Annual Quilt Show in Augusta to Feature Prize Baskets, “Care... New and Antique” and Weaving Presentations

Augusta Area Senior Center
601 Main Street, Augusta, WI 54722
(715) 286-2953
For Immediate Release:
February, 2012
Contact: Barb Pritzl, Director
Annual Quilt Show in Augusta to Feature Prize Baskets, “Care of Quilts,
New and Antique” and Weaving Presentations
Plus a “Sew for Charity” Area
The Quilt Addicts Club of Augusta has decided to change the time of year for its annual quilt show in
order to better serve the quilting community. Instead of holding it during Augusta’s Bean and Bacon
Days celebrations, it will be held Friday, March 9th from 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 10th
from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Augusta Area Senior Center, 601 Main Street, Augusta WI 54722
This show features five “Viewer’s Choice” categories. New this year: the winners of each category will
each receive prize baskets containing donations from leading quilt industry companies. Each prize
basket will be worth approximately $50.00. All guests who attend the show are given the opportunity to
vote for their favorite items in each category until 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Jenny Elliott, owner of the Folk Art Emporium in Menomonee, quilter and teacher, will bring her
collection of quilts and give a presentation teaching us how to evaluate, care for and preserve the quilts
in our collections. Her stories about quilts will entertain and educate you. Participants are welcome to
bring one or two quilts from their own collections for Jenny to discuss. Presentation Times: Friday at
10:30 am and 3:30 pm and on Saturday at 1:30pm
Paula Reiter of Amethyst Dreams is also lined up for presentation on Friday at 1:00 pm & Saturday at
11:30 am. She will have samples of various weaving techniques and demonstrate them as well. There
will also be “Try-it-Yourself” samples for you to get a real “Hands-on” experience. Paula comes from a
family of artists and crafters. She has a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in metal-smithing from
UWEC. She works in knitting, weaving, beadwork, and basket weaving, just to name a few. Lately
Paula has done a lot of experimenting with felting, illusion knitting, and free form knitting.
A hand appliquéd queen sized quilt and “Pick-a-Prize” baskets filled with quilting items will be raffled
for the benefit of the Augusta Area Senior Center. All raffle tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.
The Quilt Addicts club is working hard to bring quilters of every level something to love about their
show. A new feature of the show will be a “Charity-Sit-n-Sew-A-While” area. Finally, an assortment of
vendors will be offering quilting supplies, jewelry, crafts and more. A special lunch menu will be
offered both days including salads, sandwiches and home baked goodies.
To Enter Your Quilts: Send an email to: with “QUILT ENTRY 2012” in the
subject line for a registration form or fill out an entry form when you drop off your creations at the
Augusta Senior Center on Monday, March 5 between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm or Tuesday, March 6
between 10:00 am and 7:00 pm.