PDF Registration Form - Connections Project

Connections Conference 2015
Rigorous Academic Career & Technical Education
The Connections Conference is clearly focused on new and
exciting teaching practices in all discipline areas. It features
teachers, counselors and other educators from Illinois and
around the United States sharing innovative programs and
strategies that have been successful in their schools.
Conference goals are to provide sessions for attendees to
grow professionally, to showcase exemplary programs, and to
support school improvement strategies associated with the
High Schools That Work initiative.
Conference Features
Offers over 100 prac oner‐based sessions in a two day conference
Highlights best prac ces from middle through postsecondary educa on
Addresses the needs of teachers/instructors, administrators, and
Focuses on curriculum development and instruc onal methods
Illustrates how major local, statewide, and na onal educa onal ini a ves
can be connected
Conference Informa on
 Dates
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 &
Thursday, March 26, 2015
 Loca
Pheasant Run Resort
4051 E Main Street
St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: 630‐584‐6300
 Conference
Featured Presenta ons
Breakout 1‐hour Sessions
Deep Dive 2‐hour Sessions
Professional Development Hours
(formerly known as CPDUs)
Evening Networking Social
 For
More Informa on
Details regarding registra on,
presenta ons, and keynote/featured
speakers will be available on the
website at
www.connec onsproject.illinoisstate.edu
Early Registration Deadline is February 16, 2015
Technical Assistance for Rigorous Academic and Career Technical Educa on Project (Connec ons Project), Illinois
State University, Campus Box 1600, Normal IL 61790‐1600, Phone: 309‐438‐5185, Fax: 309‐438‐3211. Visit us on
the web at www.connec onsproject.illinoisstate.edu.
Conference sponsors: Illinois State Board of Educa on & Illinois State University.
Conference 2015
Registra on fees
Name badge informa on (Print clearly)
Registra ons received without a check or credit card informa on
will not be processed. Purchase orders will be allowed ONLY for
group registra on of 10 or more people with an official purchase
order a ached.
(A endees only ‐ No presenters*)
First Name
Last Name
I plan to a end:
Ins tu on/Company
Early Registra on ‐ Postmarked by February 16, 2015
Full Two Day Conference**
$ 190
Single Day, March 25th
$ 115
Single Day, March 26th
$ 90
Mailing Address
Telephone (
Fax (
Regular Registra on ‐ Begins February 17, 2015
Full Two Day Conference**
$ 210
Single Day, March 25th
$ 135
Single Day, March 26th
$ 110
Total enclosed/charged
**Two day registra ons are meant to be used by one person:
Any person a ending only one day must use a single day op on.
(Two day registra ons can not be shared between two people.)
What posi on best describes your role?
Methods of payment with Registra on
Check enclosed, payable to Illinois State University
American Express
What levels apply to your responsibility?
(select all that apply)
Account number
Expira on date
Subject areas: (select all that apply)
Health Sciences Math
Special Ed
TE & E
How would you categorize your school community?
(select all that apply)
Have you a ended a Connec ons Conference before?
Cardholder's signature
I am registering a group of 10 or more people and have
enclosed an official purchase order to cover the group’s
registra on.
Easy ways to register:
By check, credit card or purchase order
Special needs
Please indicate any special needs below:
Sign language interpreter
Assistance because of visual impairments
Wheelchair accessibility
Vegetarian meal
Gluten Free meal
Mail this completed form and fees to:
Illinois State University
Connec ons Conference 2015 A endee Registra on
Campus Box 8610
Normal IL 61790‐8610
By credit card
Fax this completed form to: (309) 438‐5364
Register on‐line at:
www.connec onsproject.illinoisstate.edu
Register by phone:
Call (800) 877‐1478 or (309) 438‐2160 between 8 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. Monday through Friday.
*Presenters: Do not register with this form. Once confirmed as a presenter, you will be automatically
registered for the conference through the Connections Conference office. If you have questions, please call
309-438-5185 or send an email to connectionsproject@illinoisstate.edu.
Registration, Lodging, & Professional Development Hour Information
Registra on fees include:
Ques ons?
Confirma on
Professional development hours (Formally known as CPDUs)
For registra on ques ons call Illinois State University Conference Services at (309)
 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 ‐ Opening keynote,
438‐2160 or (800) 877‐1478. For ques ons about the sessions, visit
sessions with Professional Development Hours,
www.connec onsproject.illinoisstate.edu or call Connec ons Conference staff at
con nental breakfast, lunch, and the evening
networking social (hors d'oeuvres and DJ)
 Thursday, March 26, 2015 ‐ Closing keynote
session, sessions with Professional Development Refund/cancella on policy
If cancella ons are made in wri ng at least 10 days prior to the conference,
Hours, con nental breakfast, and lunch
registra on fees will be refunded, less a $15 processing fee. However, no refunds
will be made for cancella ons received within 10 days of the conference.
Registra on deadlines:
 Early registra ons must be postmarked by
February 16, 2015 to ensure early registra on
Lodging is the responsibility of the individual registrant. Since the room block does
fill up quickly, we encourage you to make your reserva ons early. When calling, be
 Regular registra on begins February 17, 2015.
sure to men on you are a ending the Connec ons Conference.
 The last day to register by phone, fax or on‐line is
For reserva ons: Pheasant Run Resort 800‐474‐3272
March 20, 2015
Return confirma on includes a receipt for fees and
a map to Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Illinois.
If you have not received confirma on at least 10
days prior to the conference, please call Illinois
State University Conference Services at (309) 438‐
2160 or (800) 877‐1478.
Onsite registra on is available only with payment
by either credit card, check, or cash for regular
registra on prices.
1‐7 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) are available for a ending the
Connec ons Conference. One PDH will be awarded for every one‐hour breakout
session that you a end. In your conference packet you will find a PDH Proof of A endance form that you will take to each breakout session. At the end of each
session, ask the presenter for a PDH Proof of A endance label. You will receive your
proof of PDHs by mail a er the conference is completed. (Note: Check your
conference bag for PDH guidelines, paperwork, and mail‐in informa on or see the
Connec ons registra on desk on‐site prior to the opening comments).
NEW DEADLINE to return PDH proof of a endance by: Must be
postmarked by April 2, 2015.
Tentative Agenda for the Connections Conference 2015
Tuesday ‐ March 24, 2015
7:00 p.m. ‐ 9:00 p.m.
Early Presenter & A endee Registra on
Wednesday ‐ March 25, 2015
8:00 a.m. ‐ 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. ‐ 10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m. ‐ 11:45 a.m.
Noon ‐ 1:00 p.m.
1:15 p.m. ‐ 4:45 p.m.
5:30 p.m. ‐ 9:00 p.m.
Registra on & Con nental Breakfast
Opening Keynote Presenta on
Breakout Sessions
Luncheon in the Megacenter
Breakout Sessions Including the 2‐hour “deep dive” sessions 50’s themed Evening Networking Social with hors d'oeuvres and DJ
Thursday ‐ March 26, 2015
7:30 a.m. ‐ 8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. ‐ Noon
12:15 p.m. ‐ 1:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m. ‐ 2:15 p.m.
Registra on & Con nental Breakfast
Breakout Sessions Including the 2‐hour “deep dive” sessions Luncheon in the St. Charles Ballroom
Closing Keynote Presenta on
Illinois State Board of Educa on
100 North First Street
Springfield, IL 62777‐0001
Gery J. Chico
Christopher A. Koch, Ed. D.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirma ve Ac on Employer
Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois
November 2014 (17,500 copies grant agreement number: 15‐3220‐PD‐17‐064‐5450‐51)
Connec ons Conference 2015
Technical Assistance for Rigorous Academic and
Career Technical Educa on Project (Connec ons Project)
Illinois State University
Campus Box 1600
Normal IL 61790‐1600
Connections Conference 2015
Rigorous Academic Career & Technical Education
Registration Form
March 25 & 26, 2015
Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Illinois
Conference 2015
Technical Assistance for Rigorous Academic and Career Technical Educa on Project
Illinois State University
Campus Box 1600, Normal, IL 61790‐1600
Phone: 309‐438‐5185 Fax: 309‐438‐3211
www.connec onsproject.illinoisstate.edu