Non-Profit Company (NPC) Reg. No. 2012/057683/08 6 Bellevue Road, Gardens, Cape Town,8001 Who we are The CONNECT Sports Academy falls under the CONNECT Community Development Project - a registered non-profit company with direct experience in youth development. For the past seven years CONNECT has been involved in the initiation and operation of community development projects including sports and recreation, youth empowerment and enterprise development. We are currently focussing on three sports: rugby, boxing and chess. In 2015, we will be channelling most of our energy into rugby development due to the great success we’ve had since establishing the academy in 2014. We have realised a real need for rugby development in the community where we work. The impact the opportunity to play sport has on the lives of young people is immense. What we do We offer a holistic academy experience for children and young adults in Khayelitsa. We teach them the fundamentals of the sport through touch rugby and enter leagues to allow the group to compete at least once a week. Our mixed team of boys and girls aged nine to 19 play every Wednesday at 18:15 in the In2Touch League at Villager's in Claremont, Cape Town. There are 40 teams in the league, which consists of five divisions. The sides we compete against range from high schools to corporate clubs. Our aim is to expand into contact and Sevens rugby in 2015 as well as reward our younger players (Under-10s) with their own touch team in a league with those their own age. We want to use this as a platform for our young and dedicated players to go to trials for Craven week. We aim to establish a league in Khayelitsha as we continue to raise awareness of the sport. We will also launch a dedicated girls touch team. For those who excel at rugby, there are a number of bursaries which allow them to strive for a career out of sport while maintaining their academic study. These opportunities are integral to our plan. From a social perspective, we believe sport is a vehicle for ending inter-community conflict. We have already seen this within our Academy set up. Our children come from a number of different areas. Many of these are rival communities but our kids play, train and socialise together. We also offer life experiences in the form of day outings, educational trips, attending live rugby matches and medical care when required. To us, a team approach is as important as Non-Profit Company (NPC) Reg. No. 2012/057683/08 6 Bellevue Road, Gardens, Cape Town,8001 an individual approach. This is why we focus on building relationships with the parents/guardians of each player and why we drop them at their doorsteps after an event. We believe in merit based selection both for the team and for these outings. Only those who regularly attend training make it to our matches and the team decides who gets picked in our weekly squads. For outings, only those who train and play regularly are selected. Our training comprises skill and tactical work, as well as conditioning and fitness. Why we do it We do it for the kids. That’s where it CONNECTS. But we also do it to make a difference in the transformation of South African sport. There are no rugby leagues in Khayelitsha and the resources that do exist are often misused. Without basic opportunities and experiences, sport in South Africa will not transform. It is also a way to broaden the horizons of our academy kids. By offering them both a means of belonging as well as educational experience, they are exposed to a wider world that many of us take for granted. Simply knowing about career opportunities beyond the ones they have been exposed to is a huge part of making the academy successful. What we need Our biggest expense is transport. Because facilities and league structures in the community are non-existent or misused, we often need to train outside of Khayelitsha. We also need to transport our kids to their league games and we try and offer outings as reward for our most dedicated players. Transport costs: We require a basic R1200 per week to get our teams to their Wednesday and Friday matches. Transport runs at R600 per trip for the whole team and we would like to budget for five trips a week in total, to allow for any additional events or training days our team might need to attend. On Sundays, we train at Green Point Park in Cape Town alongside the Western Cape Touch Coach, Labeeb Levy. Our kids make use of the MyCiti bus, which runs at R30 for a return trip. The number of players attending these practices range from 10 to 20, meaning we budget for an additional R600 per week. We are searching for somebody to sponsor a vehicle so that we can offer an employment opportunity for the driver hired at the moment. Until then, our transport costs run at around R12 000 per month. Food: Because we offer a holistic academy experience, we ensure that our players are fed at every training session and after every match. For many, this is the only meal they will have that day and we try to make it as nutritious as possible. These meals are home cooked by CONNECT Volunteers or supplied by the ICafe Incubator, which is one of the partners of the CONNECT Community Development Project. We have set the budget at R300 per session at a minimum of four sessions a week, although we budget for at least five days should we have an outing. Food costs per week: R1500 Non-Profit Company (NPC) Reg. No. 2012/057683/08 6 Bellevue Road, Gardens, Cape Town,8001 Coaching courses: We believe in enhancing experiences of both our academy players and those who volunteer. Both of our lead coaches have basic qualifications, but we want to further enhance our coaching skills as well as the skills of our academy players. We would like to encourage our main coaches as well as some of our older players to attend the following courses: IRB Level 1: R600 Refereeing: R200 First Aid: R2000 Kit: As our academy continues to expand, we need kit sponsorship. The requirements for touch are small compared to contact rugby. For the touch team, we always need boots as new players join the squad while our younger players grow out of their boots. These are usually once-off donations which we have been fortunate enough to source through social media. However, as we expand our academy, our needs become more nuanced. We envision having 50 players in our contact academy (including Sevens) and we will require the following: • • • • • • • • Scrumcap x 50 Gumguard x 50 Shoulder/Chest pads x 50 Jersey x 50 Shorts x 50 Socks x 50 Boots x 50 Kit bags x 50 The jerseys and boots that the team currently use will become too small as the players are growing. These can be passed down to players in the Academy and used as training ground kit. We also need the following training equipment: • • • • • • • Scrum machine Tackle bags Rugby balls Whistles Cones First aid kits Flags Over and above what we’ve listed above, we need to bulk our players up once we start playing contact rugby. We will focus heavily on nutrition through protein-rich smoothies and will require additional protein supplements to ensure our players get the nutrition they need. We also realise the need for medical aid hospital cover, should any player pick up an injury. This will further underscore to the parents that we are dedicated to making the lives of these kids better. Non-Profit Company (NPC) Reg. No. 2012/057683/08 6 Bellevue Road, Gardens, Cape Town,8001 Toiletry bags: Because many of our players come from extremely poor backgrounds, they do not have the basics that many of us take for granted. We require toiletry bags with the basic essentials: body wash, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste. For our female players, we will also require sanitary ware in these bags. What we offer our sponsors First and foremost, sponsors will know that they are making a tangible difference in the future of South African sport. Two of our academy players, who joined us only in January 2015, were called up to the Western Cape Touch team in March. From an advertising perspective, we have branding available on our shirts, shorts and on our website. We also offer the opportunity for sponsors to distribute branded kit bags, towels and toiletry bags. Additionally, we have access to a media distribution list in order to offer our partners a press release tailored to their audience which can be written and distributed by us. Our Academy and Volunteers also have over 20 000 Twitter followers between them, meaning further exposure to your brand via social media channels. Should you wish to discuss a branding opportunity for anything mentioned above or any other form of donation, please contact our public relations officer Antoinette Muller on:
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