SunRidge Bulletin SunRidge School Main Office/Town Campus: 7285 Hayden Avenue Sebastopol, CA 95472 Country Campus: 487 Watertrough Rd. Sebastopol, CA 95472 Phone: 707.824.2844 FAX: 824.2861 Calendar Monday, February 10, 6:30 -8:30: Beyond the Birds & the Bees; Parent Ed with Myra Polikoff in the town campus library Tuesday, February 11, 6:00-9:00pm: Charter Council Meeting in Library Wednesday, February 12: Class 1 Parent Evening Thursday, February 13, 6:00pm: Class 6 play Friday, February 14: Early Release Day February 17 – 21: School Closed for Presidents’ Week Break Wednesday, February 26, 6:30-8:00pm Being Adept Parent Ed (see article) Monday, March 3, 7:00-9:00pm: Parent Council Meeting in Library SunRidge On-Line Auction: March 6-20 2-5-14 Calendar Change: No Community Dance this Friday If you happen to check our school calendar you may have noticed that a “Community Dance”, hosted by the 6th grade as a class fundraiser, was scheduled for this Friday, February 7. That event was scheduled last spring, but in the meantime, the 6th grade has decided to not take it on, so this dance will not happen as originally planned. If you were really looking forward to a SunRidge dance, this type of event is run through the Parent Council, so please communicate your interest in helping with a school dance to your Parent Council rep. Change in Charter Council Meeting Plan from Mark Rice On behalf of the Charter Council, I recently sent out information about the Charter Council’s January 12 special meeting to address the question of the future location of the Kindergartens. In that letter, it stated that the Charter Council would place that decision on their February 11 meeting agenda for action. Since that communication, the Charter Council has decided to delay a final decision until such time as we have secured a new, long-term lease for our town campus (negotiations are underway on that, but it is a slow process). Any decision about future kindergarten location made now would need to be conditional (e.g., if we have a long term lease for the entire town campus), and it makes less sense to decide conditionally now, than it does to wait to make a clear, unconditional decision when that is possible. This delay also allows us time to have more conversation about the vision for possible future uses of the country campus, before a final decision about the kindergartens is officially made. We will keep you posted on any new developments on this very important issue as they happen. Beyond the Birds and the Bees with Myra Polikoff, MA, LMFT How to discuss sexuality with children, especially for K-5 parents. Next Monday, February 10, 6:30 - 8:00 in the town campus library. Childcare will be provided by donation by the 8th Grade. Kindly RSVP to Carol in the office. Please note that the 3rd Grade will meet early at 6pm in their classroom to also discuss Moon Circles and Father/Son groups, with childcare available from 5:45. Great Auction Energy! from Mark Rice It was exciting to see the auction enthusiasm at the Parent Council meeting last night. We have a great team of auction volunteers led by a dynamic trio of leaders, and each class has some special auction items they are creating for the event. Many exciting auction items have already been procured and if many of us help out, this will be our most successful auction yet. Please see page 4 for more auction details. Feeling Pledge Gratitude What a gift of beautiful education each pledging parent bestows on every SunRidge child when they donate each month! Pledge funds directly pay for the salaries and supplies associated with programs/classes in Handwork, Gardening, Instrumental Music, Recorder, Choir, Eurythmy, Woodwork, and Exploratory Middle School courses, as well as all food supplies for our kindergartens, and much of the salaries of our teaching assistants in Kindergarten and grades one through four. The children may not understand how it happens or who is paying for it, but know that what you give is gratefully transformed into priceless gifts for the children every day, and those gifts will have reverberating positive affects throughout their lives. Feel great about pledging! Valentine's Day Truffles The 3rd grade class will be selling sampler boxes of homemade, delicious Truffles for Valentine's Day featuring four flavors: Salted Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate Coconut, Strawberry White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Raspberry. The class SunRidge Bulletin, page 2 will not be pre-selling the truffles, but you can purchase them for $6 a box during pick-up the week of Valentine's Day 2/102/14. Questions? Contact Ryn Longmaid at or text 707-696-1406. Open Application Period: February 3- March 10 Interest is high in SunRidge School! We have added 4 new students in the last month or so, and we have had many more interested parents requesting information and attending our tours than in previous years. Our “Open Application” period is February 3 through March 10. During that time we accept applications for 2014-15. Only those that apply during that period are included in the lottery, which is conducted for most grades as we have more applicants than available spaces. If you have friends who are interested in SunRidge, please let them know about our Open Application period and have them call the office or go to our website for information about tours, our open houses, and the required orientation meeting. Also, parents of a current SunRidge student who have another child they wish to enroll for the first time next year need to follow the same application process. Current students do not need to re-apply. Please talk to Theresa if you have any questions. SunRidge Valkyries are Back on the Court Coach Mr. T. is proud to announce that our middle school girls’ basketball team is hard at practice and games begin next week. The first game is Wednesday, February 12, at Presentation School in Sonoma, followed by a game on Friday, February 14, at Windsor Christian Academy. Both games begin at 4:00pm. Team members should arrive by 3:30pm. Go Valkyries! “Being Adept” Parent Education at SunRidge On February 26th from 6:30-8:00pm in the town campus library, parents will be treated to a specially designed evening workshop with tools designed to facilitate a vital, ongoing dialogue with their pre-teens and teens on the subject of substance abuse. This parent workshop is being done in conjunction with a 5-week Being Adept course for our 7th and 8th graders. This parent workshop is led by Jennifer Grellman, LMFT, an Adolescent Psychotherapist and founder of Being Adept. Accompanying Jennifer will be youth leader and Director of School Programs, Kathryn Chavez, who will be working with the students in the classroom. Community Events Begin with the End in Mind Monday, February 24, 6:30pm at the Sebastopol Independent Charter Assembly Room. Davina Muse, LMHC and Simplicity Parenting Coach, will explore with you the developmental stages of childhood and the four consecutive roles we play as parents during our children’s development from birth to age 28: Sovereign, February 5, 2014 2013-14 Pledge Report Pledges received to date: $132,500 With 55% of the year elapsed, our received todate amount should be: $132,000 (see gray bar) Parent pledges pay for 12% of the cost of your children’s education at SunRidge. Please give generously! $240,000 $210,000 $180,000 $150,000 $120,000 $90,000 $60,000 $30,000 Farmer, Shepherd, and Consultant. For more information call: 824-9700. Creative Discipline with the Young Child; Beyond Sticks and Carrots A workshop with Steve Spitalny, Saturday, March 8, 10am to 4:00pm, Sebastopol Charter School Assembly Room, 200 South Main Street, Sebastopol, CA. This workshop will address how to develop a communication style that makes for fewer conflicts and easier resolution in interactions with your young children. The basic theme is learning how to truly connect with young children. This workshop is open to anyone who has young children in their daily lives. Early childhood consultant and author Stephen Spitalny offers inspiring lectures, workshops and mentoring to teachers and parents around the world, most recently in China and Indonesia. Steve was a kindergarten teacher at the Santa Cruz Waldorf School for 24 years. Steve’s website is: $50 registration at Brown Paper tickets for more info Volunteer Host Families Needed for Summer Cultural Exchange! Educational Homestay Programs, a non-profit organization, is seeking interested families to host Norwegian, Spanish and Italian High School students arriving to the Santa Rosa area June 25th – July 21st for a 3 ½ week Northern California experience! Students attend English language classes and organized cultural activities, M-F. Host families are invited to join us in these activities! Make a lasting impact on a young person’s life by opening your home and heart to one of our students. Students do not need their own room. EF can provide a temporary bed for a host family that has the space, but is in need of an extra bed. A SunRidge Bulletin, page 3 network of host families is developing to coordinate summer time gatherings to heighten the cultural exchange and community experience our programs create. For more information, please contact EHP Site Director: Lisa Breschi at 707-304-1739 - email: To learn more about EF Homestay Programs: Classified (We can list rentals, parents selling used items, free items, lost and found, or trades. With the exception of private, after-school care available for SunRidge students, we do not list for-profit business ads) Rental Needed Looking for 4+ bedroom house to rent in Sebastopol for Multi Generational family. or 415-5330689. Seeking a mother’s helper My work schedule has changed and I need help with rides to and from school every other week for my 5th and 8th grader. We live near the country campus on Elphick Road. If you're interested in earning a little extra cash please call 3318153. Thanks! February 5, 2014 SunRidge Bulletin, page 4 February 5, 2014 Auction Action The Data Entry team is ready for your auction items! We need more volunteers to help contact our local wineries and restaurants. Please send an email to if you can make some calls or send some emails to potential donors. Here are some of the auction items your classes are creating: DF - Child’s Woodworking Table & Craft Basket, M* - Birdhouses & Bird Watching Basket, Class 1 - Wool Felted Rug & Culinary Basket, Class 2 - Beeswax Candles, Candle Holders and Party Basket, Class 3 Weave on a Hanging Loom & Wine and Cheese Basket, Class 4 - Birds in a Tree – Pastel Mosaic on Matte Board & Wine and Chocolate Basket, Class 5 - Wet Felted Scarves & In Town Basket of Fun, Class 6 - Bee Boxes & Honey Basket, Class 7 - Knitted Farm Animals with Farm & Date Night Basket, Class 8 - Wooden Bench & Reader’s Basket We can’t wait to see these beautiful and creative items! Contact your PC or Auction Rep to find out how you can help with your class projects and baskets! The little auction, that could! (707) 861-3084 SunRidge Educational Foundation Our mission is to raise funds for campus beautification and playground equipment for our youngest students at the town campus. J The auction will run March 6-20. J Auction Items due by Feb 28th. J Auction site: Have you brought in your auction item yet? The data entry team is ready to go! Please see the folder on each classroom’s board with the auction request letter and donation receipt. Also, please add your donations to the list on your classroom’s board or send an email with your donations to so we can update the master list. Please check the Master list to avoid contacting businesses multiple times: QlEybFQ0R05nNVZMelE&usp=sharing Drop off location for the auction items: In front of the main office – All items require a completed donation receipt. Thank You from your SEF Auction Team Leaders! Cheryl Koskela – Auction Chair Jill Lowry – Procurement Team Leader Hassanah Meechan – Auction Administrator J The auction is our biggest fundraiser. Over the past 5 years, it has raised over $140,000 for SunRidge! There is still time to join in, call or email us if you would like to help. Call or email at anytime with questions!
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