The Community Church P.O. Box 14 Boulder Junction, WI-54512-0014 Phone 715-385-2146 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 2 Community Church News June 2015 Be persistent in prayer And keep alert as you pray, Giving thanks to God. Colossians 4:2 Come Worship With Us Community Church of Boulder Jct. 10445 Main St P O Box 14 Boulder Jct WI 54512-0014 Telephone: 715-385-2146 E-mail: Website: Service: Sundays at 9:30am Church Staff Organist Helen Townsend Choir Director Glen Wildenberg E-mail Treasurer Bruce Greenhill E-mail: Council Chair Mary Congdon Telephone: 906-358-4302 Youth Director Matt Loew Telephone: 715-385-2310 E-mail: CE Coordinator Leah Loew Telephone: 715-385-2310 E-mail: Custodian Jim Kassien Grounds Raphael Moraczewski Office Manager office Tues Wed Thu Fri Mary Anderson 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Pastor Tim Hawkinson office by Appointment Tues 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Wed 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Fri 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. GOD IS LARGER THAN YOU AND ME When we speak of God, do we speak with awe and wonder and with the fullness of the biblical narrative before us, or do we speak of God in defined (doctrinal) terms? In other words, when you are looking at a painting do you use a telescope to focus in on the bottom left corner? Is that enough to see what has been painted? Of course not! But, as these last few years seem to suggest, as Christians we seem to spend a lot of time reading the Bible with telescopic eyes. As we seek to understand certain issues that can divide (sexual orientation: divorce/re-marriage: evolution vs. creationism), we hone in on particular verses of scripture, cut and paste and then come up with a definitive response that we are comfortable with defending. Though the Bible is definitive about certain matters, can the larger arch of the scriptures have an influence on how we trust and live our faith? Michael Walzer, author and philosopher said this about the Bible. “The Bible is a radical book, but radicalism of that sort, a literary sort, can always be repressed through interpretation, overwhelmed by erudition, constrained by legal enactment.” I have never read the Bible as a legal contract between God and his people. (I would make a lousy lawyer.) It has always been covenant with me, it has been about relationship. Covenant is rooted in grace and the author of grace is God. The fulfillment of grace is Christ. If I follow Christ, I must follow the full picture of him as represented in the gospels. This includes his teachings, many of which were radical statements made to secular and religious authority. It includes his wondrous healings that were for the benefit of the ill but also the larger community. If I follow Christ, I must seek to help those in need, even when it goes against my traditional grains. Serving the kingdom of God through Christ is not easy and it is not meant to be easy. I must open my eyes to the larger narrative so that I can see as best as I am able all of the characters in the picture. That includes me, this by the grace of God. As my friend would often say, “We are people of the book.” To that I say a hearty amen. And if we are people of the book, we need to see and study as much as possible. How sad it would be if we might content ourselves with seeing such a small fraction of the good news, believing that we are getting the whole picture. Friends, be in awe and wonder and let that be the foundation of our conversations. Shalom Pastor Tim th 4 th 6 th 7 8th 9th 11th 16th 17th 20th 22nd 23rd 25th th 26 27th 28th 29th June 7th Don and Stephanie Meisbauer Gracee Vickerstaff Joni Hensley June 14th Bruce and Shirley Meriwether Paul and Karen Newberg June 21st Harold and Joanne Eick Pat and Sue Patterson June 28th Roger and Penny Samuelson Pete and Ruth Johnson June 7th Carol Rowe-Zaeske June 14th Pat or Sue Patterson June 21st Harold Eick June 28th Pete Johnson June 2015 Sam Christgau Danny Simeone Paul & Audrae Kulas John & Laura Logan Sharon Iltis Nathan Iltis Jay & Joan Christgau Betty Forster Emily Sanderson Lloyd & Judy Giles Randy & Dawn Bassuener Tim & Cindy Hawkinson Stephen Hawkinson Marylyne Haag Amy Ondracek Ron & Lorine Walters Gil & Lois Jung Judy Giles Robert & Mary Anderson Jay & Nikki Kassien Bill Gabert Sr. Jay & Gina Pounds Allyson Duwe Troy Beda Ray & LeeAnn Ondracek Raphael & Kendra Moraczewski Betty Clough Bob & Terry Simeone Vivian Hunt Shannon Lippke Peter & Ann Koester Luise Eisenbraun Jay Pounds Troy & Jen Beda From the Church Office . . . COMMUNION The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be observed at the worship service June 7. COUNCIL MEETING Church Council meets Tuesday, June 9th, at 7:00 p.m. Your input is important to the life of our church, so if you are a member of the Council, please plan to attend. Watch the bulletin for announcements of Department meetings. FELLOWSHIP Thanks to all who have signed up for hosting coffee hour. There are still Sundays available. Find a friend to help and bake or buy. Coffee will be prepared for you if you wish. A Special thank you to Ray Ondracek, the Bunn coffee maker is now working. It is no longer necessary to lift the pots of water from the sink to the counter. The instructions for operation are posted by the coffee maker. One word of caution – do not hold the starter button - merely press and release. It takes a short time before you will see coffee filling the carafe. You can fill the carafes before service time as they keep the coffee hot for a long time. A GREAT RECYCLE OPPORTUNITY Wondering what to do with the beautiful cards you received for Christmas, Easter, Birthday, Thinking of You? They can be recycled. Headwaters in Rhinelander and St. Jude’s Children’s Ranch both recycle them. Stamps also can be recycled. Both stamps and cards can be left at church with my name on them and I will deliver them to the proper charity. The whole card is useable. Josie Allen TREASURER’S REPORT Income Expense April $ 14,325 $ 19,250 Fiscal Year to Date $211,193 $191,062 Nehemiah 9:5b-6 Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. “Blessed be your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessing and praise. You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” ANNUAL REPORTS DUE The Annual Meeting will be held July 26, 2015, following worship and coffee hour. Department Chairmen please remember to prepare your annual reports and turn them into the office by July 10. This sounds like a lot of time to prepare – but it is sooner than you think! Committee reports are due at Can we do any less? the same time. Some weeks are still available for providing flowers for the worship service. Altar flowers may be given in memory, in celebration or for any other reason! Sign up chart is on the bulletin board next to the office. Please deposit your suggested donation for Upper Room and Our Daily Bread devotional books in the office mail slot next to the office door. I will assume any cash found there will be for devotional books, unless marked otherwise. GOODWILL SOCIETY STRAWBERRY SOCIAL JULY 21, 2015 "Serve Him with all your heart and all your soul" June is here and we are really gearing up for a great Strawberry Social in July so I hope you have all marked your calendars for TUESDAY, JULY 21st. All funds will support college scholarships for our youth and mission projects across the globe. WHITE ELEPHANT SALE: We need GOOD, CLEAN ITEMS. Tools, fishing equipment, bicycles, household items, dishes, pictures, books, games, CD and DVD's, children's toys, jewelry, seasonal items. NO APPLIANCES OR MICROWAVES, FURNITURE, TV's, ELECTRONICS, EXERCISE EQUIPMENT OR CLOTHING. Items may be delivered to the annex garage anytime. Questions regarding suitable items, please call Anita Hornbrook at 385-3379. Each year our BAKERY area gets better because of all the wonderful contributions! We are in need of your fantastic cooking and baking talents again this year!! Your donations of cakes, coffee cakes, pies, breads, bars, cookies, cupcakes, muffins, cinnamon rolls, jams, jellies, pickles, dilly beans, snack mixes and candy will be appreciated. You can even prepare items ahead of time and freeze them. Please consider donating your delicious items. The more we have to sell the more successful our Strawberry Social will be. We reget to tell you that we will not have a Bazaar area this year. Volunteer sign up sheets will be posted in Fellowship Hall starting July 5. OUR MANAGERS FOR 2015 KITCHEN: PETE & RUTH JOHNSON JIM & NANCY NAYLOR ADVERTISING: LEE ANN ONDRACEK TICKETS: MARY ANDERSON BEVERAGE/DINING ROOM: JOYCE MARQUARDT JAN EVANS BAKERY: SUE URICK CLAUDIA RUSSELL DESSERT MARY CONGDON WHITE ELEPHANT: ANITA HORNBROOK OUTDOOR SIGNS: TARI, LARRY MCGRIFF SHIRLEY MERIWETHER, SUE FEHLANDT, NANCY VON DER OSTEN, CHAIRS. YES and confirmation have come to an end for the 2014-’15 season. On May 10th, Dillon Duwe and Jacob Loew were confirmed. It was also the last Youth Sunday. Our last night of YES was May 13th. This was an eventful evening. Jen Beda, along with the Buddies, helped the children create cupcakes for the potluck. This was the last YES store so the youngsters purchased many items. Our lesson for the evening was the “Wordless Book”. At 5:30 pm, we held an end-of-the- year program. Rebekah created a fun video of the YES year for everyone to watch. Then all of the helpers were recognized with special bags the kids had decorated. We also acknowledged our Buddies, and thanked the parents and congregation. After the program, we had an all church potluck. Thank you to all who attended. Our last Family Fun Activity was an ice cream party with water games at the Loew’s house. God kindly held off the rain long enough for us to get in the games. Then it was all out wetness with squirt guns and rain. The sundaes were delicious and it was fun to discuss everyone’s highs/lows of the year as we sat crammed around the dining room table. We have announced our resignation. We have enjoyed the two years we had with the YES kids and families. But, we feel we need to dedicate more time to our family and the resort. Along with CE, we would like to have a meeting with anyone who is interested in the youth programs of our church. At that time, the future of YES will be discussed, and there will be brainstorming of goals and ideas to make the programs more successful. Many of our youth will be attending camp this summer. Here is a list of names, camps and dates. Please pray for these youngsters: for safety, enjoyment, personal growth, and spiritual growth. Sarah Poisson: June 14-20 Wilderness Camp Covenant Point Marshall, Karson, Mason Thomas: June 14-20 Wilderness Camp Lauren Gardner: June 12-18 Junior High Camp Jacob Loew: June 21-27 Boys Camp Covenant Point Covenant Point Living Waters Bible Camp Hannah Loew: July 26-29 Horse Trainers Camp Living Waters Bible Camp Rebekah Loew: June 27- July 4, July 26-28 Living Waters Bible Camp ** Rebekah is working at these two camps-not going as a camper. Dillon Duwe: June 24-July 13 Camp Manitowish MISSIONS: The Missions Department has been busy planning where to send your dollars to support important causes and organizations to finish out our fiscal year in May and June. The Lakeland Sharing Foundation is a local charity that provides backpacks full of school supplies at the beginning of the school year and Christmas gifts a few months later to children in the LUHS area. You might remember several years ago, Ben Westphal went on a mission trip to Latin America. Sr. Miguel Aguirre is the man Ben met who builds houses there for families who need housing. Family House is located in Milwaukee, administered by Cordelia Taylor, a very dedicated woman who provides housing for homeless children. Koinonia Residential Treatment Facility is located in Rhinelander, providing rehabilitation services for people with addiction problems. May's funding will go towards supporting these organizations. In June, your donations will support Feed the Children, Bread for the World, Covenant Point Bible Camp, and Vision of Hope Ministries. Feed the Children's mission is easy to figure out from its name; it does exactly what it says in the U.S. and the rest of the world. Bread for the World works with our government to help solve hunger problems at home and abroad. Covenant Point Bible Camp provides scholarships to children who need financial help in order to come to camp. This donation will go directly to the scholarship fund. Vision of Hope Ministries supports a mission in Cap Haitien, Haiti. The College Susan Schoenke, a part of that mission, is a pre-k-13 school named after a teacher from Eagle River. Sue passed away in 2000; the fund is administered by her husband, Greg Schoenke. Thanks for a year of generosity on your part. Your dollars are doing important work in the furthering of God's kingdom all around the world. PROPERTIES: UPDATED WISH LIST Gutters for church front entrance area Gutter guards for Annex New light/Outside post by parking lot New Hallway light to coordinate with front entrance $200 $1,200 $100 $1,300
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