Halifax Central Initiative 23 May 2014 NEWS Fostering – Gill and Steven’s story “I’d always got a lot out of family life and having a full house was something that had become second nature to me. So after our sons moved out, fostering seemed like a really good option, as we’d also be helping children who were in desperate need of a loving family.” Have you thought how you could change a child or young person’s life forever? For more information and to register your interest, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/fostering or call 01422 288001. To read Gill and Steven’s full story, visit our News Centre No more 0845... All Calderdale Contact Centre 0845 phone numbers have now been replaced with local 01422 numbers. This is a significant cost benefit for our customers as they are free on many mobile and landline call plans. The 0845 numbers will continue for a transitional period to allow time for services to update printed material. The new numbers are on the website. Where shopping comes to life… this love your local market fortnight From 14 to 28 May 2014 its love your local market fortnight! There’s no better time to visit your local market to find something special, unique, that tastes great, looks different or simply better value than other retailers. Plus, visit your market and give your email address to one of our friendly traders and we’ll give you a free love your local market shopping bag to take your goodies home in! Alternatively, provide your email address to us via our new online registration form, print off the confirmation and hand this in to receive your free bag. For more information, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/markets or call 01422 288001. Calling all Knitters and Crotchetier – the Big Knit is here again How the big knit helps: As many as 24,000 older people die needlessly because of the cold every winter. Many others spend the time lonely and isolated, unable to heat their homes and struggling to get out and about. So ten years ago Innocent had an idea. They asked some older people, and some younger people, to knit little woolly hats. They put those hats on their smoothies, and for each one sold they made a donation to Age UK. For each behatted smoothie bottle they sell, they give 25p to Age UK to spend on things like hot water bottles, blankets, hot meals and social gatherings. Many older people also knit hats themselves through knitting groups organised by Age UK. The impact of the knitting groups is incredible and for some, they’re a real lifeline. To get involved or for more information click here Community First Funding Community First Funding application process has re-opened for Park, Town (Boothtown, Southowram and Siddal) and Sowerby Bridge Wards. This is the final year of funding, encouraging small voluntary and community groups to apply for funding to help improve their neighbourhoods. Funding available is between £250 and £2500. Applicants must meet the neighbourhood priorities set by panel members. More information is available by contacting staff at Halifax Central Initiative on 01422 365948. Closing date noon Friday 13 June 2014. 1 Food and Support Drop In – plea for supplies Food & Support Drop In, New Ebenezer Centre, St James Road, Halifax HX1 1YS. They are open for deliveries every Thursday between 9am-1pm and Saturday between 9-11.30am. These are also the times they need help. Any fresh baking or snacks etc before 9.45am on Saturday please, so that it can be served straight away. More details at www.foodandsupportdropin.org.uk. What’s on at OrangeBox? On Friday 30 May Orange box is opening its doors providing the local community with an opportunity to find-out all about what goes on there. Orangebox provides young people from all over Calderdale somewhere to go and something to do. Young people can get involved with a variety of different activities such as making, recording and performing music; acting, dancing, fashion, gaming, media and comedy. They can access brand new facilities including rehearsal space, recording studio, mac suite, roof-top skate park, climbing wall and performance rooms. Young people can find out about new Creative Apprenticeship and Traineeship opportunities being launched by Calderdale College. For more information please contact Elaine Duffy on 01422 392638 or email Elaine.duffy@calderdale.gov.uk GET INVOLVED / HAVE YOUR SAY Your next round of Ward forums are coming up in June... Public meetings for a chance to have a say on what matters to you, will also include PACT (Police and Communities Together) with updates from your local Neighbourhood Police Team. Come along and tell us what matters to you in the area you live in. All meetings are chaired by your local ward Councillor and attended by Council officers. All meetings start at 7pm with signing in 6.30pm: Boothtown: Tuesday 24 June, Boothtown Methodist Church, Boothtown Road, Halifax, HX3 6HG Southowram: Wednesday 25 June, Southowram Childrens Centre, Withinfields Primary School Skircoat: Wednesday 11 June, Room N, Heath Training Centre, Free School Lane, Skircoat, HX1 2PT. Sowerby Bridge: Thursday 19 June, St Paul's Methodist Church, Tower Hill, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 2EQ Park: Thursday 12 June, Queen's Road Neighbourhood Centre, Queen's Road, Halifax, HX1 4NE. To view further information click here Health Connection Project Survey The Health Connections Project has completed its first year. We would like you feedback about our work and the support your organisation has received from us. The evaluation questionnaire is available online by using the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HCyear1 Hard copies are also available. If you would like to request a hard copy, please email emma.worsley@cvac.org.uk We would really value your feedback as it will help us to shape our work in the next year. If you would like any more information, please ring 01422 431095 Voluntary Sector Commissioning Consultation Following the Budget Consultations in January 2013 and 2014, the Council needs to save £220,000 from its Communities and Business Change Directorate’s Voluntary Sector Commissioning budget from April 2015. In order to understand the shape and needs of the voluntary sector in Calderdale, the Council will use the information you provide to help inform how they use funding from April 2015 onwards. The consultation will run until Wednesday 9 July. To take part click here. CCG Grant Funding open now: Healthy BME and Older People Communities Grants for developing the capacity and capability of the voluntary/community sector to meet the needs of BME and Older People’s and communities in Calderdale. Projects must: · Meet at least one of four listed CCG outcomes · Address CCG clinical priorities 2 · Adopt CCG design principles · Be delivered in partnership · Start after September 1st 2014 · Be completed within one year Deadline for applications is Monday 30th June 2014. If you require help with your application, setting up and deciding how to running your partnership or to meet the minimum management standards, then please contact one of the Health Connections Team. Further details are given in the guidance notes. To download an application form click here EVENTS Check out our events calendar for upcoming dates of what is taking place in central Halifax. It’s here! Yorkshire Festival 2014, 27 March – 6 July The Tour de France's Grand Depart has, for the first time, a Cultural Festival to accompany it. For information on the Yorkshire Festival 2014 events see visitcalderdale.com or follow @InnerCyclist #bepartofit Sowerby Bridge Classic Bike Show Sunday 25 May, 10.30am to 4pm. A family friendly event at Shire Cruisers wharf in Sowerby Bridge (HX6 2AG), with refreshments, stalls and entertainment for all, including pig racing and face painting. For further details see www.rotarysowerbybridge.org Adults: £5, Under 11s: £2.50, Under 5’s: FREE. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Sowerby Bridge HX6 3LB. Ascents of Wainhouse Tower Monday 26 May. Climb the 400 steps of the internal spiral staircase to take in the views from this fabulously ornate, 77 metres (253 feet high) Victorian chimney! For further details see www.calderdale.gov.uk/leisure Adults £2.50. Children £2. Family Tickets £7. Love Calderdale. Saturday 31 May 2014 12pm to 4pm. Across Halifax town centre there will be what is possibly the biggest street party in Yorkshire ever! Food, crafts, treats, kids activities, donkeys, paddling pools, live music and entertainment in this celebration to share God's love with the people of Calderdale. For further details see www.lovecalderdale.org.uk Free entry Totally Locally Food and Crafts Market 31 May - 1 June 2014 Free admission to the historic Shibden Hall for this delicious weekend event. Sample and buy your favourite chutneys, cheeses, local produce and crafts. Support your local growers and producers and have a great day out in the park! (Parking charges apply: £1 all day or 30p per hour) Shibden Hall 10 am - 4 pm, Shibden Hall, Lister’s Road, Halifax, HX3 6XG, Tel: 01422 352246 The Bolton Brow Burner The Bolton Brow Burner is a new run that’s raising funds for lots of schools in Calderdale. Sunday 1 June 2014, start time 10am. There’s a 2.5k fun run and a 10k not-as-fun circular run from Bolton Brow Primary Academy, followed by a great day out with a mixture of stalls, refreshments and lots of fun for the whole family. Go to the website: www.boltonbrowburner.co.uk to find out how to register, information on the routes and pricing. Meet at Bolton Brow Primary Academy, Sowerby Bridge 3 Learn to crochet with wire Sunday 1 June 2014. Make pretty and delicate jewellery under Kate's watchful eye! Please book in advance at the shop or call 07941 133155. 12 noon - 4 pm Admission: 25.00. Three Bags Full Wool Shop, The Old Bank, Silver Street, Halifax Tour of Bankfield Museum Wednesday 4 and 18 June. 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm Come for a tour of Bankfield Museum, look at the history and development of the mansion, home to Edward Akroyd, local mill owner, philanthropist and MP. Admission £3.00, includes refreshments. Bankfield Museum, Boothtown Road, Halifax, HX3 6HG, Tel: 01422 352334 Sing-along-a-Grease Friday 13 June. 7.30 pm. From the producers of the smash hit Sing-a-Long-a Sound of Music comes Sing-along-a Grease. This fully interactive screening of the classic film with on-screen subtitles is "The one that you want". The host will lead a vocal warm up, judge a fancy dress competition, and show you how to use your 'magic moments' fun packs. It couldn't be easier or more fun! For more information visit: Sing-a-Long-a. Admission: Adult £16, Under 16s £14.50, Buy 10 get 1 free. The Victoria Theatre, Fountain Street, Halifax, HX1 1BP, Tel: 01422 351158 Halifax Minster hosts Fashion Show for Refugee Week Refugee Week Calderdale is organizing a fashion show from 1pm til 3pm on Saturday 7 June at Halifax Minster. This fashion show forms part of our Refugee Week celebrations. Refugee Week aims to dispel myths surrounding migration, refugees and asylum seekers by celebrating diversity and cultural influences resulting from the movement of people across the planet. To read more click here If you would like to take part either by modeling, or by coming along to the workshops, please get in touch. Audrey Smith 07929 291 249 or e mail refugeeweekcalderdale@gmail.com Dean Clough Comedy Night Friday 20 June at 8.00pm Viaduct Cafe, Dean Clough HX3 5AX Early doors 7.00pm. Performance 8.00pm. Tickets £8.00 (£56 for table of 8) Book on www.deanclough.com or 01422 255266 with an exceptional line-up, namely:- PETE FIRMIN + TOM WRIGGLESWORTH + DAVE TWENTYMAN And come EARLY for a CURRY! Freshly cooked on the premises and served between 6.00pm and 7.15pm. Ten quid gets you freshly cooked vegetarian or meat options with rice and naan. Group tables especially are asked to order in advance on 01422 366516 or via info@thechefsschool.co.uk. Calderdale Interfaith Council Tour De Faith Saturday, 21st June 2014 at 10.30 a.m.in Halifax. Calderdale Interfaith Council invites you to get on your bike for faith on the above date. Route will begin at the Jamia Mohammadiya Noorul Uloomiya, Gibraltar Road, Halifax and continue as follows: St Hilda’s Gibraltar Road, Halifax Jamia Markazi Mosque Rhodes St, Halifax St Mary’s Catholic Church, Gibbet Street Halifax World Peace Cafe, Northbridge, Halifax Walk through Northgate and Westgate, Halifax Halifax Minster Grounds Email to Calderdaleinterfaith@gmail.com if you wish to participate by 7 June 2014 Theatre: Carnival of the Animals Sunday 29 June 2014, 1 pm and 3.30 pm Part of the cultural celebration for the Tour de France's Yorkshire Festival 2014 Fringe. Le Tour des Animaux is a reworking of Camille Saint-Saëns' wonderful Carnival of the Animals. Featuring a special arrangement of the music, performed by the Aire Ensemble and incorporating new, original poetry by Jan Holdstock, the audience is taken on a thoroughly theatrical tour through Saint-Saëns' marvellous 4 musical catalogue of zany zoology. The knowledgeable naturalist, Paul David Ratcliffe gives a quick-change performance that involves plenty of laughs and audience participation. Le Tour des Animaux is a fun experience of culture and entertainment for all the family. Admission: £9 and £6. Family tickets available. The Victoria Theatre, Fountain Street, Halifax, HX1 1BP, Tel: 01422 351158 LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT Vue Halifax – 08712 240240 or click here The Rex Cinema, Elland - Call 01422 372140 or click here Hebden Bridge Picture House – Call 01422 842807 or click here The Victoria Theatre – Call 01422 351158 or click here Square Chapel Centre for the Arts – Call 01422 349422 or click here Halifax Playhouse – Call 01422 365998 or click here King Cross Library Film Club – Call 01422 288028/288084 or click here HEALTH AND WELLBEING Northbridge Leisure Centre Tel. 01422 341527 Fitness Timetable Sports Timetable Sowerby Bridge Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre Tel. 01422 288078 Fitness Timetable Swimming Timetable Halifax Swimming Pool Tel. 01422 366624 Fitness Timetable Swimming Timetable Upbeat in the Community (see timetables for venues and times) Upbeat offers physical activities and healthy lifestyle courses that are specifically designed for certain groups of people at various venues in Calderdale. All Upbeat schemes are free of charge for approved members for the first ten weeks, after which members can benefit from a price subsidy for certain Council Leisure Activities for a further 2 years. The Health Connections E-bulletin is out now. This bulletin will keep you up to date with all the latest news and events from local Health groups, the Clinical Commissioning Group and updates from the Health Connections team. 5 INFORMATION AND ADVICE Services available at Queen’s Road Neighbourhood Centre Citizen’s Advice Bureau, every Monday 10am to 13.00pm, free drop in, no need to book, Urdu and Czech translators are available. Park Ward Councillors Surgery, every Wednesday afternoon 12pm to 4.00pm, come and speak to your local Labour ward Councillors about the ward you live in. Women’s Centre Drop In, Two advisers from Calderdale’s women centre run a free and anonymous drop in service at our office, Every Tuesday 10am to 12pm. Every Friday, 10am to 12pm Halifax Central Work Club with Job Centre Plus. Free job search advice and guidance. Bilingual speakers available in Urdu, Punjabi, Czech and Slovak Pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit Did you know that 60% of households in Calderdale pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit? Direct Debit is the most common way of paying for lots of reasons. It’s free, secure, takes the worry out of remembering to pay and it’s easy to set up. What’s more, you can choose from several dates meaning you can pick a date that suits you! If you don’t already pay by direct debit, now’s the time to switch. Set up your direct debit online at www.calderdale.gov.uk/counciltax or call 0845 245 8000. Why wait? Halifax Customer First 19 Horton Street, Halifax HX1 3QE, open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 0845 601 8016 to pay council invoices or fees 0845 245 8000 for benefits and council tax advice 0845 245 7000 for street care enquiries such as missed bins and gritting 0845 245 6000 for general enquiries JOBS AND TRAINING Current Vacancies For current Calderdale Council jobs click here Check out our blog page for latest jobs in Halifax and surrounding areas. Click here to view Training Drug and Alcohol Awareness Choice Volunteering have 4 places spare on a Drug and Alcohol Awareness session on 3 June 2014 from 10am to 3pm. It will be held at Lifeline, 11 Wards End, Halifax HX1 1BX. A light lunch will be provided but booking is essential as places are limited. To book tel. 01422 438727 . Email: choice@cvac.org.uk. www.cvac.org.uk ‘Start Your Own Business!’ – Free ‘Drop-in’ Advice Sessions Wednesday 25th June 10.15 – 11.30 Have you ever considered self-employment/starting your own business but don’t know where to start or who to contact? Free, no nonsense advice on becoming self-employed/starting your own business from Calderdale Council’s Business Support Team Please call in below (no appointment necessary), for a chat and pick up some useful information and factsheets. Calderdale Adult Learning Service: Horton House, Horton Street Halifax HX1 1PU 6 VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES Come & Join Us....Become a Champion Receive a FREE £10 Love to Shop voucher on completion of the 2 day training (you must complete both full days) For further information please contact: Petra Gordon on 01422 281 528 / mobile 07795052187 or Ann Waterhouse 01422 281 394 Training dates: Tuesday 27 & Tuesday 3 June 10am-3pm at Waring Green Community Centre, Brighouse OR Monday 23 June & Monday 30 June 10am-3pm at Brighouse Library, Brighouse Parent volunteer befrienders wanted! Are you the parent of a child with additional needs? Could your experience help others? Do you have an hour or 2 a week to spare to help others? Would you like to develop new skills and meet new people? As a parent of a child with additional needs, you have something unique to offer and as a volunteer befriender you will receive all the training and support you need to be comfortable in your new role. Want to find out more? Contact Tracie Taylor at Calderdale Parents and Carers on 01422 343090, or email her at tracie.taylor@parents-and-carers.org.uk . New volunteers for Victim Support needed Victim Support is the national charity that offers free confidential support to victims of crime, witnesses, their family, friends and anyone else affected. This comes in the form of emotional support, practical help and signposting to other organisations. We wouldn’t be able to carry out the important work we do to help people overcome the impact of crime without the hours our volunteers dedica te to us. We are currently looking for new community volunteers of all ages (18+) and backgrounds in the Bradford & Calderdale area. If you would like more information, please call 01274 532216 or email zoe.wilkinson2@victimsupport.org.uk. Weekend Care – Volunteers Needed! Weekend Care runs day care at weekends for elderly and disabled people in Calderdale, giving the carers time to shop, meet friends for lunch, and catch up with family. If you are interested in volunteering then please call Mary Rumble on 01422 378788 or email prmary@tiscali.co.uk Youth Work in Sowerby Bridge Are you interested in volunteering in youth and community work? Are you able to support young people develop their full potential? Can you spare a few hours a week? If so, then why not consider doing some youth work at Pavilion in the Park? We can support volunteering, work placement and work experience opportunities. If you are interested, please email pitpyc@hotmail.co.uk with your contact details and best time to contact and we will be in touch. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Do Something! It’s here! The latest edition of Do Something is out right now. Taking you from spring into early summer, you’ll be sure to find something exciting to do in the run up to the school summer holidays! To view the guide visit Do Something! Eureka! Follow the Yellow Brick Road Visit Eureka! The National Children's Museum this half term to help Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion defeat the Wicked Witch and help Dorothy realise there's no place like home. The standard Eureka! Ticket is now an Annual Pass which entitles all of the party paid for on the day of the first visit to come back free of charge as many times as they like over the next twelve months. Eureka! is open daily 10 a.m. – 7 5 p.m. at weekends, during half-terms and holidays. Admission: Adults & child aged 3+ £11.95, Child aged 1-2 £4.25, Under 1's free. Tel: 01422 330069 Friday Roller XS Sessions First session will be a family session - 6.00pm till 7.00pm Second Session -7.15pm till 8.15pm will be a family and an open session (children 14+ can attend without a parent/guardian). Saturday will remain as family sessions: 1st session - 4.00pm, 2nd session - 5.15pm Book online, via telephone 01422 341527, or in person at North Bridge Leisure Centre. XS Children’s Holiday Activities for May Spring Bank Half Term - Tuesday 27 – Friday 30 May 2014. Do you want something fun, exciting and healthy for your children to do over May Spring Bank Half Term? The XS Children’s Holiday Activities at North Bridge Leisure Centre, Halifax offer a wide range of sports to try, and to learn new skills, including swimming, zorbs, street surfing and roller blading/skating as well tradition sports like football, tennis, volley ball etc. A full day of fun from 8am – 6pm cost only £20.95 per day and £74 per week at full price or £15.95 per day and £56 per week PTL (4 day week due to bank holiday & 10% discount for Junior Active Lifestyles members).Book early to avoid disappointment. For further details and booking please contact North Bridge Leisure Centre on 01422 341527 Drop-in at the Orange Box Are you 16-19 years and need help? Then drop in to the Orange box every Wednesday between 2 and 5pm. You can receive advice on: Jobs Apprenticeships Training Study Programmes Money College Volunteering For more information contact Halifax Careers Centre on 01422 342106 An exciting theatre project this summer! Calling young people in Calderdale to take part in The Wishing Stone, an exciting theatre project this summer! High Hat Theatre is now inviting groups of young people in the area to join us in June and July for a series of theatre workshops and the chance to perform during Halifax Festival. To get involved and more information click here OLDER PEOPLE Online at Home: Digital Inclusion Programme Do you know of older people who might benefit from supported access to a computer? Accessing the internet has a number of benefits. You can: Purchase and have delivered your grocery shopping Stay in touch with family and friends by email or Skype Access care services Find out about recreational groups and events in your local area If you or someone you know is elderly or housebound we may be able to offer free of charge: Loan of digital equipment for 6 months One-to-one support from an experienced IT volunteer Access to the internet If you would like more information or to see if you or someone you know is eligible, please call Anne Cuthbert, Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees on 01422 252040. 8 Health promotion Age UK offers activities and opportunities to improve your health and quality of life. Our activities tackle social exclusion and can reduce the risk and impact of falls and include such things as: Healthy Eating Tai Chi classes Swimming Project Afternoon Dancing Healthy Walk Falls Prevention These activities are not available in all areas. We are working with the NHS to 'Make Every Contact Count' to help improve the health and well being of our service users. Experience Life with Options 50+ Meet new friends and share a range of sport and social activities suitable for over 50s. Half days activities are only £5.25, or £4.30 with a passport to leisure. Call in at your local sports centre, visit www.calderdale.gov.uk/sport or call 0845 245 6000 for information on the range of activities available. COMMUNITY NEWS Community room for hire The Outback community kitchen at Jubilee Children’s Centre is available to hire for local groups and organisations. The strawbale kitchen is set in a large permaculture garden, is fully accessible and provides a unique space for meetings and events or for regular groups to meet. The kitchen is well equipped and can be used for cooking/baking classes or the delivery of other training courses.’ For further information or to make a booking, please contact Sarah Waddington at Jubilee Children’s Centre on 01422 342552 or by email sarah.waddington@calderdale.gov.uk Ravenscliffe School Community Cafe Everybody welcome, come and meet staff and students in the school for a cake and a hot drink. Community cafe runs from 1.45pm on the following dates, Thursdays: 19 June and 10 July 2014. Ravenscliffe School, Skircoat Green, Halifax HX3 0RZ, Tel. 01422 358621 Charity shop open at Salvation Army Every Friday Charity Shop 10.00am—- 4.00pm. Come and grab a bargain. For more information contact 01422 353238. The Salvation Army, St James Road, Halifax, HX1 1YS Mobile Vehicle Marking Service Mobile Car Marking & Mobile Vehicle Marking is the security marking of any motorised vehicle by either etching or individual DNA marking. This can include cars, motorbikes, caravans, camper vans & mobility scooters, as well as household gadgets, computer equipment and more. Any item a customer may have which they need securing I will aim to make this possible. Contact Tadge 07957784304, www.mobilecarmarking.com. 9 HALIFAX CENTRAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING Current Policing priorities To read more click here Victims’ Services Directory A new open-access online directory of services for victims of crime is currently being compiled by 2 researchers working for Victim Support in partnership with the West Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office. If you regularly work with victims of crime you may wish to ensure your organisation is included in the directory, particularly if you welcome self-referrals. Many victims prefer not to report a crime to the police, and therefore do not get signposted to Victim Support or other agencies that could support or advise them. Entry in the directory gives free publicity to your organisation and will enable not only service users but a wide range of other agencies to contact you easily. For further information and to check your organisation is in the directory, contact: Victims’ Services Researchers 01274 530554 ext. 104, elizabeth.demello@victimsupport.org.uk & stephen.spencer@victimsupport.org.uk Sowerby Bridge Beat Surgery Sowerby Bridge Library, Hollins Mill Lane, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 2QG Contact point held by PCSO Philippa Gingell. On Thursday 8 May, 1-2pm PCSO Pip Gingell and PC David Mayhew will be giving out anti-theft number plate screws outside Tesco in Sowerby Bridge. Southowram Beat Surgery Community Centre, New Street, Halifax, HX3 9SN Contact point held with PC Andy Bingham Neighbourhood Policing – We’re Here For You Boothtown Drop In sessions at the Sure Start Children’s Centre, Rawson Street North between 1 - 2.30pm 16 June 7 July 28 July 18 August 8 September 20 October 10 November Find out more at www.wypnpt.org.uk Halifax Central Neighbourhood Police Team Contact Details Neighbourhood Inspector: Colin Skeath Email: calderdale.npt@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk In an Emergency always dial 999. For Non Emergencies dial 101 Crime stoppers 0800 555 111 10 CONTACT US Halifax Central Initiative Address: Queen’s Road Neighbourhood Centre, Queen’s Road, Halifax HX1 4NE Telephone: 01422 365948 Email: hci@calderdale.gov.uk Public Office Opening Times: Monday, Thursday Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm (Closed Bank Holidays) Tuesday and Wednesday: Staff available for one to one appointments and outreach. Follow us on Twitter @HxCentral Like us on Facebook: Halifax Central Subscribe to our blog: www.hxcentral.com HALIFAX CENTRAL FRIDAY FACTSHEET: Covering Park, Skircoat, Sowerby Bridge and Town wards. The Friday Factsheet is a fortnightly e-newsletter of information intended to limit the amount of emails and post we send out to the Halifax Central mailing list group which includes residents and local services/groups and organisations. It includes upcoming events, activities, information, local services and themes. If you would like to include something in the fact sheet please send through by 5.00pm on Wednesdays. We hope you will find this informative and useful. Let us know what you think! If you do not want to receive the e-newsletter please click here + 11
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