Sponsor Brochure - conference - International Association of

Racing Toward Assessment Innovation
2015 Strategic Sponsor
Partner Program
• Magnify your company presence
• Reach key buyers and decision makers
• Position your company as an industry leader
2014 Conference by the Numbers
• 1,142 attendees
• 12 Countries, 59 U.S. States and Canadian Provinces
• 56% Appraisers/Assessors
• 23% Assessment Administrators
International Association of Assessing Officers
81st Annual International Conference on Assessment Administration
September 13–16, 2015 ◆ Indianapolis, Indiana ◆ JW Marriott
The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) is the worldwide leader and foremost educator in the field of mass
appraisal. The association serves as the premier resource for information on property tax policy and the ultimate source for
national and international standards. The IAAO annual conference brings together administrators and decision makers from
North America and around the globe.
As an IAAO sponsor partner, your company earns
tangible benefits that develop networks, generate leads,
and help you achieve marketing and sales objectives.
Sponsorships are linked to a tiered system of benefits
based on each company’s level of investment.
Premier....................................... $40,000 plus
Diamond............................. $25,000–$39,999
Bronze...................................... $1,000–$4,999
General Supporter.......................$500–$999
2014 Conference Attendees
were instrumental
in purchasing decisions
“The IAAO Annual Conference is the best way to keep up to speed
with national and international assessment issues and network with
professionals and companies involved in this complicated and
dynamic field that changes every day.”
~Larry Stein, Chief Deputy, Oklahoma County, OK
Drive customer awareness to your brand, products or services. IAAO’s sponsor partnership program will connect you with a highly
targeted audience through multiple touch points.
Sponsorship Level
Complimentary vendor demonstration room for three (3) days (hours not to conflict with all attendee events)
E-mail sent to registered attendees as of July 24 on behalf of company**
Recognition in two (2) preconference e-mails sent to entire membership with link to company website
Company address to attendees at fully sponsored event(s) (Limited to three (3) minutes)**
Company logo on IAAO website before, during, and after conference, prominently featured with link to company website
Recognition in conference program (full-color, back cover)
Individual company signage at fully sponsored event(s)
Two (2) additional complimentary conference registrations, for a total of five (5)
Complimentary vendor demonstration room for one (1) day (hours not to conflict with all attendee events)
Recognition in one (1) preconference email sent to entire membership with link to company website
Company address to attendees at fully sponsored event(s) (Limited to one (1) minute)**
Company logo on IAAO website before, during, and after conference, with link to company website
Recognition in conference program (full page, color)
Two (2) additional complimentary conference registrations, for a total of three (3)
Recognition by Master of Ceremonies at fully sponsored event(s)
Opportunity to distribute company logo souvenir or promotional flyers at fully sponsored event(s)**
Recognition page in conference program (full page, black and white)
Acknowledgement in conference program, includes 50-word company description and logo
One (1) complimentary conference registration
Video/PowerPoint recognition at Opening Ceremony
Company logo on IAAO website before, during, and after conference
Recognition in conference program (1/2 page, black and white)
Pre- and post-conference attendee lists, containing names and addresses (Two (2) weeks before and two (2)
weeks after conference)
Recognition in pre- and post-conference issues of Fair & Equitable*
Signage at sponsored events*
Acknowledgement in conference program*
Signage in prominent areas of conference indicating level of sponsorship*
Sponsor badge ribbons
$40,000 and up
General Supporter
*Size, prominence, and placement will be a feature of sponsorship level. **Requires pre-approval by IAAO. Benefits may be subject to change based on availability.
Note: Past sponsors have first right of refusal. Exclusive sponsorship entitles a company to reserve the same sponsorship the following year. Changes (e.g., in venue) may
change opportunities. Sponsorship is a component in conference booth selection for the following year. See the Exhibitor Brochure for details.
IAAO invites you to build a total package that meets YOUR objectives. Comprehensive opportunities have been developed.
(Opportunities are non-exclusive unless noted.) Proposals for unique, customized packages are also welcomed. Contact Leann
Ritter, 816-701-8161, or ritter@iaao.org for more information.
Conference Tote Bag $14,000 Exclusive!
This is one of the most highly visible opportunities to showcase
your company. It’s perfect for long-lasting exposure! Includes
opportunity to insert company materials.
Attendee Package $15,000 Exclusive!
The attendee package includes your company logo on name
badge lanyards, the frequently referred to Day-at-a-Glance
included with badges, and conference notebooks/writing
tablets—all distributed as attendees arrive.
Electronic Hotel Room Keys $10,000 Exclusive!
Get your logo into the hands of conference hotel guests!
(Provided to the first 1,200 guests.)
The Gathering Place $15,000 Exclusive!
Be where attendees relax and recharge! Get your logo and
company connection on laptops available to attendees as they
check-in and recharge personal mobile devices.
Conference Mobile App $10,000 Exclusive!
Your banner and link accessed by attendees as they view maps,
pull information on schedules, events, attendees, speakers, and
access conference presentations!
Welcome Reception $10,000 Cosponsor or $25,000
Engage attendees as they experience the world-class Indiana
State Museum. Don’t miss this spectacular opportunity to be in
front of decision makers at this event-to-remember with music,
food, and drinks. Exclusive sponsorship includes space for company materials and public recognition during the event.
Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speaker, Awards Program
& Luncheon, or Closing Banquet $7,500 Cosponsor or
$15,000 Exclusive!
Align with one or more of the conference all-attendee events.
Be there as IAAO gets down to business, recognizes the best of
the best and/or makes that final lasting impression.
Luncheons, Breakfasts or Breaks $3,000 Cosponsor or
$6,000 Exclusive!
Fuel hungry attendees as they build relationships for future
collaboration. Be at the heart of the action as connections are
developed and strengthened. Choice of three lunches, three
breakfasts or five breaks.
Daily Education Sessions $5,000 per day or $10,000 for
all three days!
Support IAAO education while attendees learn from the best
and the brightest. Full sponsorship provides a link to your company website on the conference education pages—some of the
highest online traffic areas for conference!
IAAO Spotlight $7,500
New in 2015—Over two days, shine with this exhibit hall
learning opportunity providing educational interaction on the
important work of IAAO—from development of technical standards to assessment excellence and beyond.
Plenary Sessions $7,500 each
Build company awareness and recognition at these all attendee
events. In 2015, IAAO highlights changing agricultural/farmland assessment and an opportunity to interact with wellknown assessment experts.
Each $1,000 Cosponsor or $5,000 Exclusive!
Representative, Chapter, and Affiliate Leaders Reception
This reception features the “grass roots” of the association. Be
in front of the local movers and shakers—often the first introduction to the assessment profession.
International Attendees Reception
Be recognized at this globally-focused event along with international leaders in property tax assessment and related disciplines.
IAAO Professional Designess Reception
Recognize and be recognized with these respected members
who have earned the mark of exceptional competence.
First Time Attendee Orientation
Help introduce the conference experience to first time attendees. Take this prime opportunity to acquaint new and influential
customers with your company.
Local Host Thank You Volunteer Lunch
Recognize and be recognized at this event for those Indiana
on-the-ground volunteers who make the conference so memorable.
President’s Dinner & Hospitality $1,000
Racing Toward Assessment Innovation
Share the President’s “thanks” to those who make up the ad
valorem profession. Your company name and logo will be
prominently featured at President’s activities throught the conference. Includes invitation to the dinner.
Strategic Commitment Request Form
81st Annual International Conference on Assessment Administration
September 13–16, 2015 ◆ Indianapolis, Indiana ◆ JW Marriott
Sponsorship opportunities are first-come, first-served based on receipt of application and full payment. Exclusive sponsorships entitle you to reserve the same sponsorship the next year. (Sponsorships are nonexclusive unless otherwise noted.)
Contact Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Company/Firm Name___________________________________________________________________________________________
(Print or type exactly as it should be displayed on signage and in printed materials.)
Address____________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________
State/Province_____________________ ZIP/Postal Code____________________ Country___________________________________
Telephone______________________________ Fax____________________________E-mail___________________________________
Requested Sponsorship Packages and Financial Investment__________________________________________________________
Full sponsorship recognition is based on advance payment and receipt of company logo.
 Send logo in PDF or EPS format. Logo may also be submitted in JPEG format: resolution of 600-1,200 pixels per inch.
 50-word company description submitted in electronic format (e-mail, Word file, text file)
The last date to receive annual conference sponsorship materials is June 29, 2015. Meeting this deadline will ensure that sponsors are provided the defined recognition.
Cancellation Policy
If notice of cancellation is made 120 calendar days before the first day of the annual conference, a refund less 50% of the contracted amount will be issued.
If notice of cancellation is made less than 120 calendar days before the first day of the annual conference no refund will be issued. Any reduction in sponsorship level will be treated the same as sponsorship cancellation and will be refunded accordingly. All cancellations/reductions must be received in writing
at ritter@iaao.org (email); 816-701-8149 (fax); or IAAO, 314 W. 10th St. Kansas City, MO 64105 (regular mail).
Payment Information
Full payment must be received to process your application. If paying by check, please send completed form and check or
money order to the IAAO Lockbox at: International Association of Assessing Officers, PO Box 29900, Dept. 929, Phoenix, AZ
85038-0900. Make checks payable to IAAO. Checks or money orders must be in U.S. funds. (There is a charge of $25.00 for
returned checks.) If paying by credit card, fax your order with complete information to 816-701-8149.
Investment Amount _________________  Check enclosed
 Visa
 MasterCard
 American Express
Card Number________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_________________
Name (as it appears on card)___________________________________________________________ CSC Code_________________
Signature_________________________________________________________________ Date________________________________
All activities associated with the annual conference, including signage, are subject to the approval of IAAO.
For information contact: Leann Ritter, Special Projects Manager ◆ ritter@iaao.org ◆ 816-701-8161 ◆ Fax 816-701-8149
International Association of Assessing Officers ◆ 314 W. 10th St. ◆ Kansas City, MO 64105