CV, Cummings, Jenna R. 1 Curriculum Vitae Jenna R. Cummings EDUCATION In progress PhD (Anticipated graduation in 2018) University of California, Los Angeles Major: Health Psychology Minors: Quantitative Psychology, Social Psychology 2014 MA University of California, Los Angeles Major: Health Psychology 2012 BA, Summa cum laude University of South Florida, Honors College, Departmental Honors Major: Psychology Minor: Dance AWARDS AND HONORS 2015-2018 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013-2017 2013 2013 2012 2011-2012 2010 2008-2012 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Fellowship Research Society on Alcoholism, Student Merit Award UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Fellowship Research Society on Alcoholism, Student Merit Award UCLA Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship UCLA Distinguished University Fellowship USF Richard LaBarba Memorial Scholarship For the paper “Time doesn’t change everything: The longitudinal course of distress tolerance and its relationship with externalizing and internalizing symptoms.” USF Conference Travel Award USF Raymund Endowed Scholarship USF Dean’s List Award Florida Academic Scholar USF Director’s Award USF Valedictorian Scholarship USF Honors College Award CV, Cummings, Jenna R. 2 AWARDED RESEARCH GRANTS 2015 Food-alcohol competition: The role of food in the modification of drinking behavior Source: UCLA Academic Senate Faculty Research Grant Role: Graduate Student Researcher (Principal Investigator: A. Janet Tomiyama) Total Awarded: $9,400 2014 Bonding over drinks and dessert: Does sharing perceived health risk behaviors increase social closeness? Source: Association for Psychological Science, Student Grant Competition Role: Principal Investigator Total Awarded: $500 2011 Too much of a good thing? Examination of distress overtolerance with psychopathology symptoms and maladaptive behavior. Source: USF Office of Undergraduate Research Role: Principal Investigator Total Awarded: $500 PUBLICATIONS Reich, R.R., Cummings, J.R., Greenbaum, P.E., Moltisanti, A.J., & Goldman, M.S. (in press). The temporal “pulse” of drinking: Tracking five years of binge drinking in emerging adults. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Tomiyama, A.J., Finch, L.E., & Cummings, J.R. (2015). Did that brownie do its job? Stress, eating, and the biobehavioral effects of comfort food, in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences R. A. Scott & S. M. Kosslyn (Eds.), Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. doi:10.1002/9781118900772.etrds0324 Rojas, E. C., Cummings, J. R., Bornovalova, M. A., Hopwood, C. J., Racine, S. E., Keel, P. K., ... Klump, K. L. (2014). A further validation of the Minnesota Borderline Personality Disorder Scale. Personality Disorders, 5(2), 146–53. doi:10.1037/per0000036 Bornovalova, M. A., Cummings, J. R., Hunt, E., Blazei, R., Malone, S., & Iacono, W. G. (2014). Understanding the relative contributions of direct environmental effects and passive genotype-environment correlations in the association between familial risk factors and child disruptive behavior disorders. Psychological Medicine, 44(4), 831–844. doi:10.1017/S0033291713001086 CV, Cummings, Jenna R. 3 Cummings, J. R., Bornovalova, M. A., Ojanen, T., Hunt, E., MacPherson, L., & Lejuez, C. (2013). Time doesn’t change everything: the longitudinal course of distress tolerance and its relationship with externalizing and internalizing symptoms during early adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41(5), 735–48. doi:10.1007/s10802-012-9704-x CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Cummings, J.R., Ray, L.A., Tomiyama, A.J. (2015, March). Food-alcohol competition: Do young girls who eat more drink less? Poster presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society in Savannah, Georgia. Cummings, J.R. & Tomiyama, A.J. Bonding over desserts and drinks: Does “risky” consumption of alcohol and food increase social closeness? (2015, February). Poster presented at the 7th Annual Social Personality and Health Network Preconference in Long Beach, California. Cummings, J.R. & Tomiyama, A.J. (2014, June). Alcohol consumption and body mass index: Food-alcohol competition or third variable problem? Poster presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism in Seattle, Washington. [Student Merit Award Recipient] Cummings, J.R. & Bornovalova, M.A. (2014, February). Distress tolerance and risky health behaviors. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Social Personality and Health Network Preconference in Austin, Texas. Kiselica, A.M., Cummings, J.R., Bornovalova, M.A., McGue, M., & Iacono, W. (2013, September). Genetic factors account for the association between age of sexual initiation and adult sexual risk behavior. Poster presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology in Oakland, California. Cummings, J.R., Reich, R.R., Moltisanti, A.J., Greenbaum, P.E., Brandon, K.O., Darkes, J., & Goldman, M.S. (2013, June). Population-level contingencies governing the pulse of drinking in emerging adults. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism in Orlando, Florida. Cummings, J.R., Arango, A., Bornovalova, M.A., Ojanen, T., Hunt, E., MacPherson, L., & Lejuez, C. (2012, September). Time doesn’t change everything: The longitudinal course of distress tolerance and its relationship with externalizing and internalizing symptoms. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology in Ann Arbor, Michigan. CV, Cummings, Jenna R. 4 Cummings, J.R. & Bornovalova, M.A. Too much of a good thing? Distress overtolerance and its relationship with psychopathology, negative emotionality, and health outcomes. (2012, February). Paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences in Las Vegas, Nevada. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Psychological Association Science Student Council (Health Psychology Representative 2014-2016, Chair 2015-2016) UCLA Psychology in Action (Outreach Coordinator 2013-2015) American Psychological Association (Active Graduate Student Member) Association for Psychological Science (Active Graduate Student Member) RESEARCH EXPERIENCE UCLA, Healthy Campus Initiative, Food Initiative 2014-2015 Graduate Student Researcher, Paid position, 20 hours/week Supervisor: Wendelin Slusser, MD • Organizing the development of a Food Studies graduate certificate and minor USF, Department of Psychology, Alcohol and Substance Use Research Institute 2012-2013 Lab Data Manager, Paid position, 40 hours/week Supervisors: Karen Brandon, PhD, Mark S. Goldman, PhD, Richard Reich, PhD • Overseeing the collection, organization, and cleaning of two 5-year longitudinal NIH/NIAAA-funded data sets examining the mediational role of alcohol expectancies in early adolescent and college student drinking • Writing syntax/scripts for data programs and preparing data for analyses 2011-2012 Supervisor of Assessments and Training, Paid position, 30 hours/week Project MyLife Principal Investigator: Mark S. Goldman, PhD Supervisor: Karen Brandon, PhD • Project description: 5-year longitudinal NIH/NIAAA-funded study following 8-9 year-old participants into alcohol initiation and monitoring changes in alcohol expectancies and relevant risk/protective variables • Interviewing, mentoring, and supervising approximately 40 research assistants • Discussing project choices, coordinating lab meetings, supervising risk assessments, overseeing participant recruitment and retention CV, Cummings, Jenna R. 5 2010-2011 Senior Research Assistant, Paid position, 20 hours/week Project MyLife • Training and auditing research assistants on in-person interviews, phone interviews, and data entry 2009-2010 Research Assistant, Volunteer, 10 hours/week Project MyLife • Interviewing children and adult participants (i.e., Semi-Structured Assessments for the Genetics of Alcoholism, Time Line Follow Back) USF, Department of Psychology, Substance Use, Personality, and Emotions Research Lab 2011-2013 Research Assistant, Volunteer, 4 hours/week Longitudinal Distress Tolerance Principal Investigator/Supervisor: Marina A. Bornovalova, PhD • Project description: Longitudinal study assessing distress tolerance in college students across 6 months to evaluate stability and change in the construct • Creating data forms, computer programming, preparing data for analyses 2011 Principal Investigator, Undergraduate Honors Thesis Too Much of a Good Thing? Distress Overtolerance and its Relationship with Psychopathology, Personality, and Health Outcomes Advisor: Marina A. Bornovalova, PhD • Project description: Cross-sectional study examining the curvilinear relationship between distress tolerance (low and high) and negative outcomes • Designing, proposing, and conducting an independent research project USF, Department of Psychology, Bosson/Vandello Social Psychology Lab 2012-2013 Research Assistant, Volunteer, 8 hours/week Masculine and Feminine Framing of a Drink Product Principal Investigator: Joseph A. Vandello, PhD Supervisors: Jennifer K. Bosson, PhD & Joseph A. Vandello, PhD • Project Description: Experimental evaluation of the effect of a gender threat on male interest in a food product manipulated to be perceived as feminine • Conducting assessments, scheduling participants, and discussing study design TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2014-2015 Graduate Student Advisor, University of California, Los Angeles Directed Independent Research in Psychology (Advisor: Janet Tomiyama, PhD) • Mentoring two undergraduate students through all stages of a research project CV, Cummings, Jenna R. 6 2013-2014 Reader, University of California, Los Angeles Introduction to Health Psychology (Professor: Annette Stanton, PhD) Intimate Relationships (Professor: Ben Karney, PhD) • Grading course midterm papers 2012 Teaching Assistant, University of South Florida Research Methods in Psychology (Professor: Marina A. Bornovalova, PhD) • Assisting in preparing materials for course including syllabus, reading materials, quiz and test questions, lab activities, and lecture slides/examples • Conducting review sessions for exams as well as individual tutoring sessions STUDENT REVIEWING EXPERIENCE Addictive Behaviors; Drug and Alcohol Dependence; Journal of Abnormal Psychology; Journal of Anxiety Disorders; Journal of Personality Disorders; Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment; Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment; Psychological Science STATISTICAL PROGRAMS HLM; iSurvey; MPlus; Mx; Qualtrics; R; SAS; SPSS; SPSS Data Entry Builder; Stata REFERENCES A. Janet Tomiyama, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles; 310-206-6875 Adriana Galvan, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles; 310-794-7750 Lara A. Ray, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles; 310-794-5383 Marina A. Bornovalova, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Psychology and Mental Health, Law, and Policy, University of South Florida; 813-974-0495 Mark S. Goldman, PhD, Distinguished University Professor Department of Psychology, University of South Florida; 813-974-4491
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