TS0177P_03/2015 CALL 13 19 01 OR VISIT DEFENCEJOBS.GOV.AU TS0177P DUS 6pp v3.indd 1 26/03/2015 12:53 pm GET SPONSORED TO STUDY AND GAIN A REWARDING CAREER WHAT YOU RECEIVE YOUR COMMITMENT If you’re a student pursuing any of the disciplines as listed below in the Avenues of Entry, As a sponsored student of the Defence University Sponsorship program you will receive each year As Defence is investing in your education, you will be required to commit to a certain number of years at an Australian university, you should consider applying for a Defence University Sponsorship. Sponsorship is available to undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate students must have completed one year of a three or four year degree or two years of a five or six year degree before sponsorship can commence. Students seeking sponsorship for the Graduate Medical Program must have already obtained a relevant undergraduate degree. all of the following: as a full time Officer in the services. This commitment is the number of years you’re sponsored to You’ll be paid to study at university and upon graduation gain a rewarding career of your own choice, in the Navy, Army or Air Force. The Australian Defence Force values diversity and inclusiveness and encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. AVENUES OF ENTRY TS0177P DUS 6pp v3.indd 2 Law Logistics Medical Science Medicine Nursing study, plus one year. For example, if you are sponsored for three years of study, you will need to give ■ Your course HELP fees paid (previously known as HECS) degree and is completed in one block of 22 weeks for Navy, two blocks of 16 days for Army and one ■ Higher than average superannuation block of 16 weeks for Air Force. For health specialities, your commitment begins once you have satis- ■ University student fees paid fied your registration and clinical experience consolidation requirements. ■ Textbook allowance ■ Rent Assistance ■ Free healthcare (medical and dental) Note: Health specialities will also be paid during their internship and first year of residency. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM Business Dentistry Engineering Environmental Health Finance While studying a salary up to $45,456 p.a for Undergraduates and $63,247 p.a for Graduates ■ GRADUATE PROGRAM Pharmacy Physiotherapy Radiography Scientific Medical Being sponsored provides you with the opportunity to kick-start your career in a challenging and unique environment. Whether you choose the Navy, Army or Air Force, you’ll assume a leadership role upon completeion of officer training, work alongside great mentors and have the opportunity to undertake further training or specialisations. You’ll also earn a competitive salary and have the opportunity to travel back four years to the Navy, Army or Air Force. Officer training is undertaken once you complete your APPLY FOR A SPONSORSHIP To find out more about Defence University Sponsorship, specific job information or to apply call 13 19 01 or visit defencejobs.gov.au/unisponsorship within Australia and overseas. 26/03/2015 12:53 pm
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