TW Volume V April 25, 2015 Edition 5 MAY 2015 Central Vancouver Island Zone Branch No. 160 Comox 1825 Comox Avenue Comox, BC V9M 3M3 In the Heart of Downtown Comox BRANCH & LA OFFICERS BRANCH OFFICERS LA OFFICERS President 1st Vice 2nd Vice Secretary Treasurer Past President Stu McKinnon Ernie Mills Rod Bell-Irving Claude Bédard Don Davis Gerry Maillet President Eileen Paulin st 1 Vice De Fredrickson 2nd Vice Edythe Erickson Secretary Reta Walls Treasurer Jasia Cocking Past President Lorraine Gillis House Barb Waugh EXECUTIVE Bingo Laura Webber Kirk Bailey Bill Beaudin Social Services Pat Johnston John Davis Norma Hanson Membership Amy Heal Gillian Iddiols John Paulin Ways & Means Jean Schreiner Ernie Stefanik Rod Verchere Sgt-at-Arms Lil Smith Catering Helen Steed Dave Willington BRANCH COMMITTEE CHAIRS & APPOINTMENTS Finance Don Davis Membership & Sick & Visiting Gillian Iddiols Youth Kirk Bailey Building Ernie Stefanik Publicity Norma Hanson Honors/Awards Gerry Maillet Log Claude Bédard Sports Dave Willington Sgt-at-Arms Gerry Maillet Poppy/Bursary John Paulin Service Officer Victoria Coffey Meat Draw Bill Beaudin Photographer Al Cameron Entertainment Rod Verchere Padre Rev Matthew Lucas Bar & Gaming John Davis Curator Dave Kelly BRANCH STAFF Jasia Cocking Secretary Manager Joanne Penney Head Bartender EDITOR’S NOTES: All articles for The Log should be with the Editor by the 20th of the preceding month. Photos must include a short description of the event c/w the names of the persons in the photo. Send submissions in doc, docx, xls, xlsx, eml, pdf, odt, gif or jpeg format to the Editor by email at SICK & VISITING: We are seeking your assistance. If you know of any member or veteran in need of assistance or a visit please call the Office. SERVICE OFFICER: Telephone: 250 339-7697 -2- PRESIDENT’S RAMBLINGS by Stu McKinnon It’s the 18th of April already and I still have to get this log entry done! I think I will be gone for a few days but I am not telling you where. This last month was fairly busy around the Branch. Our Easter Brunch was very well attended, not a packed house but was steady throughout. We held our Annual Honors & Awards on Saturday the 11th. It was pretty well a full house, I hadn’t expected that many Comrades and LA. We had figured about 50 to attend so it was nice to see the 75 – 80 that attended with their guests. The presentations included one 50 yr medal and bar, three 55 year bars and one 65 year bar. Congratulations to all the recipients. We are slowly getting our window project finished. The only thing left is waiting on the new window coverings (vertical blinds) for the inner and outer office. We will be installing air conditioners as well. The entranceway into the Branch is now completed. Joanne finished painting yesterday and it looks very good. Thanks Joanne. We have also started to repaint the upper hall, the marks on the walls are not the result of a bad paint job! We are also looking to install a new countertop in the pot room. We didn’t meet our quorum for the March General meeting and April’s meeting just made it. We need members to attend these meetings. You elected your Executive to look after the Branch; however, we cannot do anything without the general membership’s help. It doesn’t take much time to attend the monthly meetings, maybe a couple of hours. We also need volunteers to help out, imagine how much can get done if everybody gave an afternoon. Stu Mckinnon, President -3- LA MUSINGS by Judi Davis Meeting of April 9th had 20 members present. President Eileen Paulin chaired the meeting. Branch President Stu McKinnon was our guest. Pat Johnston was installed into office as Social Services. The Honours and Awards ceremony was on April 11th, with the ladies presenting muchdeserved pins and awards. Our Bake sale that was held in the Comox Mall was a booming success, Jean Schreiner thanks all those who baked and helped out at the table in the Mall. Bingo is picking up, there are a few catering jobs coming up, help always needed, if you can work at these or any catering jobs, please phone Pat Chester @ 339-7456 and give her your name, she will call you when we need help. Muffins are needed for our Convention in May; anyone wishing to make some up, you can freeze them and bring to Legion on May 1st. We need 300 for one day. Please and thank you in advance. President McKinnon addressed the members, and commented on the rapport between the Branch and L.A. and how much they appreciate the ladies. He also mentioned the new windows that have been installed in the Branch, and that they were going to paint the hall. He thanked us for our invitation to attend the meeting. Next Executive Meeting: May 7th @ 7:00 pm Next General Meeting: May 14th @ 7:00 pm Back by popular demand the 2015 Club Crawl July 25 th . Bus only $25.00; + shirt $42.50 Itinerary to follow. Sign up at bar by July 24 th for the bus only, or July 17 th if you want the shirt. -4- COMPUTER CORNER, by Jacques Belanger This month we will briefly talk about “Windows Genuine”. As of today, most Window users are running either Windows 7, 8 or 8.1. Users with Windows XP are still working but no longer supported by Microsoft. A typical Windows PC purchased in a computer store will come with a pre-activated copy of Windows that’s properly licensed. However, maybe a friend or relative installed a pirated copy of the operating system and this would generate a constant warning window telling you that “This copy of Window is not a genuine copy” This window is annoying but also, an unlicensed operating system would not load appropriate updates. This can bring you malware and other issues. Last January, Microsoft announced their new operating system called Windows 10. It should be launched in late April of this year. During the announcement, Microsoft also announced that Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 users would be able to update to Windows 10 for free. You have 12 months to do it from the launching date. I never was a big fan of Microsoft. However, I must say this is a huge improvement to their image. In the past, users had to pay anywhere from $100.00 to $140.00 for an Operating system upgrade. You can read more about Windows 10 announcement at the following link; icrosoft-to-deliver-freewindows-10-upgrades/ Please send your questions and comments to Jacques at: -5- CURATOR’S CORNER………Dave Kelly This month we have donations for hardcover book titled our library. “Soldaten”, a book about WW2 German POWs. • From Comrade Brian O’Cain a A reminder, all our books and number of magazines, most magazines in the library are concerning WW2. available for your reading • From an unknown donor, a pleasure. Memorabilia donated this month: 1. From the family of the late Comrade Cora Hansen, a wedge cap with a badge of the British Empire Services League Canada. This was the forerunner of the Canadian Legion. In November 1925, the Canadian Legion was founded in Winnipeg, Manitoba, as the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Services League. The Canadian Legion of the BESL was incorporated by a special act of Parliament the following year. The Legion grew steadily through the 1930s and then expanded rapidly Following WW2. In 1960, Elizabeth II granted the Legion royal patronage and it became The Royal Canadian Legion. This wedge cap was placed in the display case in the main entrance lobby, with the help of our friendly bartender, Joanne. -6- 2. Comrade Ken Bellefontaine donated a painting/print by artist Art Fortin of German U-774 and HMCS Chilliwack. The events for this painting follows: • U-774 and K-131 (HMCS • Chilliwack) • U-744 Type V11C commissioned June 5th 1943 • On February 24th 1944, U-744 left Brest for Atlantic operations. She joined the Preussen group whose boats were operating singly west of the British Isles. On March 6th 1944, she was located some 550 miles west of Dingle Bay by warships of the 6th EG escorting eastbound convoy HX 280. She became the • object of a hunt, which eventually lasted 30 hours. U744 was depth charged by the destroyers HMCS Chaudière • and Gatineau and HMS Icarus, the frigate HMCS St. Catherine, -7- Chilliwack and Fennel.Corvette HMS Kenilworth Castle that was summoned to the scene to give support. U-744 was forced to the surface and was boarded by a party from Chilliwack, who hoisted the white ensign and captured books, documents and important equipment. This painting depicts crewmen from Chilliwack hoisting the white ensign with convoy HX 280 in the background. The addition to the painting of an aircraft-flying overhead at the time is probably due to artist's poetic license. In the heavy seas, all attempts to take the boat in tow failed and a torpedo from Icarus finally sank her. U-744's Commander, OL Heinz Bischke, and 12 men were lost. Fairwinds……Dave Kelly U SED A ND W ASHED G OLF B ALLS $3.00/dozen Please pay at the bar. All receipts to sports account. WEDNESDAY DROP-IN DARTS Register 7-‐7.25 p.m. Toe line 7.30 p.m. Entry fee is $2.25 p.p. Blind draw mixed doubles. All welcome -8- 9th Annual Memorial Darts Tournament With play getting underway at 10 am, a long day was ahead of the players, the Final being over by approx 7.30 pm. Players were in fine spirits (well some were drinking beer), 53 players [13 teams (12x4 and 1x3)] stepped up to the toe line for a round robin event of 2 games of 701. As the shoot progressed so did the sound decibels, when the last dart was thrown in the preliminary event, the mathematicians went to work, with only one clear cut team (18 of a possible) heading into the loved knock-out round, 5 teams with 16 wins had to be placed in their correct order, 7th and 8th with 15 and 12 wins made up the top 8. Triumphant taking 2 straight in the best of three were the Griffin team of Tim and Scott Parsons, Bud Englund and John Chequis. Hayes, Joe McNeil, Bill Foottit and Tim Sinclair. 3rd and 4th spots were undecided, (it had been along day), and so the two teams split the prize money for those positions. High out Men’s Ernie Linden with a 122, High score went to Ken Hayes with 3 140’s. Ladies High out was a tie between Leslie Lamouroux and Janet Litchfield both with a 32 out. Ladies High score went to Angie Pagani (Campbell River) with a 171 Many thanks to all that participated; it makes the hard work involved worthwhile. Again another splendid job by the food and bar staff, and of course the set up and take down help. Next up will be our Pineapple and ham shoot in August, watch for ads. Dave Willington, Sports -9- VISITORS Branch # 160 would like to thank all the visitors to the Branch and hope you had an enjoyable experience. These are the notable and far away visitors who enjoyed our comradeship’ in April 2015: Rodney Nichol Norm McLean David Hewon Mike Lang Byron Hewkjious Drew Vale Jeff Larden Joan Voyce Carola Lawrence Mike Percell Bud Ziegler Kathlene Zolinsky R. Bedard-Schilling Barney Adams Kim Mann Don Nickerson Rick Dowhan Pam Blouin Arie Grey Kin Vandament Paul Keeley Br 91 Victoria, BC Black Creek, BC Kamloops, BC Black Creek, BC Victoria, BC Deseronto, ON Calgary, AB Canmore, AB Port Coquitlam, BC Ottawa, ON Duncan, BC Wakau, SK Pangman, SK Grande Prairie, AB Victoria, BC N. Vancouver, BC McCreary, MB Edmonton, AB Edmonton, AB Kingston, ON Calgary, AB Brenda Nikkel Audrey Batho David Kruger John Langevin Bev Johnson Sue Vale Rae Proctor Lila Wuellmer J&L Welhen M. Ramsay John Zolinsky John Genereux Cory Schilling Jon Wasiancz Kelly Mann Deb Talbot Frank Greens B. Urleson Denla Grey Karen Chrysler Todd Marole Nanaimo, BC Black Creek, BC Edmonton, AB CFB Kingston, ON Cloverdale, BC Deseronto, ON Canmore, AB Merville, BC Edson, AB Merville, BC Wakau, SK Vernon, BC Pangman, SK Surrey, BC Victoria, BC Calgary, AB Campbell River, BC Brantford, ON Edmonton, AB Terrace, BC Calgary, AB ** All visitors in the above list are taken from the “Sign In” book located at the front door. If any names are misspelt, omitted, or the Branch number is incorrect, please accept our apologies, as this is what was interpreted when we transcribed the list. Thanks. TW -10- AD HOC – REDEVELOPMENT by Roderick Bell-Irving MOVING FORWARD LOOKING BACK – MAYBE? Within the past two weeks, on behalf our members make informed of your Ad Hoc Redevelopment decisions. Your committee’s job is to Committee, I have written (540 letters gather and communicate the facts and and 250 emails) to all of our paid up options to the membership and the 2015 members. Judging by the lack of membership’s responsibility is to response thus far (<10% of the emails make the informed decisions. sent) it would appear that the vast Irrespective of what the final decision majority of our members have turns out to be, I am determined at decided not to respond. In light of this stage in our efforts to reach out both the cost ($1,000) and the effort and connect directly with each and that went into sending out this every member of our Branch to learn information I feel compelled to write first- hand how each one of you this article in an attempt to encourage prefer to be kept informed and or those of you that have decided not to involved. This is why the letter and respond to please reconsider. email were sent. For those of you that I submit that likely there is no other have responded, your committee will subject or issue that has the potential do our best to honour your to affect both our current and our preferences and requests. For those of future use and enjoyment of the you that don’t respond I will building, as well as our financial well- personally use best efforts to directly being and ultimate survivability than contact each one of you to learn firstthat of redevelopment. At this stage hand why you chose not to respond. of our investigations it does not For in the end, regardless of the particularly matter whether like me outcome, only two things really you see the possibility of matter, one that a good decision is redevelopment providing an made based on facts, information and opportunity for the Branch to recruit an informed membership and two, new members and create and leave a that in taking an active part in the legacy for those that come after us or decision making process our members whether you prefer to simply “leave will rightly feel a sense of ownership, sleeping dogs lie” and not change a pride and responsibility thus better thing. What does matter very much ensuring a successful outcome. indeed is that when the time does Respectfully Submitted; come for our membership to make Rod Bell-Irving, 2nd Vice-President decisions around whether or not to and Chair Ad Hoc Re-dev. Comm. actually commit to redevelopment, -11- THANK YOU My quarterly Thank you to those who’s help is so very much appreciated and needed they are my wife Pat, Lil Smith, Don Davis, Ernie Stefanik, Hank Fortin, Dennis Hutchings, Gillian Iddiols, Ernie Mills, Joanne Penny and those who helped with the Easter Sunday Brunch John and Eileen Paulin, Stu McKinnon, Norma Hanson; Don Sinema and Yetta Andres. Thank you all very much. Rod Verchere, Chair Entertainment Committee WANTED The compilation of a photographic history of the Branch is in process. An Urgent appeal for photographs of the Comox Legion Branch, original photos of the construction of the branch circa 1939 and/or the completed building prior to the 1973 fire. Pictures of the fire and reconstruction thereafter are also required. Your photos will be duplicated and returned to you in as pristine a condition as we received them. If you have any photos please contact: Allan Cameron, Branch Photographer @ 250 339-4088 or Jasia Cocking, Secretary Manager @ 250 339-2022 or Meat Draw 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th May (Fridays) B Beaudin & A Forbes 2nd TBA 9th P Ellegood & T Ackerman 16th Ernie Mills 23rd Val Greenlaw 30th -12- May (Saturdays) Norma Hanson Gerry Maillet Ernie Stefanik F Maniak & L Davidson JC Bedard “Myrna Cooley” “2nd Annual Memorial” 9 hole Golf Tournament. May 24th Longland’s Golf Course. Blind draw doubles, shot gun start, best ball format. Tee time 10.00 am. Entry fee $25.00 per player, includes lunch. Lunch only $10.00. Pre register at the bar by May 22 nd . -13- Branch 160 9 Hole Golf, At Longlands; 2015 Schedule Sunday’s May 24th*, June 28th, July 26th, August 23rd and Wind Up on September 20th* 10 am tee off. Blind Draw Doubles, “Best Ball” format Cost is $20.00 (except those tagged *) per player, which covers 9 holes, and Lunch. Lunch only $7.00. For more info Dave 339-9592 Please note, there will be a restructuring of the prizes. -14- FIXED EVENTS WITHIN THE BRANCH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESD AY THURSDA Y Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø FRIDAY SATURDA Y Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Last Sunday Dine/Dance - Upper Hall/Lounge 2:00 to 6:00 PM 3rd Sunday Euchre - Lounge 1:00 PM Ladies Euchre - Upper Hall 1:30 PM Pull Tab Draw – 4:00 PM L.A. Drop-in Bingo - Upper Hall 7:00 PM Line Dancing - Lounge 7:00 PM Men’s Darts League - Lounge 7:30 PM Mixed Dart League - Upper Hall 7:30 PM Ladies Crib League - Lounge 7:30 PM Mixed Pub League Darts – Lounge 7:30 PM Beer & Burger – Lounge 5:00 PM 2nd Wednesday Branch Executive Meeting – Upper Hall 7:30 PM Ladies Dart League - Lounge at 7:30 PM Drop-in Darts – Lounge (May to Aug) 7:00 PM NVI Cribbage League - Lounge 7:30 PM 1st Thursday L.A. Executive Meeting - Upper Hall 7:00 PM 2nd Thursday L.A. General Meeting - Upper Hall 7:00 PM 3rd Thursday L.A. Soup/Sandwich Lunch - Upper Hall 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM 3rd Thursday Branch General Meeting - Upper Hall 7:00 PM Men’s Pub League Darts - Lounge 7:30 PM Meat Draw - Lounge 3:00 PM Drop-in Darts – Lounge (Sep to Apr) 7:00 PM Meat Draw - Lounge 3:00 PM Ace of Spades Draw - Lounge 6:00 PM Gucci Cards - Lounge 7:00 PM EMAIL: WEBPAGE: FACEBOOK: -15- E N T E R T A I N M E N T SATURDAY May 2nd - DANCE NIGHT Shared Dance with Tuesday Night Darts Dance to “JILLI MARTINI BAND” in the Lounge SUNDAY May 10th - MOTHERS’ DAY HIGH TEA Come out for Tea and Crumpets 1:30 to 3:00 PM Upper Hall Legion Branch & LA Ladies – N/C; All others $5.00/person FRIDAY May 15th - WESTERN NIGHT Dance to “KENNY SHAW, BRIAN TEMPLE & A MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN HALL OF FAME, JUDE STROBBE” Doors Upper Hall 5:30 PM; 6:00 PM Dine – Steak Dinner Tickets $20.00/person available @ the bar until May 13th. FRIDAY May 22nd - ANNUAL LOBSTER DINNER Dance to “TOM WALTON BAND” authentic Down Home Music Doors Upper Hall open 5:30 PM; 6:00 PM Lobster Dinner Tickets - Lobster $25.00; Cordon Bleu $15.00 @ the bar until May 19th SUNDAY May 31st - FAMILY DINNER & DANCE Dance to “TBA” 2:00 to 6:00 PM in the Lounge Dine Upper Hall 6:00 PM – Ham & Scalloped Potatoes Tickets Adults - $12.50; Juveniles - $10.00; Under 3 - N/C. WEDNESDAY - BEER & BURGER NITES May 6th; 13th; 20th & 27th; 5:00 to 6:30 PM Lounge; $10.00/person **** Please check @ the Bar for cancellations/time changes, etc **** Contact Jasia Cocking for Hall Rentals, Catering & Special Events Office Hours: Monday – Friday - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Telephone/Fax: 250 339-2022 LOUNGE HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY TO SATURDAY 11:00 AM TO MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 11:00 AM TO 5:00 PM LOUNGE TELEPHONE: 250 339-2112 Note: Standard Bar hours applies unless non-usage requires that the bartender close early.
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