Fly ash in concrete Part I—What it is and how it works: effect on properties of fresh and hardened concrete W ith escalating energy costs affecting cement costs, the use of fly ash, a lower cost material, is rapidly increasing. Surveys in 1979 of the American ready mixed concrete industry showed that fly ash was used in 37 percent of the ready mixed concrete produced, and an even more recent survey indicates that the total amount of fly ash used equals almost 10 percent of the total amount of portland cement used. WHAT FLY ASH IS fly ash gradually react with the calcium hydroxide released in the hydration of the portland cement. As the fly ash combines with the calcium hydroxide it slowly converts it to calcium silicate and calcium aluminate binders. In the process the amount of cement increases, enhancing the strength and reducing the permeability of the concrete. This chemical reaction occurs much more slowly than the hydration of portland cement. Because the reaction proceeds slowly, the full potential strength of the fly ash concrete may not be attained in thin concrete members or on surfaces which lose moisture quickly. Like the hydration of cement the fly ash-calcium h yd roxide reaction stops if insufficient moisture is present. Fly ash is a by-product of the burning of pulve ri ze d coal in power plants. It is removed by mechanical collectors or electrostatic precipitators as fine particles from the combustion gases before they are discharged into the atmosphere. The parWHAT FLY ASH DOES ticles are typically spheriBASIC CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FLY ASH* IN FRESH CONCRETE cal, ranging in diameter ASTM C 618 Class F Class C Physically fly ash modfrom 0.00004 to 0.006 Silicon dioxide (SiO2) + aluminum ifies the plastic properinch. Electrostatic precipoxide (AI2O3) + ferric oxide ties of fresh concrete beitators capture the prefer(Fe2O3), percent, not less than 70.0 50.0 cause the particles are able, finer-sized particles Sulfur trioxide (SO3), percent, not very small and essentially that escape mechanical more than 5.0 5.0 spherical. Because it has collectors. The chemical Moisture content, percent, not a lower rate of chemical composition of the fly ash more than 3.0 3.0 reactivity than the ceis determined by the minLoss on ignition, percent, not ment it replaces, it reeral matter in the coal. more than 12.0 6.0 duces the early heat There are two classifica* For optional chemical requirements and for physical requirements, refer to ASTM C 618, “Standard Specification buildup. On the minus tions for fly ash in ASTM C for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use As side, it usually re q u i re s 618: Class F fly ash proa Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete.” greater attention to the duced from burning anachievement and control thracite or bituminous of proper air content when needed. coal and Class C fly ash produced from lignite or subbituminous coal. Major national organizations generalPlastic properties ly use ASTM C 618 Class F requirements as the basis for Unlike other pozzolans, fly ash does not increase the their specifications for fly ash used in concrete, and most water requirement of the concrete mix. The small, round state transportation departments cite it as well, except particles act as tiny glass ball bearings that increase the that they use a lower limit on loss on ignition, usually 6 degree of workability for a given water content or, conpercent but sometimes as low as 3 percent. Information versely, reduce the amount of water required for a given presented here is based mainly but not exclusively on degree of workability. Fly ash concretes show less segreexperience with Class F, with which the majority of pubgation and bleeding as well as better finishability and lished reports deal. Z pumpability than plain concretes. These effects make its HOW FLY ASH WORKS use particularly valuable in lean mixes or in concretes made with aggregates deficient in fines. Added to concrete, fly ash plays the dual role of fine aggregate and cementitious component. In the earliest Heat of hydration stages of curing, it acts as an inert fine aggregate, but in Fly ash or some other pozzolan is used today in virtuthe presence of moisture, the silica and alumina of the ally all mass concrete for dams to reduce the high heat buildup in the interior of the structure (Figure 1). Mass concrete, unlike structural concrete, is normally not reinforced against tensile failure. A temperature drop of 45 degrees F following the heat buildup is about as much as unreinforced concrete could withstand without cracking. Air entrainment The use of fly ash in concrete usually calls for more airentraining agent to entrain a given amount of air. There are two reasons for this. First and most important, carbon in the fly ash absorbs some of the air entraining agent, thus decreasing the amount available for creating air bubbles. The amount of absorption varies with the amount of carbon present and possibly also with the form of such carbon. Second, fly ash is normally finer than cement and is usually added in greater amounts than the cement replaced. This produces a greater surface area within the concrete mix. Thus, a greater volume of air-entraining agent is needed to provide the same surface concentrations of the air-entraining agent. To determine the carbon content of a fly ash, a simple laboratory test is made. Fly ash is burned, and the weight loss on ignition represents the amount of carbon. There is a direct relationship between the carbon content and the amount of air-entraining agent absorbed by the carbon. Hence the extra amount of air-entraining agent required can be estimated and added to the mix. Once the EPA ENCOURAGES THE USE OF FLY ASH CONCRETE Though fly ash can be used to improve the properties of concrete, fly ash is still not widely used for this purpose. (It is usually used to reduce cost.) Of the 16 states that permit the use of fly ash-cement blends in concrete pavements, only two have constructed more than 100 lane-miles, and of the 19 that allow adding flay ash as an admixture, only four have constructed over 100 lane-miles. To encourage greater use of fly ash, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), acting under the 1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery ACT (RCRA), has proposed a new guideline. If adopted in its original form this guideline will require any agency purchasing concrete with federal funds to allow bidders to submit bids on any of three bases: • concrete containing fly ash as an admixture • concrete using a blended cement in which fly ash is the pozzolan • plain portland cement concrete without fly ash Specifications would have to be of a performance type and not a recipe type, and contracts would be awarded to the lowest bidder regardless of the type of concrete to be used. However, for equal bids, the concrete containing the most fly ash would be accepted. Figure 1. Effect of fly ash on the temperature rise of mass concrete containing a total of 282 pounds of cementing material per cubic yard. proper volume of air is entrained, characteristics of the air void system meet generally accepted criteria. To minimize the difficulties in air-entrainment due to high-carbon fly ashes, all state transportation departments using the material have limited the maximum permissible loss on ignition to 6 percent and many have lowered that to 3 percent, this despite the 12 percent ceiling allowed by ASTM Specification C 618 for Class F fly ash. WHAT FLY ASH DOES IN HARDENED CONCRETE A common reason for using fly ash in concrete is to achieve the needed compressive strength at a lower cement content. Replacement of portland cement by fly ash on a one-for-one basis, either by volume or weight, results in lower compressive strengths at ages up to about 3 months, but greater strengths develop at 6 months and beyond (Figure 2). Some of the other properties modified by the use of fly ash in concrete are discussed below. Durability Under the heading of durability come all aspects of resistance of concrete to materials or conditions that might reduce its longevity. Freeze-thaw resistance—There are no apparent differences in freeze-thaw durability between fly-ash and non-fly-ash concretes of equal strengths and equal air contents. Fly ash does not affect the air-entrainment as such, but rather the air-entraining-agent demand, as discussed earlier. greater volume than the combined volumes of the reactive materials. This leads to cracking and spalling. Fly ash, if used in large enough doses, has been found to help safeguard against this reaction. The minimum replacement of cement by fly ash to be effective is reportedly 36 to 48 percent by volume. It is questionable, though, whether the early strength losses caused by replacing such high percentages of cement would be tolerable for more than a few applications. Corrosion of reinforcing steel—The alkalinity of concrete tends to coat reinforcing or other steel with a protective film of ferrous hydroxide; this prevents the easy penetration of water and oxygen. Fly ash does not change this alkalinity significantly. The pozzolanic gel seems to allow less lime to be leached out of the conc re t e, whether because of the lower permeability, the chemical fixing of lime, or both. Figure 2. Qualitative comparison of rates of strength gain of plain cement concrete and a concrete in which part of the cement has been replaced by fly ash. Permeability—Given any combination of cement and aggregate, the less permeable the concrete, the greater will be its resistance to aggressive solutions or pure water and the better will be its durability. Tests show that the permeability of fly ash concrete is directly related to the quantity of hydrated cementitious material at any given time. After 28 days curing, by which time little pozzolanic activity would have occurred, fly ash concretes are more permeable than plain concretes, but after 6 months curing this comparison is reversed. By then considerable imperviousness has developed. Chemical attack—The main causes of concrete deterioration by chemical action are leaching of calcium hydroxide, acidic dissolution of cementitious hydrates, the action of atmospheric and dissolved carbon dioxide, and the reactivity of cement components with a variety of aggressive agents. Fly ash reduces such deterioration by reducing the long-term permeability of the concrete and, through the pozzolanic reaction, by tying up the calcium h yd roxide chemically. Both Class F and Class C fly ashes have been found to provide greatly improved sulfate resistance. Since the action of seawater on concrete is similar to that of ground waters containing sulfate, fly ash used in such concrete is expected to perform suitably. Alkali-aggregate reactions—Sodium and potassium alkalis in certain cements react with the siliceous constituents of certain aggregates to form products of Creep, modulus of elasticity and drying shrinkage The rate of creep with time is quite similar for plain concrete and concretes with fly ash contents of 15 percent or less. Howe ve r, at fly ash contents higher than 15 percent, slightly higher creep occurs. In concretes of equal strength, with and without fly ash, the concrete containing fly ash usually has a higher ultimate modulus of elasticity. Howe ve r, this value may be lower at early ages. Fly ash in commonly used proportions does not generally influence the drying shrinkage of concrete significantly. Howe ve r, since drying shrinkage is a function of the paste volume and since the addition of fly ash usually increases cement-paste volume, the drying shrinkage may be increased by a small amount if the water content remains constant. Acknowledgment Information in this article is taken largely from “Fly Ash for Use in Concrete,” by E. E. Berry and V. M. Malhotra—”A Critical Review,” ACI Journal, March-April 1980, pages 5973, with some added data from “Quality Control of Highway Concrete Containing Fly Ash,” by Woodrow J. Halstead, NRMCA Publication No. 164, 14 pages, May 1981. Copies of the latter only are available from National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, 900 Spring Street, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910. PUBLICATION #C820417 Copyright © 1982, The Aberdeen Group All rights reserved
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