17 APRIL 2015 3DVVLWRQ« ADVISORY: GATE CLOSURES FOR BARRIER MAINTENANCE The Directorate of Emergency Services will conduct routine maintenance on the vehicle barriers April 18. The following gates will be closed to both inbound and outbound traffic during the following times: --Gate 20 closed 7:15-9:30 a.m. --Gate 5 roadway at the barrier will be closed between 9:45 a.m. to noon. The housing areas will be accessible through Gate 5. Golf course and hospital access will be through Gate 1. --Gate 4 closed 1-3:30 p.m. These hours are approximate and may be adjusted slightly. Community members should plan to use the other gates for access to Fort Carson during these times. ADVISORY: INSTALLATION ACCESS CHANGES Non-DOD/federal ID cardholders will have until May 1 to obtain installation access passes. While contractors and reoccurring visitors have this time to present the proper paperwork to the Visitor Control Center, Fort Carson officials are asking people to not wait until the last minute to complete the process. Also, Visitor Control Center officials have noticed issues with the Fort Carson Form 2036. The Form 2036 must be digitally signed with a Common Access Card by a military sponsor, not hand signed. For organizations on post, such as the Army and Air Force Exchange Service and Defense Commissary Agency that don't have CAC cards, provisions have been made in advance with these organizations to obtain passes for those who need it. The Visitor Control Center is located in building 6012, immediately outside of Gate 1. It is open seven days a week from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Personnel who are requesting a visitor day pass or an extended access pass need to bring their state or federally issued photo ID (e.g. state issued driver's license or ID card, or U.S. passport). Vehicle operators need to bring in their vehicle registration and proof of insurance. For more information, call the VCC at 526-2332. ADVISORY: USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ON FORT CARSON Fort Carson expands use of reclaimed water- Fort Carson will begin watering the sports complex and Iron Horse Park turf areas with water from its expanded reclaimed water system mid April. Fort Carson expanded the system this past year, 1 which has been used to irrigate Cheyenne Shadows Golf Course on Fort Carson since the 1970s, to reuse as much treated waste water as possible for large landscaped areas. The use of reclaimed water for irrigation is occurring all over Colorado and the United States. The treated waste water is safe for watering turf and has gone WKURXJK DQ H[WHQVLYH WUHDWPHQW SURFHVV DW )RUW &DUVRQ·V :DVWHZDWHU 7UHDWPHQW Plant. To use reclaimed water for irrigation, Fort Carson must follow Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment regulations, which include specific monitoring criteria the treatment process must meet. Before Fort Carson begins using reclaimed water at the sports complex and Iron +RUVH3DUNVLJQVZLWKWKHWH[W´$WWHQWLRQ,UULJDWHGZLWKUHFODLmed water, do not GULQNµ ZLOO EH SRVWHG WR QRWLI\ SHRSOH XVLQJ WKH DUHDV 0RVW LI QRW DOO RI WKH watering will be done at night when there is minimal chance of the areas being visited by people. As a precaution, people should avoid the spraying water of the irrigation system when the reclaimed water is running. If a person is exposed to the water, they should avoid ingesting it and simply wash themselves with soap and water at their earliest convenience. For more information, contact the DPW at 526-2022. 18 HOLES OF SUMMER GOLF EVENT The 2015 Army Field Support Battalion-&DUVRQ´+ROHVRI6XPPHU6DIHW\µZLOOEH May 8 at Cheyenne Shadows Golf Club. The four-person scramble is limited to 32 teams. Registration is from 11:30 a.m. to noon. Lunch will be served at noon and shotgun start is at 1:30 p.m. The event, open to military and civilians, is $40 per person which includes cart, lunch and a free future round of golf. Mulligans are $2 for one or $5 for three, no limit. Contact John Hurtado at 526-4371 or john.m.hurtado.civ@mail.mil for reservations;; singles welcome. 2 ACS NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY Army Community Service in partnership with Installation Management Command (IMCOM), G9 Research and Analysis will be launching the ACS Needs Assessment Survey from April 15 to June 17, 2015 at Fort Carson. The online survey will be available to the entire military community surrounding Fort Carson. We would like to encourage all Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Retirees to participate in the survey. This survey is conducted every three years in coordination with the ACS Accreditation process and provides a unique opportunity to measure usage and helpfulness of individual ACS programs and services and identify emerging needs related to the Army way of life. A link to the survey will be sent on April 15th, 2015 3 APRIL IS MONTH OF THE MILITARY CHILD (FLYER) 4 BOSS GOLF OUTING (FLYER) 5 CARSON COLOR FEST AND COLOR RUN (FLYER) 6 CHAPEL NEXT ADDS SERVICE Chapel Next Fort Carson will be growing from one worship service to two services starting April 12. New worship times will be 9:30 and 11 a.m. at Veterans Chapel on the corner of Titus Boulevard and Smith Street. Contemporary worship, children's ministry and biblical preaching offered during both services. For more information, visit the Chapel Next Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/#!/chapelnextfortcarson. 7 COACHES NEEDED (FLYER) 8 CROSSFIT (FLYER) 9 DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE The 4th Infantry Division Equal Opportunity Office presents a Days of Remembrance observance April 16 at 2 p.m. at the Elkhorn Conference Center. Guest speaker is retired Maj. +HQU\ ´'XNHµ %RVZHOO WKH RQO\ OLYLQJ SDUDWURRSHU IURP WKH XQLW WKDW OLEHUDWHG :REEHOLQ &RQFHQWUDWLRQ &DPS 7KLV \HDU·V WKHPH IRU Days of Remembrance, which runs April 12- LV ´/HDUQLQJ IURP WKH +RORFDXVW &KRRVLQJWR$FWµ 10 DFMWER RAFTING DAY (FLYER) 11 EARTH DAY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION Fort Carson is hosting a free household hazardous waste collection event April 22 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Special Events Center, building, 1829, as part of the Earth Day observance. Bring old/used household cleaners, paints, lawn care products, electronics and data media and automotive products and make a difference. For more information, call 526-4340 or 491-0218. EARTH DAY VOLUNTEER READERS Fort Carson is providing a number of Earth Day-themed programs at on-post VFKRROVWKHZHHNRI$SULO$ERXWYROXQWHHUVDUHQHHGHGUHDG'U6XHVV·´7KH /RUD[µ WR VWXGHQWV $SULO DW 3DWULRW $EUDPV DQG :HLNHO HOHPHQWDU\ VFKRROV Books will be provided. The schedule follows: 8-8:45 a.m. at Patriot Elementary (16 classes);; 9-9:45 a.m. at Abrams Elementary (15 classes);; 12:30-1:15 p.m. at Weikel Elementary (10 classes). To volunteer as a reader, call the Directorate of Public Works at 526-9226 or email jani.l.mccreary.civ@mail.mil. 12 EDUCATION CENTER COUNSELING SERVICES CLOSURE The Education Center Counseling Services in building 1117 will be closed April 20 due to offsite training. Army Education Counseling Services will not be available. The regularly scheduled ETS briefings (8 a.m. and 2 p.m.) and the GI Bill briefing (10 a.m.) will still take place. All other Education Center services and classes will continue as scheduled. EVANS HOSPITAL SUPPORTS ROTC AND USAFA CADET TRAINING $UP\ 0HGLFLQH·V SULPDU\ PLVVLRQ LV WKH PHGLFDO UHDGLQHVV RI RXU PLOLWDU\ IRUFHV This summer, our active duty providers will be supporting Army ROTC cadet training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and US Air Force Academy cadet training. From 0D\WR$XJXVWRXUQDWLRQ·VIXWXUHPLOLWDU\RIILFHUVZLOOSDUWLFLSDWHLQQHFHVVDU\DQG LQWHQVH PDQHXYHU DQG ILHOG WUDLQLQJ (YDQV· PLOLWDU\ SURYLGHUV ZLOO VXSSRUW WKH medical mission by helping cadets who become ill or injured during these activities. Because of these missions, our enrolled beneficiaries may experience some decreased access to appointments. We are splitting these medical support duties among numerous providers and clinics so expect minimal impact on our patLHQWV· ability to see their assigned providers. Our Community Based Medical Homes Mountain Post & Premier will not be affected. To help mitigate the absences, and as part of their annual training requirements, several Army Reserve providers are coming here this summer to handle patient appointments. In addition, we currently have multiple primary care providers in the hiring process and hope to bring them onto the team in the coming months. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time as we strive to meet our military needs, continue to improve your access to health care, and to support the Patient Centered Medical Home concept. Stay Well! 13 EFMP EVENTS COMING UP (FLYERS) **Ft. Carson EFMP Meet-up (formally EFMP Special Needs Activity Group (SNAG)) The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) & New Parent Support Program (NPSP) facilitate a monthly meet-up group for parents of special needs children called EFMP Meet-up. The EFMP Meet-up is a GREAT place for parents of children who have health needs/concerns such as: Allergies, G-tube feeding, Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning disabilities, ADHD, Downs Syndrome, etc...to give and receive support from other parents as well as discuss special needs topics. EFMP Meet-up group schedule: Monday, April 27 (9:00am to 10:30am) Monday, May 25 (9:00am to 10:30am) Meeting location is The Family Connection bldg 1354, Barkeley. Parents are encouraged to come to the group, even if their children cannot attend. If your children will be attending the group with you, you must RSVP to Jessica Brown or Sunny Ginter at (719) 526-4590. Parents can also register to attend at www.eventbrite.com. Search for Ft. Carson EFMP Meet-up, and select the number of attendees (website will prompt you to purchase ticket, the purchase a ticket option is simply reserving your spot. THIS IS A NO-COST ACTIVITY). 14 EFMP SENSORY MOVIE NIGHT The Exceptional Family Member Program will be holding its free quarterly Sensory Movie Night Event April 24. This event is for exceptional Family members with sensory issues that may limit their ability to watch movies in a movie theater. To PHHW RXU ()0·V VHQVRU\ QHHGV WKH OLJKWV UHPDLQ RQ LQ WKH WKHDWHU WKH VRXQG LV turned down and individuals are free to move around when they feel over VWLPXODWHG7KLVTXDUWHU·VVKRZLQJLV%LJ+HUR The event takes place from 6-8 p.m. April 24 at Freedom Performing Arts Center building 1129. Although an RSVP is not required for this event, parents can register to attend the EFMP Sensory Movie Night event at http://www.eventbrite.com. Search for EFMP Sensory Movie Night, and select the number of attendees (website will prompt you to purchase ticket, the purchase a ticket option is simply reserving your spot. This is a free event). 15 FORT CARSON ON-POST SUMMER COLLEGE SCHEDULE (FLYER) 16 FREE AUTOMOTIVE CLASSES(FLYER) 17 FREE SKYSOX VOUCHERS Military ID card holders can pick up free ticket vouchers for the May 2 Fort Carson Appreciation Night at the Colorado Springs Sky Sox at Information, Tickets and Registration. The Milwaukee Brewers' triple-A affiliate will play the Omaha Storm Chasers, the Kansas City Royals' affiliate, at 6:05 p.m. The vouchers must be exchanged at the Sky Sox box office prior to the game. The stadium is located off Barnes Road one block east of Powers Boulevard. FREE SWITCHBACK VOUCHERS Soldiers and their Families can pick up free tickets to Friday's Colorado Springs Switchbacks vs. Real Monarchs Salt Lake City soccer match at Information, Tickets and Registration. The United Soccer League match starts at 7 p.m. at Sand Creek Stadium, located off Barnes Road one block east of Powers Boulevard. 18 FULL MOON HIKE (FLYER) 19 GOLF SKILLS SERIES (FLYER) 20 HEROES AND HORSES (FLYER) 21 INFLATABLE KYAKING TRIP (FLYER) 22 INTIMATE ALLIES COUPLES WORKSHOP "Intimate Allies" is a two-day couple's workshop where partners learn how to deeply connect and form a "Safe Haven" couples bond. Couples gain insight into their attachment styles, how to tame the dragons that arise during conflict and receive a plan to increase multiple dimensions of intimacy in their relationship. The workshop will be conducted April 23-24 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Army Community Service Center. Register for this free workshop at http://www.carson.army.mil/acs/. Information for free child care will be provided upon registration. For more information, contact Dr. Ken Robinson at 524-1991. 23 JUNIOR GOLF CAMPS (FLYER) 24 KAYAKING PROGRAMS (FLYER) 25 0,/,7$5<)$0,/<&$03$7<281*/,)(·675$,/:(67)/<(56 Does your Family like adventure, laughter and fun ² or just need a break from the daily stresses of life? Then join us this summer at Military Family Camp at Young Life's Trail West. The Family Camp offers horseback riding, pony rides, ropes course, swimming pool, water slide, hot tub, trout pond, tennis courts (rackets and balls available), basketball, sand volleyball, Frisbee golf course, playground,4x4 jeep tours& White Water Rafting, this is a perfect setting to relax and connect with your Family. Childcare is available on site during scheduled Family activities. The cost is nominal and based on pay grade. To register and get more information go to www.militaryfamilycamp.younglife.org. POC: Debi Nancarrow, Staff Development Coordinator, Military Community Youth Ministries at (719) 381-1865 or dnancarrow@mcym.org 26 27 MILITARY MOTHER DAUGHTER TEA (FLYER) 28 MILITARY SPOUSES APPRECIATION DAY (FLYER) All Military & DoD affiliated Spouses are invited to our annual Military Spouses Appreciation Day Celebration on Fri 8 May 2015 at the Southeast Armed Services YMCA . This event is FREE of charge with two sessions: 0900-1200 (Session #1) or 1300-1600 (Session #2). Please see below flyer or visit www.ppymca.org/register, VHDUFK ´ 0LOLWDU\ 6SRXVH $SSUHFLDWLRQ 'D\µ DQG VLJQ XS 2QOLQH 5693 RQO\ Registration period: 1 Apr ² 3 May 2015. 29 OPERATION PURPLE TETON SCIENCE SCHOOLS SUMMER CAMP (FLYER) Teton Science Schools in Jackson, Wyoming is offering a free summer camp from July 13-17, 2015 for military kids who are between the ages of 11 and 17 and who have parents who have been, are currently, or will be deployed. The camp is cosponsored by Operation Purple ² a program of the National Military Family Association. 30 PARK TOOL SCHOOL (FLYERS) 31 PHOTOGRAPHY COURSES (FLYER) 32 RESILIENCE CLASSES (FLYER) 33 ROCK CLIMBING (FLYER) 34 35 ROD BENDERS SHOW AND SHINE (FLYER) 36 SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH Sexual Assault Awareness MonthSeveral events are scheduled for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which runs through April. April 21-$´6H[6LJQDOVµSURGXFWLRQLVDWWKH6SHFLDO(YHQWV&HQWHU$SULODQG McMahon Auditorium April 22-23 (Sign up thru Unit SARCs) --April 25: Sexual Assault Awareness 5K Run is at Iron Horse Park Pavilion at 8:45 a.m. --April 29: Denim Day (Consult with unit) --April 29: A SHARP outreach booth is at the Fort Carson Commissary --April 30: Sexual Assault survivors tell their stories at McMahon Auditorium at 9:30 a.m. 37 38 SKI & SNOWBOARD IN THE SUMMER (FLYER) 39 SOCCOR LEAGUE (FLYER) 40 SOFTBALL LEAGUE (FLYER) 41 SPARTAN RACE COMES TO FORT CARSON (FLYER) The Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation staff will host a Spartan Military Sprint May 2-3 on Fort Carson. The competition will consist of a 4-mile obstacle course. Fort Carson community members can get a 20-percent discount by entering the code CARSON while registering. Visit http://www.spartanrace.com to register for the event. SPECIAL SPARTANS (FLYER) A Special Spartans heat of the Spartan Race takes place May 2. The Special Spartans course is designed for racers with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Fort Carson community members can get a 20-percent discount by entering the code CARSON at time of registration. For more information, visit http://info.spartan.com/special-needs. Visit http://www.spartanrace.com to register for the event. 42 SPECIAL FORCES CHALLENGE (FLYER) 43 SPRING MOUNTAIN BIKE TRIPS (FLYER) 44 STACK DFAC DINING AREA REOPENS Stack Dining Facility (DFAC), building 2330, will reopen the dining area for the dinner meal to accommodate diners and to allow them use of food items within the DFAC. Grab-N-Go items will still be the main focus. However main line entrees will be available. This change is effective immediately. TEEN EMPLOYMENT EVENTS April 18 and Teen Career Fair on April 30 Army Community Service (ACS), Employment Readiness Program (ERP), has partnered with Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (DFMWR), Child, Youth and School Services (CYSS) Program to host a Teen Career Fair. The Teen Career Fair is scheduled for April 30 from 3:30-7 p.m. at the Youth Services Center, 6181 Ware St., building 5950 Colorado Springs, CO, 80913. This event will provide teens an opportunity to improve employment related skills and to network with local employers and Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) partners. In addition to the job fair, there will be a workshop for teens that will help them prepare for the job fair. The workshop (Dress for Success - Mock Interviews) will be held April 18 from 2-4 p.m. Location for all events is the Youth Services Center, 6181 Ware St., building 5950 Colorado Springs, CO, 80913. For more information, call ACS Employment Readiness at 526-0452;; registration is online at www.carson.army.mil/acs. TRAIL CLOSURES The Trojan Trail at the northeast corner of the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Complex will be closed to foot is closed to foot traffic through the end of August. The abandoned tank trail between 71st Ordnance Group and the 10th SFG(A) climbing tower is also closed to foot and vehicle traffic for the foreseeable future. Signs are posted in the affected areas. 45 V I E T N A M V E T E R A NS W E L C O M E H O M E C E R E M O N Y (F L Y E R) 46 W H I T E W A T E R R A F T I N G (F L Y E R) 47 **This e-mail is for informational purposes only. Distribution of this information does not express nor implies endorsement by Fort Carson or the US Army. Private Organizations are not affiliated with Fort Carson or the US Army. 48
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