AVAILABLE IN UNIVERSITY PATHWAY PROGRAM MASTER’S AND PhD PATHWAYS VANCOUVER TORONTO SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK 16 North American partner universities offering Master’s and PhD programs A variety of program areas to choose from including business, science, engineering, math, arts, social work, education and more More than 74 programs accepting seamless entry from ILSC’s University Pathway Program (no IELTS or TOEFL required) U N I V E R S I T Y P AT H W AY CANADIAN MASTER’S AND PhD PROGRAMS LAKEHEAD UNIVERSITY PROGRAM AREAS MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Biology - Business Administration - Business Management - Chemistry - Computer Science - Economics - Engineering: Electrical & Computer - Engineering: Environmental - Engineering: Civil - Engineering: Mechanical - English - Environmental Studies: Nature-Based Recreation & Tourism - Environmental Studies: Northern Environments & Cultures PhD IN: - Biotechnology - Chemistry and Materials Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering MASTER’S IN: - Business Administration - Human Kinetics - Indigenous Relations - Social Work LAURENTIAN UNIVERSITY MASTER OF ARTS IN: - History - Humanities - Interdisciplinary Humanities - Psychology - Sociology - Speech Language Pathology MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN: - Mineral Resources Engineering - Natural Resources Engineering MOUNT SAINT VINCENT UNIVERSITY - Forestry Geology Health Sciences History Kinesiology Mathematical Sciences Physics Psychology: Clinical Psychology: Psychological Science Public Health Public Health: Nursing Specialization Social Work Sociology CONDITIONAL LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE PROVIDED SEAMLESS PATHWAY ILSC LANGUAGE LEVEL REQUIRED A2 ** At the discretion of the department. A2 * A2 - Forest Sciences - Psychology: Clinical - Psychology: Psychological Science MASTER OF SCIENCE IN: - Biology - Chemical Science - Computational Science - Geology - Human Development - Interdisciplinary Health - Nursing - Physics PHD IN: - Biomedical Sciences - Boreal Ecology - Geology - Human Studies - Rural and Northern Health MASTER OF EDUCATION / MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION OR RESEARCH MASTER OF ARTS IN: - Curriculum Studies - Literacy Education - Educational Foundations - Lifelong Learning - Educational Psychology - School Psychology - Elementary and Middle School Education MASTER OF ARTS IN: - Child and Youth Study - Communication - Women and Gender Studies MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Public Relations - Applied Human Nutrition ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Global Management - Tourism Management * A2 THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Education - Environmental Science A2 © Copyright 2015 WWW.ILSC.COM EMPOWERING THROUGH EDUCATION LANGUAGE SCHOOLS COLLEGES TE ACHER TR AINING CORPOR ATE TR AINING CONTINUING EDUCATION C ANADA: VANCOUVER, TORONTO, M ON T R ÉA L U S A: S A N F RA N CI S CO, N E W YORK AU S T R AL IA: B RI S BA N E , S YDN E Y I NDI A : N E W D E L HI ILSC.UPNA.15.150521 SCHOOL NAME UNIVERSITY OF THE FRASER VALLEY CAPILANO UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Criminal Justice - Social Work ** A2 A1 MASTER’S OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN: - International Business GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN - North American and International Management *These partners require students to enter into one semester of pre-masters before beginning their chosen program. ** Students must complete University Pathway Program first, then apply USA MASTER’S AND PhD PROGRAMS SCHOOL NAME PROGRAM AREAS CONDITIONAL LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE PROVIDED SEAMLESS PATHWAY ILSC LANGUAGE LEVEL REQUIRED A2 ALLIANT UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Applied Criminology - Business Administration - Education: School Administration ART INSTITUTE MASTER OF FINE ARTS IN: - Computer Animation (San Francisco Campus only) A1 DEVRY UNIVERSITY MASTERS IN: - Accounting - Accounting and Financial Management - Business Administration - Human Resources Management - Information Systems Management - Network and Communications Management - Project Management - Public Administration A2 HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Biology - Business Administration - Education - English - Environment & Community (Social Science) - Environmental Systems - Kinesiology - Natural Resources - Psychology - Social Sciences (Environment & Community) - Social Work - Sociology - Strategic Sustainability * A2 SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Business (30 Masters areas) A2 LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Business Administration - International Business I4 MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES PhD IN: - Pharmacy A2 MANHATTAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Business Administration (Through EAE Barcelona at NY Campus) A1 NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY MASTER OF FINE ARTS IN: - Acting - Cinematography - Documentary - Filmmaking A2 PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE MASTER’S DEGREE IN: - Traditional Oriental Medicine I4 - Psychology - School Psychology - Business Administration - Finance Management - Game Design Photography Producing Screenwriting * Available for the Masters in Business Administration only. For other Masters, students must complete University Pathway Program first, then apply. The pathway program has prepared me to get ready for university, they gave me specific skills to enter university. The teachers give me advice not just about my English, but about my future life in university, my future life in work and everything. I will be attending Lakehead University in Ontario next September to study a Master’s Degree in Computer Science. With Lakehead I don’t need IELTS because of the pathway program. Dimah, Saudi Arabia © Copyright 2015 WWW.ILSC.COM EMPOWERING THROUGH EDUCATION LANGUAGE SCHOOLS COLLEGES TE ACHER TR AINING CORPOR ATE TR AINING CONTINUING EDUCATION C ANADA: VANCOUVER, TORONTO, M ON T R ÉA L U S A: S A N F RA N CI S CO, N E W YORK AU S T R AL IA: B RI S BA N E , S YDN E Y I NDI A : N E W D E L HI
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