TAGE FOUR Thursday, March 16,1967 Meal of Concern Bank Promotes To Be Served Iselin Resident Group's Meeting ISFI.IM - Raymond tt. Rul win, 4!) W. (!eorw I'lnre, lias horn promoted ID adminislra W o o n i U J i n C K — A menl of live assistant in the National r ; ri' ,iii'I fen will he served Snl i:r 1 -1 v at 7:00 !'. AT. al Hie Wood State Bank, Kliznbeth. He is iM-nl-e Methodist. Church, 71 stationed at fhe Hillside Office, ii Tin Street, hv the Middlesex 1320 N. Broad Strerti. < nunlv Clergy and Laymen Con Rulwin, a native of Newark, < 'tied Aliniit Vietnam an a resided In Hillside most of his "\le:i] Of Concern" for the Viet- lilV. Tie moved to Iselin in 10f>2. mi'iiese children. Following graduation f r o m 'I'll" public is invited and those Hillside Hich School, Class of •••Meuiinc a r e u i w d to rrfiard 11952, he joined the Hillside Na 1 c .mil lea as the meal of t h e j j o n a l Bank as a clerk. He was cvrmni!. ! advanced to the transit and In addition (0 Hie "Meal of bookkeeping departments before ''•inrprn", Mrs. Maas who h a she was made a savings teller. v c e n t l y returned from trips to He has been a note teller for <'.-imhodia and Saigon will be six years. In his now position t'v ?:uest speaker. The program he will process all typos of A1 til a Ian include a litany, a loan applications and assist in J'lifHhist reading, duets by Mrs.the administrative duties of the ^lary Ann Seamans and Donbank. The Hillside bank merPewlow and folk singing led by ged with the National State Bank on September 17, 1962. Aaron Schectiman. No reservations a r e necessary Since joining the bank, flul j nnd there will be no adimissiofl •win has taken courses conduct•liar;;e. A free will offering will ed by the American Institute of Leader-Press 4 4 4 4 4 Nearly Everyone Shops At DAFFY DAN'S 4 Ready Now For Spring Wear, Fnsh-Crisp JUNIORS' & LADIES' \ <;EORGE M. IIRUBI IN VIET NAM: Airman First Class George M. Hruhl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lasslo Iirubi, 211 Correja Avenue, Iselin, on duty at Plriku AB, Viet Nam. Airman Iirubi, a supply inventory specialist, is a member of the Pacific Air Forces which provides offensive-defensive alrpower for the U. S. and its allies in the Pacific, F a r East and Southeast Asia. Before his arrival in Southeast Asia, he was assigned to the 3535th Supply Squadron at Mather AFB, Calif. The airman is a 1960 graduate of Woodbridge Senior High School. His wife, Bonnie, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moser of 325 E. 12th Street, Anchorage, Alaska. be contributed to the Committee Banking and the Alexander Ha of Responsibility to Save War- milton Institute, New York City. Burned and War-Injured Viet- He is married to the former namese Children. Veronica Ambrozy of Hillside Rev. John Wighbman of thejand they have two daughters, First Congregational Church of i Beverly, 5, and Virginia, 2. Woodbridge, Rabbi Sidney Shannon of Temple Beth-El of Cranford and Rev. Gene Boneski of Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church of Elizahclh will attend. The Middlesex County Clergy flnd Laymen Concerned About Vio-iTiam is a newly formed group whose officers are: Charles Stein, chairman; Rev. Theodore C. Seamans, chairman; Itosemarie Sandry, secretary Col,ONIA — Victoria P. Sey- While at Fort Portal, where and Michael Choban, treasurer. irk Oilnnia, a junior at Newtropical diseases prevail, Miss .Anyone wishing further InformaJersey College of Medicine and Seybuck will assist in the wards tion about the group may call Dentistry, Jersey City, has been and with surgery as well t s with KM 0559. awarded a $1,186 fellowship the medical safaris that cover uliich will enable Her to assist 50 to 90 miles twice a week to in a mission hospital in Africa reach the widely scattered pop ulation. for 11 weeks this summer. Miss Seybuck, the daughter of A graduate of Seton Hall UniAnthony J. Seybuck, 20 Dogversity, Miss Seytouck is the secwood l,ane, is one of 31 Ameri- ond woman from her medical can medical students selected school to receive a Smith Kline AVRNEL — Dominic Pichal L/CPL. ROBERT W. 1HAKAS to receive Smith Kline & French & French Fellowship. ?*i was re-elected president of WOUNDED IN A C T I O N : Laboratories Foreign Fellow Now entering its eighth year, the Hoard of Fire Commission- Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ma- ships from the Association of the Smith Kline & French Foreers of the Fifth Fire District at ras, 29 Clembil Court, Hopc- American Medical Colleges. The ign Fellowships program was die annual meeting. Michael lawn, were very happy on fellowships are supported by a established to permit American 1 rralicr was reappointed fire Tuesday to receive a letter g r a n t from the Philadelphia medical students to widen their marshal by Mr. Pichalski. written by their son, L/Cpl. prescription drug firm. medical horizons In cultures Oor«p Shaffer was elected Robert W. Maras, recently Miss Seybuck will leave In very different from their own. vi.-p president, William Reilly wounded in action in Viet June for the Holy Family Hospi- In the past seven years 215 if elected secretary, and Paul Nam, advising them he is in tal in Fort Portal, Uganda, Fellows have served in 49 counChomiak re-elected treasurer. good condition after having where she will work under the tries of Africa, Asia and Latin Committee chairmen named becm wounded in the right supervision of J. E. Gates, M. D,,America. 1"' Mr. Pichalski include Mr. thigh and face by shrapnel Hospital Director. 1' iii-r. equipment; Mr. Reilly, from an enemy mortar while The hospital, with 100 beds, DANCE TOMORROW i'-sTi-ancp; Mr. C h o m i a k , on operations In the moun- serves a rural area with a pop- CARTERET — A St. PitrkVi iiiT-m: Mr. Shaffer, hydrants, tains, of Qmvf Trl Province. ulation of approximately 200,000. Day Dance, will be held Friday, The 20-year-old Marine was About 300 in-patients and 3,000 March 17 at Betfolen Hall, Cooke and Mr. Pichalski, house. born in Newark and has been out-patients are s e e n each Avenue. Music is by Al Kopco Named to serve as fire Jn- living here 14 years gradand his Band. Tickets are $1.50. <-"Pftnrs under the direction of uating front' Woodbridge Sen- month. 1 I' ? fire marshal are Raymond Toppock, chief; Joseph Placca ior High School in 1965. He first assistant chief; Robert enlisted for four years in the The Cnna, second assistant chief; United States Marine Corps beginning his one-year tour of William Dwyer, Michael Florio Kuhen Greco, and Stephen Co duty in Viet Nam in NovemAccumulator Savings Plan Is Sinrsky, ex-chiefs, and Mr ber. Chomiak, Mr. Shaffer, and Mr Reilly, commissioners. Order Filled Mr. Cohorsky will also serve The old lady went to a tombas the consultant on new constone cutter's office to order a struction ol industry in tine dist stone for her husband's grave. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT After explaining that all she rict. wanted was a small one with no Joseph Manzione was re named by the Bjpard as legal ad frills, she told him to put the visor and Arnold Graham as au words "To My Husband," in a ditor. The First Bank and Trus suitable place. A few days laber she went to Company of Woodbridge wa designated as the "-depository see the stone and she saw: and the Harry P. Burke Com- "To my husband. pany as insurance agent. In a suitable place." Colonia Medical 'Student To Work In Africa Mission Hospital Under Fellowship 4 BETTER DRESSES 4 Currently Selling in Better Shops to '18 4 Daffy's scoop of the spring season . . . Gay colorful cotton dresses in prints, solids and stripes All famous brands from better manufacturers. Youil recognize the labels. Hundreds to Choose From Our Fabulous Children's Dept.! 4 Finer Quality-Darling Styles GIRLS' SPRING DRESSES Commissioners Elect Officers Value to ' 2 0 ^ ^ f\ f\ 099 A grand selection of girls darling spring dresses tn glorious colon and dainty styles. Daffy h a t a complete * « e range 5.!) \ from 3 to 6x and 7 to 14 . . . Daffy also hat a pre-teen department. OVER 2000-BETTER QUALITY BOY'S KNIT SHIRTS \ If perfect would be $ 4.00 each I Just perfect for spring and summer . . . Long wearing cotton knit shirts in crew necks, boat necks, collar styles. Short sleeves. Gay prints and 2 tone styles. All sizes. Biggest Selection in town—Greatest Value call MIKE for the best SUB sandwich in town . . . ring . . . 634-9897 HANDSOME NEWSPRING STYLES I Submarine Sandwiches MEN'S & YOUTHS SLACKS Value '8.99 Handsome no iron Koratron's, dacrons, cottons, etc., in a EVERYTHING FOR YOUR •HAIR WARDROBE" Hair Fashions TAILORED for Easter To Fit YOU! —as featured in Life magazine article WIGS - WIGLETS V'/to "sliurt look" or tht glamnnma ''lung smooth look," you'll Imit just everything at Wig wide range of colors. Ivys, Continental and regular styles. All sizes. The Accumulator Plan is designed exclusively for you because it is completely flexible. It encourages regular savings but doesn't demand it. It lets you set your own pace of savings because we realize that individual financial situations vary your ability to set money aside. Hut we also know that the secret of accumulating money is to deposit regularly and consistently. Open your account this payday. A r Mothers To Be! Choose From Many Styles! All Better Manufacturers M0 0 4 MATERNITY DRESSES CHART YOUR PROGRESS TO FINANCIAL SECURITY A big collection of better giade maternity wear by famous manufac- DO YOU REQUIRE AN UNUSUAL FIT? Our Specialists Will Solve Your Problem l'rivalc Fitting Rooms • Workroom on Premises Figures are based on current earning rate YEAR (5 YKAKS 11) YEAKSiO YEARS WEEKLY $ 53.12 $ 289.55 $ 647.24 $1,635.05 ~ $r 106.24 1,294.49 579.09 3,270.09 2" 159.32 ~~ 868.42 1,941.24 4,9011.89 3 265.56 1,447.51 "3,235.73 ~8,173.W' 5 5ai.ll "2,895.01 6,471.46 16,347.97 10* "1,062.22 5,790.03 12,942.92 32,695.94 — 20 turer. Beautiful colors and styles. All sizes. Values to $20. \ MATERNITY SLACKS & TOPS $ 1 . 9 9 4 1126 DICKINSON ST. FREE PARKING 4 H Corner JEFFERSON AVE., ELIZABETH 210 BUOAD ST., ELIZABETH, N.J. EL. 4-7200 Open Monday* & lliuiedayl till 9 1 Block Below Broad Street — 1 Block From Elizabeth Avenue and loan association ol PERTH AMBOY W« reserva the right to limit quantity. CCP — UNI-CARD 1 OPEN MONDAY AND THURSDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. In Our lot Next to Our Stora
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