Jungle Jump Off website flyer.pub

Ever wonder what the life of a missionary is really like?
Join us as we “DIVE INTO MISSIONS” through simulations & real life experiences!
For CFC’s Rising 7th and 8th Graders…
Jungle Jump Off August 99-15, 2015
You Are Invited To Experience Missions at this Unique Camp
Jungle Jump Off
You’ll learn about:
Aviation and other transportation challenges (perhaps thru a plane
or helicopter ride!)
Discover Bible Translation and the impact of God’s Word on
people when they have the Bible in their heart language.
Hear about the adventures experienced by missionaries in the
August 9-15, 2015
Jungle Jump Off
 Who is this camp designed for? CFC Students entering 7th and 8th grade in 2015-16.
 When? August 9-15. Registration begins April 19. Limited space, so sign up early.
 Where? The camp is located at the JAARS headquarters in Waxhaw, NC. Over 600
people work at this facility. They’re trainers, pilots,
software developers, managers, boat captains, and
more—people who have served all over the
world. They work with Wycliffe Bible Translation
teams worldwide.
(Early Bird thru April 30th)
GRADE IN 2015/16:
In the event of an accident, injury, or illness; and if all reasonable efforts to contact me have failed, I hereby give attending physicians or authorized medical personnel consent to provide
_____________________________________ (student’s name) with necessary treatment, including x-rays and medicine.
Parent’s signature
(Regular price thru May 31)
Insurance Carrier:
(Late - June & July)
Questions? Email Bill Winton billw@cfcjax.com
Policy #
Phone #:
T-shirt size:  Youth Med  Youth Lg  Adult Sm  Adult Med  Adult Lg XL XXL