The Cougar Update Conestoga Christian School 2760 Main Street Morgantown, PA 19543 610.286.0353 Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Kindergarten Readiness Assessment will be held on Wednesday, April 15, from 12:15 pm - 2:15 pm. Do you or a friend have a child ready to enter kindergarten? Contact Michelle Parris at or call the office for more information. Share your Love of CCS We would like to remind families to invite the community and your friends to come to the Middle and High School Open House on Wednesday, April 15, from 8:15 am 9:30 am. If your friends can't make it on April 15, we have two more Open Houses for all levels, PK-12: a daytime open house on April 29 from 8:15 am 9:30 am and an evening open house on May 7 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Pottery Night On Monday, April 20, Mrs. Burke has offered to have the art room and some clay available to make pottery that will be sold at next year’s auction. The room will be open after school The Cougar Update Volume 2, Issue 26 April 10, 2015 Upcoming Events at CCS: Grandparents Day—One of the best days of the year! We love having all of the grandparents here. and into the early evening. We are looking for a few people who love to throw pots and have the know-how to do it. We would also love hand-built pottery if you have a knack for that instead of using the pottery wheels. This is open to parents, students, and friends of the school. If you have questions about this event, contact Mrs. Burke at or Heather Schreier at Auction? I thought that was in the fall… DID YOU KNOW that planning is well underway for next year's auction? We have many areas that need help in the spring and summer to make things run much more smoothly in the fall. SOLICITATION: Are you willing to approach local businesses that you frequent or fill out online applications for donations for the auction? Contact Keith Morris at Keith is also looking for someone to come alongside him to coordinate this area. Talk to Keith if you are interested in shadowing him to see what is involved. April 15-18, TSA State Competition April 20-24, Achievement Testing, grades 1-8 May 1, Race for Education May 6, National Day of Prayer Chapel May 7, Open House (Evening) Connections: CLASS BASKETS: We are looking for class basket parent coordinators for each grade. Starting early makes for a great basket. Contact Cindy Carter at mccarter@ (Click to connect to blogs and sites) CRAFTS: We need creative people who are willing to make crafts for our craft room. Would you share some of your favorite creations with us? We also have ideas to share if you are interested but do not know where to start. Contact Judy Taylor at Middle School COORDINATOR POSITIONS: The following areas are in need of a coordinator or a right-hand-person for the current coordinator: Solicitation, BBQ DriveThru, and Quilts. If you are interested, contact Heather Schreier at Music ELEMENTARY MARCH MADNESS SCORES BIG! Our CCS pre-K through fifth grades are bouncing 230 books to Honduras! Yes, you read that correctly! 230 books!! Our elementary program had a book drive for a recent CCS graduate/now elementary teacher, Kaitlyn Kurtz. Miss Kurtz is currently teaching first and second grades at a bilingual Christian elementary school, Comunidad Educativa Evangelica, in Singuatepeque, Honduras. She has shared with CCS that they are in definite need of reading books in English throughout the elementary program, but their funds are very limited. Here at CCS God has blessed us with many resources, including multiple copies of leveled books for each grade level. With God's leading, we set out to help provide some of the same kinds of resources for our brothers and sisters in Honduras, and WITH GOD WE DID! WHOOP! WHOOP! Thank you for all your support! You are all WINNERS! WHOOP! WHOOP! ~ Love, Mrs. Brenner Head of School Elementary School High School Technology Athletics Guidance PTF Auction Musicians Needed The CCS high school musical production of Narnia is in need of a very proficient pianist and an upright bass player. (Other musicians may be needed as well.) Rehearsals start in a week. If you fit this description or know someone who does, please contact Miss Reitz at If you have any problems accessing information in The Cougar Update, please email
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