2015 CAPHC Annual Conference Corporate Support Invitation

2015 CAPHC Annual Conference
Quebec City Convention Centre
Quebec City, Quebec • October 18 - 20, 2015
Corporate Support Invitation
About the 2015 CAPHC Annual Conference
Quebec City has been chosen as the host city for the CAPHC 2015 Annual Conference. Our Annual Conference is the largest meeting
of child and youth health service providers in Canada. Over 300 child and youth healthcare professionals from across the country will
take advantage of the opportunity to network with colleagues, attend the sessions and visit the poster area during the conference. Our
conference goal is to ensure that all who attend have the opportunity to reflect on best practices and the latest innovations as a base for
creating new programs that enhance the quality of care for children and youth in their own operating environments.
The Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC) was established in 1968 as the Canadian Association of Paediatric
Hospitals, representing all children’s hospitals in Canada. In 2001, the organization expanded its national reach to now include all
children’s hospitals in the country, community healthcare centres, regional and provincial health authorities, rehabilitation centres
and home care provider agencies. CAPHC supports multi-disciplinary child and youth healthcare professionals from more than 70
organizations in Canada. Each year, 8.75 million children and youth rely on the services of CAPHC’s member organizations. These
organizations provide essential healthcare services to Canada’s children and youth.
As a national organization, CAPHC is uniquely positioned to influence system-wide change, advocating for the very best child and youth
healthcare. Today CAPHC is influencing decision makers and empowering healthcare providers with accessible research and knowledge.
§ Establishing programs and activities that address current and emerging child and youth healthcare priorities;
§ Advocating to transform health service delivery for children and youth;
§ Connecting service providers and key stakeholders;
§ Fostering research, brokering knowledge, facilitating educational opportunities and enhancing information exchange for
members and stakeholders, at a national level.
CAPHC Empowers Change
§ Building a national infrastructure to support information dissemination (knowledge translation) and the application of new
§ Facilitating the identification and sharing of evidence-based best practices;
§ Providing the child and youth healthcare community across Canada with simple tools to share knowledge;
§ Maintaining an unprecedented and dynamic repository of knowledge on the CAPHC Knowledge Exchange Network
Our Vision – Knowledge to Action: Enabling the Best Healthcare for Canada’s Children and Youth
Quebec City Convention Centre
The Quebec City Convention Centre is located in the heart of the city and is connected to a new underground walkway system to the
Hilton hotel.
Located just 15 minutes from the Jean Lesage International Airport, the Convention Centre is noted for its award winning service and
meeting facilities. Our meeting is just a short stroll to the cobblestone streets of the old town.
Quebec City is the only walled city North of Mexico. It is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage treasure and is a particularly stunningly
beautiful place to be in the fall season. Quebec City was ranked #1 as the best destination in Canada for 2013 by Conde Nast Traveler.
Delegate & Meeting Profile
The Conference will engage a broad healthcare stakeholder group of over 300 delegates featuring:
• Hospital Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Senior Administrators;
• Clinical Directors, Directors of Child Health Programs, Acute Care, Critical Care and Emergency Services;
• Managers and Supervisors in Clinical centres;
• Physicians, multidisciplinary practitioners;
• Policy makers and researchers, and;
• Youth and family representatives.
In addition to bringing together world class experts on various paediatric topics, the 2015 CAPHC Conference will provide an opportunity
to showcase the latest developments of many of CAPHC’s national programs.
The conference will combine Keynote and Plenary sessions, Concurrent Symposia and Workshops. All of our sessions will afford
delegates the opportunity to engage in open discussion and share and learn in a highly collaborative setting about strategies, best
practices and the latest innovations.
Corporate Sponsor Benefits
Your organization can contribute to the continued success and advancement of child and youth health care by supporting this year’s
Conference. The contributions of the corporate community support the mission of CAPHC to improve health service delivery for Canadian
children through education, research and quality improvement initiatives. Your organization’s contribution will also enable us to extend the
reach of the Conference to help us ensure healthcare providers from across Canada can learn about, and participate in this important event.
Our corporate sponsor program has been designed to give corporations the opportunity to increase their profile across the paediatric
healthcare community in Canada and network with many decision makers and child health leaders among our attendees. Each sponsor
package has a set of specific significant entitlements and benefits that will facilitate your corporation achieving your marketing and sales
goals at the CAPHC conference.
We have provided a guideline of what entitlements and opportunities apply to each corporate sponsor category. Corporate sponsors
are welcome to suggest entitlements and opportunities from the various categories that would best meet their individual marketing
objectives. We will be pleased to evaluate individual corporate requests and create “tailor made” packages.
2016 Priority
Sponsors in 2015 will have first priority to select sponsor properties at the 2016 CAPHC Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Complimentary Registrations
Corporate sponsors will be provided with Full Conference Registrations. The number of complimentary registrations will depend on the
organization’s level of corporate support.
Recognition in the Final Program & Website
All sponsors will be recognized on the Sponsor Page in the final program. In addition, sponsors will be recognized through
December 31, 2015 on the CAPHC website with their logo and a link to their own websites.
Delegate Bag Insert
All sponsorship levels have the right to provide a “promotional insert” in the delegate bag. The insert must be approved by the
Conference Organizing Committee.
Sponsor/ Key Stakeholder Reception
Sponsor will have the exclusive opportunity to network with CAPHC Board members and other key stakeholders in advance of the
welcome reception. The sponsor reception will be held on Sunday evening, October 18, 2015 in the beautiful Plaines room at the Hilton
Quebec City Hotel, overlooking the “Upper and Lower Towns” and the majestic St. Lawrence River.
Breakfast & Lunch Seminar Sessions
Corporations will be able to conduct their own seminar session including speaker and topic of their choice. These opportunities will be
available to Signature, Diamond and Gold sponsors and will be held on both Monday and Tuesday during the conference.
Tuesday Awards Luncheon
The Signature sponsor will be the exclusive sponsor of the Tuesday Awards Luncheon and will have an exclusive
opportunity to present the “Signature Sponsor Key Note address”.
CAPHC Board of Directors Meeting
The Signature Sponsor will have the opportunity to attend the CAPHC Board of Directors meeting on the Sunday evening before the
Meet & Greet Reception. It will be a great opportunity to showcase your organization to some of the Key Stakeholders and leaders at
Children’s Hospitals and Healthcare organizations across Canada.
Conference Reception & Banquet
The conference banquet will be held at a majestic unique location that is close to the Quebec City Convention Centre.
This will be a dinner filled with local flavour both in the menu and in the period costumes of our entertainers.
This is a Diamond level sponsorship opportunity.
Meet & Greet Reception
The Meet & Greet Reception is a Diamond level sponsorship opportunity to maximize delegate recognition of your conference support
and the products and services you provide to the broader child and youth healthcare community. The sponsor would be recognized
with branding and the opportunity to give a welcome address to kick off the event. The sponsor can also recommend other elements to
support their sponsorship.
Monday Keynote Address
The Keynote Address on Monday morning is a Diamond level sponsorship opportunity and will feature a dynamic speaker in the health
care and/or related field. The sponsor will be recognized during this session as well as in the final program.
Hospital Tour Shuttle Buses
Shuttle buses will take delegates to tour Quebec City’s Children’s Hospital, Centre Mère-Enfant Soleil du CHU de Québec, as part of
the conference program. This Diamond level sponsorship opportunity provides the Sponsor with signage on the headrests and at the
departure loading area.
Conference Lanyards represent an exclusive awareness opportunity for a Diamond sponsor for the duration of the Conference among all
The Quebec City Convention Centre has WIFI available in the poster & refreshment breaks area. The Gold sponsor of WIFI for the
Conference can have the Welcome Page in the final program customized to present the sponsor’s logo. Once the user either enters a
code or clicks on the continue button, they can be redirected to the sponsor’s web site. This will allow the sponsor to tailor the message
to fit their target market.
Conference APP
The conference mobile app will be available to delegates throughout the conference as well as before and after the event. The Sponsor
of the APP will be featured on the introductory screen which will provide great exposure as we expect a majority of attendees with smart
phones to engage using the Mobile App. This is a gold level sponsorship.
Delegate Bag Branding
Our Gold sponsor will be exclusively identified on the conference delegate bag that all Full Conference attendees will receive upon arrival.
Hotel Key Cards
The sponsor of the hotel key cards will be able to provide their branding on the key cards for the Quebec City Hilton Hotel
the headquarters for the Conference. This is an excellent opportunity to direct delegates to your initiatives at the Conference
as it is a sponsorship item they will use frequently throughout the conference and will receive it upon arrival when they
register at the Hotel. This is a gold level sponsorship.
Final Program
Our Silver level sponsor will be exclusively identified on the front cover of the final printed program that all Full
Conference attendees will receive upon arrival.
Sunday Lunch
The networking lunch on Sunday provides an excellent option for a sponsor who wants to get their brand out in front of the delegates at
the start of our event. This is a silver level sponsorship.
Convention Centre Escalators Signage
The Quebec City Convention Centre offers a special branding opportunity for a sponsor. The escalators used to access our meeting will
have the logo and branding message available for a silver level sponsorship
Poster Presentations
Posters will be presented outside the plenary meeting room and the silver sponsor will be easily recognized as delegates enter and exit
the main session room throughout the conference.
Exclusive Recognition Refreshment Breaks
Bronze sponsors will be recognized at one of the refreshment breaks during the conference. Refreshment breaks are included in the
registration fees and all delegates attend. The breaks are a great opportunity for networking and are well attended. This opportunity will
provide sponsors a very visible, high profile presence with all participants. The sponsor’s name and logo will be prominently displayed at
all food and beverage stations.
Sponsorship Opportunities & Benefits
$27,000 CAD
$17,000 CAD
$13,000 CAD
$9,000 CAD
$5,000 CAD
Complimentary Full Registrations
(including Annual Banquet Tickets)
Lunch Seminar Session
Priority Status for 2016
Breakfast Seminar Session
Sponsor & Stakeholder Reception
Recognition in Final Program
Logo & Link on Sponsor Page & Homepage
of Conference Website
Logo on Onsite Signage
Delegate Bag Insert
Full page (colour)
Full page
Half page
Onsite Final Program Advertising Space
Quarter page
Signature Exclusive Sponsorship of one of the following:
Tuesday Awards Luncheon
Includes CAPHC Board of Directors Meeting
Diamond Exclusive Sponsorship of one of the following:
Conference Reception & Banquet
Meet and Greet Reception
Monday Keynote Address
Hospital Tour Shuttle Buses
Gold Exclusive Sponsorship of one of the following:
Conference APP
Delegate Bag Branding
Hotel Key Cards
Silver Exclusive Sponsorship of one of the following:
Final Program
Sunday Lunch
Convention Centre Escalators
Poster Presentation
Bronze Exclusive Sponsorship of one of the following:
One refreshment break (4 available)
2015 CAPHC Annual Conference
Quebec City Convention Centre • October 18 - 20, 2015
Sponsorship Commitment Form
Our organization (please print) ___________________________________ agrees to sponsor the upcoming 2015 CAPHC Annual
Conference taking place in Quebec City, Quebec from October 18 - 20, 2015. It is understood that by signing this form we are agreeing
to sponsor at this Conference. We commit the full amount of the sponsorship agreed to and indicated below. Please submit payments in
the form of a credit card, cheque, bank draft or wire transfer made payable to CAPHC 2015 c/o MCI Group Canada Inc. (MCI Group).
¨ Signature ($27,000 CAD)
¨ Silver ($9,000 CAD)
¨ Diamond ($17,000 CAD)
¨ Bronze ($5,000 CAD)
¨ Gold ($13,000 CAD)
*Details of the selected Sponsorship benefit inclusions will accompany your confirmation.
It is extremely important to us that we list your organization’s contact information accurately on all conference materials. Therefore,
please print all information clearly as you wish it to appear on all conference materials.
Organization Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ Province/State: _______________________ Postal/Zip Code:_________________
Country: __________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Fax: ___________________________
Contact’s Email Address: ________________________________________________Website:________________________________
Payment Calculations:
Sponsorship Amount: ____________________ + 5% GST + 9.975% QST* = TOTAL_______________________
Type of Payment:
¨ Cheque/Bank Draft ¨ Wire Transfer (must include a $50 processing fee) ¨ Visa ¨ MasterCard ¨ AMEX
Name on Credit Card ______________________________________ Credit Card Number_____________________________________
Authorized Signature _________________________________________________ Date Signed ________________________________
Cancellation & Refund Policy:
• Notification by 5:00 PM PT June 19, 2015 - A 50% refund will be granted.
• Notifications received after 5:00 PM PT June 19, 2015 are 100% non-refundable.
I am authorized to sign on behalf of my organization to make the above commitment for the 2015 CAPHC Annual Conference in Quebec
City, Canada. I also acknowledge all of the information provided herein is accurate for publication with regards to the 2015 CAPHC
Annual Conference. We agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing our sponsorship agreement as printed on the reverse side
hereof and which are part of this application. Acceptance of this application by CAPHC 2015 Conference Secretariat c/o MCI Group
Canada Inc. constitutes a contract.
Signature:____________________________________________________________ Date:___________________________________
Please email, fax or mail this form, including payment, to:
CAPHC 2015 Conference Secretariat c/o MCI Group Canada Inc.
#200-1444 Alberni Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z4 Tel: +1 604 661-4962 Fax: +1 604 685 3521
Email: michael.davis@mci-group.com