911 Beverly Drive, Carson City, NV 89706*(775)883-0703*(775) 883-2869*ccsccmgmtasst@gbis.com SECOND ANNUAL SILVER BELLS CRAFT FAIR APPLICATION FOR MEALS ON WHEELS & OTHER SENIOR PROGRAMS Craft Fair Dates: October 25th& 26th, 2014 Sat. 10am – 6pm & Sun. 10am – 3pm Set up is October 24th, 6pm – 8pm. At Carson City Community Center, 851 East Williams Street Please submit this application with pictures of items you will be selling at the craft fair to the address listed above by May 30, 2014.Craft Fair will begin at 10:00amSHARP Saturday and Sunday.Doors will be opened for vendors at 9:30am with the doors opening to the public at 10:00am. Breakdown will be on Sunday from 4:00pm – 6:00pm at which time the building will need to be completely vacated. LAST NAME: _______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________________ BUSINESS OR COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________ CITY: _________________________ STATE: ______ ZIP: _______ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________ ALTERNATE TELEPHONE NUMBER: __________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _________________________ Sales tax ID (if you have one):_____________________ There are 50 – 10’ x 10’ BOOTHS: Each booth is $90.00 ________IF ELECTRICITY IS NEEDED, PLEASE BRING A HEAVY DUTY EXTENSION CORD, THERE WILL BE A $10.00 FEE PER OUTLETYES ______ NO ______TOTAL AMOUNT: $___________ PLEASE CHECK THE CATEGORY WHICH REPRESENTS THE CRAFT YOU WILL BE SELLING: ____ ART (1) ____ BATH PRODUCTS (SOAPS, OILS, LOTIONS) (2) ____ CANDLES/DECORATIVE ITEMS (3) ____ CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES (4) ____ GLASS WORKS (5) ____ JEWELRY (6) ____POTTERY/CERAMICS (7) ___ METAL WORKS (8) ____ WOODCRAFTS (9) ____ YARD/GARDEN (10) ____ PHOTO ART (11) ____ FOOD (WILL SAMPLES BE SERVED: YES _____ NO _____ MUST PROVIDE COPY OF FOOD PERMIT FROM HEALTH DEPARTMENT). _____OTHER (please describe craft) _____________________________________________________ If applying after May 30, 2014, please call to see if there is availability. Any refund requests must be made in writing and submitted prior to September 15, 2014. No refunds will be issued after this date. All vendors agree to attend both days and NOT to tear down early. All information MUST be submitted with your application: 1. Photos of hand crafts to be sold and of your booth set up, include your name and telephone number on the back of your photo. All items are to be handcrafted, American-made quality crafts. If you like, you may pick up your photos after November 5, 2014 at Carson City Senior Citizens Center Reception Office. 2. Please make checks payable to: Carson City Senior Citizens Center for full amount by September 15, 2014. Returned check fee is $30.00. [Type text] For official use only: Approved by: __________________ Date: __________ Vendor # ________ Booth # ____________ Paid: Date: __________ Amount: $_______________ Initials: ______________ 911 Beverly Drive, Carson City, NV 89706*(775)883-0703*(775) 883-2869*ccsccmgmtasst@gbis.com 3. Return this application, photos and payment to: Carson City Senior Citizens Center, 911 Beverly Drive, Carson City, NV, 89703. According to Carson City Policy, there are NO open flames allowed in Carson City buildings. This includes candles and incense. Each vendor is responsible for reporting their taxes to the State of Nevada, Department of Taxation. We will be providing them with a list of vendors for this event. We will provide you with the Nevada Department of Taxation, One Time Sales Tax Return for this event. You may return this form along with your money to us at the end of the craft fair and we will turn the form and your payment into the Department of Taxation;or you may file them yourself. You will need to supply your own chair, tables, displays and extension cords. You will need to check in upon arrival to be shown your booth location. Carson City Senior Citizens Center will be selling lunch on Saturday and Sunday (chili, corn muffins, water, soda and cookies) and having a 50/50 Raffle. We would also like to have a raffle of the crafters items. If you would like to participate, please letus know what you will be donating by October 15, 2014so we mayadvertise your name above the raffle prizes. Donated raffle prizes need to be turned into the sign in desk prior to the craft fair opening to the public. Please be sure that all items are handcrafted, American-made, quality crafts. We are pleased that you are joining us for our second annual Silver Bells Craft Fair! Carson City Senior Citizens Center and the City of Carson City are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. We are looking forward to our second annual SILVER BELLS CRAFT FAIR! Should you have any questions, please contact: Dawn Beck, (775) 883-0703 or via email, ccsccmgmtasst@gbis.com. I, ______________________________, have read this information and agree to comply with all requirements. THIS IS A CONTRACT. If I fail to comply, I will not be allowed to be in the craft fair and will NOT be entitled to a refund. [Type text] For official use only: Approved by: __________________ Date: __________ Vendor # ________ Booth # ____________ Paid: Date: __________ Amount: $_______________ Initials: ______________
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