Celebratingour30thyear! StatewideFamilyChildCareConference March20and21,2015 TheCourtyardMarriott 75FeltonStreet Marlborough,MA01752 Approved for Department of Early Educa on and Care (EEC) Training Hours in Core Competencies as noted Selec ons with * approved for USDA CACFP Training Requirements CEU approval requested and pending—see registra on page Register online at www.yoursforchildren.com. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL MUST BE RECEIVED BY 2/24/15. AGENDA AT A GLANCE Dear Friends: FRIDAY EVENING, March 20, 2015 (OPTIONAL) 4:00 pm—8:00 pm Exhibitors’ Market 7:00 pm—10:00 pm CPR Renewal 7:00 pm—9:00 pm Registra on Evening Workshop FAMILIES INVITED SATURDAY, March 21, 2015 Welcome to the Yours for Children, Inc. Statewide Family Child Care Conference. As your food program sponsor, Yours for Children, Inc. con nues to maintain a superior standard in producing training materials and services for Early Child Care Educators. We are pleased to offer an early bird special on all registra ons. We are excited to have pending CEU approval for certain combina ons of workshops on Saturday. See the registra on page for more informa on. Come Friday and enjoy the hotel facili es. Join us for our evening workshop, Fitness Indulgence! We welcome special guests during our luncheon. Representa ves of the Department of Early Educa on and Care and other important early childhood agencies are invited to speak . 7:00 am—8:45 am Exhibitors’ Market Registra on 9:00 am—11:30 am Session A Workshops 11:45 am—1:00 pm Luncheon 11:45 am—1:15 pm Exhibitors’ Market 1:15 pm—3:45 pm Session B Workshops Yours for children, 3:45 pm Evalua ons Con nental Breakfast Cer ficates The Exhibitors’ Market will be open both Friday evening and all day Saturday with a wide selec on of quality products and services for your considera on. Feel lucky? We’ll have door prizes and raffles! Who knows what you might win just by a ending! We look forward to seeing you on March 20 and 21, 2015 at the Courtyard Marrio in Marlborough, MA for our Statewide Family Child Care Conference. Let us celebrate the work you do for children and families. Linda Anderson Execu ve Director 2 Friday, March 20 Evening Workshop 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Fitness Indulgence! * Carla Webster‐Reid AFAA Cer fied Fitness Instructor YFCI Area Coordinator Join us for a movement class that will increase your enthusiasm for physical ac vity! Give yourself permission to indulge in ac vi es that will reduce stress and the risk of disease. What could be be er? This workshop will include low‐impact and stretching movements. We’ll improve flexibility while gently increasing our heart rates. We’ll focus on working our bodies while standing or si ng. Please wear comfortable loose‐fi ng clothes, sneakers, and a smile! Carla Webster‐Reid is not only our Greater Boston Area Coordinator, but also cer fied since 2010 from Aerobics and Fitness Associa on of America (AFAA) as a group fitness instructor. She currently gives classes at Health Works in Dorchester and the YMCA in Roxbury. Friday, March 20 CPR Renewal 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm EEC approved CPR Renewal for Infants and Children presented by Jennifer LaTour, RN, Paramedic and CPR/ First Aide instructor. There is a separate $30 fee for this class. Friday, March 20 Saturday, March 21 Exhibitors’ Market 4:00 pm—8:00 pm 7:00 am—1:15 pm The Exhibitors’ Market will be open through the beginning of Session 2. The Market will be readily available outside the workshop rooms. We strive to offer products and services from both local and na onal vendors. There will be a selec on of free child care resources available. Saturday, March 21 Luncheon 11:45 am—1:15 pm Invited Guests Our luncheon on Saturday is me to network with your colleagues and hear from some important people in the Family Child Care Community. EEC Commissioner, Thomas L. Weber, and representa ves from EEC are invited to join us. We will have speakers from agencies that serve families and educators. You will have me to visit our vendors and resource tables and find out if you hold a winning raffle cket! We also take this me to thank all of you for your con nued par cipa on in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Your par cipa on shows your commitment to the benefits of establishing healthy ea ng habits that will serve children a life me. 3 Saturday, March 21 Session A Workshops 9:00 am—11:30 am 1A. Cooking is Cool: Exploring Heat‐Free Cooking for Young Children* Core Competency Area 4 You don’t need to heat up your kitchen to cook with children! Using heat‐free cooking ac vi es we will explore opportuni es for children to learn about food and nutri on, as well as science, math, and language. We will have hands ‐on cooking for taste tes ng; learn how to make a kitchen on wheels, and receive a recipe book handout to get you started on Monday morning! Marianne Dambra, President, Early Childhood Educa on Network of Rochester, Inc. 2A. What Really Ma ers? Core Competency Area 2 Our current culture’s focus on short‐comings and deficit‐fixing has turned into an obsession. This focus perpetuates a compe ve and violent society looking for easy fixes in the form of the next pill. It is me we reveal the pa erns that help us be er understand children’s emo ons and behaviors. Let us focus our efforts on guiding our children to what really ma ers—a life of authen city, full of amazing experiences and wonder. Jeanine K. Fitzgerald, Cer fied Behavior Specialist 3A. Overview of Infant and Toddler Mental Health for Educators Core Competency Area 1 This workshop will provide an overview of the development of the op mal mental health in infants and toddlers. It will include factors that contribute to the development of social–emo onal disturbance in infants and toddlers. Social‐ emo onal health and its connec on to learning will be explored. Understanding core principals of infant and toddler mental health helps strengthen our work with this age group and their families. Michelle Campbell‐Gaylord, Center for Early Rela onship Support of Jewish Family and Children’s Service 4A. Happy Meal mes for Healthy Kids * Core Competency Area 4 Let’s look at best prac ces for feeding children. You will learn how to create a pleasant meal environment and the challenge of picky ea ng. We’ll explore how to make family style dining work in your program. You will receive basic evalua ons, handouts for families, and interac ve ac vi es. Na onal Food Service Management Ins tute 5A. Asthma, Allergies, and Seizures...Oh, My! * Core Competency Area 4 This workshop will prepare you on how to safely and confidently care for children with many common childhood health condi ons. This morning, we focus on asthma and allergies. Par cipants will be provided with mul ple FREE tools, resources, and hands‐on prac cal skills from iden fying symptoms to planning for care. Administra ve policy, legal considera ons, as well as cultural considera ons will be reviewed. Bring your ques ons! Shanyn A. Toulouse, Med, BSN, RN 6A. Vamos Hacer la Cocina DIVERTIDA para los Niños * Área de Competencia 4 El poder de los alimentos puede unir a la gente alrededor de la mesa y en la cocina. Esta sesión demostrara como un adulto y un niño pueden tener un empo maravilloso uniéndose sobre los gozos de la preparación de alimentos además de promocionar el poder comer de una variedad de alimentos de todos los grupos alimen cios. Usted explorara oportunidades para los niños aprender no solo sobre la nutrición, pero también la ciencia, matemá ca y lenguaje. Karla Merced‐Fraguada, RD, LDN 7A. Resumen de la Salud Mental de Infantes y Toddlers para Educadores Área de Competencia 1 Esta sesión promueve un resumen del desarrollo de la salud mental op ma en los infantes y toddlers. Esto incluye los factores que contribuyen al desarrollo de perturbaciones socio‐emocionales en los infantes y toddlers. La salud socio‐ emocional y su conexión al aprendizaje será explorado. Comprender los principios núcleos de la salud mental de los infantes y toddlers ayuda a fortalecer su trabajo con este grupo de edad y sus familias. Karen Gaber, Center for Early Rela onship Support of Jewish Family and Children’s Service 8A. El Proceso de Inves gación de EEC Área de Competencia 7 Esta sesión lo llevara por el proceso de la inves gación de EEC y posibles resultados de una inves gación de EEC. Nos fijaremos en las entrevistas, contactos hechos, además de abordar las inves gaciones conjuntas. Tendremos un poco de empo para contestar sus preguntas. Fernando Lazu, EEC Inves gator, Former DCF Inves gator Selec ons with * approved for USDA CACFP Training Requirements 4 Saturday, March 21 Session B Workshops 1:15 pm—3:45 pm 1B. Books and Li le Cooks * Core Competency Area 4 Looking back on your favorite books from childhood, how many revolved around food? A lot! Think about the books you have in your child care library and you’ll find food related themes abound. We’ll take a look at some favorite children’s stories and explore how to incorporate literacy and nutri on in your program. Be ready to be ac ve! Marianne Dambra, President, Early Childhood Educa on Network of Rochester, Inc. 2B. Feeding the Deepest Needs Core Competency Area 2 Social, emo onal, and moral poverty surround us, leaving our children feeling isolated and disconnected. When their authen c needs are not met, children break and fall apart leading to behavior that hurts others. The result is children who feel shame, the intensely painful fear of being unloved and believing “I am bad”. Such a child can grow up to medicate emo onal pain with alcohol and drugs, and other forms of self‐anesthe zing. Let us begin the journey today of honoring our children’s needs. Jeanine K. Fitzgerald, Cer fied Behavior Specialist 3B. Overview of Infant and Toddler Mental Health for Educators (Part 2) Core Competency Area 1 This session con nues the morning work of understanding for child care educators the healthy social and emo onal development in young children. Understanding how your child care promotes ways to cul vate resiliency in young children and families will support the very important rela onships that you build between infants, toddlers and all the caring adults in their lives. (Must take 3A in Session A) Michelle Campbell– Gaylord, Center for Early Rela onship Support of Jewish Family and Children’s Service 4B. More Than Mud Pies * Core Competency Area 4 Learn how to u lized the More Than Mud Pies nutri on curriculum to teach preschoolers about food and the importance of good nutri on. The curriculum includes 54 lessons organized around the seasons that encourage posi ve ideas and par cipa on in food and nutri on ac vi es. You will receive simple lesson outlines, advance prepara on, program ac vi es, books, songs, recipes, and ways to involve families. Na onal Food Service Management Ins tute 5B. Asthma Allergies, and Seizures...Oh, My!* Part 2 Core Competency Area 4 This workshop will prepare you on how to safely and confidently care for children with many common childhood health condi ons. This a ernoon we will focus on diabetes and seizures. Par cipants will be provided with mul ple FREE tools, resources, and hands‐on prac cal skills from iden fying symptoms to planning for care. Administra ve policy, legal considera ons, as well as cultural considera ons will be reviewed. Bring your ques ons! Shanyn A. Toulouse, Med, BSN, RN 6B. Moviendo Nuestros Niños Hacia la Buena Salud * Área de Competencia 4 Los estudios demuestran que la buena salud de los niños y desarrollo van mano en mano con la ac vidad sica diaria. Esta sesión interac va y diver da, le dará a usted un mul tud de nuevas ideas para ayudar incorporar más ac vidad sica en sus ru nas diarias y reunir los 60 minutos requeridos por EEC de ac vidad planificada diariamente. Dominga Seri, EEC Trainer and Former Licensor: FCC Educator 7B. Resumen de la Salud Mental de Infantes y Toddlers para Educadores Área de Competencia 1 Esta sesión con nua el trabajo de la mañana en la comprensión para educadores de cuidado infan l en el desarrollo de la salud social y emocional en niños jóvenes. Comprender como el cuidado infan l promueve las maneras de cul var resiliencia en niños jóvenes y familias que apoyan las relaciones muy importantes que usted construye entre infantes, toddlers y todos los adultos humanitarios en sus vidas. (Tiene que tomar la Parte 1 en la Sesión 1) Karen Garber, Center for Early Rela onship Support of Jewish Family and Children’s Service 8B. Supervisión: Hacer o No Hacer Área de Competencia 7 Esta sesión se enfocará en las regulaciones acerca la supervisión de EEC, pólizas, y mejores prac cas para Educadores de Cuidado Infan l en el Hogar. ¿Cuales son los requerimientos de EEC acerca la supervisión de infantes? ¿Como usted no maneja y supervisa grupos de edades mezclados? Exploraremos esto y más principios de supervisión. Marisol Rosado‐Ledoux, EEC Bi‐lingual Licensor Selec ons with * approved for USDA CACFP Training Requirements 5 TheCourtyardMarriott ForReservations: 75FeltonStreet Marlborough,MA 1‐800‐321‐2211 Call the Marlborough Marrio Courtyard directly at 508‐480‐0015 or the above toll‐free Marrio Registra on number by February 21, 2015 to make your reserva on and to receive the special YFCI room rate of $109.00. You must iden fy yourself as a Yours for Children, Inc. conference par cipant. There is also a link to the Marrio as part of the conference registra on at www.yoursforchildren.com DIRECTIONS Mass. Pike (East or West) take Exit 11A to 495 North. From 495 North or 495 South ‐ take Exit 24B ‐ Route 20 W. Felton St. is on your right. CONFERENCEREGISTRATIONINFORMATION REGISTERTODAY: Space is limited. Registra on will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. You will receive confirma on by email only. ATTENDANCE: Out of respect for the presenters and for the child care professionals in a endance, infants and children are not allowed in the workshop rooms on Saturday. An excep on will be made for the Friday Evening Workshop, . WORKSHOPS: Every effort is made to register family child care professionals in the workshops of their choice. Due to the limita ons placed on us by our presenters and hotel regula ons, each workshop must be limited to a specific number of par cipants. If we cannot place you in your first or second choice op ons, we will contact you by telephone and discuss other op ons. All workshops are subject to change and/or cancella on without no ce. FEES: The registra on fees, $90.00 for Friday night and Saturday workshops or $80.00 for Saturday workshops only, also include con nental breakfast, full course luncheon, and admission to the Exhibitors’ Market. Addi onal prepaid fees are charged for CPR Renewal. See our registra on form for special early bird rates. CEUs: Con nuing Educa on Units (CEUs) are proposed for certain classes taken on Saturday. If you are reques ng CEU credit you must choose the same number workshop in both Sessions. CEU approval from MassAEYC has been requested. Request for a CEU cer ficate requires an extra fee. See our registra on page for more informa on. All conference fees are non‐refundable. 6 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM CHOOSE YOUR SATURDAY WORKSHOPS Session A 1st Choice_________ 2nd Choice________ Session B 1st. Choice________ 2nd Choice________ If you are reques ng CEU credit you must choose the same number in both Sessions. For example: Choose Session 1A and 1B as your first choices. Check off CEU below. Complete and return by March 8, 2015 or register online at www.yoursforchildren.com. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL MUST BE RECEIVED BY 2/24/15. NAME________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP_________________________________________________________________________ PHONE______________________________________________ YFCI PROVIDER #_________________ EMAIL_________________________________________________ ARE YOU THE ASSISTANT? _________ EMAIL_________________________________________________ ONE FORM PER PERSON—PLEASE COPY AS NEEDED or REGISTER at www.yoursforchildren.com Please make check payable to: SEND REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT TO: Yours for Children, Inc. YFCI Provider $80.00 (Early Bird $70.00) Saturday only—5 hours credit YFCI Assistant $80.00 (Early Bird $70.00) Saturday only—5 hours credit CPR Renewal ADD $30.00 Friday Workshop ADD $10.00 (2 hour credit) CEU cer ficate ADD $5.00 (.5 CEU) TOTAL $_________ 7 Yours for Children, Inc. 303‐313 Washington St. Auburn, MA 01501 All conference fees are non‐refundable. Workshops subject to change and/or cancella on without no ce. Only paid par cipants are allowed in workshops. For more informa on call 1‐800‐222‐2731 303 - 313 Washington Street Auburn, MA 01501 1-800-222-2731 www.yoursforchildren.com One hundred percent of the funding for this program and publication is provided by USDA and, therefore, any publications may be freely copied by USDA, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and by any other institutions under the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Please credit the listed source when given or Yours for Children, Inc. when not given. TO: e erenc Conf ion t a r t Regis Yours for Children, Inc. Statewide Family Child Care Conference March 20 and 21, 2015 Early Bird Rate! See details inside! The Marriott Courtyard Hotel 75 Felton Street Marlborough, MA The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal and, where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or if all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities and wish to file either an EEO or program complaint please contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 or (800) 845-6136 (in Spanish). Persons with disabilities, who wish to file a program complaint, please see information above on how to contact us by mail directly or by email. If you require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) please contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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