POWERFUL INSIGHTS, PRACTICAL IDEAS, REAL SOLUTIONS COMPLIANCE WEEK T OPICS MAY 18-20 2015 MAYFLOWER HOTEL WASHINGTON DC CELEBRATING 10 YEARS 2015 ETHICS INTERNAL CONTROL COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS PRIVACY FINANCIAL REPORTING INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS INVESTIGATIONS AUDIT COMMITTEES See agenda pages 5-9 Earn 19 CPE credits | CLE credits also available R E G I S T E R AT C O N F E R E N C E . C O M P L I A N C E W E E K . C O M COMPLIANCE WEEK WELCOME Join us in D.C. and help us celebrate our 10th anniversary! First, the particulars about the conference itself. The conference will run from Monday, May 18, through noon Wednesday, May 20, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. Hundreds of risk, audit, and compliance professionals from corporations across the globe will be there, and our agenda will span the whole range of issues you face. 2015 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Justice Department Views on Corporate Accountability Who will be speaking? Regulators from all the important agencies you worry about, certainly. More important, however, are the dozens of compliance, ethics, and audit professionals who will be on stage. These are your peers—practicing, in-house executives—talking about the most pressing issues you all face. We could not be more pleased with the range of organizations participating: Tyco, GE Capital, ITT, Columbia Sportswear, LinkedIn, Kraft, Ford Motor, Continental AG, Kaiser Permanente, RockTenn, 21st Century Fox, MoneyGram, TD Bank, PepsiCo, Walmart, Northrop Grumman, Haier Group, 3M, and many more. And that does not include the hundreds of others participating in the audience, with peer networking at every turn. Why attend? Either the jam-packed agenda (listed in detail on the following pages) or the high-quality peer networking alone would justify your time and resources. The intangible combination of both, however, is what really makes the Compliance Week annual conference so useful to attendees: a chance to pause and see the larger picture of your profession and to share that experience with your peers in this very fluid field. We’ve had a long history of achieving that over the last 10 years, and we hope you’ll participate this year as well and make Compliance Week 2015 another success. Leslie Caldwell Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division U.S. Department of Justice Leading Organizations to Higher Standards Your participation is always the heart of the Compliance Week conference, and we want you there. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in Washington. Donnie Smith President & CEO Tyson Foods Matt Kelly, Editor & Publisher editor@complianceweek.com » 2 See Page 10 for a special discount @CW_2015 Please visit Compliance Week’s event website, CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM for all the latest conference news. COMPLIANCE WEEK SOME OF OUR SPEAKERS 2015 Nilisha Agrawal GRC Program Manager Equinix Bruce Anderson Chief Ethics Officer Health Net Inc. Ben Bard VP, Global Chief Compliance Officer Archer Daniels Midland Co. Robert Biskup Director, Deloitte Forensic Deloitte Financial Advisory Services Marie Blake EVP & Chief Compliance Officer BankUnited Carole Bovard First Vice President, Compliance Options Clearing Corp. Tim Bridgeford Senior Corporate Counsel – FCPA, Antitrust, Investigations Tyco Wayne Brody Senior Member of the E&C Advisory Practice LRN Diane Brown Vice President and Head of Operations NAVEX Global Luke Brussel Anti-Corruption Compliance Leader GE Capital Matthew D’Ambrosio SVP, Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Dan Demeritt Director, Corporate Responsibility & Quality ITT Corp. Ann E. Drew Legal Director, Corporate Compliance WEX Inc. Donna Epps Partner, Forensic & Dispute Services Deloitte Financial Advisory Services Carlos Garcia Jimenez Compliance Counsel Americas TE Connectivity Karen Griffin Group Executive and Chief Compliance Officer MasterCard Jim Halpert Partner DLA Piper Tim Hediger Lead GRC Program Administrator GM Financial Ellen Hunt Director, Ethics & Compliance AARP Brett Ingerman Partner DLA Piper Cameron Jackson GRC Manager Columbia Sportswear Co. Marita Janiga Executive Director, Investigations Kaiser Permanente Ronnie Kann Managing Director CEB Stasia Kelly Co-Managing Partner (Americas) DLA Piper Katherine Kelton VP, Compliance Aramark Timur Khasanov-Batirov Chief Compliance Officer DTEK Corp. Mike Lamberth Managing Vice President, Senior Compliance Officer Capital One Financial Kevin Lane Principal Deloitte & Touche @CW_2015 3 Please visit Compliance Week’s event website, CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM for all the latest conference news. COMPLIANCE WEEK SOME OF OUR SPEAKERS Steve Liccione Americas Director of Compliance Continental AG Steve Meadows Chief Accounting Officer RockTenn Corp. Brian Michael Group Chief Compliance Officer, Fox Networks Group, and Deputy GC 21st Century Fox 2015 Jimmy Lin VP of Product Management & Corporate Development The Network Inc. Kirsten Liston Vice President, Learning Content Strategy SAI Global Maureen Mohlenkamp Principal, Enterprise Compliance Services Deloitte Julie Moriarty General Manager, Training & Communications Strategy The Network Inc. Page Motes Director, Strategic Programs Office - Global Ethics & Compliance Dell Corp. Michelle Nichols Senior Program Consultant The Network Inc. Thomas O’Reilly Director of Internal Audit Analog Devices Inc. Ricardo Pellafone Assoc. GC and Director, Global Investigations Western Digital Corp. Andrew Reisman Senior Manager, Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services EY Raphael Richmond Global Director of Compliance Ford Motor Co. Nicole Sandford National Practice Leader of Governance and Enterprise Compliance Services Deloitte & Touche Diana Sands SVP, Office of Internal Governance The Boeing Co. Martha Sarra VP & Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer The Kroger Co. Jim Savina VP, Assoc. GC and Chief Compliance Officer Kraft Foods Group Inc. Phyllis Skene-Stimac EVP and Chief Compliance Officer MoneyGram Mary Spencer Director of Financial Compliance RockTenn Corp. Christine Stickler Asst. GC and Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer TE Connectivity Amyn Thawer Head of Global Compliance LinkedIn Corp. Jennifer Tocci SVP, Senior Compliance Group Manager TD Bank Dan Torpey Partner EY Debra Torres Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer PepsiCo Daniel Trujillo SVP & International Chief Compliance Officer Walmart International Courtney Wallize Corporate Director, Ethics and Business Conduct Northrop Grumman Corp. Jeffrey Wu Director of Global Internal Control & Audit Haier Group Jim Zappa VP, Assoc. GC and Chief Compliance Officer 3M Co. @CW_2015 4 Please visit Compliance Week’s event website, CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM for all the latest conference news. COMPLIANCE WEEK AGENDA M O N D AY, M AY 1 8 , 2 0 1 5 2015 8:30 - 9:30 AM 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM KEYNOTE PANEL | 10 Years On: Are We Defining ‘Effectiveness’ Correctly? SESSION | Compliance Program and Effectiveness Assessment Effectiveness is a cornerstone of modern corporate compliance. Yet nobody is entirely sure that we define it correctly, and arguments exist that we do not. Do we have the right standards? Are all our program efforts actually working? This session will give practical examples of how to measure and document your progress on various compliance goals, both to prepare for regulators who may ask about effectiveness and to help a compliance leader better allocate staff, budget, and other resources. This session will also discuss relevant communications on effectiveness to the audit committee and other interested stakeholders. 9:45 - 10:45 AM SESSION | Compliance Officer’s Role in Investigations and Discipline Take an in-depth look at your role in the investigation process: determining facts and culpability, working with other departments to enforce any necessary discipline, and helping to ensure that business operations continue after an incident has been closed. 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM SESSION | Making Three Lines of Defense Work as a Compliance Strategy 9:45 - 10:45 AM The three lines of defense—business unit, compliance team, audit function—is all the rage these days as a means to build compliance throughout a large enterprise. So how might that really work in practice? This panel will look at how to assign responsibilities to each line of defense, create a comprehensive view of risks, and develop an integrated management plan. SESSION | Developing the Right Strategy for GRC Implementation 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM Oh, joy: The company has decided it needs an enterprise-wide GRC software system. Now what? What input do you need from business unit leaders? What’s the working relationship between the CCO and the IT department? What’s the strategy to accommodate future growth? 9:45 - 10:45 AM SESSION | Game On: The Future of e-Learning This session will explore how gamification and adaptive learning get employees to “pull” compliance messages, rather than you “pushing.” Gamification builds on the brain’s natural tendency to seek rewards, while adaptive learning addresses the needs and capacities of the individual learner. The result: popular, participatory, individualized training. 9:45 - 10:45 AM CONVERSATION | FCPA Casework Update Looking to get lost in the weeds of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act? Join a small-room discussion with your peers to dissect the latest FCPA enforcement cases: arguments prosecutors put forth, defenses used, guidance cited, settlements reached, and courtroom battles fought. 9:45 - 10:45 AM CONVERSATION | Global Track: Russia & Central Asia Interested in what laws and regulations are in the works? What training tactics work best for local workforces? Which cultural differences can cause the biggest risks or mis-steps? All those questions and more are prime fodder for this conversation session focused on Russia and Central Asia. SESSION | Working With the Sales Operation This session will look at the compliance officer’s proper love and care for the sales function. What input can you have for compensation and incentive programs? How do you investigate possible misconduct, especially for top performers? How do you assess training needs and deliver curriculum to match? 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM CONVERSATION | Difficult Decisions in Investigations and Discipline In a small group setting, continue the discussion begun in the earlier session and tackle the difficult questions: What are the challenges with investigations involving high-level employees? How can you reconcile varying privacy laws while conducting investigations outside the United States? When it is appropriate to publicize disciplinary actions? 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM DEMONSTRATION | E-Learning In Action In this follow-up demonstration session, experience the next generation of E&C training: gamification, adaptive learning, mobile, blended, and more. Discover new ways to reach your audience that goes way beyond online training modules and PowerPoint presentations. 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM CONVERSATION | Global Track: Africa & Middle East Interested in what laws and regulations are in the works? What training tactics work best for local workforces? Which cultural differences can cause the biggest risks or mis-steps? All those questions and more are prime fodder for this conversation session focused on Africa and the Middle East. @CW_2015 5 To see the latest Compliance Week 2015 agenda, visit our website at CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM AGENDA COMPLIANCE WEEK 2015 1:45 - 2:45 PM 3:05 - 4:05 PM SESSION | Assessing Your Risks in Antitrust SESSION | Regulatory Change Management That Works Antitrust compliance is a rapidly rising concern, and not just for one industry behemoth merging with another. How do you digest international antitrust regulations and the conflicting legal concepts behind them? How do you assemble an enterprise-wide sense of your exposure? This session will consider not just how to track ever-changing regulations, but also how to assess their impact on business processes, internal control, and employee training. What parts of regulatory change management can you automate? How can you take an impact assessment and put a response plan into motion? 1:45 - 2:45 PM 3:05 - 4:05 PM SESSION | Effective Incident Reporting Systems SESSION | Assessing the ICFR Risks of Business Process Re-Engineering If designed without care, incident reporting systems can become cumbersome and ineffective. In this session, explore how to implement a reporting system that’s both user-friendly and versatile enough to accommodate various types of reports: hotline calls, e-mails, even knocks on the manager’s door. Companies re-engineer business processes all the time: an enterprise-wide ERP installation, a consolidation of business units, a decision to outsource a function, and more. This session will walk through the internal control implications and financial reporting risks. 1:45 - 2:45 PM 3:05 - 4:05 PM SESSION | A Tale of Cyber-Security Gone Awry CONVERSATION | An In-Depth Look at Antitrust Attend this film screening of a fictional corporate drama that follows one company as it discovers how a seemingly harmless, unsecured laptop leads to spiraling stock prices and a federal investigation—with lessons aplenty for compliance executives, company leadership, and others with a stake in effective information security. Interested in a more extensive look at anti-trust issues companies face today as well as what looms on the horizon? Join this small group follow-up to the session “Assessing Your Risks in Anti-Trust” for an in-depth, closed door conversation. Come prepared to share your ideas as well as your concerns. 1:45 - 2:45 PM 3:05 - 4:05 PM CONVERSATION | Creating KPIs for Your Compliance Program DEMONSTRATION | Demystifying the Reporting Process This small-room conversation session picks up where the morning’s panel discussion left off and delves deeper into the practical aspects of assessing your program. Beyond measuring effectiveness, what KPIs can help support the program? What specific metrics do your audit committee and leadership need to see? What red flags should you be looking for in assessments? An employee sees misconduct and wants to report it anonymously. Does he or she know exactly what to do—and what happens after a report is filed? This session will do a close walk-through of the best practices in incident reporting, especially the role technology plays in capturing, cataloging, and investigating issues. 1:45 - 2:45 PM CONVERSATION | Nuts and Bolts of GRC Implementation 3:05 - 4:05 PM CONVERSATION | Avoiding a Data Breach Meltdown for Business-Facing Companies After attending the morning session on GRC implementation, take a deeper dive into the ins and outs of the process. From creating work-flows and assigning tasks and responsibilities to creating KPIs and measuring progress, share best practices and tips for a successful implementation. After screening of its fictional corporate drama, DLA Piper will host a follow-up discussion for business-facing companies about how the chain of events portrayed in the film can be avoided. DLA will explore what internal and third-party controls should be in place and how ethics & compliance officers can train and educate stakeholders on the importance of data security before disaster strikes. 1:45 - 2:45 PM 3:05 - 4:05 PM CONVERSATION | Second Lines, Third Lines, and Monitoring CONVERSATION | Avoiding a Data Breach Meltdown for Consumer-Facing Companies This conversation session will consider where monitoring of third parties should fall in an effective compliance program: with the compliance function? Internal audit? Using the Three Lines of Defense model as a vehicle, we will examine this most elusive part of the compliance framework. Compliance executives from consumer-facing companies have a chance to discuss the morning’s film screening portraying the consequences of a data breach. 3:05 - 4:05 PM SESSION | Globalizing Your Code of Conduct This session will outline practical steps for implementing a global, enterprise-wide code, including how to bring your code to life, creating an engaging awareness initiative, and best practices for building broad organizational support. 4:15 - 5:15 PM KEYNOTE | Leading Organizations to Higher Standards Donnie Smith, President & CEO, Tyson Foods @CW_2015 6 To see the latest Compliance Week 2015 agenda, visit our website at CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM COMPLIANCE WEEK AGENDA 2015 T U E S D AY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 8:45 - 9:30 AM 9:45 - 10:45 AM KEYNOTE | Justice Department Views on Corporate Accountability DEMONSTRATION | Creating an Interactive Code of Conduct Leslie Caldwell, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice Join The Network in this demonstration session to see the “next generation” of codes: ones that embrace interactive online experiences, mobile devices, cultural nuances, and risk-specific priorities. See how a more engaging code can work with Millennials and overseas employees and translate to easier training and reporting as well. 9:45 - 10:45 AM SESSION | Moving From Compliance Programs to Enterprise Risk Management How can you take the results of your standard annual compliance risk assessment and build a stronger program of enterprise risk management? This session will discuss how you can move toward ERM, in ways flexible enough to adapt with corporate strategy and measurable enough to let you see progress. 9:45 - 10:45 AM SESSION | Case-Study in Case Management: Kaiser Permanente A systematic approach to managing issues at large organizations serves two purposes: It demonstrates competence to regulators, auditors, and business partners, and it provides valuable insights to help chief compliance officers improve their programs. This case study will walk through Kaiser Permanente’s approach to case management, from in-take of calls to the hotline to investigations to case disposition and documentation. 9:45 - 10:45 AM SESSION | Managing FCPA Audits on a Global Scale Learn how one company developed its FCPA audit process to assess and uncover bribery risks— from planning and collection of data, to analyzing that information and flagging FCPA concerns that merit more formal investigation. 9:45 - 10:45 AM CONVERSATION | Honing the Compliance Risk Assessment While a comprehensive and repeatable compliance risk assessment is the foundation to a strong compliance program, many companies still struggle to implement one in a sustainable way. This session will examine a number of best practices and tools to address this challenge. 9:45 - 10:45 AM CONVERSATION | Sales as E&C Program Partners Take a different look at the sales function in your organization: as partners for your E&C program. How can you recruit the salespeople in your company to “sell” E&C, or at the very least, buy-in? How can you frame the program in a way that they see it as a positive and not an obstacle? 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM SESSION | Compliance Trends Report 2015 Join Deloitte and Compliance Week as we present the findings of our annual Compliance Trends report, a survey to benchmark compliance operations at the modern enterprise. Hear about current budget and staffing levels, as well as emerging trends in reporting structures, use of technology, risks confronting the enterprise, and strategies to address them. Copies of the 2015 report will be available in advance. 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM SESSION | Re-Invigorating SOX Compliance: All About Project Management RockTenn recently embarked on a new approach to its annual Sarbanes-Oxley program. In this session, top financial reporting executives will give a case study of how they developed this approach in conjunction with the company’s various division financial teams, internal audit, and the external auditors, using project management skills and tools. 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM SESSION | Building Effective Training Programs Successful compliance training programs work on three principles: they clearly connect regulatory requirements to your curriculum; they deliver training as part of a broader learning program; and they use a structure where compliance, HR, and workforce development teams all work together. This session will offer specific examples from highly regulated businesses with complex compliance needs, showing how training can work efficiently and effectively. 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM CONVERSATION | Bringing AML Into the Compliance Family Anti-money laundering risk has soared in recent years as governments around the world step up their scrutiny of cross-border cash flows and more companies in more industries now face AML reporting obligations. This workshop will explore how to bring AML compliance “into the family” of enterprise risk, building on existing compliance operations and experience for speed and efficiency. @CW_2015 7 To see the latest Compliance Week 2015 agenda, visit our website at CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM AGENDA COMPLIANCE WEEK 2015 11:05 AM - 12:05 PM 2:40 - 3:40 PM CONVERSATION | Global Track: Latin America SESSION | Stitching the Silos Together Into Enterprise-Wide Compliance Interested in what laws and regulations are in the works? What training tactics work best for local workforces? Which cultural differences can cause the biggest risks or mis-steps? All those questions and more are prime fodder for this conversation session focused on Latin America. Most companies have pockets of hard-working compliance teams scattered across the business: environmental, tax, health & safety, and so forth. How does a compliance leader bring multiple efforts together into one corporate compliance program? This session will cover the “silo inventory” you take to understand what is already happening and the techniques to centralize oversight and improve reporting. 1:15 - 2:15 PM SESSION | Developing an Integrated Compliance Program More now than ever, focus is heightened on corporate compliance oversight as fines, penalties, and reputation risk continue to increase. This session will discuss how you can establish a corporate compliance framework to facilitate the transition from disaggregated, decentralized compliance activities to an integrated approach that will allow for more streamlined compliance monitoring, testing, and reporting. 1:15 - 2:15 PM SESSION | Building the Business Case for Compliance Too often, even today, compliance officers must still build a compelling business case for why the company should invest in a compliance program, and this session will consider how a CCO can do that: demonstrating ROI, compiling benchmarking data from peers’ compliance programs, and showing how compliance can improve business operations. 1:15 - 2:15 PM SESSION | From Compliance Training to Compliance Leadership Compliance training works well but clearly only goes so far, given the persistent problem of corporate misconduct. How do you move beyond the online webinars and the skits at sales conferences to embed respect for compliance and ethics into employees’ day-to-day work? This session will look at compliance training as a subset of leadership development and as a building block for creating a global set of company values. 2:40 - 3:40 PM SESSION | Smarter Risk Analysis in the Era of Big Analytics The explosion of corporate data, and a company’s ability to analyze it all, has profound implications for corporations trying to identify possible fraud, weak spots in supply chains, or evidence to support an investigation. This session will look at new ways to employ “big analytics” for sharper insight into risk areas. 2:40 - 3:40 PM SESSION | Getting a Stronger Grasp on Vendor Risks Poor oversight of vendors is an excellent way to increase corruption, sanctions, and tax risks, among others. This session will review ways to move beyond mere assessment of vendor risks to implement better systems to manage those risks: how to collaborate with audit and business unit leaders, how to achieve more continuous monitoring, and how to respond quickly when a vendor’s risks get too high. 2:40 - 3:40 PM CONVERSATION | Global Track: China Interested in what laws and regulations are in the works? What training tactics work best for local workforces? Which cultural differences can cause the biggest risks or mis-steps? All those questions and more are prime fodder for this conversation session focused on China. 1:15 - 2:15 PM 2:40 - 3:40 PM CONVERSATION | Global Track: India CONVERSATION | Overcoming Objections to the Business Case Interested in what laws and regulations are in the works? What training tactics work best for local workforces? Which cultural differences can cause the biggest risks or mis-steps? All those questions and more are prime fodder for this conversation session focused on India. After creating the business case for your compliance program, what push back and difficult questions are you likely to encounter? And what are real-world examples of overcoming these obstacles? Share your experiences and war stories in this small group follow-up to “Creating the Business Case” session. 1:15 - 2:15 PM CONVERSATION | Anticipating Training Program Pitfalls So you have created a great training program that is comprehensive and tailored to employee risk profiles and positions. But what are the pain points many compliance officers overlook? After attending the morning’s session “Building Effective Training Programs,” join a small group of your peers to share your insights with managing a complex training program. 4:00 - 5:00 PM KEYNOTE PANEL | To be announced @CW_2015 8 To see the latest Compliance Week 2015 agenda, visit our website at CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM COMPLIANCE WEEK AGENDA 2015 W E D N E S D AY, M AY 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 8:30 - 9:30 AM 9:45 -10:40 AM SESSION | Taking the Driver’s Seat: Becoming the New CCO KEYNOTE PANEL | Ethics & Compliance Leadership 3.0 Whether you are building a new compliance function or taking over an existing office, your job is to lead and make an impact. How do you decide your priorities? How do you set the right compliance strategy and put it into practice? How do you measure your progress over time? Discover lessons learned from several CCOs who arrived as the top compliance executives at their new companies. Ethics and compliance officers need an effective profession every bit as much as an effective program. But what are the most important skills and competencies for a compliance professional—from your point of view, and from other senior executives you work with? In this session we will look at fresh research addressing how to cultivate attributes crucial to being a leader. This session will be part inspiration and part aspiration, as we share thoughts on not only how to elevate the profession but ourselves. 8:30 - 9:30 AM SESSION | A New Look at FCPA Enforcement Join representatives from the Justice Department and SEC Enforcement Division as we take an updated look at FCPA enforcement: lessons learned from recent settlements, of course, and also other practical advice on self-disclosure, cooperation credit, good-faith efforts under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, and the like. 8:30 - 9:30 AM CONVERSATION | Managing Compliance Throughout the Company As a follow-up to Tuesday’s “Stitching the Silos” session, share your experiences and challenges with managing an enterprise-wide compliance effort. Who should be included in the oversight committee? How do you balance a sense of ownership and cooperation? What metrics should be shared? 10:45 -11:40 AM KEYNOTE PANEL | Is Orange the New Black for CCOs? A compliance failure in your organization can feel like a personal and professional failure. Now could it also end up in jail time and financial ruin? Compliance Week 2015 closes with an examination of compliance executive liability, including case precedence, E&O coverage, and what you should be doing to protect yourself. We will also look at the potential effect this trend may have on the profession itself. 11:40 - 11:45 AM CONFERENCE CLOSING @CW_2015 9 To see the latest Compliance Week 2015 agenda, visit our website at CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM COMPLIANCE WEEK R E G I S T R AT I O N CONFERENCE RATES ADVANCE REGISTRATION (expires 3/31) FULL CW SUBSCRIBER $1,645 $ 1,795 NON-SUBSCRIBER $1,845 $ 1,995 GROUP RATE (2-5) $1,595 $ 1,695 GROUP RATE (6+) $1,495 $ 1,595 RATE 2015 SAVE $200 WHEN YOU USE CODE CW15_BROCHURE Cancellation or substitution notice must be given by calling 888-519-9200 or by e-mail to info@complianceweek.com. Cancellations received on or before March 6, 2015, will incur a $500 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given after March 6, 2015. Substitute attendees will be permitted if notice is given by April 30, 2015. REGISTER NOW: c on fe re n c e . c omp l ia n c e we e k . c o m / r e g i s t e r WH Y Y O U S H O ULD ATTE ND » JAM-PACKED AGENDA Over a three-day period, you will learn about the latest challenges, and solutions, in audit, risk, compliance, ethics, and corporate governance. » HIGH-QUALITY PEER NETWORKING The hallmark of Compliance Week events, there will be numerous opportunities at Compliance Week 2015 to meet and network with fellow attendees and conference speakers. » CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS Conference attendees can earn 19 CPE credits. CLE credits also availlable. » EXPERIENCING WASHINGTON D.C. One of the most historic cities in the world, experience the nation’s capital by visiting its concentration of cultural institutions, historic landmarks, and iconic memorials. JOIN Y OUR PEERS F ROM 3M Aramark BankUnited Bechtel Biogen Idec Boeing Capital One CarMax Caterpillar Cigna Coach Comlink Crane & Co. Dell DeVr y DIRECTV DTEK Energy Dunkin’ Brands Eaton EMD Millipore Equinix Exelon FedEx Ford Motor GE Capital Genesis Energy GM Financial Health Net HSBC Bank IBM Intuit ITT Kraft L Brands LinkedIn Lockheed Mar tin MasterCard MoneyGram Novo Nordisk Omnicom Parker Hannifin PepsiCo Plantronics Raytheon Rite Aid Ryder System Str yker Systemax Target TD Bank TJX Tyco U of Colorado US Foods Verizon Walmar t WEX Willis Yazaki and many more… @CW_2015 10 Please visit Compliance Week’s event website, CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM for all the latest conference news. COMPLIANCE WEEK L O C AT I O N 2015 VENUE Mayflower Renaissance, located at 1127 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20036. HOTEL Compliance Week is pleased to offer conference attendees a discounted rate of $340/night (regular $479/night) for their stay at the Mayflower Renaissance. To reserve a room at these rates, call 877-212-5752 and ask for the Compliance Week 2015 Meeting Room Block. The room block ends April 17 or when rooms sell out. AIR The closest airport to the Mayflower Renaissance is Reagan National Airport. Other options include Dulles International Airport, and Baltimore-Washington Airport. RAIL Amtrak has multiple daily trips into Washington, D.C. To book your rail travel for Compliance Week 2015 please visit www.amtrak.com. To take advantage of a 10 percent discount, book your rail travel for Compliance Week 2015 at www.amtrak.com or call 800-872-7245 and use Fare Code Number: X19W-925. ve dA lan e Is d Rho M St NW M St NW ticut nec De Sales St NW 17th St NW Con 18th St NW 19th St NW De Sales Row NW NW Sumner Row NW MAYFLOWER RENAISSANCE 1127 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20036 877-212-5752 N Ave W L St NW L St NW @CW_2015 11 Please visit Compliance Week’s event website, CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM for all the latest conference news. COMPLIANCE WEEK MORE INFO 2015 SAV E TH E D ATE ! COMPLIANCE WEEK 26-27 OCTOBER 2015 BRUSSELS MARRIOTT EUROPE CONTACT INFORMATION Rebecca Smith for Registration Inquiries rebecca.smith@complianceweek.com Maria Sonin for Speaker/Agenda Inquiries maria.sonin@complianceweek.com Donna Rice for Sponsorship Inquiries donna.rice@complianceweek.com COMPLIANCE WEEK 2015 IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY @CW_2015 12 Please visit Compliance Week’s event website, CONFERENCE.COMPLIANCEWEEK.COM for all the latest conference news.
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