Labels available from: Mrs H Walker Newbigging Farm Fowlis Wester Crieff PH7 3NW T: 01764 683737 / 07788962855 E: h.walker@btconnect.com Section 1: Sewing 1. Peg Bag ~ any recycled material 2. Dolls Pram Cover. 3 Potato Scones 3. Ladies Summer Skirt Section 2: Knitting 4. Childs Aran Jumper 5. Knitted Farm Animal 6. Babies Pram Cover ~ any ply 7. Matinee Jacket ~ any ply Section 3: Arts & Crafts 8. Brooch ~ any craft 9. Crochet Table Centre 10. Patchwork Bag 11. Cross-Stitch Picture ~ framed 12. Painting of Trees ~ any medium ~ max. 12”x12” Section 4: Photography 13. Colour Photograph ~ “Reflections” ~ 5”x7” mounted 14. Photograph of a Castle ~ 5” x 7” mounted 15. Photograph of “Animal Mother & Child” ~ 5”x7” mounted Section 5: Canvas Work 16. Small Article in Canvas Work ~ incl Tapestry Section 6: Novice 17. 1lb Fruit Loaf 18. Knitted Baby’s Bonnet ~ any ply Section 7: Produce 19. 6 Hens Eggs 20. 3 Cheese Scones 21. 3 Potato Scones 22. 1lb Plain Gingerbread 23. Soda Bread 24. Herb Loaf ~ Hand 25. Herb Loaf ~ Machine 26. 3 Millionaire Shortbread 27. 3 Chocolate Cupcakes ~ decorated 28. 3 Ginger Snaps 29. 3 Coburg Cakes 30. Jam Swiss Roll 31. Individual Bakewell Tart 32. Pea Soup Section 8: Preserves 32. Gooseberry Jam 33. Small Jar of Lemon Curd 34. 3 Fruit Marmalade 35. Rhubarb & Ginger Chutney 36. Small Dish Spicy Salsa 37. Chicken Liver Pate Section 9: Sweets 38. 4 Marzipan Fruits 39. 4 Squares Vanilla Fudge 40. 4 Peppermint Creams ~ ½ dipped 41. 4 squares Turkish Delight Section 10: Community Work Housewives – 5 Scottish Dishes Handcrafts – Five Scottish Souvenirs – different crafts Section 11: Floral Art Foliage Arrangement including Berries/Fruit/Grasses Not exceeding d20” x w20” x h30” Section 12: Open 1. Peg Bag 2. Child’s Aran Jumper 3. Painting depicting Trees - max 12” x 12” 4. Floral Arrangement in a Show 5. Colour Phot of “Reflections” - 5” x &2 mounted 6. 3 Chees Scones 7. 1lb Plain Gingerbread 8. Individula Bakewell Tart 9. 4 Squares Vanilla Fudge 10. Raspberry Jam RULES FOR HORTICULTURAL SECTION All articles to be forwarded to the place of exhibition not later than 9 am on the morning of the Show. Each article exhibited must have the Society’s Label firmly attached to it by cord with the Name and Address of Competitor written inside, securely sealed and the number in figures representing the prize competed for written outside. All articles intended for competition must be at least two months previously in the possession of the exhibitor. Members are allowed to bring only one stand of each article for competition. No prize will be awarded, whether there is a competition or not, unless the article is considered by the judges as a deserving one. If only one entry in the class, the prize awarded will be left to the judges’ discretion. Exhibits to be removed between 4.30 pm and 4.45 pm after which they will be sold for the benefit of the Society. The Committee will see the proper arrangement of all articles as they enter the marquee. The judges will be admitted at 9.00 am. The door will open to the public on completion of judging at 11.30 am approximately. First prize shall count 3 points, second prize 2 points and third prize 1 point, in all collective competitions reckoned by most points. The Society will not be responsible for any competitor’s baskets, stands etc, or for any plants, vegetables, fruits or other articles brought forward for exhibition or competition. The Emergency Committee will meet at 3.30 pm on the day of the Exhibition to deal with any complaints or irregularities relating to the Exhibition. Complains must be lodged in writing with the Secretary not later than 3.00 pm along with a deposit of £10, which will be refunded if the complaint is sustained HORTICULTURAL SECTION (Open to Gardeners and Amateurs residing in any District) Section 1 - Pot Plant Collections 1 Collection of 4 Pot Plants – one variety 2 Collection of 4 Pot Plants – mixed varieties 3 Collection of 4 table Plants Section 2 - Cut Flowers 4 3 Vases Herbaceous Flowers - 3 Distinct Varieties 5 3 Vases Annuals 3 Distinct Varieties - Mixed Colours allowed 6 1 Vase of Colourful Foliage 7 1 Vase of 9 Sweet Pea Blooms - any one colour 8 1 Vase of 9 Sweet Pea Blooms - mixed colours 9 1 Vase mixed annuals 10 1 Vase of berries taken from the garden 11 1 Vase Antirrhinums 12 1 Vase 3 decorative Dahlias - 1 colour 13 1 Vase 3 decorative Dahlias - mixed 14 1 Vase 3 Cactus dahlias - 1 colour 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1 Vase 3 Cactus Dahlias - mixed 1 Vase 5 mini Pompom Dahlias 4 Roses shown in Vase 1 Rose 1 Vase Floribunda Roses 1 Vase Gladioli 1 Vase Mixed Yellow Flowers 4 Asters - double or single 1 Lily Gardeners Treasure—something grown most proud of Photograph of something in garden you are proud of 5 Stems of Phlox 1 Bowl of floating Pansy/Viola heads 1 Vase Herbaceous Flowers 1 Bowl Cut Flowers 1 Bowl of Sweet Peas 1 Bowl of Floating Fuchsia Heads Patio Planter - less than 300mm Patio Planter - more than 300mm Hanging Basket Planted Unusual Container 1 Geranium - Single 1 Geranium - Double 1 Fuchsia - Single 1 Fuchsia - Double 1 Foliage Plant 1 Flowering Plant 1 Fern 1 Begonia - any 1 Cactus 1 Pot Grown Annual 1 Pelargonium 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Section 4- Vegetables & Fruit 6 Broad Beans 6 Runner Beans 9 Pods French Beans 9 Pods Peas 6 Shallots 3 Onion Sets 3 Onions as grown 3 Leeks 3 Carrots - Stump 3 Carrots - Long 3 Beetroot 3 Turnips 1 Cauliflower 1 Lettuce - any type 1 Cabbage 4 Potatoes - white 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 4 Potatoes - coloured Collection of Potatoes (3 varieties, 4 of each) 6 Tomatoes 6 Cherry Tomatoes 1 Cucumber 1 Vegetable Marrow 2 Courgettes Collection Veg in Trug (plain or wood) 6 Vegetables for Kitchen use displayed in Tomato Box 1 Pot Parsley (single plant) 1 Vase of Cut Herbs 1 Plate of Mixed Soft Fruit 1 Plate of Rhubarb Section 5 – Floral Arrangements Material need not be self grown. Alcove space 75cms by 90cms high Open Class 76 “By the Wayside” using foliage and wild material 77 “Celebration” - fresh traditional arrangement 78 “Small is Beautiful” – a fresh petite arrangement 25cms height and width Beginners’ Class – for entrants who have not previously won a trophy 79 “Garden Treasures” – fresh garden material CHILDREN’S SECTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bugs Winter Palace – recycled/natural material Picture of Wades Bridge & River Tay – pulses/coloured paper Woolly Creature – recycled wool A4 Painting of my favourite animal Model Garden Decorated Digestive Biscuit 3 x Choc Krispie Cakes MODEL GARDENS To encourage expression, initiative and originality, there will be no restriction on the scope and nature of plants and material, but space allowed will not exceed 60 cm by 30 cm. Plants need not be growing. In the event of the Show being cancelled for any reason, the WRI and Open Industrial Sections and the Horticultural and Children’s Sections will be relocated to Aberfeldy Town Hall.
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