WHATISSBTW? It is the most excing two weeks of all day acvies for the elementary and middle school students. SBTW provides a supporve environment for students to a empt new acvies and develop new skills. Students will experience the chance to compete on teams within their own age range in a wide variety of sports. A two week session will include instrucon in swimming, archery, cra#s, nature, track and field, volleyball, basketball, soccer and much more. Students will have a small group Bible Study each day, during which they will be able to discuss general topics and read scripture. WHO? Camp will be open to students who have completed first grade or who are seven before camp begins, and up to age thirteen or completed the seventh grade. WHEN? Camp runs from July 14 through July 25. Each day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. Parcipants will supply their own lunches and drinks. COST? The cost for each child is $100 by June 23rd. A#er June 23rd the cost is $120, and registraon is closed a#er July 9th. PRE-REGISTRATIONREQUIREDENROLLMENTSPACEISLIMITED WE ASK THAT EACH CAMPER COMMIT TO COMING TO CAMP EACH DAY AS IT IS IMPORTANT TO THEIR TEAM July 14th-25th At Lima Baptist Church 1574 Rochester St. Lima NY 585-624-3610 limabaptist.org Join us for the best two weeks of your Summer!!! Activities for the 2 weeks include- PURPOSE? SUMMER’S BEST TWO WEEKS is a program which has been operang since 1970 and is dedicated to building Chrisan character and strong bodies. The inspiraon and model for camp has been this statement from the gospel of Luke “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52) It is our purpose to provide opportunity for hundreds of children to build a repertoire of a wide variety of experiences with many other children and outstanding Chrisan leaders in an atmosphere where the Chrisan life and Biblical teachings permeate the enre pa&ern of living. During SBTW, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is clearly and accurately presented. Summer a#er summer, as many kids return for a third, fourth, or fi#h season, childhood experiences and understandings are built upon unl a boy becomes a man and a girl becomes a woman, mature in “wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” The parcipants’ physical development begins by learning the surprisingly unlimited capabilies they possess. They are amazed at how much fellowship can mean in the close comradeship with counselors and peers. In their study of scriptures and in daily experience, they find God to be a constant reality in everything they do and think. The popular and meaningful mo o, “I’M THIRD”, has become a living experience for many parcipants and counselors as they return to their families and friends: “GOD FIRST, OTHERS SECOND, AND I’M THIRD” Football Track and field Basketball Frisbee Baseball Arts and Crafts Soccer Swimming Archery Nature High Jump Long Jump 50 yard dash Standing broad jump Each camper will be placed in a squad and given a team: Romans or Galatians Track and Field competition will be held on the 22nd at 10:00 am on the soccer field. Parents are welcome to come and cheer on their campers. The Award ceremony will be held on Friday the 26th at 3:00 pm. Parents are welcome to join us to see all that the campers have accomplished.
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