PHSCNewsletter Volume 7 Phone: 9389 0600 World Wide Web 5th May 2015 Fax: 9387 0108 Email: FROM THE NEW ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL – Margaret Fry I am excited and humbled to be entrusted with my new role as Assistant Principal, and look forward to working with all members of the school community to ensure that a PHSC education opens myriad opportunities for all students. I have been Acting Assistant Principal at PHSC for much of the past eighteen months and come to the role after 6 years in the Senior Pathways role. I have been teaching for 12 years, and while PHSC is the only school I have taught in, ‘education’ is not the only career I have pursued. I started my career pathway as a geologist after completing a Bachelor of Science (Hons) at University of Melbourne. I worked in coal and gold mining, being the first female geologist to work in the Yallourn Open Cut coal mine. I left this field of work to go overseas for three years, finally spending time exploring my passion for fashion and textiles by working for Zandra Rhodes in London. I returned to Australia to complete a Bachelor of Fine Art in Fashion and Textiles at RMIT, moving straight into the mainstream fashion industry as a designer and pattern maker. I gradually became more involved in fringe fashion, finally heading up the Fashion Design Council, then working in theatre as costumier for The Victorian State Opera and then The Australian Ballet. After the experience of teaching as a sessional lecturer in Costume at RMIT, I changed hats yet again to do a Diploma of Education (Science) at University of Melbourne. I even completed a teaching round at PHSC! I then completed a Masters of Education by Research, exploring the use of symbolism to convey complex information in science, for which I was awarded the Freda Cohen Prize for most meritorious thesis in education. I started secondary teaching in 2002, and since then have been Year 10 Level Leader and Senior Pathways and Transition Coordinator. I love teaching and am driven to provide the best options and opportunities to all students, of all interests and all aptitudes. I feel privileged to be offered this new role at PHSC and look forward to working with each and every one of you in the PHSC community to ensure that we are offering optimal educational opportunities to all students. FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL We have been advised that there are some cases of head lice within the school. Advice from the Department of Health Victoria relating to finding and treating head lice can be found in the PDF or the internet link below. treating headlice.pdf Brian Pender College Assistant Principal SCHOOL TOURS School Tours for Grade 6 students wanting to attend Princes Hill Secondary College in 2016 are continuing for another 2 weeks . We will conduct 2 tours during May on Wednesday 6th May and Thursday 7th May, and again the following week on Wednesday 13th May and Thursday 14th May. Tours will begin at 9:00am, so if attending, please arrive by 8:50am. As these tours can fill up, it is important to book through the General Office on (03) 9389 0600. Please note that these tours are for grade 6 students and their guardians only. GROW WEEK As a part of PHSC's Year 9 Grow Week initiative (June 22 - June 26), we are seeking adults with experience in conducting job interviews (or those who've been on an interview panel or who are interested in the process outlined below), to help out with our 'in-house' student job interviews on Friday, June 26th. The goal of this particular GW activity is to prepare each year 9 student, in both a practical and demonstrable sense, for the challenges of a real life job interview. Prior to the in-house job interview, each student will have worked on and completed a CV, undergone skills training for the interview process and prepared for a 15 to 20 minute interview. As an interviewer, you would be conducting interviews in 20 minutes slots, with set questions having been provided by the school. You will be asked to provide (via a feedback check list) a small amount of feedback to each candidate. There will be a briefing for those who would like to be involved as well as a handbook for interviewers. Morning tea and lunch will be provided by the school. We're aware it's a significant contribution of time and energy to make to the school, but if you have a day (or half a day) to give to this project, we would be extremely grateful. Last year's participants really enjoyed interviewing the students and were very impressed with the overall standard of skills learned. The students were overwhelmingly positive about the experience. So, if you'd like to be involved, or need to clarify anything, please don't hesitate to email me at Thanks for considering this matter, Anthony Avotins Year 9 Co-Ordinator SAFETY ON THE ROAD Students need to be very aware of the road and traffic environment around them at all times when travelling to and from school. The students who ride bikes to school should wear helmets at all times and avoid listening to music on headphones so they are fully alert to the traffic environment. Students who walk and use public transport should watch the roads and always obey traffic signals and advice of the Crossing Supervisors on Lygon Street and Brunswick Road. The Crossing Supervisors have the responsibility of ensuring the safety of all road users, so it is critical students listen to their advice, and be polite at all times. Please, be alert, aware, and safe. CAREERS MONASH UNIVERSITY INFORMATION Monash Update- April Issue (PDF) Monash Update- April Issue (Word) At Monash Seminar Series poster School visits If you would like to make a school booking request, please visit: 2016: University and TAFE Monash University has now released our Undergraduate guide for 2016. You can download this guide here. Please use this guide to find out about all the exciting offers at Monash for 2016! NAPLAN The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy ( NAPLAN) The NAPLAN is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. All students in these year levels are expected to participate in tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. All government and non-government education authorities have contributed to the development off NAPLAN materials. NAPLAN is scheduled for Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13, and Thursday 14 May, 2015 during normal class times for Years 7 and 9. PHILOSOPHY DISCUSSION GROUP "Mr Camilleri and Ms Ethell have decided, in response to student requests, to run a lunchtime discussion group on topics of philosophical interest, on Tuesday lunchtimes in Room 318 if possible. They will be open to any interested student. We will take alternate weeks and are open to suggestions as to topics to be discussed." SKI CAMP Deposits for ski camp have all been taken and we are accepting no further deposits. As the interest in the camp was above the 32 that can be catered for, names will be drawn to decide which students are able to go. Families will be notified of the students who are successful. The camp will be the week starting Monday the 27th of July to Friday the 31st of July 2015. We will be staying at Alkira Lodge . This is a self-catering arrangement so students will be involved in food preparation and cooking. The camp is designed for any level of skier/ boarder. The cost of the camp is $795 (based on 32 students) All food, transport, accommodation, ski hire, lift tickets, 2-hour lesson and lunch for each day (Day 2, 3and 4) are included in this cost. Travel to and from Mt Buller will be by coach leaving Princes Hill Secondary College at 9.00 am on Monday the 27th of July and return on Friday 31st July. PAYMENT PLAN Pay at the main office- Please ensure the payment envelope clearly states payment for Middle school downhill ski camp. Payment dates must be strictly observed. If all students have not paid the full amount by the due date the camp will not proceed. FINAL BALANCE $595 DUE Friday 31st May It is possible to pay small amounts if it’s more convenient for you. MIND MATTERS Our Mission We believe your Mind Matters. We are a team inspired to promote and educate our whole school community about mental health and wellbeing. This includes building awareness within an inclusive school community so that PHSC students are able to meet the challenges of everyday life. We are seeking assistance from parents to form a sub- committee to help us improve student wellbeing and mental health. Mind Matters is a Federal Government Department of Health and beyondblue initiative that we are using as a framework. If you are interested please contact Sue Riquelme via email: LIBRARY ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATIVE DISPLAY 2015 DEBATING NEWS Every year I am amazed at what our young people have to say about important issues that challenge us today. Round 2 gave us the opportunity to debate issues that face our Indigenous people, which was an initiative that was instigated by our old Principal John Stone. Year 11 had a great debate and won on the topic of " That we should abolish welfare quarantining" on the negative side. Ella Smith, Sarah Beccari and Ben Gerster, who was awarded best speaker gave a thoughtful and inspiring debate that brought up many concerns for Australia today. Ben Gerster used humour to engage the audience and has to be congratulated for using my favourite quote so far this year of " this is not mad max" making reference to the opposition argument that we are creating an apocalyptic state. Well done. Our year 9 teams also have to be congratulated as most were on Music camp last week and came to debating after just getting home. D grade debated the topic, " That Australia should stop celebrating Australia Day" Team 1, who were on the negative side were Sam Ronfeldt, Spencer Durham and Jasmine De Palmer who won by a huge margin of 9 points so a fantastic effort and best speaker being awarded to Sam. Our second team Matthew Brophy, Joseph Rowan, (awarded best speaker) and Beatrix Brennernan also won their debate, so well done. Our third team Tomi Randall, Clement Lazzaro and Charlie Gill were pipped at the post on the affirmative side for the same topic, they got some great feedback by the dedicated adjudicators. I also bumped into Patrick Rehill an ex student and debating enthusiast who is now adjudicating debates in the Coburg branch of the competition. So a really wonderful week, I am privileged to be involved with these amazing young people. Bianca Carr YEAR 8 SKI CAMP Year 8 students are once again being offered the opportunity to attend a cross-country ski camp as part of our camping and outdoor education program. The camp will be from Mon 3rd August to Friday 7th August at our school camp, Mirrimbah, which is at the bottom of Mt. Stirling. A notice providing further information about the camp will be distributed to interested Year 8 students over the coming week. If interested, students must pay a deposit of $150 at the office by Friday 22nd May. Excess applications may result in a ballot. Any questions, contact Dean Robinson ( MIDDLE SCHOOL TENNIS TEAM Congratulations to the PHSC Middle School Boys' tennis team: Almosh Tompa-Pinter, Chris Dossis, Peter Hill (c) and Marcus Torosidis (left to right as pictured). They are now the 2015 School Sport Victoria Northern Metropolitan Region Intermediate Boys' Tennis Champions. What makes this all the more impressive is that all team members are all still in Year 9. Plus, they won 21 of their 24 sets. Outstanding! The team (coached by Jon Williams) will go to the State finals Friday 22 May. MUSIC CAMP What a wonderful start to term two. Music camp last week was an amazing experience. We had approximately 6 ensembles/bands in attendance with 81 students in total. Each group made outstanding progress and I was blown away with their dedication and enthusiasm for their music studies. In three days the students made 4-6 months development as an ensemble. All bands have now cemented their repertoire for the year and are excited to showcase this to parents and the community on Tuesday May 26th at our major concert for the semester located at 75 on Reid. More details about this event will be released closer to the date. Tahnee Curtain Music Coordinator Princes Hill Secondary College Music Camp Quotes from the Students !! My most memorable moment was…. Randall hitting his head on the drum kit and mouth piece solo – Charlotte The Talent show. Especially Owens act. – Gabe Playing Binky Outro – Vincent and Paddy Looking back at the first practice session and comparing it to the last. – Max Improving my inner musician – Matt Improvising with the band – Randall The Talent show. Especially Max Teakle’s song. – Jules Playing Lord of the Rings for the first time with the strings and the woodwind students and being really surprised that it sounded good. – Violet Doing the ropes course with Max. – Raph Doing the ropes course with Raph! – Maxim Trying to go to sleep with the special effects playing next to me; and playing in the band. – Tom Being picked for orchestra! – Jack. Jammin’. -Nick MUSIC Royal Melbourne Hospital Live Music Is Good For You Festival May 4-9, 2015 This terrific Festival, run by the wonderful team of Music Therapists at the RMH, ably led by the dynamic Emma O’Brien is now in its’ 6th year. The Festival gives schools from across Victoria an opportunity to perform in the RMH Atrium and lift the spirits of people as they arrive at the venue. Students also participate in African drumming workshops and Music Therapy workshops in which students learn about the fact that the physical act of playing live music is one of the only human activities that lights up every area of the brain, and that two hours of playing live music increases the number of killer T cells in the body that are so vital in maintaining our immunity. Princes Hill SC has been privileged to have been a part of this Festival since its inception, and was invited by the Governor of Victoria and Mrs Elizabeth Chernov to a reception at Government House on March 27 th, to celebrate Music Therapy, and to recognise the contribution of the RMH Music Therapy Program. This year our students presented over an hour of delightful classics, world music and jazz at the LMIGFY Festival on Monday May 4th. Special thanks must go to Susie Lauer and Don Scott for transporting our timpani and equipment, and to the parents and friends who came along to support us. The audience enjoyed performances by our String Orchestra, Wind Symphony and College Orchestra, along with Tin Pan Alley, soloist Max Teakle and the PHSC String Quartet and PHSC Clarinet Trio. These ensembles are all preparing to perform at our Autumn Concert on May 26th at 75 on Reid. We look forward to seeing you there Lyndal McLean and Pauline Gorrie with Music Therapist and Festival Director, Emma O’Brien at Government House. Lyndal McLean IMPORTANT: Attention Year 12 students and parents UMAT Any student who is considering applying for medicine, anywhere in Australia, and health science courses (including dentistry) should check on the UMAT website to see if the courses they are interested in for 2016 are listed. The UMAT is used for selection of students for some courses in Australia. Students who are considering applying for the courses MUST do the test or they will not be considered for entry to the course. There is a cost to register for the test, sample tests are supplied to any applicant and the test is run in July. Please go to the website to check for details. ‘UMAT is developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on behalf of the UMAT Consortium universities. The test is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at the universities listed on this website. UMAT website: Universities: SPORTS NEWS Congratulations to all those that competed in our 2015 House Athletics sports….. 2015 HOUSE ATHLETIC SPORTS – RESULTS Wednesday, March 25, Knott’s Reserve GIRLS 12/13 100M / RELAY: 1st MIA ALHASSAN 14.21 2ND NELLIE ROWAN 15.15 3RD MAYA HARADA 15.91 4TH TILLY SHEPHERD 16.00 Emerg SADIE NIALL 16.15 200M: 1ST MIA ALHASSAN 30.09 2ND NELLIE ROWAN 33.16 400M: 1ST ROSE SYMONS 1.20 2ND CLEA GADSBY 800M: 1ST NELLIE ROWAN 3.04 2ND CLEA GADSBY 3.05 1500M : 1ST CLEA GADSBY 6.30 2ND CHARLIE HUME 6.31 LONG JUMP: Eq1ST MIRANDA GURTLER Eq1ST TILLY SHEPHERD 3.51 2NDMAYA HARADA 3.4 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST TILLY SHEPHERD 8.04 2ND ERICA SMITH 7.52 HIGH JUMP: 1ST TILLY SHEPHERD 1.25 2ND RUBY B (7E) 1.15 DISCUS : 1ST ODETTE WHITING 15.20 2ND HELENA DAMIGAS 14.30 SHOT PUT: 1ST HELENA DAMIGAS 6.90 2ND TILLY SHEPHERD 6.60 JAVELIN: 1ST TILLY MURRAY-WHITE 9.20 GIRLS 14 100M / RELAY: 1st ARIEL REYES, 15.03 2ND, SASKIA VAN DYJK 15.04 3RD ADA ROBERTSON, 15.27 4TH ZOE USHER, 15.48 200M: 1ST LULU MCKENZIE, 32.89 2ND MIRANDA PATTERSON, 33.8 3RD GABBY ESSON, 34.8 400M: 1ST SASKIA VAN DYJK, 1.17 2ND LULU MCKENZIE, 1.20 3RD EM McDONALD, 1.23 800M: 1ST LONG JUMP: 1ST ZOE USHER, 3.71 2ND LILY AVERILL, 3.66 3RD SARSCHA LEWIS, 3.39 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST ZOE USHER, 8.01 HIGH JUMP: 1ST SARSCHA LEWIS, 1.25 2ND GABBY SCOLLO, 1.20 3RD ADA ROBERTSON, 1.15 DISCUS : 1ST VIARNE SANTACROCE, 16.85 2ND SAHRA NOOR FARAH, 14.50 3RD GABBY SCOLLO, 13.40 SHOT PUT: 1ST GABBY SCOLLO, 7.40 2ND SASKIA VAN DYJK, 7.20 3RD VIARNE SANTACROCE, 6.20 JAVELIN: 1ST VIARNE SANTACROCE, 11.50 2ND GABBY SCOLLO, 11.2 3RD ALEX SADLER, 8.2 GIRLS 15 100M /RELAY: 1ST MABEL HUTTERER, 13.90 2ND LOLA PILKINGTON, 14.80 3RD JEMMA SBEGHAN, 15.25 4TH EMMA COPPEL, 15.25 200M: 1ST MABEL HUTTERER, 29.93 2ND JEMMA SBEGHAN, 32.43 3RDEMMA COPPEL, 32.47 400M : 1ST JEMMA SBEGHAN, 1.16.59 2ND JASMINE DE PALMA, 1.33.13 800M: 1ST OLIVIA SMITH, 3.29 2ND JASMINE DE PALMS, 3.38 3RD SAHRA NOOR FARAH, 5.12 1500M : 1ST LILLI LENFFER, 6.31 2ND JEMMA SBEGHAN, 7.19 LONG JUMP: 1ST MABEL HUTTERER, 3.99 2ND GRACE ROBINSON, 3.78 3RDOLIVIA SMITH 3.7 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST GRACE ROBINSON, 8.72 OLIVIA SMITH, 8.58 3RD OLIVE BOWERS, 8.47 HIGH JUMP: 1ST MABEL HUTTERER, 1.30 DISCUS :1ST MIRANDA HILLARY, 9.94 SHOT PUT: 1ST JAVELIN: 1ST EMILY HOPCRAFT, 12.82 2ND EMILY PRICE, 9.84 3RD GRETA JAMES, 5.81 GIRLS 16 100M / RELAY: 1ST LAERIMIE LYEW 2ND GABRIELLA D’AGATA 3RD NATALIE CAHILL 200M: 1ST CHLOE KOUFIDIS, 32.63 2ND GABRIELLA GADSBY, 35.03 3RD CAITLIN DALE, 38.66 400M : 1ST ZOE BORGHOUTS, 1.19.02 2ND LEYLA ARRYKOVA, 1.19.69 800M : 1ST 1500M : 1ST ZOE BORGHOUTS, 7.19 LONG JUMP: 1ST GABRIELLA D’AGATA, 3.48 Eq 2ND BRIDIE FITZGERALD, 3.42 Eq 2ND NATALIE CAHILL, 3.42 4TH CHLOE BENNETTS, 3.41 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST GABRIELLA D’AGATA, 7.82 2ND CHLOE BENNETTS, 7.54 3RD NATALIA MARTINEZ, 7.47 HIGH JUMP: 1ST GABRIELLA D’AGATA, 1.30 2ND NATALIE CAHILL, 1.10 DISCUS : 1ST ELLA D’CRUZ, 10.74 2ND NATALIA MARTINEZ, 7.52 SHOT PUT: 1ST JAVELIN: 1ST MADDIE GUERIN, 12.68 2ND ELLA D’CRUZ, 5.45 BOYS 12/13 100M / RELAY: 1st GEORGE PYERS, 13.39 2ND LUCIEN IBANDA, 14.46 3RD THOMAS BARNES, 14.49 4TH MONTY WINKLER, 15.29 200M: 1st GEORGE PYERS, 13.39 2ND LUCIEN IBANDA, 29.74 3RD DYLAN SIBLY SAEZ, 32.81 400M: 1st GEORGE PYERS 1.16 2ND CALLUM CHRISTENSEN-BOSUA, 1.17.10 3RD OLIVER PANOZZO, 1.17.60 800M: 1st GEORGE PYERS, 2.35 2ND CALLUM CHR’SEN-BOSUA, 2.39 3RD DEC DOOLEY, 2.40 1500M : 1ST DECLAN DOOLEY 2ND HUGO O’TOOLE 3RD CHARLIE STEWART LONG JUMP: 1ST THOMAS BARNES, 4.16 2ND LIVIO CZARNY 3.84 3RD OSKAR MOORE, 3.75 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST DECLAN DOOLEY, 9.10 2ND JOEL RODIN, 8.94 3RD TOM SMITH, 7.69 HIGH JUMP: 1ST LUCIEN IBANDA 2ND GEORGE PYERS 3RD MONTE WINKLER DISCUS : 1ST CHARLIE STEWART, 20.55 2ND JULES BORGHOUTS, 15.7 3RD ORLANDO MOLONEY, 12.7 SHOT PUT: 1ST ATTICUS ANDERSON PRIOR, 8.77 2ND GEORGE PYERS, 8.60 3RD OSKAR MOORE, 7.40 JAVELIN: 1ST MARLOW WILSON, 17.3 2ND ATTICUS ANDERSON PRIOR, 14.60 3RD ROY BERTRAM, 14.55 BOYS 14 100M: 1ST TIM DODD, 11.98 2ND DANTE FERRETTI-BERGAGNA 3RD FIN BORLAND ZAMMIT, 13.47 4TH FINN BLACKMAN, 13.59 Emerg THEO STREADER, 13.67 200M: 1ST DANTE FERRETTI-BERGAGNA, 26.59 2ND THEO STREADER, 28.93 3RD FINN BLACKMAN, 29.75 400M : 1ST TIM DODD, (53.29) 2ND THEO STREADER 3RD DANTE FERRETTI-BERGAGNA 800M:1STRILEY GUERIN, 2.36 2NDCHARLIE GILL,2.51 3RDDANTE FERRETTI-BERGAGNA, 2.53 1500M: 1ST RILEY GUERIN, 5.31 2ND CHARLIE KILKENNY-JONES, 5.45 3RD FINN MOLLISON LONG JUMP: 1ST PETER REPANIS, 1.26 2ND CALEB HOGAN, 3.94 3RD THEO STREADER, 3.93 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST RILEY GUERIN, 9.7 2ND FINN BLACKMAN, 9.36 3RD THEO STREADER, 9.1 HIGH JUMP: 1ST TIM DODD, 1.81 2ND THEO STREADER. 1.55 3RD DANTE F-BERGAGNA, 1.50 DISCUS: 1STLACHLAN SUTTON, 19.4 2NDJULES BORGHOUTS, 15.7 3RDKIM REYNOLDS, 18.9 SHOT PUT: 1ST AARON INNES, 11.0 2ND LIAM JONES, 8.4 3RD ANTONI KOUFIDIS, 8.1 JAVELIN: 1ST GABE HOPPER, 20.5 2ND RILEY GUERIN, 16.7 3RD PETER REPANIS, 16.35 BOYS 15 100M / RELAY: 1ST LUCA DELAFONTAINE, 12.50 2ND CHRIS DOSSIS 12.74 3RD RAVI VALLENCE, 12.97 4TH KAI JUNQUEIRA, 13.09 5th JORDAN DOUVARTZIDIS, 13.25 200M: 1ST LUCA DELAFONTAINE, 26.54 2ND OLIVER PATTERSON, 27.27 3RD CHARLIE JOHNSTONE, 27.28 400M : 1ST KAI JUNQUEIRA NG, 59.98 2ND DION BARUHAS, 1.03.74 3RD LUKE SPEAK, 1.05.36 800M: 1ST KAI JUNQUEIRA NG, 2.19.64 2ND LUKA VLASSOPOULOS, 2.22.61 1500M : 1ST CHARLIE JOHNSTONE, 4.54 2ND KAI JUNQUEIRA NG, 5.07 LONG JUMP: 1ST CHRIS DOSSIS, 5.09 2ND HAMISH JONES, 4.84 3RD RUPERT RUSSEL, 4.75 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST HAMISH JONES, 11.29 2ND LEO STANLEY, 10.58 3RD CHRIS DOSSIS, 10.2 HIGH JUMP: 1STDYLAN PHILLIPS, 1.50 2NDROB ALBISTON, 1.45 3RDCONNOR BOYD, 10.45 DISCUS : 1STRAVI VALLENCE, 22.82 2NDJAMES CERRUTTI, 17.63 3RDTAHJ HADDOCK, 17.53 SHOT PUT: 1ST RAVI VALLENCE, 11.40 2ND JEREMY LOW, 8.40 3RD EASON TU, 8.00 JAVELIN: 1ST LEO STANLEY, 27.98 2ND RUBEN PERSSON, 21.12 3RD ROBBIE GORDON, 20.4 BOYS 16 100M/RELAY: 1ST JACK BURDEN, 12.26 2nd CORMAC WOOD, 12.50 3rd VINCENT BARKER, 12.83 4th, VIGHNESH WILKINSON, 13.07 5TH ESKIL D 200M: 1ST JACK BURDEN, 25.54 2nd VINCENT BARKER, 26.59 3rd CORMAC WOOD, 26.82 400M : 1ST CORMAC WOOD, 1.05.33 2ND VINCENT BARKER, 1.05.57 800M: 1ST ALEX CZARNY, 3.00 1500M : 1ST NINO LAZZARO, 4.42 2ND OSKAR EASTON-POHLS, 5.43 LONG JUMP: 1ST RAPH BARRESI, 5.01m 2ND TYLER WILKINSON 4.60 TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST TYLER WILKINSON 9.78 HIGH JUMP: LINCOLN RAMSAY, 1.55 2ND JACK BURDEN, 1.45 3RD VINNY BARTELS, 1.40 DISCUS : 1ST HENRY HISLOP, 22.49 2ND FINN DOHERTY, 21.77 3RD RORY DOOGAN, 20.06 SHOT PUT: 1ST RORY DOOGAN, 9.40 2ND VINNY BARTELS, 21.90 3RD ADAM SOLIMAN, 8.00 JAVELIN: 1ST OSKAR EASTON-POHLS, 24.95 2ND VINNY BARTELS, 21.90 BOYS 17 100M / RELAY: 1ST TOM SARGENT 2ND BEN FARGHER 200M: 1ST 400M : 1ST 800M: 1ST 1500M : 1ST SHOT PUT: 1ST TOM SARGENT DISCUS : 1ST JAVELIN: 1ST TOM SARGENT HIGH JUMP: 1ST LONG JUMP: 1ST TRIPLE JUMP: 1ST INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONS 13 GIRLS: TILLY SHEPHERD 13 BOYS: GEORGE PYERS 14 GIRLS: GABBY SCOLLO 14 BOYS: RILEY GUERIN 15 GIRLS: MABEL HUTTERER 15 BOYS: KAI JUNQUEIRA NG 16 GIRLS: GABRIELLA D’AGATA 16 BOYS: JACK BURDEN 17 BOYS: TOM SARGENT Coming Up: Good luck to everyone for this week’s regional Athletics. NORTHERN REGION ATHLETICS DAY – Thu, May 7th COLLINGWOOD HARRIERS ATHLETICS TRACK Rolls will be marked at 8.45am for a bus 9.00am departure. Wear appropriate athletics gear. School tops will be provided to compete in. We will return by 3.00pm. Students are asked to bring their lunches, drink bottles & relevant medical needs (ie asthma puffer). PHSC 2015 District Athletics Squad Collingwood Aths Track Friday, May 8. Boys 13 George Pyers Lucien Ibanda Thomas Barnes Monte Winkler Callum Christensen-Bosua Declan Dooley Hugo O’Toole Charlie Stewart Atticus Anderson-Prior Marlow Wilson Girls 13 Tilly Shepherd Maya Harada Nellie Rowan Rose Symons Mia Alhassan Clea Gadsby Charlie Hume Miranda Gurtler Odette Whiting Helena Damigas Tilly Murray-White Boys 14 Tim Dodd Dante Ferretti-Bergagna Finian Borland Zammit Finn Blackman Riley Guerin Charlie Gill Charlie Kilkenny-Jones Peter Repanis Aaron Innes Lachlan Sutton Gabe Hopper Girls 14 Ariel reyes Saskia Van Dijk Ada Robertson Zoe Usher Lulu McKenzie Sarscha Lewis Viarne Santacroce Gabby Scollo Lily Averill Boys 16 Jack Burden Vighnesh Wilkinson Vincent Barker Cormac Wood Alex Czarny Nino Lazzaro Oskar Easton-Pohls Raph Barresi Tyler Wilkinson Lincoln Ramsay Henry Hislop Rory Doogan Girls 15 Gemma Sbeghen Lola Pilkington Mabel Hutterer Emma Coppel Olivia Smith Jasmine De Palma Lilli Lenffer Grace Robinson Miranda Hillary-Carapetis Emily Hopcraft Boys 15 Leonardo Stanley Luca De La Fontaine Chris Dossis Ravi Vallence Kai Junqueira Ng Charlie Johnstone Hamish Jones Dylan Phillips Girls 16 Laerimie Lyew Gabrella D’Agata Natalie Cahill Chloe Koufidis Boys 17 Tom Sargent SENIOR BOYS SOCCER Congratulations to the senior soccer boys for taking time away from their studies to represent PHSC at the Zone Championships. After a gruelling, hard fought three games, the boys were successful in qualifying for the Zone Championships, held in Term 3. Congratulations must also go the Senior Boys Football team. After convincing wins against Uni High & Fitzroy SC, they won a hard fought final against Brunswick SC. Best players on the day were Eddie Harley, Campbell Moorfield & Dinny Cleary. We wish both teams all the best at Zone Finals later in the year. Very well done boys! Frank Petricca & Baden Small (coaches) SWING DANCING CLASSES Dancing for Teens ONLY! Hop Step Swing is the fun new opportunity for teens to learn to swing dance! Swing dancing is a highly spirited folkdance that came out of the jazz era of the 1920s-40s in New York City. Nearly 100 years later, Swing dance is alive and well amongst people across the globe and in Melbourne -- who wished they had learned when they were teenagers! Students will learn the basics of swing dancing in a fun routine with a performance opportunity at the end! Class size will be limited to a small group of students to offer the best learning environment. Round out your secondary education with learning how to partner dance! It's a skill that lasts a lifetime and gives access to another way to communicate with people in this big wide world. When: Saturdays, 3.30-5pm, Saturdays throughout May Where: 1/281 Smith St, Collingwood Website for further information and signup: Vanessa Nimmo Term 2 2015 Date Event Thursday 7th May Division Athletics Year 11 Career Expo Excursion Friday 8th May Intermediate Sports Tuesday 12th May Year 11 Theatre Studies and Drama Performance Thursday 14th May Year 11 Theatre Studies and Drama Performance Monday 18th May Senior Girls Football / Boys Netball Thursday 21st May Year 12 Theatre Studies Ensemble Friday 22nd May Year 12 Theatre Studies Ensemble A full calendar can be found on the School Website. To contact a teacher the email address is:
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