Greenville Public Library Happenings The Newsletter of the Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, Rhode Island Newsletter Date 573 Putnam Pike, Greenville, RI 02828 / Phone: 401-949-3630 / Fax: 401-949-0530 / TDI: 1-800-745-5555 / September 2007 Sunday Hours Return EXHIBITOR OF THE MONTH The Library will resume Sunday hours on September 9. We will be open from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Ms. Elsie Collins will be displaying her Barbie Dolls and Barbie Doll Fashions. Thank You! ARTIST OF THE MONTH Several patrons donated materials in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones. Mr. Billy Gallagher will be displaying his mixed media artwork. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D'Angelo donated Rain Gardens in memory of Matther August, U.S. Army The Library will be closed on Monday, September 3 for Labor Day. Mr. Victor J. Robitaille donated The Great Reverse Mortgage and Home Care Program inside Adult Programs & News 1 Children’s Programs & News 2 Teen Talk 3 New Titles insert Library Calendar insert Thursday, September 13 from 10:00 am to 12:00 p.m. Please call the library at 949-3630 ext. 1 to register. Pyramid in memory of Dorothy M. Robitaille. Mrs. Loretta LaRoux donated Lidia's Italy in memory of Joseph LaRoux. Anna Camille Martin donated Dwelling in honor of Frances Cardillo. Michele McGrath donated 100 Classic Golf Tips in memory of Mr. Goolgasian. Mystery Book Club Tuesday, September 4 from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. The Mystery Book Homebuyers Program On Tuesday, September 18 there will representatives from Rhode Island Housing to present a Homebuyers Program. Please call Bob Silva at 457-1186 to register. Registration is required. Club will be meeting to discuss the book Danny Boy by Rhys Bowen. New members are always welcome. Container Gardening Program Saturday, September 15 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Join us to learn container gardening. Ms. Priscilla Purinton will be the instructor and will be providing the soil, plants, and containers. Space is limited so please call the library at 949-3630 ext. 1 to register. This program is free and open to the public. Medicare and Long Term Care Program Tuesday, September 25 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Call for details. The Newsletter of the Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, Rhode Island PAGE 2 Children’s Department News Congratulations to Summer Readers The Library would like to congratulate all of the children who participated in the “Get a Clue @ Your Library” Summer Reading Program. Just under 200 children from 3 1/2 – 10 registered for the program agreeing to read at least 15 minutes a day. Each week children recorded 150- 200 hours of reading time during the 7 week program! The Library would like to thank the sponsors who made the program possible this year: RI Afternoon Art Classes Office of Library and Information Services, Institute of Museum and Library Services, RI McDonald’s Restaurants, Citizens Bank Foundation, the Friends of the Greenville Public Library, the Smithfield YMCA, the Pawtucket Red Sox, Citizens Bank, and Coca-Cola. Please call the Children’s Room of the Library at 949-3630 ext. 3 for more details. Sessions will begin in October. Preregistration is required for all storytimes and may be done by phone or in person. Storytime Registration Wednesday, September 12 at 4:00 pm for ages 6 –10. Weave a little excitement into your life! Come and weave a colorful yarn basket. Children are invited to register for this craft program starting September 1. Registration for the fall series of storytimes will take place from September 24 - 29. Storytimes for children from ages 1 ½-5 ½ are scheduled on various days. A MULTI-CULTURAL ART CLASS for ages 8 and up will be starting September 5 – 26.. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm for 4 weeks. Discover artists from different cultures. Fee: $25 for 4 weeks plus a one time materials fee. Contact Adele at 401-5680748 to register or email for more information. Daytime Art Classes Adele Karbowski, artist and teacher, will be presenting a series of one hour art classes once a month for children ages 6-11, beginning September 18 at 4:00 pm. Registration is required and must be done in person. A $5.00 fee per class will be required at registration, which begins September 1. EXPLORING ART for 5 to 7 year olds will be starting September 5 – 26. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 10:30 11:30 am for 4 weeks. Fee: $20 for 4 weeks. Registration must be completed through Adele Karbowski, artist and teacher. Call 401-568-0748 or e-mail Adele at for more information. Bryant University Tutors hension skills. Please call 9493630 ext. 3 to check on availability. The Greenville Public Library and Bryant University are once again participating in a Federal Work-Study Program as part of the America Reads Challenge to provide Reading Tutors to elementary school children who would like extra help in improving their reading and compre- Basket Weaving Children’s Room Bubble Come see 12 year old Samantha Stacilauskas’ treasured horse collection in the Children’s Room bubble display case this month. These majestic miniature animals are truly amazing. . Captain Marcus’ pirate show visits the Library. T H E N E WS L E T T E R O F T H E G R E E N V I LLE P U B LI C LI B R A R Y , S MI T H F I E LD , R H O D E I S LA N D The Newsletter of the Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, Rhode Island PAGE 3 Teen Talk Go Teen Readers! It was no mystery that our teen readers would do a great job reading! “You Never Know @ Your Library” proved to be another successful summer reading program! We would like to congratulate all our teen readers. More than 70 young adults from ages 11 – 17 registered for the program Decorative Door Stop Monday, September 10 at 4:00 pm. Come to the Library and paint a block that you can use for a funky doorstop for your room. Homeschoolers’ Club The library is hoping to find a way to better serve area homeschoolers by providing agreeing to read at least 7 books over the summer. Combined, they read more than 300 books! The library would like to thank our very generous sponsors for helping to make our program so successful. Those sponsors include: the Friends of the Greenville Public Library, Greenville Paranormal Researchers, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, Newport Creamery of Smithfield, and the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services. activities for those who are older. The Homeschoolers’ Club will meet weekly on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am for ages 9 – 17. We will have an informational meeting on Wednesday, September 5 at 10:30 am for families who are interested in participating. At this meeting, we will plan what sort of activities we would like to include. Folktales Battle of the Ages Wednesday, September 19 at 4:00 pm. Where do folktales and myths come from? They are part of what defines our cultures, but no one really seems to know the source of them. Come and hear some fun folktales and help us create some of our very own. Saturday, September 22 at 11:00 am. Adults and teenagers are constantly debating whether teens or adults know more. The Library is offering a chance for each side to prove their case in a fun trivia game. Young adults ages 11 – 17 and the adults in their lives can come in and play After-School Center to Open Calling all young adults! The Baker After-School Center will be reopening on Tuesday, September 4 for those ages 1117. We have 16 computers to use for searching the Internet, accessing our on-line tutoring service or typing. There are also a number of tables available to use for group projects, to spread out with your homework, or even to play games. The AfterSchool Center will be open weekdays from 2:00 – 6:00 pm. Club Manga Graphic novels and comics have taken the world by storm. Join Club Manga and share your thoughts about this unique cartooning style and maybe even have some fun with drawing some of your own. The club will meet for the first time this school year on Monday, September 17 at 4:00 pm. a fun trivia challenge that will prove who is on top. Butt Pillows Thursday, September 27 at 4:00 pm. If you want to make a fun and comfy decoration for your room, all it takes is a spare pair of jeans. Come create a decorative pillow from some old jeans. GREENVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Domine Vescera Ragosta, President Virginia Harnois, Vice President Bruce Hallworth, Treasurer Susan Marineau, Secretary Stephen Cicilline Elaine Farley Heather Grogan Harold Hemberger Barbara Lysik Milo J. St.Angelo Dr. Julie Ip Christopher LaRoux, Director Hours: Monday - Thursday Friday & Saturday Sunday 10 am– 8 pm 10 am - 5 pm 1 pm - 5 pm Greenville Public Library 573 Putnam Pike Greenville, RI 02828 Phone: 401-949-3630 Fax: 401-949-0530 TDD: 1-800-745-5555 E-mail: In case of inclement weather, please call the library or check with WPRI (Channel 12), WNAC (Fox 64), WHJJ-AM (Talk Radio 920), WWBB-FM (B101), WHJY-FM (94.1) and WSNE-FM (Coast 93.3) for closure announcements. The Library will be closed on Monday, September 3 for Labor Day. THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER AND EMPLOYER. Greenville, RI 02828 573 Putnam Pike GREENVILLE, RI PERMIT #6 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE The Newsletter of the Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, Rhode Island Adult Fiction A Christmas Beginning Perry, Anne Air Apparent Anthony, Piers Amazing Grace Steel, Danielle Bride Island Enders, Alexandra Careful Use of Compliments: An Isabel Dalhousie Novel McCall Smith, Alexander Cleft Lessing, Doris May Cliff House Strangler Tallman, Shirley Divisadero Ondaatje, Michael Double Cross Patterson, Jame Dream When You’re Feeling Blue Berg, Elizabeth Duma Key King, Stephen Family Secrets Wall, Judith Henry Force of Nature Brockmann, Suzanne Intruders Marshall, Michael Lost Constitution Martin, William Love Kills Buchanan, Edna Mad Dash Gaffney, Patricia Murder on K Street Truman, Margaret Patrimony Foster, Alan Dean Penguin Who Knew Too Much Andrews, Donna Pepperfish Keys Wimberley, Darryl Power Play Finder, Joseph Precipice Bova, Ben Red Dahlia LaPlante, Lynda Rock Rats Bova, Ben Rules of Gentility Mullany, Janet Saturday Wife Ragen, Naomi Scots on the Rocks: Daheim, Mary Secret Servant Silva, Daniel Slightly Married Markham, Wendy Slummy Mummy Neill, Fiona Space Boy Card, Orson Scott Stone Cold Baldacci, David These Boots Weren’t Made for Walking Carlson, Melody Thursday Next: First Among Sequels Fforde, Jasper Undead and Uneasy Davidson, Mary Janice Waking with Enemies Dickey, Eric Jerome Adult Non Fiction 21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha’s Vineyard Diet Detox Deluz, Roni Age of Lincoln Burton, Orville Vernon Arco ASVAB Basics Peterson’s Arco Master the ASVAB with CDROM Ostrow, Scott A. Are We Rome?: The Fall of an Empire and the Fate of America Murphy, Cullen Beijing: From Imperial Capital to Olympic City Li, Lillian M. Blood Pressure Cure: 8 Weeks to Lower Blood Pressure Without Prescription Drugs Kowalski, Robert E. Body of Work: Meditations on Mortality from the Human Anatomy Lab Montross, Christine Breaking Back: How I Lost Everything and Won Back My Life Blake, James Connected: 24 Hours in the Global Economy Altman, Daniel Great Gluten-Free Baking: Over 80 Delicious Cakes and Bakes Blair, Louise Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business (Updated and Expanded) Levinson, Jay Conrad Hand Tool Essentials: Refine Your Power Tool Projects with Hand Tool Techniques Popular Woodworking Books Heart Like Water: Surviving Katrina and Life in Its Disaster Zone Clark, Joshua Keeping Chickens: The Essential Guide to Enjoying and Getting the Best from Chickens Hobson, J. C. Jeremy Knitty Gritty Knits: 25 Fun & Fabulous Projects Howell, Vickie Linda Applewhite’s Architectural Interiors: Transforming Your Home with Decorative Structural Elements Applewhite, Linda McGraw-Hill’s ASVAB with CDROM Wall, Janet E. Mini Mickey: The Pocket-Sized Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World Sehlinger, Bob Newport: A Lively Experiment 1639-1969 Stensrud, Rockwell Off the Record: The Press, the Government, and the War Over Anonymous Sources Pearlstine, Norman People’s Princess: Cherished Memories of Diana, Princess of Wales, from Those Who Knew Her Best King, Larry Psychic Children: Revealing the Intuitive Gifts and Hidden Abilities of Boys and Girls Browne, Sylvia Real All Americans: The Team That Changed a Game, a People, a Nation Jenkins, Sally Scuba Diving Graver, Dennis This Cold House: The Simple Science of Energy Efficiency Smith, Colin Unofficial Guide to Cruises Showker, Kay Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World (2007) Sehlinger, Bob Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World for Grown-Ups Zibart, Eve The Newsletter of the Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, Rhode Island September Events at The Greenville Public Library Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5 10:30 AM Homeschoolers’ Club - YA 10:30 AM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 12:00 PM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 6:00 PM Homeschooler’s Informational Meeting 6 10:00 AM BASIC II Computer Class 7 12 10:30 AM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 12:00 PM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 4:00 PM Basket Weaving for Kids 6:30 PM North Scituate Rainbow Girls 13 10:00 AM BASIC II Computer Class 10:00 AM Reverse Mortgage and home care 5:45 PM Songwriter’s Club 6:30 PM Cesareo’s Circle 14 15 11:00 AM Container Gardening Program 1 Saturday 2 3 Labor Day Library Closed 4 10:00 AM BASIC I Computer Class Orientation 1:30 PM Mystery Book Club 9 10 10:00 AM Quilters 4:00 PM Decorative Doorstop Craft - YA 7:00 PM LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 11 10:00 AM BASIC I Computer Class 16 17 10:00 AM Quilters 4:00 PM Club Manga - YA 6:00 PM Home & Hospice 18 10:00 AM BASIC I Computer Class 4:00 PM Children’s Art Class 6:00 PM Rhode Island Housing Homebuyer Program 19 10:30 AM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 12:00 PM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 4:00 PM Folktales for Fun - YA 6:00 PM Pleasant View Condo Assoc. 20 10:00 AM BASIC II Computer Class 6:00 PM Girl Scout Registration 21 22 11:00 AM Battle of the Ages - YA 23 24 10:00 AM Quilters 12:30 PM Homeschoolers’ Spanish Class 6:00 PM Northwest Community Health 6:00 PM RITBA Committee 25 10:00 AM BASIC I Computer Class 11:30 AM Medicare and Long Term Care 26 10:30 AM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 12:00 PM Homeschoolers’ Art Class 27 10:00 AM BASIC II Computer Class 4:00 PM Butt Pillows - YA 28 29 30 8
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