Be 2 W tte 00 in n Co r N 8 CC er e mp w N et spa A iti p on er s for pa See mo ge 1 re 3 inf o Muté? Posted? GET CYRIOUS Bilingual Service V OLUME 42, I SSUE 7 • M ONDAY, A PRIL 7, 2008 830-4081 INSIDE Free fares VIA Rail Canada offers travel in July for CF/DND/NPF personnel PAGE 3 MFRC Halifax and region programs for the whole family PAGE 11-16 Triathlon tryouts CISM Triathlon organizers to hold selection camp PAGE 24 20 - 21 JUNE 20 08 RAdm P. Dean McFadden joined VIA Rail chairman Donald Wright (left) and Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay for the announcement of VIA Rail’s special appreciation fare in July for CF/DND/ NPF personnel BLAKE PATTERSON, TRIDENT STAFF 2 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 Naval reservist off to Sudan for UN work By Stephanie Burr Lookout Newspaper S oon, Navy Reservist Lt(N) Jim Parker will trade in his naval uniform and reserve peak cap for the blue of the UN beret and desert CADPATs. Lt(N) Parker is heading into the heart of Africa’s Sudan to spend six months as an unarmed United Nations Military Observer. His tour begins with two weeks of orientation at the United Nation (UN) headquarters in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, with other new military observers. “I’m not really sure what to expect. I know it will be hot and humid, but other than that I’m leaving all expectations behind,” said Lt(N) Parker. He applied for the job in Africa after much thought, but says finding out he’d been chosen couldn’t have come at a better time. He recently retired as a physical education teacher, and his 20 years of work with the Naval Reserves at HMCS Malahat is part-time. “I began to re-examine my life and what I was doing with it,” he said. “I came to the conclusion that I needed to shake things up and find a way to give something back. Writing a cheque to my local charity is just too easy. Although tough and nasty, this tour will be a perfect way for me to contribute.” Lt(N) Parker will join 24 other Canadians stationed throughout southern Sudan to monitor and observe interactions between the Muslim and Christian Sudanese. He will help locals resolve minor disputes and report any hostile activities to the UN. UN Military Observers do this unarmed, using their wits and diplomacy to thwart any potential conflict. To prepare for the assignment, Lt(N) Parker spent five weeks at the Peace Support Training Centre in Kingston, ON, for classroom studies and hands-on scenarios. This will be followed by the two weeks in Khartoum for mission-specific briefings and training. Spending six months in a war torn country, armed with only negotiating skills is an interesting challenge said Lt(N) Parker. “Hopefully not being armed will reinforce that we are an impartial, non-threatening resource for the locals,” he said. “The absence of weapons reiterate that we are there to help them rather than keep them in check.” Tucked in his kit will be photos of Lt(N) Jim Parker will spend six months in the Sudan as an unarmed United Nations Military Observer. his partner Heather Cairns and their dog Judd to help him cope with what he says will be inevitable they’ll be fine when I gone. I’m also absence of their deployed partner,” bouts of homesickness. very aware that those left behind he said. “I will miss my family, but I know really have to work harder in the Lt(N) Parker will arrive in Sudan just as the country heads into its hottest time of the year. On average, a summer day in the Sudan reaches 42 degrees Celsius. “I’m trying to get into the habit of constantly hydrating myself,” he said. “I can only imagine what the temperature will be like paired with the humidity of lush southern Sudan.” Although he will miss the comfort of morning coffee with Cairns and a Sunday stroll around James Bay, Lt(N) Parker says he is looking forward to experiencing a drastically different culture. “I am going to do my best to leave my Canadian ideals behind because I don’t think it’s possible to apply my beliefs and living standards to what I am about to experience,” he said. “I’m in their country and I will learn to do things their way.” With the days counting down until his plane leaves, Lt(N) Parker is spending his time soaking up the West Coast scenery and going over his gear one last time. “I’m still wary that I will get there and have forgotten something. But overall I just can’t wait to get there,” he said. “I’m really looking forward to doing something that might, in the long term, help the Sudanese and be a life-changing event for me. I totally believe that a positive attitude can achieve great things.” (902) 223-1000 1-866-570-1366 “The Team Fr iends Recommend!” Sell your home FAST and for TOP DOLLAR Supporting our Troops With the Donna Harding Team Guaranteed Homeselling Program! When you list with Donna, you receive these Guarantees: Your home advertized 24 hours a day until it is sold Advertizing to millions on and Our Team for the same price as hiring a single agent The Donna Harding Team 100% satisfaction gurantee! Nationwide Referral Program to any base, city or rural location The Donna Harding Team Exclusive Buyer’s VIP Program Make my 26 years of military professionalism, work to your advantage NOW and start packing! Call for your Free Home Evaluation or Buyers VIP Card! SERVICE BILINGUE • IRP APPROVED 3 BLAKE PATTERSON, TRIDENT STAFF TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 RAdm Dean McFadden and Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay (above) recently accepted a ceremonial ticket for free train travel from VIA Rail chairman Donald Wright (right). As a show of appreciation for the CF, VIA is offering free or reduced-rate travel to all members of Canada’s military community this July. VIA Rail honours CF with free tickets By Blake Patterson Trident staff Y ou might want to reconsider your summer travel plans. Canada’s military was given a free ticket March 26 when VIA Rail Canada announced that current and former CF personnel, as well as DND employees, can ride the rails for free this July. From Canada Day, July 1, until July 31, they can travel anywhere on VIA’s coast-tocoast rail network, free of charge, as much as they want. “On behalf of the men and women of the Canadian Forces, as well as defence employees, veterans and their families, I thank VIA for making this great idea a reality,” said RAdm Dean McFadden, Commander JTFA and MARLANT, who attended the announcement ceremony held in the VIA station in Halifax. He said this initiative speaks volumes to servicemen and women, past and present, and illustrates VIA’s appreciation for the efforts of those who serve in Canada and overseas. “The support shown by VIA Rail to Canada’s men and women in uniform, as well as civilian defence employees, is appreciated by the entire defence community,” said RAdm McFadden. “It is an act of recognition that shows how much service to country is appreciated.” During July, CF personnel will pay nothing for Comfort (coach) class tickets and they can bring up to five members of their immediate families with them at a 50 per cent discount. And if a military member is overseas in July, his or her spouse can use the free-ticket benefit as if they were the active member. The offer applies to all current and retired members of the CF, Reserve personnel, DND employees, and non-public fund employees. According to VIA’s web site, this means a qualifying adult passenger is defined as any adult 18 years of age or older who is in possession of either a valid DND photo identification card, Dependant ID card, or CANEX Club XTra card. Veterans and retirees will be asked to show their Record of Service Card or their Veteran Benefits Card. Immediate family members are defined to include the qualifying member’s mother, father, spouse or common-law partner or child or a child for whom the qualifying adult passenger is a legal guardian. “Like all Canadians, we at VIA are proud of the Canadian Forces and pleased when we can help to remind our fellow citizens of their contribution,” said VIA Rail’s Chairman of the Board Donald Wright. RAdm McFadden said including military families in the deal illus- trates VIA’s understanding of the important role military families play in CF operations. “[Military families] are the unsung heroes who must soldier on day after day when a loved one deploys,” said RAdm McFadden. “Without their unfailing support, the men and women of the Forces could not do the job they do in the professional and dedicated manner in which they do it.” “We have so many military families that have families spread all over Canada because of postings... hopefully this will help.” Tara Bayne, Information Services and Referral Coordinator for the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre, said it’s an exciting initiative that will help military families reconnect with loved ones across the country. “I’m happy to see that VIA is doing this,” she said. “We have so many military families that have families spread all over Canada because of postings... hopefully this will help.” Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay attended the announcement and said VIA’s offering of free travel expresses how much Canadians appreciate the service of the men and women in uniform. “This initiative will allow members of the Canadian Forces to visit more of the country that they have committed to defend,” he said. At the announcement ceremony, much was said about the longstanding relationship between the CF and Canada’s rail industry. During the First and Second World Wars, 90 per cent of troop movements in Canada were made by rail. And in recent years, VIA has continued the tradition by undertaking several initiatives to honour service men and women. In 2005, the Year of the Veteran, a special train carried thousands of veterans and their families from Halifax to Ottawa to allow them to take part in the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the national cenotaph. Likewise, in 2006, hundreds of Canada’s war brides from across the country were brought to Pier 21 in Halifax to mark the 60th anniversary of their arrival in Canada at the end of the Second World War. “Whether transporting troops to Halifax for departure overseas or taking immigrants to start a new life across this country, trains have been at the heart of our national story,” said Wright. “At VIA, we are very proud to be able to build on this railway heritage in our own way.” It’s estimated more than half a million current or retired service personnel will be eligible for the deal. “We really haven’t figured out how many people might use it,” said Wright. “We hope a lot of people use it.” RAdm McFadden said he expects people will use the deal for more than just holidays. He said July tends to be a busy travel time for those who serve, because postings and training courses are often scheduled during school holidays each summer. Asked how many military members he expects to take advantage of the free tickets, RAdm McFadden said he’ll do his part to talk to as many people as possible and encourage them to hit the rails. “I hope this is a very well received and taken up offer,” he said. For more information, or to reserve a ticket, go to forces or call toll-free 1-888-VIARail (1-888-842-7245) or 1-800268-9503 (hearing impaired). 4 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 Community calendar Publication schedule Reunion and event notices must be submitted by mail, fax or internet, attention reporter, (902) 427-4231 • and include the sender’s name and phone number. A notice will not be published if the event is to happen more than one year from publication date. Submissions may be edited. for 2008 January 14, 2008 January 28, 2008 February 11, 2008 February 25, 2008 March 10, 2008 — Home and Garden Special March 24, 2008 — Posting Season April 7, 2008 April 21, 2008 — Battle of the Atlantic May 5, 2008 May 19, 2008 June 2, 2008 June 16, 2008 — Family Days June 30, 2008 July 14, 2008 July 28, 2008 August 11, 2008 — Back to school August 25, 2008 September 8, 2008 — Air Show September 22, 2008 — Home Improvement October 6, 2008 October 20, 2008 November 3, 2008 — Remembrance Special November 17, 2008 — Holiday Shopping Guide December 1, 2008 December 15, 2008 Editor: Virginia Beaton (902) 427-4235, fax (902) 427-4238 • Editorial Advisor: Lynn Devereaux (902) 721-1968 • Reporter: Blake Patterson (902) 427-4231 • Graphic Designer: Tracey Pelkey (902) 427-4234 • Office/Accounts Clerk: Kerry Reynolds (902) 427-4237 • Advertising Sales: Dave MacNeil & Alan Minasian (902) 427-4232 • Design & Layout: Silent Graphic Design Trident is an authorized military publication distributed across Canada and throughout the world every second Monday, and is published with the permission of Rear Admiral Dean McFadden, Commander, Joint Task Force Atlantic. The Editor reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy, photographs or advertising to achieve the aims of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April 11, 2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is noon, ten business days prior to the publication date. Material should be typed, double-spaced and must be accompanied by the contributor’s name, address and phone number. Opinions and advertisements printed in Trident are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or endorsements of the DND, the Editor or the Publisher. Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le contre-amiral Dean McFadden, Commandant la force opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les leundis toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée des annonces public- itaires ou des articles est fixée à 12h le vendredi précédant la semaine de publication. Les textes peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais; ils doivent être dactylographiés à double interligne et indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone du collaborateur. Les opinions et les annonces publicitaires imprimées par le Trident sont celles des collaborateurs et agents publicitaires et non nécessairement celles de la rédaction, du MDN our d l’éditeur. Annual Subscription (24 issues): • N.B., N.S. & NL: $30 + HST • Remainder of Canada: $30 + GST • U.S.: $40 US Funds • Abroad: $60 US Funds Courier address: 2740 Barrington Street, Halifax, N.S. B3K 5X5 Spring bike clinic Attend the spring bike tune-up clinic to be held at the Fleet Fitness and Sports Centre on Wednesday, April 16 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. This clinic is open to all military and DND employees. There is no charge and no bike is required. The limit is 20 personnel. Please call 427-3524 to sign up, or email Jose Martins at Martins JPA@FAdmO@Halifax. For more information call Jose Martins 427-1469. Base soccer team tryouts The Formation Halifax base soccer team is looking for players. Tryouts for the team will be held Mondays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Fleet Fitness Centre in Dockyard. For more information, contact Neil McPherson at 720-9006, McPherson.NC@forces or Don McLeod at 427-0394, Naval officers association offers bursaries to students The Nova Scotia Naval Officers Association (NSNOA) is offering two $1,500 bursaries for deserving students to attend a Canadian university. These are open to Canadian citizens resident in Nova Scotia with a naval connection, i.e. dependents of regular force Navy or former Naval members, relatives or dependents of NSNOA members, members of the Naval Reserve, Sea Cadets or former members of the Navy. Applications for 2008 must be forwarded to the NSNOA Bursary Trust, P.O. Box 801, Halifax, NS, B3J 2V2 no later than April 15. Applications are available from the above address, by phone (902)477-9474 or download the forms at: Submariners Reunion in May The Submariners Association of Canada West is sponsoring an International Gathering of Submariners in Victoria, BC on May 2, 3 and 4. Please visit for registration and details including tourist and hotel information. You can also contact the gathering coordinator Paul Hansen at or call (250) 294-1024. Introduction to geocaching The Sackville Public Library offers an introductory session to geocaching on April 16 at 7 p.m. The high-tech treasure hunt for all ages offers the perfect blend of outdoor activity, GPS and pure fun. The Atlantic Canada Geocaching Association is a non-profit volunteer association that provides regional support for the activity of geocaching. This event is co-sponsored by The Trail Shop. HMCS Annapolis crew reunion 1976-1980 Attention former members of HMCS Annapolis 1976-1980. A small group of former crewmembers have decided to possibly plan a reunion in the spring of 2008 to mark a 30-year milestone and to reminisce about old times. Please check our HMCS Annapolis 30th Reunion group on Facebook. There are lots of photos posted—maybe yours is there. Mess members either serving or retired are strongly encouraged to pass this along to other former Annapolis crewmembers. Further information is available through CPO2 Peter Majeau at 721-6569 or CPO2 Don Castilloux at 427-3018. Iroquois welcomes new sea cadets Tuesday nights 339 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC) Iroquois is currently enrolling youth ages 12 to 18. Learn marksmanship, seamanship, sailing, marching and more. We parade every Tuesday night at Building 4, Lower Base Shearwater from 6 to 9 p.m. For more information, call 463-8910, 883-1952 or email Scots welcome new army cadets Thursday nights 848 The Scots Highland Company (Royal Canadian Army cadets) is enrolling young adults ages 12 -18. Learn marksmanship, marching, map and compass, and backcountry survival techniques. We parade every Thursday night at Caledonia Jr high school (38 CaledoLooking for NATO nia Rd) from 6 to 9 p.m. For more information call 441-9199, 401-2907 or email and NORAD veterans The NATO Veterans Organization is looking for members of the Canadian Forces (CF) who served as part of NATO Looking for rowers and NORAD since 1949. This includes If you’re interested in rowing, here’s CF members who served with the navy your chance. Recruiting is now underway at sea, with the army in Germany, for a Canadian Forces recreational rowFrance, the Balkans and now in ing team that will row out of the Mic Mac Afghanistan, and with the air force in Aquatic and Athletic Club on Lake France, Germany and many other Banook. The team is open to CF members places. The aim of the organization is to and DND/NPF employees. No previous recognize NATO and NORAD veterans experience is required, all training is proand to honour the 1,496 Canadians (570 vided, and there are opportunities for all military members and 926 dependents) levels of experience. Call 721-1252. buried in 44 cemeteries in Europe since the Second World War. To join or find Correction out more about the NATO Veterans In the article titled “A long walk for Organization, go to www.natoveter- charity” that ran in Trident on March 24,, email it was erroneously stated that HMCS or call (506) 472-1931. Charlottetown’s air department team and their colleague at 423 Squadron at 12 Wing were raising money for the Magnificent welcomes new Canadian Cancer Society - this is incorsea cadets Wednesday nights rect. They are raising money for the 24 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Weekend to End Breast Cancer Walk. (RCSCC) Magnificent is accepting new Funds raised through this event benefit sea cadets, ages 12 to 18, on Wednesday the IWK and the QEII Health Science nights at 6:30 p.m. Join us to explore Centre. Trident regrets this error. Mike Savage, M.P. Dartmouth-Cole Harbour Critic for Human Resources and Skills Development. Chris Young 877-0945 Publication Mail Agreement No. 40023785 Susan Strickland 830-7865 Understanding the needs of our Military Clients is our top priority! Whether you are BUYING or SELLING a home, Call Chris or Susan to help you make the right move. Return undelivered Canadian address to: Trident Newspaper Bldg. S-93 PO Box 99000 Station Forces, Halifax, NS B3K 5X5 • Return Postage Guaranteed – ISN 0025-3413 • Circulation: Minimum 10,000 free opportunities in sailing, seamanship and leadership. We are located at Building 4, Lower Base Shearwater. For more information please call 720-1580 or Constituency Office: 300 Prince Albert Rd, Suite 106, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4J2 Phone: 462-6453 Fax: 462-6493 Email: Web: Call for your FREE Market Analysis. Helping you make your next EXIT! TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 5 Submarine Operations Room Officer Course marks return of advanced tactical submarine coursing to Canada CPL D.R. LEFEBVRE By Lt(N) Chris Holland CFNOS O n February 22, 2008, the submarine HMCS Corner Brook came alongside in Mayport, Florida following 17 days underway in support of the inaugural Submarine Operations Room Officer (SM ORO) Course while participating in TGEX 2/08. I was one of two students, the other being Lt(N) Dan Murphy, to successfully complete the final evaluation at sea, thus bringing the 14month course to an end. Close to a decade has passed since the last Submarine Warfare Officer Course had been held in Canada, making this achievement all the more notable. Since 1999, Canadian submarine Maritime Surface/Subsurface (MARS) officers have been sent to Australia to complete the Submarine Warfare Officer and Attack Coordinator courses. In fact, the Canadian Navy relied heavily upon a mix of out-of-service and in-house training for its submarine officers dating back to the 1980s. While the small number of Canadian submarine officers made it possible to secure positions on foreign courses, Canadian staff recognized the many inherent advantages to developing coursing that will be conducted in Canada. “Our SM ORO coursing now to a large extent parallels the training and progression of warfare officers in the surface fleet,” noted LCdr Andy MacKenzie, the SM ORO Instructor. “This similarity combined with common operational phases that both submarine and surface officers attend, provides a level of understanding between the two unique communities that may not have existed in the past.” As far back as 1998, with the Lt(N) Chris Holland and Lt(N) Dan Murphy recently completed the inaugural Submarine Operations Room Officer Course. announcement for the Victoria Class project, staff discussion started to address this aspect of future submarine officer training. During the transition between Oberon and Victoria Class submarines, several submarine officers had attended the ORO course, and subsequently went to sea in surface ships in the late 1990s, before returning to become part of the cadre that qualified on the newly-named Victoria Class. As noted by the MARLANT Submarine Operating Authority, Cdr Randy Truscott, “The value of this ORO training and experience was not lost on the submarine COs of the day, nor the CMS staff involved in the repatriation of training from the Royal Navy. In 2002, with the previous years of staff effort to support the concept in hand, direction was Your Financial Protection for Today…and Tomorrow! received to move to a Director-Level and ORO-type structure for submarine MARS officer training.” Submarine D-Level serials were run in 2005 and again in 2007 at the Canadian Forces Naval Operations School (CFNOS) in Halifax. In January 2007, the first SM ORO course commenced. The two students began the year-long course with 12 surface counterparts, the students of ORO Course 0026. Together, they received instruction on many aspects of modern naval warfare, including communications, weapon systems, and anti-submarine warfare tactics. As the surface students shifted focus towards surface and air warfare, the submariners concentrated on submarine-specific training such as Mk 48 torpedo employment and periscope safety drills. The arrival of the new Victoria Class Submarine Command Team Trainer at CFNOS in the autumn of 2007 provided an excellent venue for the SM ORO students’ three-week trainer phase. “The capabilities of this new trainer allowed for a level of training and assessment prior to proceeding to sea that ensured an appropriate level of focus on the students’ part,” commented LCdr MacKenzie. A lack of platform availability delayed the sea phase until February, at which time the students embarked in Corner Brook and proceeded to sea. The rigorous sea phase consisted of warfare serials against HMC Ships Iroquois, St. John’s and Preserver followed by a series of inshore operations in which the students and crew conducted intelligence-gathering tasks on selected targets along the south shore Votre protection financière pour aujourd‘hui… et pour demain! Releasing from the CF... Libéré des FC... Transfer your existing life insurance plan to Insurance for Released Members and continue protecting your loved ones. Transformez votre régime d‘assurance vie actuel en assurance pour membres libérés et continuez à protéger vos êtres chers. Contact your insurance representative within *60 days of release! Communiquez avec un représentant en assurance des SF RARM de votre région dans les 60* jours suivant votre libération! * No health related questions will be asked and the same premium schedule will be maintained * Vous n‘aurez pas à répondre à des questions d‘ordre médical, et le barème des primes demeure le même. • 1-800-267-6681 • Halifax 902-425-6926 of Nova Scotia. From there, the submarine transited south towards Florida, where it was to rejoin the Canadian Task Group. Along the way, the submarine crew and students were challenged by the planning and execution of an opposed transit, serials with patrol aircraft out of 405 Sqn in Greenwood, and a variety of damage-control scenarios. These events forced the students to apply the many lessons learned from their training and to work closely with the entire crew of the submarine. The success of the SM ORO course was indeed in no small part due to the outstanding professionalism and support from the submariners of Corner Brook. The completion of the SM ORO course is an important milestone in Canadian naval training. It marks the achievement of the highest level of submarine officer training that will likely be conducted in Canada. For those selected, the next challenge is likely either the Dutch or Norwegian Submarine Commanding Officer’s Course, more commonly referred to as Perisher. The SM ORO course also signifies a high-water mark with respect to the repatriation of submarine training. According to Cdr Truscott, “This has been achieved through many years of labour by a few generations of submarine officers and senior NCMs. Although it involves a relatively small group, it signals an important maturing of the submarine community, and the Navy. This level of training has been produced to a high standard, conducted in world class submarine trainer facilities ashore, and subsequently supported by a submarine and crew capable of conducting high-end covert mission training at sea.” RBC Royal Bank Robert Lachowiez Mortgage Specialist T: 902-222-8166 F: 902-444-4260 ChooseAKME from the Royal LePage Appraisers List Retired Canadian Forces Members Bill Best, CD, CRA Kelly Best, CD, CRA, BBA, DULE Jane Antovic, BSc. BA Ratko Antovic Jennifer Clarke-Hines Shawna Best Phone: (902) 435-2637 6 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 By PO1 Darrell Morton Sensor Weapon Controller, HMCS St. John’s O n February 29, 2008, five months of training and preparation came down to just a few seconds as HMCS St. John’s, with the staffs of the Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Centre (CFMWC) and the Fleet Maintenance Facility (FMF) embarked, fired two Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (ESSM) at remotely controlled BQM targets simulating anti-ship missiles. The occasion marked the first live ESSM firing from a Canadian frigate relying on the ship’s Command and Control System (CCS) to assess the inbound threat and escalate the ship’s reaction right up to the point of firing. The mode of firing still required Command approval and human intervention from the Sensor Weapon Controller (SWC). That February morning, two targets closed St. John’s. The SWC, Lt(N) Kim Dunn and her team, consisting of LS Bradley Saunders (Air Raid Reporting Operator), MS Scott Wells (Electronic Warfare Supervisor), MS Tony Bourgoin (Fire Control Supervisor), and the two Fire Control Operators, LS Chris Glibbery and LS Jason Caldwell assessed that the closing contacts posed a threat to the ship. The captain had the ship brought to action stations and ordered the team to “take all resolved threats to St. John’s.” Action Stations both tested the organization’s ability to efficiently respond to an impending threat and prepared the ship to defend itself from a possible rogue drone, a term used for the unlikely event that the shore authorities lose control of the target. This necessitated the requirement for the 57 mm gun and Close in Weapon System (CIWS) to be loaded and ready as additional layers of defense. In the blink of an eye, the months of training that began in September 2007, were over. Initial reports based on the data collected by CFMWC staff indicate that both missiles were successful. ESSM testing remains extremely important for our NATO allies as the missile will be the first layer of defence for many countries against an anti-ship missile threat. Firings such as the one conducted by St. John’s, are key to understanding the full capabilities of the missile and the supporting systems. Overall, the exercise was a success and the data provided definitive evidence that St. John’s possesses state of the art, effectively maintained equipment and an expertly trained Above Water Warfare team to combat threats posed to it by Anti-Ship Missiles while deployed. SGT DRESDELL, HMCS ST. JOHN’S AIR DET. HMCS St. John’s ESSM missile firing 2008 HMCS St. John’s fired two Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles. Healthy Gone Wild II: Don’t stop now, take another step By Jessica Fraser PSP Marketing Coordinator A fter being a part of the successful Canadian Forces Health and Physical Fitness Strategy Launch last week, the local Strengthening the Forces Health Promotion team (PSP) would like to encourage the Canadian Forces (CF) community to attend the second annual CF Health and Wellness Fair on Thursday, May 1, 2008 at the Fleet Fitness and Sports Centre located in the Dockyard from 10 to 2:30 p.m. It is open to all CF members, their families, DND, NPF and contract employees. Take the next step by further increasing your awareness about the health and wellness services that are available to the CF community. The event will feature interactive health and wellness displays, information sessions on various health topics, free massages, yoga, relaxation sessions, healthy refreshments and several opportunities to win prizes. Health and wellness displays will reflect all aspects of health (i.e. physical, mental, social and spiritual). APOLLO DENTAL CENTRE Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Saturday & evening appointments available Call: 446-7070 New Dental Office Now accepting new patients 172 Wyse Road, Dartmouth (Near Blockbuster, Wyse Road Plaza) Information sessions include Top Fuel for Top Performance (Quick Tips), Nutrition Tips for the Young Athlete, How to Properly Fit an Athletic Shoe, Problem Gambling Awareness, and Suicide Prevention. The relaxation room will offer participants an opportunity to practice visualization, deep breathing, yoga and meditation. Weekend accommodations for two, compliments of Oak Island Resort, including breakfast each morning and a $100 gift certificate, is just one of the exciting draw prizes. Stay tuned for more event details. For further information please call the Health Promotion Services team (PSP) at 721-7806 or visit TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 7 Saving traditional skills vital to Canadian Forces’ eyes and ears of the North MCPL ROBERT BOTTRILL, CANADIAN FORCES COMBAT CAMERA By Blake Patterson Trident staff W hen an Antarctic ice shelf the size of Manhattan Island falls into sea, we point to it as a tangible example of the effects of global warming. We pay less attention, however, when an aboriginal youth says he has no idea how to build an igloo—yet it too is a tangible effect of global warming. The loss of traditional skills such as building igloos may not seem significant to some, but according to BGen Christine Whitecross, Commander Joint Task Force North (JTFN), it could devastate Canada’s ability to patrol the North. Specifically, it could spell the end of the Canadian Ranger program, a program she describes as the eyes and ears of the North. “If I have generations of young who don’t have the traditional skill sets, my Ranger program goes by the wayside,” said BGen Whitecross during a presentation she made at Dalhousie University on March 26. She was speaking at the university as part of a winter seminar series coordinated by Dalhousie’s Centre for Foreign Policy Studies. Asked to highlight some of the challenges of conducting Canadian military operations in the Arctic, she said one of the biggest challenges, is ensuring the continued availability of people who have traditional skills. She said the CF depends on these people. “There’s just such a difference in working in a northern environment and we’re learning and learning and learning,” said BGen Whitecross, noting that much of the CF’s ability to operate in the North depends on local knowledge provided by the Rangers. “[The loss of the Ranger program] would be a tremendous loss to the Canadian Forces,” said BGen Whitecross. “Frankly, I think it would be a great loss to the North as well.” The Canadian Rangers are parttime reservists who provide a military presence in remote, isolated and coastal communities of Canada. Ranger Ronald Minoza from Fort Providence, NT., assists Cpl Devon Kidd, a reservist from Princess Louise Fusiliers based in Halifax, NS., on the placement of a rabbit snare while the Rangers and troops from 36 and 37 Canadian Brigade Group exchange knowledge and skills while in Fort Simpson NT., for Operation Narwhal 2007. They are responsible for protecting Canada’s sovereignty by reporting unusual activities or sightings, collecting local data and conducting surveillance or sovereignty patrols as required. There are currently about 4,000 Canadian Rangers in 165 communities across Canada. But to be a Ranger, one must first have the traditional skills needed to patrol and survive in remote areas. That means young people must be trained in these skills if they hope to become Rangers when they turn 18. BGen Whitecross said aboriginal youth are losing touch with these traditional skills because they’re increasingly influenced by images of easy lifestyles in southern urban centres. “As the aboriginal youth get older, they are being inundated with western and southern ideology,” she said, noting the influence of iPods, satellite television, satellite telephones, computer systems and the Internet are creating a “clash of cultures.” On one hand, she said aboriginal youths see the carefree lifestyles presented by the entertainment media. On the other hand, their elders are telling them to learn traditional life skills such as hunting, fishing, building igloos and how to fix a snow mobile—skills that will help them survive in a hostile environment. Global warming, said BGen Whitecross, is having far-reaching effects on the North, its youth and its culture. Part of the role of JTFN is to monitor these effects “on the ground” in the North, and to do this, community elders were asked to note significant changes they’ve noted during their lifetimes. The list of changes include: thinner ice, more fog, later freezes, earlier break-ups, higher water, more frequent storms and warmer winters. All of these things, said BGen Whitecross, have an effect on the preservation and ongoing development of traditional skills. Thinner ice and shorter winters, for example, shorten the hunting season and make it difficult to follow herds. And she expects the pressure on traditional lifestyles will continue to increase as global warming opens the North to more and more resource development, mining and tourism. To illustrate her point, she presented a slide showing a map of the Canadian Arctic. It was covered with boxes and dots to illustrate current mining operations in the region. If development continues at its present rate, she predicts, “there won’t be a speck left on this slide” in 10 years. All of this mining activity— which also brings increased shipping and flight activity for research, re-supply and tourism—means the role of the Rangers has never been more important. She said the North is “a unique beautiful environment that people want to get in touch with,” but with that, the Rangers must be increasingly vigilant to help protect Canada’s sovereignty through surveillance and the ability to respond effectively to potential emergency situations. Thankfully, steps are being taken to preserve the loss of traditional skills and ensure the Ranger program continues. BGen Whitecross said the Junior Canadian Ranger program, similar to the cadet program, is key to the ongoing existence and growth of the Rangers. Formed in 1996, the Junior Canadian Ranger program offers young people ages 12 to 18 an opportuni- Royal LePage Vallée de l’Outaouais • • • • Dévoué à Vous Servir : Hull-Gatineau-Aylmer Dedicated to Serving You in Hull-Gatineau-Aylmer Enrichir La Vie….Une Maison à la Fois! Enriching Lives…One Home at a Time! Are you buying a good investment? What is your property worth? We are experts in Real Estate Valuation, providing accurate ESTIMATES OF VALUE, serving military families for over 12 years. Lederman Ag e n t i mmo b i l i e r a f f i l i é 2007 ml e d e r ma n @ r oy a l l e p a g e . c a Greg Lockyer, CRA Chris Flick, AACI Steve Horswill, AACI Lisa Wilson, CRA Buying, Selling or Relocating? Mi cha el 613.323.5656 ty to participate in a variety of activities under the supervision of the Canadian Rangers. The objectives of the program are to impart community traditional skills, life skills and Ranger skills. These skills include learning how to administer first aid, navigate, make shelters and efficiently live off the land, as well as learning how to speak in public, and live a healthy life. “We are instilling upon the young how important it is to maintain traditional skill sets, to maintain the ability to sustain themselves in an environment that is hostile,” said BGen Whitecross. “It has been a tremendous success.” Working with the elders of the communities in the North, she said the youth program has helped bring spirituality back to the younger generation confused by the “modernization” of their home. “We’ve brought back a sense of being, a sense of who they are,” said BGen Whitecross. “In a very holistic sense, these children are becoming leaders within their generation.” There are Junior Canadian Rangers in every province and territory except for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. According to the Rangers’ web site there are currently more than 3,300 Junior Canadian Rangers in 111 remote and isolated communities across Canada. BGen Whitecross noted 1,300 of these are in the North. As for the future, BGen Whitecross said challenges and issues— be they environmental or political—will always be a part of living and conducting military operations in the harsh environment of Canada’s north. She admitted that global warming, increased traffic and sovereignty issues are adding to those challenges, but she’s confident the CF and the indigenous people of the North will continue to find ways to survive and succeed. “The people of the North have been adaptable for hundreds of years,” said BGen Whitecross. “They will adapt to this environment.” EXIT REALTY CITADEL independant broker Sue Hill 209-3980 Amanda Parsons 830-5009 Office: (902)466-2000 Fax: (902)466-2732 Web: 8 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 Community bands together to help its own in the house,” said PO2 Laurendeau. A contractor from On-Side Construction has since volunteered to sailor’s struggles have manage the project, and with the brought the best out of Mar- flood of cash, donated supplies and itime Forces Pacific and the local volunteers the renovations should Victoria community. be completed within six weeks. When word spread that MS Troy Stickley’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with eye cancer and needed to be rushed to Vancouver’s Children’s Hospital to have it removed, the crew of his ship, HMCS Winnipeg, immediately starting passing a hat around to help pay for expenses. A short time later, they discovered the sailor was also carrying the burden of an unfinished house renovation. “People driving by have been Within 25 minutes, Winnipeg stopping by the house to hand over sailors raised a substantial cash money to help,” said PO2 Laurendonation, and within a few days the deau. “Everyone from across the public and other ships’ crews had Formation has contributed too. joined the fund-raising campaign to Even HMCS York in Ontario and help complete the house. sailors in Halifax are collecting PO2 Line Laurendeau, who holds money and will send a cheque at the the secondary duty of Winnipeg’s end of the month.” charity officer, spearheaded the The charity officer says the campaign, along with military outpouring of support is easy to spouse Tammy Chamberlain and understand. Kristy Falconer, both friends of the “We all know the Navy life is a Stickley family. difficult life; we come home for a “I did a walk-through of the house few days and then we’re away and there was a lot of issues. Wires again. Some people felt touched by were hanging from the ceiling, and the story, that this could be me,” she there were only two working heaters said, adding that the military com- MELISSA ATKINSON, THE LOOKOUT STAFF By Melissa Atkinson Lookout Newspaper A PO2 Laurendeau says they are both overwhelmed and thankful for the support and kindness. AB Derrick Cote of HMCS Calgary, hands over cash to PO2 Laurendeau, HMCS Winnipeg’s charity officer. Calgary collected the money in half a day to help the family of MS Troy Stickley munity is tight-knit and always ready to help one of their own. MS Stickley and his wife are staying out of the limelight as they struggle through this difficult time, but PO2 Laurendeau says they are both overwhelmed and thankful for the support and kindness. A bank account has been set up for those wishing to contribute: CIBC 05030, Account 8723532. Some of the donations made are: Rona: building supplies. Safeway: more than $1,000 in food. Home Depot: building supplies. AMJ Campbell Van Lines: packers and movers and storage of house contents. Finishing Touch: building materials. Pine Lighting: light fixtures. Irwin Industries: Gutters and soffits. 83 Serra vs St-Pierre Special offer TO ALL MEMBERS OF MARLANT For more info contact: Buy any sleep set including all advertised specials and receive an added exclusive bonus of bed frame and pillows MS Wally Bennett PMC 721-8219 or VPMC MS Bill Hibbs 721-8043/721-6835 Value $110. 19 April 2008 Start: 2300hrs. Doors open: 2000hrs No cover, pizza & wings Now open Sundays We have the largest range of Simmons sleep sets in Atlantic Canada over 50 sets to choose from. Quality sleep sets starting at $499 for queen sets. New Burnside location with in store clearance centre. Plus 12 Months no interest no payments* *$59 BILLING FEE O.A.C. *Excluding cash and carry items. Overstock & damaged items reduced to clear! n! New Burnside Locatio Halifax Bayers Lake Park 172 Chain Lake Drive (Look for the Big Simmons Sign) Mon-Fri 9:30-9:00 Sat 9:30-6:00 Sun 12:00-5:00 Dartmouth Corner of Wright Avenue and Garland 450-0233 435-5119 (New Wright Avenue Extension) Mon, Tue, Sat 9:39-6:00 Wed-Fri 9:30-9:00 Sun 12:00-5:00 Base to Base, we have you covered... Your DND Inter-base Real Estate Connections HALIFAX GREENWOOD Everything you need at or call Yolande at 902-478-3197 Posted to Greenwood? • Links to local listings... better than MLS®.ca • Free relocation package couriered to you • Bilingual service available • School information • Great local map • HHT checklist Ghyslaine Roy Cynthia Black REALTOR® REALTOR® Century21 Acclaim Realty Ltd. Royal LePage Atlantic Cell: 902.825.9469 Cell: 902.679.7818 Fax: 902.765.6311 Office: 902.765.7777 Fax: 902.765.7770 Yolande Mason, REALTOR 644 Portland St., Dartmouth NS, B2W 6C4 Email: Website: Bus: 902-435-3594 Fax: 902-435-2623 Service disponible en français ® OTTAWA TRENTON Email: Website: PETAWAWA KINGSTON Posted to Kingston? Hundreds of military families successfully relocated since 1988. Relocation Package includes: • School Information • Local area map • HHT checklist JOHN PRICE & HEATHER PRICE SALES REPRESENTATIVES 1650 Bath Road Kingston ON, K7M 4X6 613-384-5500 BORDEN WINNIPEG EDMONTON POSTED TO BORDEN? 20 yrs HHT experience Relocation Packages ASAP Dedication to YOUR needs! Hugh Hardy Broker 2 Summerset Pl. Angus ON L0M 1B2 Chay Realty Inc. Brokerage 800-383-3980 Can’t find your Base? Contact one of our Top Producing REALTORS® 10 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 Breast cancer survivor humbled by kindness By Blake Patterson Trident staff M uch is said about the military being a family, but it’s never more true than when one of its members needs help. That’s what MCpl Cherie Stredder found out recently when she started fundraising for a local breast cancer initiative. MCpl Stredder is the aircrew training coordinator/master librarian for 423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron in Shearwater. She has worked at the squadron since 1998. In the spring of 2005, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent treatment. Her last radiation treatment was in December 2005 and she returned to work in January 2006. Now, as a cancer survivor, she hopes to take part in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer benefiting the Izaak Walton Killam Hospital (IWK) and the Queen Elizabeth II Heallth Science Centre (QEII) from August 15 to 17. That weekend, teams of women and men will walk 60 kilometres to help raise money for breast cancer research, treatment and care at IWK and the QEII. To participate in the event, MCpl Stredder hopes to raise at least $2,000, and if possible, an additional $2,000 so her husband can join her on the walk. To raise the money, she sells rice crispy squares each Friday to members of the squadron. The squares have pink M&Ms in them. She also plans to host a Think Pink party for friends and family. From the initial response she’s received from members of the squadron and across 12 Wing Shearwater, it’s clear people want to help her reach her goal. “I’m humbled and honoured,” she said. “The kindness and generosity of people you don’t ever realize is there. What the people on base are doing is incredible.” Her efforts have even sparked interest overseas. Members of the air detachment on HMCS Charlottetown on deployment in the Arabian Sea recently launched a Walk to Halifax campaign to raise money for her. Each member of the ship’s air department was supplied with a pedometer to record step count, and they raise money with every step they take back and forth across the flight deck. So far, they’ve walked more than 12 million steps and raised more than $550. “It’s caught me totally off guard. It’s more than I ever expected,” said MCpl Stredder. “You don’t expect so much kindness in a world of negative publicity. It’s quite overwhelming.” She intended her fundraising to be limited to a small circle of colleagues in the squadron. “It was supposed to be a private endeavor to do my little bit,” she said. Despite the attention she’s getting, however, she said it’s worth it knowing the money raised will be specifically targeted at helping build a breast cancer awareness and treatment clinic at the IWK hospital. She said the idea of the clinic is exciting because it sends such a positive message about increasing awareness and helping women take preventative steps to avoid ever getting the disease. She said it’s better to act now, rather than waiting until you have the illness. According to organizers, funds raised by The Weekend to End Breast Cancer will directly support the joint initiative of the IWK and the QEII to help create a world-leading breast health centre in Halifax that will focus on prevention, reducing surgery wait times, improving treatment and advancing research. “We need something positive,” said MCpl Stredder. “We need something local.” To find out more about the Weekend to End Breast Cancer call (902) 425-WALK (9255) or go to and click on Halifax. FMFCS lends a hand to children’s centre By Cdr Kenneth Holt DCOS FTA/FMF CS Eng Mgr S t. Joseph’s Early Childhood Centre Executive Director, Ms. Belinda Bignell-Leck approached Capt(N) Hainse Commanding Officer of FMF Cape Scott, in November 2007 with a request for support. He invited the centre to present the ideas to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) for consideration. It didn’t take the SLT long to realize the natural fit with the MARLANT Community Outreach program. St. Joseph’s is a non-profit daycare for children from 18 months to 12 years of age. It will celebrate its 40th anniversary next month. They offer a child-centred, hands-on, active learning program, known as High Scope, that focuses on progressively developing and cultivating the child’s creative awareness, individual achievement and social skills. We’re neighbours. St. Joseph’s is located in the St. Pat’s-Alexandra School on Brunswick St., with four additional satellite locations throughout the Metro area. Why is FMF Cape Scott interested in assisting? St. Joseph’s contributes substantially to the wellbeing of Halifax children. Some have family connections to the FMF Cape Scott workforce, present and past. More importantly, St. Joseph’s Early Childhood Centre is genuinely in Health Issues A New Perspective Welcome to Growing Forward: Personal Growth Services offering you a new perspective on old and everyday health issues. Amy McNaughton is a Certified CODE Model Coach™, with a background in WEL-Systems: NLP. With recent studies in the quantum sciences, come and see what Amy has to offer. A Registered Nutritionist with a new spin on nutrition and health issues that you may not have ever heard before. New programs, CD recordings and books that will support you as you integrate a news perspective that will change your health and life. An opportunity for your own personal growth/evolution. You’ll never look at your aches and pains the same way again. A cold becomes an invitation for you to look at your own personal environment rather than wondering who you ‘caught’ the cold from. Some have family connections to the FMF Cape Scott workforce, present and past. need of support and will greatly benefit from any assistance that the FMF Cape Scott workforce can offer. What can FMF Cape Scott do to assist? For starters, St. Joseph’s classrooms have utility furniture that is badly in need of refurbishing or replacement—tables, chairs, coat racks, gym equipment and so on. Improvements will go a long way towards restoration of an aesthetically pleasing environment conducive to educating young children. St. Joseph’s request is timely. As many people may know, FMF Cape Scott has recently stood up Operation Advance Enterprise, formerly known as Deep Reach, to provide technical learning opportunities to select high school students, some of whom will be bridged into the Apprenticeship Program. Op Advance Enterprise is seeking meaningful project work, such as that proposed by St. Joseph’s, to assign to the students. It is a win-win situation facilitated by FMF Cape LAWYERS - AVOCATS Service en français W F R R A A PS H W Criminal Defence Military Law Family Law/Divorce [902] 492·7000 After hours call: Tom Singleton 483-3080 SINGLETON &6169A SSOCIATES Quinpool Road, Suite 221 Halifax, NS B3L 4P8 Come and discover Health Beyond Nutrition New programs are running on a regular basis. For more information contact Amy at: 832-9332 or Scott, and the connection doesn’t stop there. The initial group of Enterprise youth come from, guess where—St. Pat’s-Alexandra School. Their principal, Maj Ken Wells, is a member of the CF Reserves. Under the watchful oversight of skilled FMF Cape Scott tradespersons, these kids will be completing projects that will directly benefit their sister centre all under the same roof. This is Community Outreach at its best. Should people wish to know more about this FMF Cape Scott initiative or become involved in some manner, we encourage them to contact Cdr Ken Holt at 427-3900. Fees reduced 25% for CF members & DND personnel Seafood Restaurant Fisherman’s Cove 465-3476 Open all year The best seafood in town Mon-Wed kids eat free (12 & under 4-9pm) Get 15% off meal (With DND ID) Win an airline ticket to Florida TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 11 Welcome to the MFRC section of the Trident Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre. Charitable number 8707 5829 RR0001. Halifax site: Building 106 Windsor Park Halifax. Tel 24/7 427-7788. Shearwater site: Hampton Gray Memorial building in Shearwater. Tel 720-1885 (after hours call 427-7788). Volunteers Nova Scotia has a rich volunteering history dating back to 1604 and the Order of Good Cheer, created by the explorer Champlain in Port Royal. From barn-raising to fire fighting, care giving to protecting the environment, volunteers have done it all. There are more than 285,000 volunteers in Nova Scotia contributing $2.2 billion dollars in unpaid service to the economy. In addition to that an estimated one in every 11 jobs are found in the voluntary sector. Our strengths are boundless, and Thomas Edison captured this best when he said “If we did all the things we are capable of doing we would literally astound ourselves.” Volunteering brings people togeth- er—it plays a key role in connecting people to one another, creating healthier families and healthier communities. Volunteering is about giving, but there is also the opportunity to receive. Volunteering provides a sense of personal satisfaction and a feeling that you can make a difference—and you can. Volunteering is a winning opportunity—it’s beneficial to each of us as individuals, to families, and to businesses. But the greatest benefits are to the communities where we live and work. National Volunteer Week, April 27 to May 3 is a time to reflect on the outstanding contributions volunteers make to our society. The MFRC has more than 250 volunteers associated with our programs and services. From family networks, to program facilitators, from junior leaders to administrative support, there is a place and an opportunity for all who are interested in making a difference. Scott Stevenson wrote: “Deeds of goodness are like gentle drops of rain as they make contact with the earth. Upon impact they begin to work their magic. They nurture, they refresh; they give hope.” The MFRC extends its deepest appreciation to our volunteers, and to all volunteers who are creating magic in their own special way. While we set aside one week in April to officially acknowledge your efforts as a nation, please know that you are a vital component of our success each and every day. Les bénévoles Le bénévolat occupe une place importante dans l’histoire de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Cette tradition a vu ses débuts en 1604 quand l’explorateur Samuel de Champlain a créé l’Ordre du Bon Temps. Le bénévolat a joué un rôle important dans le développement de notre province - - les bénévoles ont fait un peu de tout. Au moment actuel, il y a au-delà de 285,000 bénévoles en NouvelleÉcosse qui contribue à la société d’une façon significative - - leur service se traduit à 2,2 billions de dollars. De plus, il est estimé que 1 dans 11 emplois en Nouvelle-Écosse est dans les organisations à buts non lucratifs. La force du bénévolat n’a pas de frontières. Le bénévolat nous donne l’opportunité de donner mais, le bénévolat encourage également le développement de la personne. Le bénévolat nous fait réaliser que nous pouvons faire une différence. Le bénévolat est une combinaison gagnante. Ces gestes peuvent bénéficier chaque individu, chaque famille et chaque entreprise qui participe. Grosso Modo, c’est la communauté qui bénéficiera de ce service. Du 27 avril de 3 mai le pays célébrera la semaine nationale du bénévolat. C’est un temps pour réfléchir et surtout c’est un temps pour souligner les contributions importantes des bénévoles. Le CRFM à 250 bénévoles associés avec nos programmes et nos services. Les bénévoles contribue aux services de déploiements, aux facilitateurs de programmes et aux services administratifs. Le CRFM désire remercier tous les bénévoles qui ont contribué au succès des activités. Nous sommes conscients qu’à tous les jours votre travail enrichit la qualité de nos services. Coming up MFRC programs Register for programs or call for information at Halifax 427-7788 or Shearwater 720-1885. Unless otherwise listed, programs and events at the Halifax site are located in the Halifax Military Community Centre, building 106 Windsor Park and programs at the Shearwater site are located at Hampton Gray Memorial building in Shearwater. Registration: Please register and pay for MFRC programs including childcare. Spaces are only reserved for paid participants. You can register and pay for any program at whichever site is more convenient for you, Halifax or Shearwater. We also accept credit and debit cards for payment over $5 per transaction. Please note that unless otherwise indicated, programs are offered in English. For other program information, details and more please visit Special events Information Sessions for military families in Central/Northern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. Join us for presentations from 12 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 various organizations who provide resources for military families, before, during and after deployments. Get connected with your community. All sessions start at 6:30 p.m. Sessions are coming up on April 9 at the New Glasgow Legion (39 Provost St); April 14 at the Springhill Legion (10 Elgin St) or on April 15 at the Truro Legion (220 Brunswick St). For info call 427-7788. Annual General Meeting and BBQ coming up June. The annual meeting is a chance to meet MFRC board members, and find out about the past year. We start off with a family BBQ and then a quick meeting. All community members are invited. Assemblée générale annuelle et barbecue à venir Le xx juin de 17 h à 19 h. L’assemblée générale annuelle est l’occasion de rencontrer les membres du conseil d’administration et de s’informer des activités et des résultats de l’année dernière. Nous commencerons par un barbecue familial suivi d’une brève réunion. Tous les membres de la communauté sont invités. Deployment programs HMCS Charlottetown Monthly CO’s Brief & Potluck Come out for an afternoon where you can meet other families while getting a chance to hear the CO’s monthly brief. Using a slideshow he’ll share pictures and give an update of what HMCS Charlottetown has done over the past month. There will also be a video and a chance to ask questions. During the CO’s brief children age 12 and under can either go into casual care or stay with their parent/guardian. After the brief, we’ll have a potluck and there will also be an activity. At time of registration, please indicate what dish you’ll be bringing for the potluck. Sunday, April 13. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Halifax site. Register by the Saturday before the session. Register for casual care by the Thursday before the session. HMCS Charlottetown Reunion Workshop. Sunday April 27. Family Networks Is your military partner away on a deployment or training? Join one of our family networks and participate in some of the activities they plan. Contact 427-7770 or for info. Family networks are a wonderful and affordable means for military families with common interests and concerns to get together and join an array of fun social events every month for the duration of the deployment. Consisting of family members and friends of deployed CF members, networks are set up at the beginning of a deployment for families to share information, make new supportive friends and to organize all kinds of special outings and events. Contact us and get involved. Programs at both sites Programs for children Weekday Casual Childcare Need some time for you or have an appointment? We offer casual childcare. You can make an appointment up to one week in advance. Don’t forget snacks for your children, no nuts please. Please provide necessary clothing and items for your children i.e. appropriate indoor and outdoor clothing/footwear, diapers, wipes, Réseaux de soutien en change of clothes and bottles. Call the site most convenient for you for période de déploiement Les réseaux de soutien aux current times and days. Cost: $3/hour familles en période de déploiement for the first child and $1.50/hour for permettent à ces dernières de ren- the next sibling. contrer d’autres familles ayant les mêmes intérêts et les mêmes préoc- Parent & Tot cupations et de passer du bon temps This is an interactive child-centred ensemble à peu de frais, une fois par program for parents and caregivers mois, pendant toute la durée du of young children ages birth to five déploiement. Composés de membres years. The program offers a variety des familles et d’amis de membres of activities from free play, crafts and des FC en déploiement, les réseaux gym time. Halifax: Thursday mornsont mis sur pied au début d’un ings, 9 to 11 a.m. Shearwater: Mondéploiement et permettent à leurs day, Tuesday (French), Wednesday membres de partager l’information, and Thursday 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Milde se faire de nouveaux amis et d’or- itary $1/child. Civilian $2/child. ganiser diverses manifestations ou sorties. Pour tout renseignement Saturday Casual care complémentaire, s’adresser par courFor children birth to 12 years. riel à If your family is affected by ou par téléphone au 427-7770. work/operational related separation respite hours can be used. Register by the Thursday before each date. Payment is due prior to registration deadline in order to confirm your spot. Please provide lunch for those children staying over the lunch hour. No nuts please and any necessary gear for infants i.e. change of clothes, bottles, diapers, etc. Halifax: April 12 and 26, May 10 and 31. Shearwater: April 19, May 3 and 24. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Register by the Thursday before each session by the hour or for the full day. ($15/day) $3/hour for the first child and $1.50/hour for additional siblings. BookWorms Ages five to eight. Does your child like to read? Does he or she have that favourite story that he or she loves to share? We meet every Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at the H&R MFRC (alternating between Halifax Site and Shearwater) to read a few favourite stories, share a few new ones and play some fun language games. The children can borrow books from the centre, take them home and return them when we get together again. So come out and join the fun, reading is great for everyone. Halifax: Wednesday, April 23, May 7 and 21. Shearwater: Wednesday, April 16 and 30, May 14 and 28. 6 to 7 p.m. $1/military child, $2/non-mil- STOP! If youʼre being relocated! Get all the facts! Life is all about choices. MacInnis Mortgage Consultants has been helping military families make sound financial decisions for over a decade. Remember: ONE CALL=FORTY LENDERS Find out what choices and options are available to you with no cost or obligation. ONE CALL 468 0016 40 LENDERS Toll Free 1-866-412-2277 PURCHASE REFINANCE CONSOLIDATION CONSTRUCTION PERSONAL LOANS MacInnis Mortgage Consultants Ltd. FIRST TIME BUYERS NO MONEY DOWN Your ONE PLACE for professional technical training. Continuing Technical Education - upcoming programs • • • • • • Advanced Java Programming C++ for C Programmers Hands-on Network Security Home Inspection - Heating Inspection II Home Inspection - Plumbing Inspection Implementation & Documentation of a Quality System • Indoor Air Quality & Role of HVAC Systems • Introduction to UML & Object-Oriented Design • Occupational Health & Safety Law & Regulations • Office Ergonomic Analysis & Workplace Design: Controlling Musculoskeletal Injuries • PERL Programming • Quality Assurance & Testing of Software • Radon Mitigation Training • UNIX Server Administration • Leading Edge Professional Auditing Issues An Interative Workshop Call Gena: 902.494.6092 or 1.800.565.0703 Information Technology Project Management Quality Management Engineering Ergonomics Environmental Management Occupational Health & Safety College of Continuing Education TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 13 itary child. Please register by the Amazing Ant Venture and the speMonday before the session. cial exhibit: The Climate Show. Sunday, May 25, 1 to 4 p.m. Discovery Centre,1593 Barrington Street, HalSummer Day Camp ifax. Fee: $3/child (18months and up) $5/dad. Register and pay by 4 Registration Ages five to 12. Thinking about p.m., May 22. summer plans yet? If you are seeking a summer camp for your child, look Adult programming no further. We offer craft, sports, field trips, swimming and so much Coffee Connections more each week. Spaces are limited Family members have the chance in each location and payment in the to get together and share common form of cash or post dated cheques is experiences over a cup of java or othrequired at the time of registration. er beverage. Meeting topics can Please note that military families will include Self Esteem, Quick & have priority at the time of registra- Healthy Meals, Spa Essentials, tion. Shearwater: May 21, 6 to 8:30 Stress Management and more, it’s up p.m. Halifax: May 22, 6 to 8:30 p.m. to you to decide. Shearwater site: Cost: military $100/week; civilian Tuesdays, 9:30 to 11: 30 a.m. Halifax $120/week. Early drop off/late pick site: Fridays, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. up $5/child/week. Casual care fee: $5/military family members only. Register by the Tuesday before each session. Dad and Me: Exploring the Discovery Centre Join is for a private science show called Great Balls Of Fire. Once the show is over we will have a quick snack and then continue the afternoon exploring the three floors of hands-on fun. There are many favourites such as the Running Track, Bubble Room and the Spinning Chair. While you’re there, check out the Arch Bridge, Room for Small Wonders, Ames Room, MFRC Halifax site Programs for children My First Reading Club Infant to five years. Remember how much fun it was to read your favorite story? In My First Reading Club we want children to get hooked on books. We enjoy a story time with finger plays, puppets and stories, which encourage the children to love books and have fun. There are book day, April 27, 1 to 3 p.m. Cost: packages to take home, enjoy and $5/person. Register and pay by return the following week. Hope to April 24. read with you soon. Monday mornings 10 to 11 a.m. Free, registration A Sharing of Cultures not required. The Atlantic Defence Aboriginal Advisory Group would like to extend Gymboree an invitation to all military families Ages infant to five years. Start out for an afternoon of culture sharing. your Saturday with Gymboree. Our This is a great opportunity for folks volunteers create a fun and exciting to experience the aboriginal cultures morning in a safe and positive learn- from across Canada. The children ing environment for the family. This will learn through making crafts, lisprogram gives children the chance to ten to an enchanting tale from the get some physical activity and have past, and taste the traditional aborigfun. They can participate in para- inal snacks. It will be a day to rememchute games, ball play, tunnel crawl ber, a day of fun and most imporand much more. A snack will also be tantly a day to encourage appreciaprovided. So come out and see our tion of different cultures. Spaces are Gymboree. Halifax: Saturday, April limited so register today. Monday, 19, 29 and May 3. Shearwater: May 19, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Free, resumes in June. Register by the please register by May 1. Thursday before each session. 10 to 11:30 a.m. Cost: $2/military child Parenting $3/non-military child. Dad & Me: Building Buddies Parents Helping Children Ages three and up. Spring is in Through Deployment the air and the sound of hammers is everywhere. This month Dad & Me is bringing out the tools and paint brushes. The kids, with some help from dad will be building and painting a special surprise for the spring. So put your work clothes on and come out to have a fun filled time at Building Buddies Dad & Me. Sun- This workshop helps parents explore the impact of deployment and the effects it has on children, recognize the positive growth opportunities and discuss the ways of addressing issues that may arise. Join us for this two-night session where you will have the opportunity to converse with other families experiencing or soon to be experiencing deployment and share their stories, learn new strategies on helping to navigate your way through a deployment for you and your children. Tuesdays, April 15 and 22, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Register and pay by April 10. Casual care fee $5/military family member, $7.50/civilian family member. Mini Mindmasters Join us for this fun and versatile program that helps children (aged 4 to 6 years) build positive living skills which they can use for the rest of their lives. Adults teach children many different skills to help manage in the world, ranging from tying shoes, to using the telephone. There are many other life skills that children need, too, including how to listen well, complete tasks, stay calm when scared or anxious and to look on the bright side when life seems hard. These skills help children to excel in school, at home, in relationships, in sports, and in a performance environment—basically in all aspects of their lives. The Mini Mindmasters program gives parents proven successful activities to do with children to teach them: listening and focusing, body awareness, relaxation and stress management and positive perspectives. Parents and children attend the program w w w. d a n i e l c y r. c a B UYING, S ELLING IN H ALIFAX /D ARTMOUTH & S URROUNDING A REA ? G ET “Cyrious” YOUR M ILITARY C ONNECTION G ET “Cyrious” You’ve got a family doctor and a family attorney. But do you have a family real estate professional? If you want results you can count on, Get “Cyrious.” and give Daniel Cyr, CD a call today or visit and get your Free 29 Essential Tips that get homes SOLD fast (and for top dollar). Your Royal LePage Relocation Specialist Direct: (902) 830-4081 Email: 19 BASES Over 12,000 REALTORS® to serve you Call Daniel’s hotline 1-800-617-4081 Find a REALTOR® on every base • Bagotville • Calgary • Cold Lake • Comox • Edmonton • Esquimalt • Gagetown • Greenwood • Halifax • Kingston Service en Francais Disponible • Montreal • St-Jean Sur Richelieu • Ottawa • Petawawa • Shearwater • Shilo • Trenton • Valcartier • Winnipeg 14 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 together and participate in separate and joint activities. Sundays, April 20 and 27, 1 to 3 p.m. Fee: $10/military family member and $15/civilian family member. Register and pay by: April 17. Dealing With Difficult Behaviours in Children Ages two to six All children will exhibit challenging and difficult behaviour from time to time. For parents these behaviours can be extremely challenging to handle. There are many reasons for a child’s behaviour and there are also many ways for parents to help children manage their behaviour. Join us for a 3 night workshop as we explore key areas around behaviour such as tantrums, self-esteem and social success. Parents will learn about strategies that promote positive attitude and positive behaviour in children between the ages 2 and 6 years. Tuesday evenings, May 6, 13 and 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Register and pay by: May 1. Fee: $10/military family, $15 non-military family. Participants are asked to bring at least 25 to 50 pictures. May 2, 6 to 10 p.m. Register by April 28. Fee: $10/military family member, $15/ non-military family member. Collective Kitchens: Casseroles When you think of comfort food, what comes to mind? Casseroles. They don’t take a lot of time to prepare and require little tending. Why not take some time for yourself like putting your feet up, catching up on some reading or just doing nothing while they cook. The great thing is, they’re ready to eat when you are. Join us for this fun evening of community cooking. We will prepare three casseroles: Chicken Parmesan, Deep-Dish Chicken Pie and Layered Fiesta Casserole. Participants are asked to bring their own casseroles to take their creations home. May 28, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Register by: Thursday, May 22. Casual care is available for $5/military family members only. Shearwater site Adult programming Programmes francophones Scrapbooking Pour plus d’information téléphonez au 720-1885. Have you tried scrapbooking? Would you like to learn? Are you already a scrapbooker and would like to join others? You are welcome to join us for this fun evening of scrapbooking, led by volunteer Natasha Darrah. Natasha has more than eight years of experience as a scrapbooker. If you haven’t tried scrapbooking before and would like to learn the how tos, come and join us. If you are a scrapbooker and would like to join others come out for a fun evening and share your ideas and suggestions too Parent & Bambin Ce programme interactif s’adresse aux enfants de 0 à 5 ans et leurs parents ou gardiens(ennes). Les enfants participent à différentes activités: jeux libres, bricolage, gym et comptines. N’oubliez pas votre collation. Les mardis matins de 9 :30 à 11 :30 Site de Shearwater. Les vendredis matins de 9 :30 à 11 :30 Site d’Halifax. Aucune inscription requise. Tarif : 1$ par enfant de famille militaire; 2$ par Family volunteering (Above) Catherine Durkee, H&R MFRC; Wendy Purcell, H&R MFRC; Andrea Balfour, volunteer; Jason Balfour, volunteer; Stefanie Hazelden, H&R MFRC. For the last four years, Andrea and Jason Balfour have been generously donating their time with the Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre in the Gymboree Program. When the Balfours were posted to Halifax, they wanted to contribute by starting a gym program for children under five years of age, like the one they had become accustomed to when posted to Ottawa. Upon contacting the MFRC and pitching their idea for a Gymboree program, it wasn’t long before the program was up and running. Due to popular demand, the Gymboree Program is now delivered at both the Halifax and Shearwater sites. The Balfours’ enthusiasm and passion for this program is contagious. “It makes a difference for parents who are deployed to come back and socialize with their child in Gymboree and helps to break the ice after being away for so long,” said Jason. Their son, Dorion has also taken on a supporting role within the program, “I have been trying to teach the kids how to play golf,” jokes Andrea. She hopes to send a tape of Jason singing during circle time to his ship. The Balfours feel that it is important to give and help within the community, and to be an example to families. The H&R MFRC recognized the Balfour families’ outstanding contributions with a surprise get-together at the Shearwater site whereby staff presented the family with a recognition award and gift certificate. “Volunteers like Andrea and Jason are the key to so many MFRC programs, and we really appreciate what volunteers do,” said Jill Clarke, Volunteer Services. For further information about the Gymboree program or to volunteer with the H&R MFRC, please contact 427-7788 or 720-1885. Volunteer Recognition for MFRC and PSP Volunteers is coming up on May 1. Sponsored by SISIP, the event features Laura Earl and her one-woman show “I’m an Army Wife, Now What?” Yolande Mason & Associates Relocation Specialists Serving the Halifax Region Sako Industrial Supply Authorized Citra Blast Agent 902-435-3594 Supporting the Troops Service in English or French A Dedicated Team Working for You. Why settle for less? For availability, call Marty or Stephanie 430-9336 Fax 462-1990 We’re looking for a few good agents... Retiring? Consider a career in Real Estate Join us for one of our Real Estate Workshops For those who are serious about success Register today 471-3296 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 enfant de famille non-militaire. Bienvenue Bébé Ce programme s’adresse aux mamans attendant un enfant ou aux nouveaux parents d’enfants de 0 à 24 mois. Une infirmière francophone de Capital Health est sur place pour peser votre bébé et disponible pour répondre à toutes vos questions. C’est une excellente occasion de partager vos expériences. Les jeudis 10 avril, 8 mai et 12 juin. De 9h30 à 11h30. Aucune inscription n’est requise. Coût: 1$ par enfant de famille mili 2$ par enfant de famille non-militaire. Soirée francophone (soirée de filles) Joignez-vous à nous pour une sortie au restaurant le dernier vendredi du mois. Plaisir et rire garanti. Notre prochain souper aura lieu vendredi le 25 avril. Coût: chaque participante défraie le coût de son souper. Soirée familiale francophone à la maison des jeunes Suite au succès de notre dernière activité, la Maison des Jeunes ouvre de nouveau ses portes à toutes les familles francophones vendredi le 11 avril de 18h à 20h30 . Ouvert à toute la famille. 15 Dernière heure... dernière heure... dernière heure... dernière heure... Le magasin Wal-Mart Dartmouth Crossing offre maintenant une bonne variété de disques compacts en français. A venir aussi sous peu... magazines, DVD et cartes de souhaits. Besoin d’un petit répit... Afternoon programs: 1 to 4 p.m. French Immersion for three to five years olds Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Francophone for three to five year olds Tuesday and Thursday. We provide an active program with stimulating activities and an environment which is designed to enhance all areas of child development. We offer age appropriate toys and equipment, arts & crafts, outdoor activities, field trip and special events. Fee: Three day programs $95/month and two day programs $75/month. For more information please contact Deanna Ritchie 720-2004. Un service de halte-garderie est offert du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et en après-midi, de 13h à 16h, le lundi, mercredi et vendredi. Le tarif est de 3$/ heure pour 1 enfant et 1.50$/heure par enfant supplémentaire d’une même famille. Il est New Baby recommandé de réserver votre place If you are expecting a child or are à l’avance. a parent with children aged birth to 24 months, this program offers you Programming for children an opportunity to get together with other parents and parents-to-be to Preschool Registration socialize and discuss issues related to Registration for the Part Day parenting an infant. Bring your chilPreschool Program at Shearwater dren and have an opportunity to get Children’s Centre will be on Mon- together on a regular basis. Fridays day, May 12 at 8:30 a.m. (first come 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. No registration first serve basis). There are available required. Fee: Military $1/child. spaces in the following sessions: Civilian $2/child . Morning programs: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Three day English for four to Just for Me five year olds Monday, Wednesday Ages five to eight. Look at what’s and Friday. new at the H&R MFRC. Do you have Two day English for three to four a child between the ages of five to year olds Tuesday and Thursday. eight looking for something to do? We are now offering a new program where children can come together and participate in activities such as crafts, cooking, games and socializing with other children. We will meet monthly alternating between Halifax and Shearwater sites. So come on out—it’s plain to see this program is Just for Me. Saturday, May 3, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Cost: $3/military per child, $4/civilian per child. Register by Thursday, May 1. Family Movie Night are playing in the backyard with the neighbours but add some more knowledge of the game. Each month we will explore a different sport either inside or outside. May 24, 1 to 3 p.m. $2/military child, $3/civilian child. Register by 4 p.m., April 3. Parenting Using Toys to Encourage Language Come with the family to enjoy a newly released family movie, theatre style popcorn and a sweet drink. Movie to be announced. Sunday, April 27 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and Friday, May 9, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $3/person at the door, no registration required. Coming up. Facilitated by a speech language pathologist, this workshop is for parents with children birth to three years. This interactive workshop helps you to choose toys that will enhance your child’s speech and language skills. Learn some strategies to help facilitate interactions with you and your child when The Name of the Game playing with these toys. May is An introduction to house league Speech & Hearing month. sports for ages five to nine years. Do you have a child who is interParent/Caregiver ested in a sport but not sure if he or she is quite ready to join a team? Discussion Group Here’s your chance to learn about Join us for an informal discussion different sports and have fun before around whatever interests you as committing to a new team. Children caregivers and parents. Put the chilwill be introduced to various sports dren in casual care and get a little and learn how to play as a team time for you. Enjoy a cup of coffee or member and get to know the basic tea with other parents and caregivers. rules of the game. We’ll keep the Thursdays, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Regisfun in the sport that your children ter and reserve a childcare spot by Trecan Combustion Limited, the world leader in Snowmelter design and manufacturing for over 30 years is seeking to fill the following two permanent full time positions at our plant just outside Halifax, Nova Scotia. Service & Training Coordinator Service Technician Qualified persons can learn more about these two positions on line by visiting I’m on the List! Military / Relocation Expertise Savvy Internet Marketing Top Notch Negotiator Customer Service Oriented Skilled Communicator 23+ Years Experience Serving Dartmouth, Halifax and Vicinity Although we thank all applicants for their interest, only those being considered for an interview will be contacted. (902) 456-6375 16 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 noon on Wednesdays. Childcare fee: and learn some techniques and tips $5/per family. for creating beautiful pages of your photographs. Tuesday, April 15, and Youth Programming May 6, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fees: $5/military family member, $7.50/ Much Music Video Dance civilian. Casual care available $5/ Ages eight to 12. Tickets will be military family. Register and pay by available starting April 7 at the the Monday before each session. Shearwater site. To ensure you get to come to this fun dance, buy your Know Your Rights ticket in advance. Only 50 tickets will be sold at the door. Friday, May Legal Information Series 16, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Cost: $8/person. The Halifax & Region Military And lots more coming up. Check out Family Resource Centre and Boyne/ Clarke Barristers and Solicitors are presenting Legal Information Series. Adult programming The sessions will feature a presentation from a practicing lawyer who Lighthouse Circle specializes in that session’s topic. A dynamic group of women living A Halifax & Region MFRC staff the military lifestyle who support, person will also be available to dislearn and share with each other. cuss the non-legal aspects of the Come out and join us for great dis- session. Register by the Friday cussion, self-care, laughter, fun and before each session. friendship. New participants always Custody & Access: April 15. welcome. Meets bi-weekly. UpcomWills & Estates: April 22. ing sessions: April 17, May 1, 15 and Child Support: April 29. 29, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Childcare availEach session runs 6:30 to 8:30 able by registering the day before. p.m. Fee: $3/ military $6/civilian per session. Childcare: $2/child, $5/famScrapbooking ily military, $4/child or $10/family Whether you are new to this pop- civilian. (Priority will be given to ular pastime or a seasoned scrap- military families). booker, why not get together with others and share in the fun. Join us Look Who’s Cookin’ and have the opportunity to sample Calling all adults, youth and chilour scrapbooking tools and materials dren. Do you like to eat? Then you are going to love this workshop. Join us as we create a three course meal. Look Who’s Cookin’ participants work together to prepare these fabulous dishes and leave with some new recipes that are quite economical, to try at home. This sessions recipes will have youth preparing the appetizers while the adults make the entrées and the children create dessert. The best get-togethers start in the kitchen. Saturday, April 19, 1 to 4 p.m. and May 31. Fee: $10/military family member, $15/civilian family member. Childcare fee: $5/military family. Register and pay by the Wednesday before each session. Facilitation Training Looking to add to your list of employable skills or to gain a new approach to your existing facilitation style? This workshop guarantees an interactive and fun approach to Behavioural Style Facilitation. In a five week program, with a maximum of 12 classroom hours, you will work one on one with a trained facilitator and within a group framework that is designed to guide you through a reflective, theory based, creative process that will assist you in developing the skills that are required to successfully design and facilitate a workshop of your own. Wednesdays, April 30 until May 28, SEE THE BEAUTY. FEEL THE HISTORY. 6 to 9 p.m. Registration deadline: May 2, May 16 and May 30. ChangApril 28. Spaces are limited, register ing course: Separation and Divorce, early. Fee: $50. May 6 and 13. Changing Course: New Families Blending Together, May 20 and 27. Changing Course: Kids Korner Families Coping When They Experience Losses, June 3 and 10. Consignment Sale Don’t miss out, come early as items go quickly. Lots of great gen- Craft N’ Chat tly used items at great prices. You’ll Are you crafty? We’ll meet for an find everything from infant wear to evening of social and crafting time. children’s size 16, toys, strollers, Participants are urged to bring in a books, games, skates, and much craft on which they are working and more. Consigner spaces limited so possibly share new ideas and tips register early. Saturday May 3, 10 with each other. Bring any craft and a.m. to 12 noon. Shearwater MFRC enjoy the company of fellow crafters. gym, Hampton Gray Building. Cost: Tuesday, May 6, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $2 $2 (children free). drop in fee. Changing Course—when change affects your family Thrive when faced with life’s challenges. This series will look at how families grow, adapt and change together. We will explore both the feelings that we experience and some coping strategies when faced with separation and divorce, new families blending together, and grief and loss in your family. Each topic will be covered in two sessions. Join us for one or all topics. Registration for each topic will be $5/family, $3/person. Casual child care available for $3/child per session, please register by the Friday before each topic on Ages and Stages: Child Development (five to 12 yrs of age) In this program we will touch base on some milestones such as; self-confidence, children’s worlds beyond home, friendships, independence, privacy, responsibilities, reading, writing, gender, feelings, and hormonal changes. We will explore games and activities you can do to supporting their development and still be a cool parent/caregiver. Saturday, May 24, 10 to 3 p.m. $10/military family, $15/nonmilitary family. Register and pay by May 21 at 4 p.m. ING Imagine WINN! K this TRUurC in win to w chan ce to ance your ch forr yo mee fo witithh m mee w hom BBuy uy aa ho ** with Carnival Cruises There are more ways than ever to experience Europe aboard a Carnival cruise! Right now, you can book a Mediterranean, Greece and Turkey, or Northern Europe cruise aboard a fabulous "Fun Ship". Experience Europe the Carnival way! Are you being posted to Ottawa? Make calling me your first move. Your one stop resource for Ottawa real estate. Europe Cruise Book a Carnival and el with Sears Trav l Receive Specia ! ricesg. Military9' P when bookin † Call or email me today to start receiving all listings that match your needs. Be informed about the market before you arrive here. Richard Cook Quote 'Agent9 Ask about our Exclusive Payment Options* or Collect Valuable Sears Club or Colours Points to use towards your next vacation** Sears Travel, Halifax Shopping Centre (902) 454-7443 • Toll-free 1 (888) 307-6233 Sears Travel, Penhorn Mall, Dartmouth (902) 463-1690 • Toll-free 1 (888) 307-6311 *See Sears Travel for current promotion details. **Purchases made on the Sears Card will receive Sears Club Points and purchases made on the Sears MasterCard will receive Colours Points when finance option is not chosen. Sears Club Points do not apply to taxes. See Sears Travel for complete details, terms & conditions. †Valid on new Carnival Cruise bookings made by December 31, 2008. Some conditions apply. ©2008 Sears Canada Inc. d.b.a. Sears Travel Service. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under license. Sales Representative Email: Direct line: (613) 868-8926 Office: (613) 592-6400 Toll free: 1-888-757-7155 Registered with Royal Lepage Relocation Services. Award winning Realtor serving you. *For full contest rules please visit No purchase necessary. Draw date Dec 31/09. Chance of winning depends on number of entries received. The winner must successfully answer a skill testing question. Proven in the Fleet. Ready for the future. For 100 years, Canada’s Navy has safeguarded our maritime approaches. In United Nations operations from Korea to the Persian Gulf, the Navy has been the first to answer Canada’s call for defence. With a long legacy of delivering and maintaining the Halifax class combat system for Canada’s Navy, and setting the standard for combat systems worldwide, the Lockheed Martin team is ready to deliver the maritime capabilities required for the next 25 years. As a proud partner of the Canadian Navy, we’re ready for anything, including the future. 18 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 Just about that time again: Family Days 2008 Free rides for the children are part of the Family Days entertainment. By Jessica Fraser PSP Marketing Coordinator M ark your calendar for Friday, June 20 and Saturday, June 21. Canadian Forces Halifax Personnel Support Programs (PSP), on behalf of the Commander JTFA, presents the Department of National Defence (DND) Family Days, back for its 12th year with an exciting Mardi Gras theme you won’t want to miss. Family Days is an annual event, organized to thank all of the outstanding CF members, DND and non-public fund (NPF) employees and their families for their support over the past year. Retired CF members are encouraged and welcome to attend as well. Not only does the event consist of a variety of entertainment and family activities for all ages, but it also includes free rides, free draw prizes and free admission. The event will take place in the south end of the dockyard and will be filled with beads, masks, parades, carnival rides, buskers and much more all in celebration of the Mardi Gras theme. Corporate sponsor booths will join our Mardi Gras festivities adding fun and excitement to our celebration. There will be many great draw prizes for children such as the Nintendo Wii, iPods, bicycles and back by popular The Friday evening concert features the band Chilliwack. demand, the Zep booth will once again be offering free air-brush tattoos. On the Friday evening of the event, Matt Minglewood will open the Family Days concert followed by Chilliwack. The concert is open to those 19 years of age and older and will be sure to sell out with a ticket price of $20 per person. Tickets go on sale Thursday, May 1 and may be purchased until May 20 by military members only. During this time period there is a limit of four per person. Any remaining tickets available after May 20 may be purchased without restriction. Concert tickets will be available at the PSP Information Kiosk, Bldg. S-21, A Block in Stadacona, the mobile kiosks located in the dockyard (D201 Wednesday from 11:30a.m. to 1p.m. and Shearwater Fitness and Sports Centre Thursdays from 11a.m. to 1p.m. Tickets will also be for sale at the PSP Community Recreation office located at the Halifax Military Community Centre, Windsor Park. We are proud to welcome back Sobeys for the seventh consecutive year as our presenting level sponsor. We also wish to thank all of our Family Days sponsors for their generous support given to our troops, their families and the entire DND community. Watch for further details as DND Family Days approaches. The Mardi Gras celebration will not disappoint. If you have any questions please call the PSP Information Kiosk at 721-1201. TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 19 By Holly Bridges Chief of the Air Staff B ritish adventurer Hannah McKeand has become a staunch supporter of the Canadian search and rescue system after being plucked off the polar ice cap, 209 kilometres northwest of Alert, Nunavut on March 23. “The triple 4 squadron boys were amazing,” says Ms. McKeand of the team from 444 Combat Support Squadron, 5 Wing Goose Bay that rescued her. The extreme voyager set off from Ward Hunt Island, Nunavut 14 days earlier in an effort to become the first woman to ski to the North Pole. She intended to pull 120 kilograms of gear on a sled across 769 kilometres of some of the harshest environment on earth without being re-supplied over the course of her 60-day journey. Unfortunately, two weeks into the trek, she fell into a two-and-a-half metre crevasse, dislocating her shoulder and injuring her legs and lower back. “I had a bit of an emotional crisis down there and cried like a baby because I thought ‘this is it. I’m not going to make it out alive.’” After calming herself down and focusing on ways to get out of the hole, Ms. McKeand fought to free herself and after an hour was able to climb out of the crevasse, despite her injuries. It was then that she realized she would not be able to continue. “I was in a lot of pain. I had to look for a way out.” Although Ms. McKean had made arrangements for civilian aircraft to rescue her in an emergency, it became apparent a helicopter was her only way out. It was pure luck the squadron was in the area, having just finished some repairs to some communications equipment near Canadian Forces Station Alert. “She got lucky with her bad luck,” said Maj Dany Poitras, Aircraft Commander of the CH-146 Griffon helicopter that rescued her. Ms. McKeand called her team in the United Kingdom by satellite phone to ask for help and within hours heard the comforting sound of a helicopter coming over the horizon. “I heard them before I could see them,” recalled Ms. McKeand. “The unmistakable ‘thud thud thud’ of a big helicopter incoming was a really nice noise. Although I was hurt and struggling to get around, I had a good idea of when they’d be there and I had to make sure I was packed up and ready to go.” Flight engineer MCpl Brad Hiscock said the rescue went very smoothly. “You couldn’t ask for a better, more cooperative target really,” said MCpl Hiscock. “She was wearing dark clothes against the white show, she was standing up, waving her good arm. She had a yellow tent. It was the easiest rescue we’ve done in a long time.” WWW.ADVENTUREHANNAH.COM British adventurer rescued by CF in Arctic Hannah McKeand and her 120kg sled, before her Canadian Arctic solo adventure. However, there were elements that were not so easy. The squadron had just packed up its dismantled helicopters for loading inside a CC-130 Hercules for transport back to Goose Bay when the call came in from the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Trenton. The crew had to unstrap the bundled up aircraft and begin putting it back together, a job that would have normally taken two days. Knowing there was someone out there who needed help, the crew had an extra incentive to work fast. “Oh absolutely,” says helicopter maintenance technician MCpl Jason King. “You know someone else’s life is depending on your work and we also knew we were the only asset that was anywhere close to go and rescue her.” MCpl King, seven other maintainers and the entire Griffon crew put the helicopter back together in only five hours, safely, by the book and in the middle of the night, at times outside in -36˚C weather. “We can’t cut corners because our crews’ lives depend on what we do.” “At the end of the day the whole story is about the maintainers putting the aircraft back together,” said Maj Dany Poitras. “It’s not a story about the pilots. For us, it was the easiest medevac we’ve ever done since we’ve been in Goose Bay. We took off, landed, picked her up— you couldn’t ask for something easier than that. But for the maintainers, it was quite an amazing story. It was all about them.” Ms. McKeand spent a few days recuperating at CFS Alert and eventually flew out by commercial aircraft. Before she left, though, she had nothing but praise for her newfound friends at 444 CSS. “The squadron is doing really special work. I am incredibly impressed by their professionalism and their complete passion and dedication to what they’re doing. They’re national treasures.” Ms. McKeand is a highly experienced extreme adventurer, having traversed some of the world’s harshest climates and conditions—from Algeria, Libya and Afghanistan to the South Pole and the Western Desert. Congratulations to all the crew involved in the rescue— Maj Dany Poitras, Capt Nick Klus, Capt Mike Maharajh, Capt Dean Vey, Sgt Steve Marinelli, Sgt Tim Tuttle, MCpl Ian Beamer, MCpl Tony Eagles, MCpl Brad Hiscock, MCpl Jason King, Cpl Bryan Hammond, Cpl Paul Lachance, WO Jean Bergeron and Cpl Adam Sommerfeld. The Canadian Air Force employs approximately 700 people in search and rescue and has members posted at various SAR squadrons across the country. Every year, crews respond to more than 8,000 calls from people in distress. With a combined area of responsibility of 15,540,000 square kilometers (Canada’s landmass, territorial waters and mid-ocean sections of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) and the challenges of terrain and climate, search and rescue in Canada is a demanding and daunting task. Window s g n i s s e r D from concept... to completion. READYMADES April/May 2008 Fleet & Garrison 24 Ball May @ Wardroom 1800 (Tickets now on sale at 721-8644) APRIL 18 Superweeper @ Wardroom 1730 Seamless Sheers Large Selection of Readymade Drapes in Stock Now Only Starting at TERGAL $ 9.99/yd Reg. $19.99/YD 30-50% OFF $ 18.99/panel 20% OFF Custom Drapery Fabrics DND Discount From our military family to yours Additional 10% with ID Jennifer Allan INTERIORS 25 St. George’s Carvery 714 WINDMILL ROAD • 832-2572 TOLL FREE 1-877-832-2572 @ Royal Artillery Park 1900 20 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 16 Wing Borden A pril 1 marked the 84th Anniversary of the birth of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). As in previous years, 16 Wing personnel and the Air Force community in the Borden area celebrated the event with a Mess Dinner and a cake cutting ceremony, both held inside the Stedman Building. While the Mess Dinner took place on March 27, the cake cutting was held in the morning of April 1. The guest of honour for the Mess Dinner was Honorary Colonel (HCol) William (Bill) Coyle, O.Ont, MSM, who was appointed as HCol of the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering (CFSATE) in 1997. HCol Coyle has been an active member of the commercial and military aerospace community for more than 50 years. In the 1950s he was employed at AVRO Aircraft Limited in Malton, Ont., in the Experimental Flight Test Engineering Group where he acquired his early manufacturing and engineering training. He participated in design, installation and flight testing of experimental aircraft systems for the CF-105 Arrow, CF-100 Canuck, C102 Jetliner and the Avrocar research flying vehicle—AVRO’s flying saucer project. Having HCol Coyle as a guest speaker for the event was most appropriate given the fact that the theme aircraft selected for this year is none other than the famous Avro Arrow. A supersonic, twin-engine, dualseat interceptor designed and built by A.V. Roe Canada in the mid-50s, the Avro Arrow was one of the world’s most advanced airplanes in its day, considered by many to be 20 The CF-105 Arrow was to be the crowning achievement of the Canadian years ahead of its time. The Arrow aerospace industry. Here, the prototype RL201 is seen at the Arrow first flew on March 25, 1958, folroll-out ceremony at Malton, Ontario on October 4, 1957. This Aircraft lowing several years in developflew 25.5 hours before the program was cancelled, the most hours of ment. The Arrow program was the six prototypes. unique in that the prototype was built using the same tools and rigs practice of building flight-test pro- be started immediately following that were to be used on production totypes by hand. In addition, it flight test acceptance of the design. aircraft, eliminating the expensive meant that the production run could The Arrow was built to provide CF PHOTO FC RCAF birthday celebrates Avro Arrow Canada and NORAD with the most advanced air defence fighter in the world. The aircraft was a very clean design and many of its features were copied on other North Americanmade fighters, including today’s F22 Raptor. Sadly, the Arrow would never see service with RCAF squadrons. Plagued by drastically increasing costs, the Arrow program was officially cancelled by the Diefenbaker government on February 20, 1959—Black Friday for thousands of A.V. Roe Canada employees. By the time the program was terminated, five of the six completed prototypes had flown a total of 70.5 hours. During the test flights, the Arrow had flown at Mach 1.96 and up to 50,000 feet, results that are still impressive by today’s standard of fighter aircraft design. One can only imagine what performance the Arrow would have achieved had it been allowed to fly with the even more powerful Orenda Iroquois engines. Living actively: Choose balance, not extremes By Harold White Health Promotion Manager I n today’s society, 60 percent of Canadians are considered to be sedentary. There is often much debate around why adherence to fitness programs is low. Many people enter into activity with a focus on performance, rather than on health. While performance goals are not in and of themselves negative, they are not sustaining enough for most people to remain active over the course of their lifetime. Research has shown that the physiological benefits of physical activity can only be stored for a period of five days without further activity. As such, we have a very short period where we cannot be active and still hold our fitness benefits. From this we can see how important consistency is in acquiring and maintaining health benefits from living an active lifestyle. Research and experience also indicate that adherence to an active lifestyle is best achieved by avoiding extremes in any of the fitness parameters such as the duration, intensity and frequency of any activity. We may know people who, at some point in their lives, were performing a lifetime of running in a few years and today are physically inactive. If that passion and enthusiasm had been spread out over a longer period of time, these people would still be experiencing health benefits today. Mr. Don’s Personal Horoscope Readings Computerized Astrology Readings “Get in tune with your future now” 10% DND DISCOUNT Call Mr. Don today Phone: 445-4162 Cell:401-0303 Email: Military Pay Growing Forward Attention Please!.. Less than Down Payment as low as Bank Cash back Sweat Equity PST Rebate $827.00/month $799.00 $8,000.00 $4000.00 $1,500.00 (FTB) Personal Growth Services Amy McNaughton “0” Downpayment OAC Larry Foran Network Realty Services Inc. MLS 830-0125 RNCP - RSNA Certified CODE Model Coach™ Omega Health Associate (902) 832-9332 Because of the limited time that fitness and health benefits can be stored, however, these once very fit people are now at the same risk for heart disease and other health concerns as those who were never active. Another important point is that many people do not realize that there is a significant difference between living actively for health benefits versus performance. The exercise prescriptions for each category will look very different. An athlete, by common measure of fitness evaluations, may be classified as being very fit. But, because of an injury, he or she may not be classified as healthy. Basic health is the foundation on which performance can be built. Through over-training and inadequate nutrition, however, some athletes have jeopardized their health in order to become more fit. For most people, sport performance ends, but the maintenance of our health never loses its importance. As stated by Dr. Larry Holt, retired professor, School of Health and Human Performance, Dalhousie University, “moderation is never sexy.” It is very difficult to market in these times of excess and more is better attitudes. With regard to health, research TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 has shown that moderate levels of activity reap the greatest sustainable health gains. For the large majority of the population, lifestyle practices barely support enough time for three activity sessions each week. Trying to do more than this is unrealistic for most. To help with sustainability over the longterm, one suggestion is to avoid extremes. Doing too much activity or too much of the same type of activity often leads to injury; a key factor in the inability to experience long-term adherence. Many people have been too ambitious or too routine with their activities and, subsequently, experience the start and stop cycle that eventually just becomes a total stop. Once again, when we are prevented from living actively due to an injury, our health benefits become compromised. Too much activity causes us to reach a point of diminishing returns from our efforts. Based on exercise physiology, we can only train the soft tissues of the body up to the maximum point of their ability to recover from the training stimulus. Going beyond our ability to recover is no longer health-producing. Preparing for extreme events such as marathons and long distance triathlons requires the human body and, in many cases, a person’s lifestyle to become unbalanced. As a result, our holistic health (i.e., mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical) is often jeopardized. With the majority of the population over the age of 50, being moderately physically active is the only option for 21 safety and health benefits. With our younger populations, on the other hand, there may not be a good vision of what it means to live actively. Many people, for example, think fitness only happens in a gym or running club. Going for a walk, swimming in the lake during the summer, and using the playground as a family can also deliver great holistic health benefits. When we live actively for health, we are automatically signing up for the long haul. In the workplace and other areas of our lives, we need to guard against burnout. With living actively, the same concept applies. Extreme workouts and events place us at greater risk for shortening our active lifestyles. As the old saying goes, “The race is not to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” This can also apply when approaching an active lifestyle. For all those who have participated in marathons, triathlons and other long-distance events, congratulations. Just ensure that you still have the passion and enthusiasm for remaining on the life-long journey of health. It is a known physiological fact that fitness benefits can be stored for approximately five days. We will, therefore, have to be active on a regular although moderate basis. Moderation is still where all the benefits are. So the next time we think about doing the extremes, we should pause and reflect on what it might cost us in the long run of our health and wellness journey. There is no one event worth being totally inactive for later. COME TO WORSHIP Chicken Biryani from the Persian Gulf Stoney’s Kitchen By CPO2 Paul Stonier T he first time I had this Chicken Biryani dish was in the Persian Gulf. It was excellent. I bought a box of biryani spice at the spice souk in Muttrah, Oman and used it when I got home. It wasn’t anything like the dish I tried at a restaurant. I can’t recall if I’ve ever described the spice souk in Muttrah but it is truly wondrous place. There must be a mile or two of covered alleyways with dozens of spice and grocery stores around every corner. You can buy any spice imaginable and they all come in big bags or cartons. One spice trader with whom I dealt had small barrels of saffron. I bought a special blend of spices that the spice trader called Omani spice. It had a spicy curry flavour with some undertones of something I couldn’t pick out. It is a very nice flavour though. Years later I had a meal in an Ethiopian restaurant and immediately recognized the flavour of the Omani spice in the dish I was eating. I asked my server what it was called and she told me I couldn’t get that spice in Canada. When I told her I had some she didn’t believe me. I can’t remember the name that she had for it but I couldn’t pronounce it anyway. Our server had quite a laugh at my expense as I tried to copy her pronunciation. I’ve since used all the Omani/Ethiopian spice that I had but I recently stumbled on a recipe for Biryani paste and a method for making Chicken Biryani. The Biryani paste is the key to making this most delectable Indian dish. It is very flavourful but not overly spicy. According to my sources Biryani is made as a special dish and having served it to guests, I can see why. It is made with saffron rice and is very rich tasting. Biryani Paste: 2 T Turmeric 1 T cumin seed 1 T coriander seed 1T cardamom seed 1 T chili 1 T finely chopped garlic 1 tsp cinnamon 3 T oil Chicken Biryani 8 chicken thighs. Skins removed 4 T garlic 2 tsp ginger 2 large onions 1 large can diced tomatoes 1/2 lb butter (one half pound) 2 cups long grain rice 1-2 litres chicken stock 1/2 tsp saffron (one half teaspoon) 1 - cinnamon stick 1/2 tsp cloves (one half teaspoon) Start by making the Biryani paste. Heat the oil in a small saucepan. Grind all the spices together except for the garlic. Add the spices to the heated oil and add the garlic. Stir and heat until a paste is formed. The idea is to mix the spices well and bring out the oil in the various spices, not to sauté the spices. Add a little more oil if necessary. Remove the Biryani paste from the heat and set aside. Any leftover paste can be kept in the fridge for a few weeks. Wash and soak the rice in clean water. Melt the butter in a small saucepan to make Ghee. Ghee is clarified butter. Once the Michael Connors REALTOR Toll-free: 866-660-MIKE (6453) butter is melted pour off the clarified butter and leave the milk solids behind. Discard the milk solids. In a large frying pan add a few tablespoons of the Ghee. Coarsely chop one onion and add it to the frying pan. Add two tablespoons of the garlic and add the ginger. Sauté until tender. Add the chicken to the pan and cook the chicken browning on both sides. Start adding some Biryani paste to the chicken. Stir and check for taste. Add some more biryani paste until you have the desired flavour. Add the tomatoes and simmer for a few minutes. Check for flavour and add some more Biryani paste. In another pot, caramelize the onions and garlic in about 4 tablespoons of Ghee. Add the saffron, cloves and cinnamon stick. Add the rice and stir cooking on low heat for a while. Divide the rice mixture in half. Place half on the bottom of a pot. Top the rice up with the chicken stock. Place the meat mixture over top of the rice. Cover the meat with the remaining rice and top off with chicken stock. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover reduce the heat to low and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the pot from the stove. Serve directly from the pot or carefully turn the Biryani out onto a platter. If you’ve done it correctly it will keep the shape of the pot. This looks really great when served. The flavours are fantastic and rich. This recipe is not spicy so if you desire more heat add extra chili to the Biryani paste. You can also use hot chili oil when making the paste and this will boost the heat. This recipe takes a bit of work but it is worth it. If you’re looking for a dish that will impress your friends, this is the one to try. Although there are many steps it will turn out great every time. You can make the Biryani paste ahead of time and keep it in the fridge. It tastes so great you’ll find plenty of other uses for it as well. ® Welcome to Comox! Serving DND clients since 1993 • With you for the long term • RRSPs, RRIFs, RESPs • Retirement and Estate Planning SUNDAYS AT CF CHAPELS St. Brendan’s, Stadacona Sunday Worship 1015 – French Catholic Mass 1115 – English Catholic Mass - Lt(N) Jean-François Petitpas 1130 Friday – Ecumenical Service of Remembrance & Prayer For information – 721-8660 Shearwater Chapel, Shearwater Sunday Worship 0945 hrs – R.C. Mass - LCdr Gabriel Mensah 1115 hrs – Protestant Worship - Capt Bruce Murray 1130 hrs – Weekday R.C. Mass – Tues,Wed,Thurs & Fri For information – 720-1441 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Protestant Communion – First Sunday of each month Baptisms & Marriages – By appointment “It is a good thing to go to the house of the Lord.” Planning a House Hunting Trip? Save thousands on your next home or I’ll pay you $1,000 at closing! I guarantee—in writing, to save you at least $3,500 off the MLS price or at closing I’ll pay you $1,000!* *Due to BCREA agency regulations some conditions may apply. Call the toll-free number below for a pre-recorded message explaining how to request more information and to get your FREE reports,“Avoid These 6 Common Buyer’s Mistakes” and “Moving Tips for a Smoother Move”. Speak to no agent at this number.We can also arrange local financing and set you up for daily property updates to make your move easier and save you even more money. Welcome to the beautiful Comox Valley. Call now... Brice Guérin, President Money Concepts, Dartmouth Service en français. 175 Main St., Suite 204 Dartmouth, NS B2X 1S1 Call (902) 463-6063 Recorded info: 800-409-1485 enter #203 or email for your no cost, no obligation consultation. Affiliated with National Financial Insurance Agency Inc. 22 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 FOR SALE ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE: Wheaton’s pine corner entertainment centre, 39"W x 66"H x 27"D and two side storage units, four shelves, 20"W x 52"H x 13"D $850. Call 229-9111 or 499-2986. Classifieds WINE & BREW FRIDGE: Whirlpool Designer Style side-by-side white fridge, 32 7/8"W x 66 1/4"H x 31 1/2"D. $250. Call 229-9111or 4992986. BARBECUE: Centro electric patio barbecue, silver dome with black pedestal base. Cost $200 new, used only once. $90 Call 2299111 or 499-2986 Come in and check out our selection: • En Premier • Cru Select • Cellar Classic • Grand Cru • Vino del Vida • Heritage • Brew House 5528 Kaye St., Halifax 454-UBRU(8278) Toll Free - 1-866-454-8278 1998 PONTIAC TRANSPORT: Blown head gasket, it is in good condition otherwise. Asking $400 OBO. Call 434-9682. (Across from the Hydrostone Market) COMICS BUFFET CHAMPION FLUTE: Made in England complete with case. Asking $300 OBO. Call 4349682. XBOX GAMES: Grand Theft Auto III, Halo 2, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, Project Gotham Racing, Simpsons: Hit & Run. $5 each. Contact 453-5230 or ACTION FIGURE FAN COMIC: Free online comic featuring GI Joe and Star Wars action figures. This could have been your FREE 25 word classified ad ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY REALTY POSTED TO VICTORIA, BC? Get MLS listings automatically. Danielle Desjardins Newport Realty (250) 385-2033, Helping military personnel relocate since 1990. Je parle français. BANKRUPT? BAD CREDIT? Are you looking for a mortgage? We may be able to help make your dream of home ownership a reality. At very competitive rates. Call George at City Street Realty 8262261 for a no cost, no obligation credit assessment. FREE SPECIAL REPORT FOR HOME SELLERS: 29 essential tips that get homes sold fast (and for top dollar). Order your free special report from Realtor® Daniel Cyr at (902) 830-4081 or TRANSFERRED TO GREENWOOD? Call Darrell Rozee of Century 21 Acclaim. (902) 765-9974 or 1-800-565-9994. DND-IRP approved. Visit for information. 95 MAPLEWOOD DRIVE: Timberlea. Full size split-entry, 4 bedroom, 1.5 baths. 179.900. Call Bob Angus today 876-1015. How do you capture the ATTENTION of the area’s most attractive market? You can reach one third of HRM’s population with one publication OnGuard, the Canadian Forces in Halifax Regional Municipality 2009/2010 Informational Directory and Shopping Guide. Call and book your advertising space today. Dave MacNeil 435-4977 Alan Minasian 405-0435 97 GREENDALE CRT: $205,000. Immaculate 3 bedroom home, 1 1/2 baths, great yard, and ready to just move in. Call Bob Angus today 876-1015. FOR RENT FULLY-FURNISHED APARTMENT: In restored heritage townhouse near dockyard, and steps from downtown Halifax. Rent is within I.R. Guidelines and includes cable, wireless highspeed internet, parking. Call 8301955. KINGSTON: Completely furnished home. Includes all utilities (phone, parking, maid and yard service, etc.) 15 mins from CFB base. Perfect for IR members. $1,700/ month. Call (250) 4836513. BRICKYARD: A 1500 square foot, 2 bedroom condominium at the Brickyard located on the corner of Cornwallis and Brunswick. This beautiful new condo is adjacent to downtown, less than 2 minutes from Dockyard and 5 minutes from Stadacona. The rent includes condo fees, one parking space and stainless steel appliances. Please contact 877-5489 or email for a brochure that provides more details. Contact us: Do you have any items to sell that are under $2,000? Why not place a classified ad. They are FREE for all DND personnel. All real estate and business ads subject to a $9 charge. We take Debit, Master Card, Visa and AmEx! Phone: 427-4237 Fax: 427-4238 Email: More Mcs and Macs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 28 29 30 47 48 49 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 19 20 24 21 25 26 27 31 32 34 33 35 36 37 39 40 38 41 42 43 44 45 50 51 52 53 54 55 ACROSS 1 Pundit Dalton 5 Slop or milk follower 9 Shy 12 East Indian nurse 13 Killer whale 14 Grow old 15 Midge 16 Prophet 17 Mortal sin 18 MacNeil, for one 20 Ball teams 22 They’re hosted 25 Wrongdoing 26 Some Herrs 27 Groaner? 28 Word before humbug 31 Rower Mc 32 Dashed 33 PC Keyboard letters 34 Devotee 35 Mire 36 Sub. detector 37 A kind of repository 38 Explorer Mac 39 Suffragette Mac 42 Equestrian sport 43 Boat propeller 44 Ogle 46 Some autos 50 Scrap 51 Indian city 52 A kind of dancer 53 Casual greetings 54 Grammatical term 55 Embraces H O P U N I T F A W N O R R N E R O A N O A R E I N D E E R S T E P N O G O O D S T E S S L M O I N O S E A W R Y A I E B B E L A T E A A N T S A A C E S O L A O P E Y A K N W R E A L E R C A B K O A S O P R I A M B I I A T E T I O L I T H A R N T M N L O Y A L A O I S L E March 24th answers 46 DOWN 1 Engine part 2 Friend en Francais 3 Place or door follower 4 Evangelist Mc 5 Puts in the mail 6 District 7 Hockey or curling surface 8 Boxer Mc 9 Food family Mc 10 Troll 11 Biblical affirmatives 19 It is, condensed 21 Accepted 22 _____ Desert 23 Plains Indians 24 State, in St Foy 25 Take rays 27 Gentleman’s digs 28 Nth in autos? 29 Jai _____ 30 Opposite of there 32 Groove 33 Politician Mc 35 Book publisher Mac 36 Salt in St. Paul 37 Det. 38 Holy book 39 Fictional bear 40 _____ Kari 41 They may be martial or applied 42 South American Nation 45 Self 47 French coin 48 Future chick 49 Computing letters TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 23 Golf Club Junior Program tees off for 2008 By Paul O’Boyle Hartlen Point Forces Golf Club Junior Program Chairman T he Hartlen Point Junior Golf Program is gearing up for another great season. The program, which is available to all junior members at Hartlen Point, consists of two open scramble tournaments at the beginning of the season followed by a series of clinics held each Tuesday afternoon through July and August. The clinics, which are presented by our Certified Teaching Professional, Marc Jessome, are designed for beginner and intermediate skill level players and cover the basic elements of the game such as grip, aim, stance, short game strategy, and course management. Again this year we will be inviting the NSGA Junior Development Coordinator, LPGA Professional Leigh Ann Jeffcock to attend one of the clinics to put on a Future Links demonstration and skills completion. In July, two mixed tournaments are scheduled in which juniors members are teamed up with players from the other divisions, (Ladies, Men’s and Seniors’) to play scramble formats with modified scoring to give everyone a chance at prizes, and finally in August we will end the program with our Junior Club Championship. Played over two days, this is the high point of the season for our junior members in which they get the chance to show the progress made throughout the year. Junior membership at Hartlen Point is limited to those who have reached their 10th birthday by May 1, and not reached their 19th birthday by June 1 of the current year, and is open to all dependent children of serving members of the CF, dependents of current members of the golf course and the grandchildren of current members of the golf course, and dependents of DND/ NPF employees. If you would like more information about Hartlen Point and the fee schedule for junior golfers please visit our web site at The Hartlen Point Junior Golf Program has planned a busy season for 2008. BLAKE PATTERSON, TRIDENT STAFF Taking your fitness and health to the next level Fit Forces By Meghan Kelly PSP Fitness & Sports Instructor I f you’re interested in taking your fitness and health to the next level try Stadplex’s new extreme biking class. With stability and medicine ball exercises incorporated into the class, you will be working on all components of fitness and challenging your body to the extreme. All military, DND and NPF employees are encouraged to come out. The classes are filling up fast so sign up at the front desk at Stadplex’s Sports and Fitness Center. Extreme biking will go on for the next four weeks every Tuesday and Thursday 12:1512:45. Please call 721-8411 for The Navy Extreme classes are a fun and fast-paced fitness workout. more information. The Fleet Fitness and Sports Center will be offering a Navy Extreme class starting April 2 every Monday and Wednesday from 12:10-12:40 pm, for all military, DND and NPF employees. This will be a fun, highpaced 30 minute workout leaving you energized and ready to take on the day. Are you looking for that extra push in your workouts to help you pass your EXPRES test? Shearwater Gym is offering a class called Forces and Motion every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:4512:45. This class is specially tailored to assist you to achieve your required standards as well as personal goals. From circuit training, to biking, with practice timed runs, and a welcoming attitude, Forces in Motion will ensure that you want to keep coming long after you have achieved your fitness goals. On the sports side of things, Small Base Hockey was a successful action packed three days from March 14 to 17 in Shearwater. The Atlantic Regional Curling was hosted by Shearwater at the Windsor Park Curling Club. The Fleet will host Atlantic Regional Bowling at Stadacona Fitness and Sports Center. Both these events took place from March 30 to April 2. Watch for an upcoming article with more information about the Formation Sports Awards Breakfast being held in Shearwater in May. Newport Realty • Successfully selling residential 250-385-2033 real estate since 1990. • Extensive client network and relocation service (Military, RCMP and Corporate). • Je parle français. Posted to Ottawa on IR? Don’t want to spend your posting in a hotel? There is a solution that is affordable and worry-free for your entire stay. Experience life in the nation’s capital in a new condo in central Ottawa with a great view, access to everything you need and space to entertain family and friends. Owner is a member of the CF Phone: (613) 248-1814 Email: Welcome home to CAP REIT Apartment Rentals 20 - 80 Charlotte Lane (Ocean Brook Park) Welcoming and spacious bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom suites with magnificent Bedford Basin views! Across from Fishermen’s Market, close to Bayers Lake and just off the Bedford Highway. Located on bus routes 80, 81 and 82. (902) 404-4440 For other quality apartment rentals in Halifax and across Canada, please visit: w w w. c a p re n t . c o m $20 donation to GCWCC/United Way L SPECIA with all DND member’s Inspections. Are you aware you are 100% re-inbursed for a pre-sale inspection? Call now, save $$ on the sale of your existing home by having it inspected before selling! 902-877-1313 24 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 CISM Triathlon selection camp 2008 By LCdr Jason Lawton CF Triathlon Program Development Coordinator, CISM Manager CF Triathlon Events C Male ISM Triathlon will be holding a selection camp in conjunction with the US Armed Forces Triathlon Championships at Point Mugu, California from May 28 to June 1, 2008. The intention of the Camp is to invite up to 20 CF athletes who display the potential to contend for 12 spots and compete at the CISM Triathlon World Championships in Estonia on June 15, 2008. As a result, CISM Triathlon is looking for athletes who have met the following standards to attend the camp. The run and swim time trial times must have been completed in 2008 and are the minimum standards to be considered for the camp. The past race results must have been achieved within the past two years and are not mandatory but will aid Male Female Female Open Masters Open Masters Age <40 Age >40 Age <35 Age >35 (4 spots) (2 spots) (4 spots) (2 spots) 1500m Swim Time Trial 25:00 28:00 27:00 30:00 5 Km Run Time Trial 19:30 20:30 23:00 24:30 Past Race Results (Olympic Distance) 2:15:30 2:20:00 2:29:00 Note: Age is based on date of 31 December 2008. in selection from the athletes who meet the swim and run times. Swim and run times must have been achieved at an officially sanctioned event or facilitated by PSP staff or other CF Triathlon approved person. All athletes who meet these requirements are to send via email to their respective Regional Director (see below) via email with the following items met NLT April 2:35:00 28, 2008: mation to be provided as follows: 1. Results of time trial with cona. Service number. firmation from local PSP staff or b. Rank. Regional Director; c. Full name. 2. Approval from Chain of Comd. Date of birth. mand to attend the Camp (May 28 e. Place of birth. to to 1 June 1, 08) and World Chamf. Passport number. pionships (June 10 to 17, 2008); g. Passport expiry date. 3. Passport updated with expiry h. Unit. date no earlier than January 2009; i. Home telephone number. 4. Visit Clearance Request inforj. Work telephone number. 5. Equipment requirements: a. Bike specifications IAW International Triathlon Union draft racing rules. b. Wetsuit. This Camp is Temporary Duty (TD) and all TD Costs will be borne by the CISM Triathlon Program. Athletes will be notified by May 2 as to whether they are invited to the camp. If they have any questions, athletes are to contact regional directors as follows: East (NL, NS, NB, PEI): Lt(N) Galbraith at Galbraith.HR@forces Central (ON and PQ): Lt(N) Ouellet at RMC: Lt(N) Davies at Trevor West (MB, SASK, AB, BC, NWT, Yukon, Nunavut: Lt(N) Roy at International: LCdr Lawton at Le camp de sélection CISM 2008 Par LCdr Jason Lawton L e programme de triathlon CISM tiendra un camp de sélection en collaboration avec l’Armée américaine durant leur Championnat à Point Mugu, Californie du 28 mai au 01 juin 2008. Le programme de triathlon CISM a l’intention d’invité un maximum de 20 Athlètes qui démontre certaines aptitudes pour former un contingent de 12 athlètes donc le but est de participer au Championnat du Monde Militaire de Triathlon en Estonie le 15 juin 2008. Pour atteindre nos objectifs, le programme CISM recherche des athlètes qui peuvent rencontrer les standards établit par le comité. Le temps de course et de nage doivent être enregistré durant l’année 2008 et rencontrer les standards minimums du CISM pour être invité au camp. Les résultats de vos courses précédentes ne seront pas considérés si elles ont été complétées dans d’une période excédant 2 ans et ne j. Numéro de téléphone au travail. 5. Équipement requis : a. Configuration du bicycle qui Événements Homme Homme Femme Femme respecte les règlements de Union International de Triathlon (ITU). Ouvert Maitre Ouvert Maitre b. Combinaison de nage avec Age <40 Age >40 Age <35 Age >35 manche longue. (4 spots) (2 spots) (4 spots) (2 spots) Ce camp est un devoir temporaire (TD) et tous les coûts son couvert 1500m Nage temps chronométré 25:00 28:00 27:00 30:00 par le Programme de Triathlon 5 Km Course Temps chronométré 19:30 20:30 23:00 24:30 CISM. Les athlètes seront avisés au Résultats de course (Distance Olympique) 2:15:30 2:20:00 2:29:00 2:35:00 plus tard le 2 mars 2008 s’ils sont invités au camp de sélection. Note: Age is based on date of 31 December 2008. Si, il y a des questions, l’athlète doit contacter les entraîneurs sont pas nécessairement obliga- al avec les informations suivantes vier 2009. régionaux suivants : toires pour la sélection des athlètes au plus tard le 28 avril 2008 : 4. Fournir renseignements pour Est. (TN, NÉ, NB, IPE) – Lt(N) qui ont atteint les standards de 1. Résultat de vos temps demande de Visite comme suit : Heather Galbraith Galbraith.HR@ temps pour la course et la nage. Les chronométrés avec confirmation a. Numéro de service. temps de courses et de nage doivent du personnel PSP ou de l’enb. Rang. Centrale (ON et QC) – Capt Michel être officiellement reconnus durant traîneur Régional. c. Nom complet. Ouellet une course sanctionnés ou super2. Approbation de votre chaîne de d. Date de naissance. CMR – Lt(N) Trevor Davies visé et approuvé par le personnel de commandement pour une participae. Lieu de naissance. PSP ou par un membre du pro- tion au camp (28 mai- 01 juin 2008) f. Numéro de passeport. Ouest (MB, SASK, AB, CB, TNO, gramme de triathlon des Forces. et Championnat du monde (10 juing. Date d’expiration du passeport. Yukon, Nunavut) – Lt(N) Roy Tous les athlètes qui rencontrent 16 juin 2008). h. Unité. ces standards peuvent envoyer un 3. Passeport à jour avec date d’exi. Numéro de téléphone à Internationale – LCdr Lawton courriel à leur représentant région- piration et date valable jusqu’en jan- la maison. CF Triathlon Posted to OTTAWA? FREE Relocation kit 512 Parkland Drive, Clayton Park $174,900 42 Shelby Drive, Hammonds Plains $232,900 Emmanuella Symeonaki (902) 877-5489 You will receive: • Your FREE GPS gift certificate • City maps • School information • Local information • Ottawa Book of Everything • Average price by neighbourhood stats Michel Brissette Jean Richer Broker of Record Salesperson • Inventory of new homes available now Organized HHT, approved suppliers to DNDIRP Program Toll Free: 877-606-5300 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 25 Nijmegen marchers pound the pavement LS VERENA ARSSENAULT By MS Patrick Lavigne CFNES Instructor I t’s that time of year again, and the Nijmegen hopefuls have started hitting the pavement for the 12th time in MARLANT history. Each participant is working towards being selected for one of 11 positions on the MARLANT Nijmegen Marching Team. Team MARLANT and other teams from across Canada will deploy to France for a parade at Vimy Ridge, and then move on to the Netherlands for this summer’s 160 Km four day march. Lasting friendships, forged over blistered feet, chafing, and other such trials are formed over a four-month training period. Let’s not forget the incredible physical stamina that Prospective members of the 2008 MARLANT Nijmegen Marching Team have begun training for this year. will develop by walking 760 Km with 10 kilogram backpacks around the streets of Halifax. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? MARLANT has a history of fielding strong teams. This is due in part to the support of the MARLANT community and PSP. The team looks to be strong again this year and they are excited about what lies ahead. Meeting under the bridge at 6 am can make for a sleepy start to your day. When you pass the team please show your support by giving a wave or a honk. Neither rain, nor shine, nor snow, nor any other such nasty weather will be keeping the team from marching so every little show of support is appreciated. A Remarkable New Community For Everyone in Victoria BC Wanna buy a house? ® MOVING TO OR FROM NOVA SCOTIA? Beautiful beaches, honest people, and the best darn seafood in the world. It is my pleasure to facilitate the purchase or sale of your home. Jane Wile B.Sc. REALTOR® (902) 478-8002 16 Now Selling TOWNHOMES Starting at $359,900 The Pointe at SunRiver Estates The Best Retirement Townhome Value on Vancouver Island! Maintenance Free Living. 7 Breathtaking acres overlooking the DeMemiel Creek. Occupancy Summer 2008. DRIVE AWAY TODAY If you have a job you could be approved! Now Releasing NEW LOTS PHASE 3A Homes from $ 359,900 Including net GST Large Lots, Large Homes, Small Prices. Prime credit 1st time buyer Bad credit Collections Divorced Discharged or not Bankruptcy Self-employed Repossession Call: (902) 864-1949 Toll free: 1-877-503-4550 350 Sackville Drive, Sackville NS WWW.HARVARDAUTO.COM Apply online on our secured website 24/7 Quality, Pride, Service Blair Watling, Newport Realty T 250.642.2233 Open Daily 11 – 4 / Closed Friday Beautifully Spacious West Coast Design BuiltGreenTM by Award Winning Città Group 5 New Showhomes Open for Viewing! Turn right after Sooke River Bridge onto Phillips Road. First set of lights at the red lighthouse. Sooke, BC 26 TRIDENT, APRIL 7, 2008 Final ends key to Intersection curling finals BLAKE PATTERSON, TRIDENT STAFF By Blake Patterson Trident staff T he final games of the Formation Halifax Intersection curling league were played March 25 at the curling rink in Windsor Park. MOG5/ FMFCS won the A division and FCE won the B division finals. In the A division final, MOG5/ FMFCS needed an extra end to defeat 36 CBG. MOG5 opened with two in the first end, added one in the third, another in the fifth and two in the sixth. The blue-shot team from 36 CBG responded with two in the second, one in the fourth and another in the seventh. Down 6-4 entering the eighth, 36 CBG surprised MOG5/ FMFCS by stealing two for the tie, forcing an extra end. “It was close game. It was back and forth the whole time and neither team had a clear advantage,” said MOG/FMFCS skip Denny Wilson. “We were just fortunate enough in the end to pull it out.” In the B division final, FCE appeared beaten before they stole four in the eighth to defeat FLOG 8-7. FLOG opened with two points in the first end, added two in the third and another two in the fourth to take a commanding 6-1 lead into the fifth. FCE scored one in the second, added two in the fifth and another in the seventh, but were still down 7-4 entering the final end. Needing three to tie and four to win, FCE was up to the challenge, leaving four blue stones in the house for the victory. “We thought we were just about done,” said FCE skip Mike Hollett. “We thought it was over in the seventh, but we got lucky in the eighth. FCE skip Denny Wilson puts a shot in play during finals’ action at the Intersection curling championship March 25 in Windsor Park. They missed their last shot and we came away with it.” Larry Deveau is usually skip of the FCE team, but he was away on holidays, forcing Hollett (who usually throws third) to take the helm for the championship game. Deveau had led the FCE to 12 straight wins on the INTERESTING AND VARIED EMPLOYMENT FRIENDLY AND REWARDING WORKPLACE OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT COMPETITIVE WAGES CHECK OUT COMMISSIONAIRES. We’re Canada’s premier security provider, protecting people and property from coast to coast. Our complete range of professional services offers diverse employment opportunities that integrate our highly trained people with today’s technology. We offer opportunities for training, advancement and excellent wages, with flexible full and part-time work schedules. If you’re thinking about a change, check out Commissionaires. For immediate job opportunities go to road to the final. Hollett was thrilled he could help keep the winning streak alive. “It didn’t look like we’d quite have 13, but we did, so we’re pretty lucky,” he said. The final games marked the end of the curling season at the CFB Halifax curling rink in Windsor Park and the end of another season for the Intersection curling league. The intersection league included teams from CFNES, MOG5/FMFCS, MARLANT/ DRDC, LFAA/MAC(A), 36 CBG, Shearwater, FLOG, FCE, 12 Wing HQ TIS and RCSV Atlantic. The league plays every Tuesday afternoon from the opening of the sheets in October until the facility closes in March. “It was a good time curling, every enjoyed themselves,” said MOG5/FMFCS skip Wilson. “That’s really what it’s all about in the intersection.” Posted? Marilyn and Dennis are proud to work with Military Personnel and their Families in the Halifax and Shearwater area. For Professional Service, whether buying or selling your home, contact Marilyn and Dennis and put their experience to work for you. Dennis Richards Marilyn Whitehead 902-209-6150 902-441-0501 or call 902 429 8101 today. Trident Realty Ltd. Fax 902-435-6091 Email Web page Where the good jobs meet the good life. Our way of life here on the East Coast is unbeatable. You can now match that exceptional lifestyle with an amazing career in Nova Scotia’s Continuing Care sector. We’re offering remarkable job opportunities, as well as unique incentives, educational programs, and professional development opportunities, in addition to great career advancement potential. That’s why it’s the perfect time to consider moving your health-care career to Nova Scotia: Where you truly can have it all. prescription 684060A_CNS_PresNS_Reg_TridentAd2.indd 1 3/5/08 4:23:29 PM Alexander Keith’s is a proud sponsor of the Canadian Forces Halifax Sports Program INTRODUCING TRADITIONAL LAGER. *TM/MC Keith’s Brewe ry.
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