MINUTES PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION September 24, 2003 Austin, Texas The Public Safety Commission met in Austin, Texas on September 24, 2003. Attending the meeting were Chairman Colleen McHugh and Commissioners Robert Holt and James B. Francis, Jr. DPS Staff members present: Tommy Davis, Director David McEathron, Assistant Director Tom Haas, Accounting & Budget Control Randy Elliston, Bob Burroughs & Mark Rogers, Traffic Law Enforcement C. J. Havrda, Rangers Marshall Caskey & Kent Mawyer, Criminal Law Enforcement Burton Christian, Administration Judy Brown, Frank Elder, Rhonda Fleming, Greg Gloria & Angela Parker, Driver License Farrell Walker & Jude Schexnyder, Audit & Inspection Mary Ann Courter & Phillip Adkins, General Counsel Mary Lauderdale, Information Management Service Tela Mange, Public Information David Outon, Internal Affairs Jack Reichert, Aircraft Andy Mokry & Tavia Wendlandt, Building Program Michael Kelley, Legislative Liaison Dorothy Wright, Secretary Guests present: Colby Bueck, Lieutenant Governor’s Office Lucius Lomax The meeting was called to order by Chairman McHugh. Proper notice had been posted. I. Minutes. Upon motion by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt, the minutes of the August 25, 2003 meeting were approved. II. Public comment. Lucius Lomax addressed the Commission reference tape recording discharge appeal hearings held before the Commission. III. Discharge appeal hearing of DPS employee Charles Domingue. Mary Ann Courter advised the Commission appropriate notice had been given appellant Charles Domingue of the hearing. Charles Domingue nor anyone on his behalf appeared for the hearing. Upon motion by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt, the Commission unanimously affirmed the Director’s decision to discharge Charles Domingue. IV. Budget matters. Tom Haas gave the budget report. There was some discussion on the budget reduction due to the retirement incentive and a possible rider exempting commissioned officers’ salaries from the reduction. Page 2 - Commission Meeting - September 24, 2003 V. Audit & Inspection Report. Farrell Walker gave the Audit & Inspection report. A. Revised Internal Audit Charter. Farrell Walker briefed the Commission on the proposed revised charter. Upon motion by Commissioner Holt and seconded by Commissioner Francis, the attached Internal Audit Charter was unanimously approved. B. FY2004 Internal Audit Plan. Farrell Walker briefed the Commission on the proposed audit plan. Upon motion by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt, the attached FY2004 Internal Audit Plan was unanimously approved. VI. Division reports. Burt Christian gave the Administration Division report. There was some discussion on relocation of the Commission on Private Securities to DPS, the federal NCHIP grant that had previously been awarded to the Criminal Justice Policy Council and was now awarded to DPS, 32 additional federally funded positions for disaster relief and upcoming recruit schools. Randy Elliston gave the Texas Highway Patrol Division report. There was some discussion on EPIC awards recently presented to DPS and some troopers for outstanding drug seizure efforts, dive team activities, the accident reconstruction team and DPS’ policy regarding a new law reference obscured license plates. The Driver License Division report was given by Judy Brown. There was some discussion on the field compliance unit pilot project, CRIS contract award, Social Security on-line verification program, automated mailing system, Texas Online DPS Intercept Survey results and the increase in on-line mail renewal and duplicate requests. Marshall Caskey gave the Criminal Law Enforcement Division report. There was some discussion on the use of DNA samples to identify missing persons, narcotics smuggling in various bus compartments, CODIS and DNA forensic case backlogs. The Ranger report was given by C. J. Havrda. Mary Lauderdale gave the Information Management Service report. Bob Burroughs gave an update on joint efforts between DPS and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for implementation of the State's vehicle emissions inspection/maintenance program. Mark Rogers updated the Commission on the border safety inspection stations. VII. For publication for public comment. A. Proposed amendments to Rule 15.58, 37 TAC Sec. 15.58, relating to Medical Advisory Board referrals as to driver license applicants. Angie Parker briefed the Commission on the proposed amendments. Upon motion by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt, the attached amendments were unanimously approved for publication for public comment. VIII. For adoption. A. Proposed amendment to Rule 1.101, 37 TAC Sec. 1.101, relating to Bomb Threats, as published in 28 TexReg 5496, July 11, 2003. Mary Ann Courter briefed the Commission on the proposed amendment. Upon motion by Commissioner Holt and seconded by Commissioner Francis, the attached amendment with a typographical error corrected was unanimously approved for final adoption. B. Proposed repeal of Rules 32.2-32.8, 37 TAC Secs. 32.2-32.8, relating to Bicycle Safety, as published in 28 TexReg 5499, July 11, 2003 C. Proposed amendments to Rule 32.1, 37 TAC Sec. 32.1; Proposed new Rules 32.2 & 32.3, 37 TAC Secs. 32.2 & 32.3, relating to Bicycles – Use and Safety, as published in 28 TexReg 5497, July 11, 2003. Page 3 - Commission Meeting - September 24, 2003 Mary Ann Courter briefed the Commission on the above proposed repeal, amendments and new rules. Upon motion by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt, the attached repeal, amendments and new rules were unanimously approved for final adoption. IX. Approval of Resolution on DPS use of Master Lease Purchase Program funds administered by the Texas Public Finance Authority. Mary Lauderdale briefed the Commission on the proposed resolution for use of funds for the final stage of reengineering projects for IMS. She advised this resolution is a substitute for the one previously approved by the Commission as it meets the technical requirements of the Bond Review Board. Upon motion by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt, the attached Resolution was unanimously approved. X. Personnel matters; pending and contemplated litigation; ongoing criminal investigations; status of purchase of real property. The Commission went into Executive Session pursuant to Tex. Gov. Code Secs. 551.071, 551.074, 551.072 & 411.0041 to discuss personnel matters including the Director’s intent to discharge probationary employees Annie Woods and Gregory Downey, Special Ranger and Special Texas Ranger commissions, pending and contemplated litigation, status of purchase of real property, and ongoing criminal investigations. Upon reconvening Regular Session, Commissioner McHugh announced that the Commission had discussed personnel matters, pending and contemplated litigation and ongoing criminal investigations. Upon motion by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt, the Commission unanimously consented to the Director’s intent to discharge probationary employees Annie Woods and Gregory Downey. Special Ranger commissions had been considered for DPS retirees Gary D. Briley, Grady M. Dunn, Robert W. Duvall, Frank Escalon, Jr., Bobby J. Harpole, Kendall G. Johnson, Frank R. Langley, Jr., William D. Lord, Reginald T. Rhea and Michael T. Wiggins and Special Texas Ranger commissions had been considered for DPS retirees Gary S. Henderson and Fermin T. Islas, Jr. Upon motion by Commissioner Holt and seconded by Commissioner Francis, Special Ranger and Special Texas Ranger commissions were respectively approved for the above named individuals. A motion was made by Commissioner Francis and seconded by Commissioner Holt adjourning the meeting. Read and approved this _________ day of ___________________, 2003. ______________________________ Chairman ______________________________ Member ______________________________ Member For issue of: PI Working ACK Proposed Rulemaking Action Name of Agency: Texas Department of Public Safety Agency Code: 201 Title: 37 Part: I Chapter: 15. Driver License Rules Subchapter: C. Examination Requirements Division: TAC Section Number(s): Section 15.58 New X Amendment ____Repeal ____Adoption by Reference Proposed Date of Adoption: X 30 Days after Publication ____Other (Specify): __________________ File Name: 0827d.201 Means of transmitting: ____Diskette ____Internet Graphics Included? ____Yes X E-Mail X No Graphics File Name: Means of transmitting: ____Diskette ____Internet ___E-Mail Verification/Certification I verify that I have reviewed the submitted document and that it conforms to all applicable Texas Register filing requirements. The submitted document has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority. Agency Liaison: Mary Ann Courter or Patricia Holmes Certifying Official: Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Title: Director Signature: Date of Verification: E-Mail Address: Patricia.Holmes@txdps.state.tx.us Phone Number: (512) 424-2135 Fax Number: (512) 424-2251 The Texas Department of Public Safety proposes amendments to Section 15.58 concerning Medical Advisory Board Referrals. The revised referral criteria result from the department’s recent review of all policies, procedures and forms utilized in processing driver license applicants with medical and/or physical conditions that may adversely affect their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Department procedures were systematically evaluated to eliminate unnecessary actions and to increase the opportunity to more effectively evaluate driver ability. The proposed amendments are designed to enhance the department’s ability to identify and assess potential driver limitations. Furthermore, the proposed amendments ensure consistency with current Medical Advisory Board Guidelines. Tom Haas, Chief of Finance, has determined that for each year of the first five-year period the rule is in effect there will be no fiscal implications for state or local government or local economies. Mr. Haas also has determined that for each year of the first five-year period the rule is in effect the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the rule will be enhanced safety on public highways due to the department’s improved ability to effectively evaluate driver ability. There is no anticipated adverse economic effect on individuals, small businesses or micro-businesses. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to Angela Parker, Director of Legal Staff, Driver License Division, Texas Department of Public Safety, P.O. Box 4087, Austin, Texas 787730380, (512) 424-5235. The amendment is proposed pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 411.004(3), which authorizes the Public Safety Commission to adopt rules considered necessary for carrying out the department’s work and Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 521, which provides that the department may adopt rules to administer that chapter. Section 15.58. Medical Advisory Board Referrals. Persons applying for or holding a Texas driver[drivers] license and having a physical or mental condition, the extent of which cannot be determined by the department, are referred to the Medical Advisory Board for further evaluation. (1) The criteria [Guidelines] for referral for physical conditions are as follows:[.] (A) Eye disorders[diseases]: (i) eye diseases: all applicants under the care of a physician, excluding the fitting of lenses when no disease is present; (ii) telescopic lenses: all applicants requiring the use of telescopic lenses to pass the vision test must successfully complete a comprehensive road test before licensure and will only be referred the first time the applicant presents using telescopic lenses. (B) Cardiovascular diseases: (i) heart attack:[diseases;] (I) if applicant for Class A,[ or] Class B, or any CDL license has had a heart attack within the past two[three] years; (II) if applicant for a non-CDL Class C or Class M license has had a heart attack during the past year.[ or is under the care of a physician;] (ii) angina pectoris, arrhythmia, arterial aneurysms, coronary bypass surgery, dyspnea, myocardial infarction: all applicants under the care of a physician.[cerebral vascular diseases--strokes, cerebral hemorrhage, or clots;] [(I) if applicant for Class A or Class B license has had an episode of loss of consciousness with or without convulsions within the past three years, has blacked out for any reason within the past three years, or is under the care of a physician;] [(II) if applicant for Class C license has had a single episode, or recurrent episodes, of loss of consciousness with or without convulsions in the past year, has blacked out for any reason in the past year, or is under the care of a physician;] (iii) hypertension:[--high blood pressure. All applicants, if under the care of a physician;] (I) if applicant for a Class A, Class B, or any CDL has had any loss of consciousness or any alteration of consciousness within the past two years; (II) if applicant for a non-CDL Class C or Class M has had any loss of consciousness or any alteration of consciousness within the past year. (iv) blood vessel disorders: all[ (aneurism-abnormal dilation of the blood vessels). All] applicants, if under the care of a physician and a qualifying road test has confirmed considerable interference with braking, steering, manipulation of controls or acceleration. (v) syncope: all applicants with any loss of consciousness or any alteration of consciousness due to cardiovascular problems within the past year. (C) Metabolic disorders: (i)[(C)] Diabetes mellitus: (I) all applicants under the care of a physician or with hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia severe enough to cause neurological dysfunction (confusion, motor dysfunction or loss of consciousness) or result in any type or degree of vehicle accident within the past two years;[(i) if applicant for Class A or Class B license is taking insulin injections, has blacked out or lost consciousness within the past three years, or is under the care of a physician;] (II) if applicant for any cargo or property transport vehicles included in Class A, B, or C and is currently taking insulin. (ii) chronic renal failure: if applicant for any cargo or property transport vehicles included in Class A, B, or [Class ]C and uremia must be controlled by regular dialysis[license has had an insulin or hypoglycemic reaction (insulin shock) in the past year, has blacked out or lost consciousness in the past year, or is under the care of a physician]. (D) Respiratory conditions: all[(advanced emphysema or corpulmonale-heart disease which is secondary to the disease of the lungs). All] applicants, if under the care of a physician and a qualifying road test has confirmed that shortness of breath or audible wheezing considerably affects safe driving ability. (E) [Impairments of upper or lower extremities, or both (partial or complete paralysis; loss of any of the extremities-hand, arm, foot, leg; stiffness of joints from arthritis or other conditions). All applicants under the care of a physician, and a qualifying road test has confirmed that the impairment considerably affects safe driving ability.] [(F) ]Neurological disorders:[. All applicants who have had an epileptic seizure within the past three years or are under the care of a physician for any other seizure, dizzy spell, or similar disorder.] (i) transient cerebral ischemic attack, stroke, narcolepsy, excess daytime sleeping or sleep apnea: all applicants under the care of a physician. (ii) cerebral vascular accident (stroke): all applicants with any degree of persistent neurological deficit (applicant must take and pass a qualifying road test prior to referral) or if applicant has lost consciousness, “blacked out” or fainted within the past year. (iii) convulsive disorders: (I) if applicant for a cargo transport, passenger transport or emergency vehicle in Classes A, B or C and has history of recurrent seizures (those requiring medication therapy or has had any seizure activity within the past ten years if the applicant is not taking medication), epileptic or convulsive attacks; (II) if applicant for a private vehicle in Class C or M and has had seizures or epileptic or convulsive attacks within the past year; (iv) movement disorders (conditions including but not limited to Parkinsonism, Torticollis, myoclonus and choreoathetosis): all applicants if disorder is active and progressive (the applicant must also take and pass a qualifying road test prior to referral). [(G) Musculoskeletal disorders. All applicants unless previously licensed after successful completion of a road test and:] [(i) appropriate restrictions have been applied to the license, if necessary; and] [(ii) the applicant's condition has not deteriorated since the last road test as determined by observation, questioning, and license restrictions.] (2) The criteria [Guidelines] for referral for psychiatric[mental or emotional] disorders are as follows: (A) Mental, nervous or emotional patients. All applicants, as follows: (i) involuntary psychiatric[mental] patient committed for indefinite hospitalization (applicant must pass all required tests prior to referral and must present a court restoration to competency or a certificate of discharge); (ii) involuntary psychiatric[mental] patient with a guardian appointed (applicant must pass all required tests prior to referral and must present a court restoration to competency. A certificate of discharge is not acceptable); (iii) all other psychiatric[mental] patients if under the care of a physician or if any significant behavioral problems or adverse drug therapy reactions exist (applicant must pass all required tests prior to referral)[treated for mental, nervous, or emotional conditions within the past three years]. (B) Alcohol-induced problems: [Alcoholism.] All applicants, as follows: (i) three or more convictions for offenses involving drinking, the last offense occurring within past two years; (ii) involvement in two or more accidents while drinking, the last incident occurring within past two years; (iii) a reliable report that applicant has had an active drinking problem within the past two years; (iv) admits to an active drinking problem within the past two years; (v) under the care of a physician (exception: if there is no documented history of any episodes of alcohol abuse and applicant voluntarily enrolled in and successfully completed a recognized rehabilitation program, the applicant will not be referred). (C) Drug-induced problems: [Drug abuse.] All applicants, as follows: (i) addiction to any drug affecting safe driving ability; (ii) a reliable report that applicant has had an active drug problem in the past two years; (iii) admits to an active drug problem in the past two years; (iv) under the care of a physician. [(D) Multiple impairments, which in combination affect safe driving ability although a single impairment might not. All applicants, if under the care of a physician and a qualifying road test has confirmed considerable interference with safe driving ability.] (3) The criteria [Guidelines] for referral for other conditions or disorders are as follows [for other serious mental or physical condition]: All applicants, if under the care of a physician, and a qualifying road test has confirmed that safe driving ability is considerably affected by the condition. Examples of conditions that will be evaluated by testing rather than by referral include but are not limited to: amputation, back pain, cerebral palsy, congenital birth defects, fibromyalgia, hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, post polio disabilities, scoliosis, spina bifida, spinal cord injuries, spinal meningitis, Tourette’s syndrome and/or traumatic brain injuries. (4) Terms defined. (A) Under the care of a physician--having been referred to for treatment or having received treatment from a physician for the medical condition or conditions indicated in the past 12 months without a release from further treatment. This does not apply to a condition(s) diagnosed over 12 months ago and treatment consisting of only periodic visits to a physician for check up and maintenance. (B) Active drinking problem--use of alcoholic beverages to the extent of interfering with driving, working, social, or family responsibilities as confirmed by any one of the following occurring in the past six months: (i) an arrest involving alcohol; (ii) a reliable family report of excessive use of alcohol; (iii) a contact with a social agency because of the use of alcohol; (iv) demonstrated psychological dependence on alcohol. (C) Active drug problem--use of drugs to the extent of interfering with driving, working, social, or family responsibilities as confirmed by any one of the following occurring in the past six months: (i) an arrest involving drugs; (ii) a reliable family report of use of drugs; (iii) a contact with social agencies because of use of drugs; (iv) demonstrated psychological dependence on drugs. (5) Guidelines for referral of alcohol or drug dependency. An applicant whose presents a written statement from the attending physician, hospital administrator, or treatment center administrator verifying successful completion of a voluntary[an] alcohol[ or drug] treatment program (except the DWI Education Program required under the Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 42.12, Section 6f) dated subsequent to the last known report or episode shall not be referred to the Medical Advisory Board if there is no documented history of any episodes of alcohol abuse. This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency’s legal authority to adopt. Issued in Austin, Texas on . Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Director Texas Department of Public Safety TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ORDER ADOPTING A RULE On September 24, 2003, the Public Safety Commission (Commission) by majority vote approved rules concerning: Organization and Administration Title 37 T.A.C. Part I, Chapter 1 Subchapter G Section Number 1.101 The Texas Department of Public Safety adopts an amendment to Section 1.101, concerning Bomb Threats, with a slight grammatical change to the proposed text as published in the July 11, 2003, issue of the Texas Register (28 TexReg 5496). The change to subsection (b) is necessary to correct the spelling of “ordinance” to “ordnance.” Amendment to Section 1.101 is necessary in order to add explosive ordnance disposal units from local law enforcement agencies to the list of agencies the department will contact in those instances where a discovered bomb must be removed. No comments were received regarding adoption of the amendment. The amendment is adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 411.004(3), which authorizes the Public Safety Commission to adopt rules considered necessary for carrying out the department’s work. This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency’s legal authority. The effective date of the rules is 20 days after the rules are filed with the Texas Register Division, Office of the Secretary of State. This order constitutes the order of the Commission required by the Administrative Procedures Act, Government Code, Section 2001.033. _________________________ Colleen McHugh, Chairman Public Safety Commission For issue of: PI Working ACK Adopted Rulemaking Action Name of Agency: Texas Department of Public Safety Agency Code: 201 Title: 37 Part: 1 Chapter: 1. Organization and Administration Subchapter: G. Bomb Threats Division: TAC Section Number(s): Section 1.101 Proposed Action TRD Number: 200303963 New X Amendment Repeal ____With Changes X Effective Date: 20 Days after Filing X Proposed Action Issue Date: July 11, 2003 Adoption by Reference Without Changes _____Federal Mandate Other (Specify): __________________ File Name: 0827c.201 Means of transmitting: ____Diskette ____Internet Graphics Included? Yes X X E-Mail No Graphics File Name: Means of transmitting: ____Diskette Internet E-Mail Verification/Certification I verify that I have reviewed the submitted document and that it conforms to all applicable Texas Register filing requirements. The submitted document has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority. Agency Liaison: Mary Ann Courter or Patricia Holmes Certifying Official: Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Title: Director Signature: Date of Verification: E-Mail Address: Patricia.Holmes@txdps.state.tx.us Phone Number: (512) 424-2135 (Pat) Fax Number: (512) 424-2251 The Texas Department of Public Safety adopts an amendment to Section 1.101, concerning Bomb Threats, with a slight grammatical change to the proposed text as published in the July 11, 2003, issue of the Texas Register (28 TexReg 5496). The change to subsection (b) is necessary to correct the spelling of “ordinance” to “ordnance.” Amendment to Section 1.101 is necessary in order to add explosive ordnance disposal units from local law enforcement agencies to the list of agencies the department will contact in those instances where a discovered bomb must be removed. No comments were received regarding adoption of the amendment. The amendment is adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 411.004(3), which authorizes the Public Safety Commission to adopt rules considered necessary for carrying out the department’s work. Section 1.101. Response to Bomb Threats. (a) The primary responsibility for police action designed to search for a reported bomb at any location, other than premises occupied by the Department of Public Safety[department of public safety], lies with the principal local law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the reported bomb threat is located. We will assist these agencies as requested and within the limits of our capabilities. (b) The department will not train and equip bomb disposal squads. As a matter of policy, we will depend on the explosive ordnance[ordinance] disposal service available from military installations or local law enforcement agencies, to remove a discovered bomb in those instances where we must accept the responsibility for its removal. (c) The department will assume primary responsibility for necessary evacuation and search of any premises occupied by the department and in which a bomb has been reported. This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency’s legal authority. Issued in Austin, Texas on . Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Director Texas Department of Public Safety TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ORDER ADOPTING A RULE On September 24, 2003, the Public Safety Commission (Commission) by majority vote approved rules concerning: Bicycle Safety and Education Program Title 37 T.A.C. Part I, Chapter 32 Section Numbers 32.2 – 32.8 The Texas Department of Public Safety adopts the repeal of Sections 32.2-32.8, concerning Bicycle Safety, without changes to the proposed text as published in the July 11, 2003, issue of the Texas Register (28 TexReg 5499). Repeal of the sections is necessary due to the reorganization of Chapter 32 to incorporate new rules on the use of electric bicycles and an update on the existing bicycle safety education program curriculum and course provider requirements. Information which was previously included in Sections 32.2-32.8 is now included in new Section 32.3 which is being adopted simultaneously. No comments were received regarding adoption of the repeals. The repeals are adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 411.004(3), which authorizes the Public Safety Commission to adopt rules considered necessary for carrying out the department’s work; and Health and Safety Code, Section 758.002(a), which authorizes the department to adopt rules to implement the statewide bicycle safety education program. This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency’s legal authority. The effective date of the rules is 20 days after the rules are filed with the Texas Register Division, Office of the Secretary of State. This order constitutes the order of the Commission required by the Administrative Procedures Act, Government Code, Section 2001.033. _________________________ Colleen McHugh, Chairman Public Safety Commission For issue of: PI Working ACK Adopted Rulemaking Action Name of Agency: Texas Department of Public Safety Agency Code: 201 Title: 37 Part: 1 Chapter: 32. Bicycle Safety and Education Program Subchapter: Division: TAC Section Number(s): Sections 32.2-32.8 Proposed Action TRD Number: 200303961 New Amendment ____With Changes Effective Date: X X X Proposed Action Issue Date: July 11, 2003 Repeal Adoption by Reference Without Changes _____Federal Mandate 20 Days after Filing ____Other (Specify): __________________ File Name: 0827a.201 Means of transmitting: ____Diskette ____Internet Graphics Included? Yes X X E-Mail No Graphics File Name: Means of transmitting: ____Diskette ____Internet ___E-Mail Verification/Certification I verify that I have reviewed the submitted document and that it conforms to all applicable Texas Register filing requirements. The submitted document has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority. Agency Liaison: Mary Ann Courter or Patricia Holmes Certifying Official: Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Title: Director Signature: Date of Verification: E-Mail Address: Patricia.Holmes@txdps.state.tx.us Phone Number: (512) 424-2135 (Pat) Fax Number: (512) 424-2251 The Texas Department of Public Safety adopts the repeal of Sections 32.2-32.8, concerning Bicycle Safety, without changes to the proposed text as published in the July 11, 2003, issue of the Texas Register (28 TexReg 5499). Repeal of the sections is necessary due to the reorganization of Chapter 32 to incorporate new rules on the use of electric bicycles and an update on the existing bicycle safety education program curriculum and course provider requirements. Information which was previously included in Sections 32.2-32.8 is now included in new Section 32.3 which is being adopted simultaneously. No comments were received regarding adoption of the repeals. The repeals are adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 411.004(3), which authorizes the Public Safety Commission to adopt rules considered necessary for carrying out the department’s work; and Health and Safety Code, Section 758.002(a), which authorizes the department to adopt rules to implement the statewide bicycle safety education program. [Section 32.2. Bicycle Safety Curriculum.] [Section 32.3. Bicycle Safety Course Provider.] [Section 32.4. Bicycle Safety Instructor.] [Section 32.5. Notice and Hearing Requirements.] [Section 32.6. Suspension.] [Section 32.7. Quality Assurance Visits.] [Section 32.8. Notification of Legal Actions.] This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency’s legal authority. Issued in Austin, Texas on . Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Director Texas Department of Public Safety TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ORDER ADOPTING A RULE On September 24, 2003, the Public Safety Commission (Commission) by majority vote approved rules concerning: Bicycle Safety and Education Program Title 37 T.A.C. Part I, Chapter 32 Section Numbers 32.1 – 32.3 The Texas Department of Public Safety adopts amendments to Section 32.1, and new Sections 32.2 and 32.3, concerning Bicycle Safety and Education Program, without changes to the proposed text as published in the July 11, 2003, issue of the Texas Register (28 TexReg 5497). Amendments to the section are necessary in order to change the title of the chapter from Bicycle Safety and Education Program to Bicycles – Use and Safety and to include the definition of “electric bicycles” in Section 32.1. The title change, amendment to Section 32.1, and new Section 32.2 are necessary in order to include information relating to the use of electric bicycles as required by Tex. HB 2204, 77th Leg., R.S. (2001). New Section 32.3 is adopted simultaneously with the repeal of current Sections 32.2-32-8 and outlines qualifications for an applicant to be licensed as a course provider; specifies administrative control of instructors by licensed providers; specifies required curriculum and materials necessary to provide a course; explains license suspension; explains procedures by which provider sites may be evaluated; and notes requirements of providers to make notification of legal action. No comments were received regarding adoption of the amendments and new sections. The amendments and new sections are adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 411.004(3), which authorizes the Public Safety Commission to adopt rules considered necessary for carrying out the department’s work; Health and Safety Code, Section 758.002(a), which authorizes the department to adopt rules to implement the statewide bicycle safety education program; and Texas Transportation Code, Section 551.106. This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency’s legal authority. The effective date of the rules is 20 days after the rules are filed with the Texas Register Division, Office of the Secretary of State. This order constitutes the order of the Commission required by the Administrative Procedures Act, Government Code, Section 2001.033. _________________________ Colleen McHugh, Chairman Public Safety Commission For issue of: PI Working ACK Adopted Rulemaking Action Name of Agency: Texas Department of Public Safety Agency Code: 201 Title: 37 Part: 1 Chapter: 32. Bicycle Safety and Education Program Subchapter: Division: TAC Section Number(s): Sections 32.1-32.3 Proposed Action TRD Number: 200303962 X New X Amendment Proposed Action Issue Date: July 11, 2003 Repeal ____Adoption by Reference ____With Changes X Effective Date: 20 Days after Filing ____Other (Specify): __________________ X Without Changes _____Federal Mandate File Name: 0827b.201 Means of transmitting: ____Diskette ____Internet Graphics Included? ____Yes X X E-Mail No Graphics File Name: Means of transmitting: ____Diskette ____Internet ___E-Mail Verification/Certification I verify that I have reviewed the submitted document and that it conforms to all applicable Texas Register filing requirements. The submitted document has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority. Agency Liaison: Mary Ann Courter or Patricia Holmes Certifying Official: Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Title: Director Signature: Date of Verification: E-Mail Address: Patricia.Holmes@txdps.state.tx.us Phone Number: (512) 424-2135 (Pat) Fax Number: (512) 424-2251 The Texas Department of Public Safety adopts amendments to Section 32.1, and new Sections 32.2 and 32.3, concerning Bicycle Safety and Education Program, without changes to the proposed text as published in the July 11, 2003, issue of the Texas Register (28 TexReg 5497). Amendments to the section are necessary in order to change the title of the chapter from Bicycle Safety and Education Program to Bicycles – Use and Safety and to include the definition of “electric bicycles” in Section 32.1. The title change, amendment to Section 32.1, and new Section 32.2 are necessary in order to include information relating to the use of electric bicycles as required by Tex. HB 2204, 77th Leg., R.S. (2001). New Section 32.3 is adopted simultaneously with the repeal of current Sections 32.2-32-8 and outlines qualifications for an applicant to be licensed as a course provider; specifies administrative control of instructors by licensed providers; specifies required curriculum and materials necessary to provide a course; explains license suspension; explains procedures by which provider sites may be evaluated; and notes requirements of providers to make notification of legal action. No comments were received regarding adoption of the amendments and new sections. The amendments and new sections are adopted pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 411.004(3), which authorizes the Public Safety Commission to adopt rules considered necessary for carrying out the department’s work; Health and Safety Code, Section 758.002(a), which authorizes the department to adopt rules to implement the statewide bicycle safety education program; and Texas Transportation Code, Section 551.106. Chapter 32. Bicycles – Use and Safety[Bicycle Safety and Education Program] Section 32.1. Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (1) Bicycle--A human-powered vehicle with two wheels in tandem designed to transport by pedaling action of a person seated on a saddle seat. (2) Bicycle Safety Act--The Bicycle Safety Act is codified as Health and Safety Code, Chapter 758, Bicycle Safety (House Bill 1978, passed during the 73rd Legislative Session, 1993). The Bicycle Safety Act requires the bicycle safety curriculum to address certain areas of knowledge and skill. It allows the department to issue certificates of completion[ certificates], charge a fee of not more than $15 for course tuition, and determine qualifications for instructors and organizations wishing to provide this training. (3) Bicycle Safety Coordinator--An employee of the Department of Public Safety assigned responsibility for administering the Bicycle Safety Education Program. (4) Bicycle Safety Education Program--A program established by the department to provide bicycle safety education and training to persons between the ages of seven and ten years of age. (5) Bicycle Safety Course Provider--An entity licensed by the department to provide bicycle safety courses. In its role as a program provider, this entity is not an agent, servant, or employee of the department or the state of Texas. (6) Bicycle Safety Instructor--An individual trained by, and under the administrative control of a bicycle safety course provider to teach bicycle safety courses in Texas. This individual, unless directly employed by the department as a bicycle instructor, is not an agent, servant, or employee of the department of the state of Texas. (7) Department--The Texas Department of Public Safety. The department is the state agency allowed by the Bicycle Safety Act to establish and administer a statewide bicycle safety and education program. (8) Electric Bicycles—A bicycle designed to be propelled by an electric motor, exclusively or in combination with the application of human power, cannot attain a speed of more than 20 miles per hour without the application of human power, and does not exceed a weight of 100 pounds. (9)[(8)] Operator--A person who travels by pedaling on a bicycle seated on a saddle seat. 32.2. Use of Electric Bicycles. Pursuant to Section 551.106 of the Transportation Code, a local authority may prohibit the use of an electric bicycle on a highway used primarily by pedestrians, such as a sidewalk or a hike and bike trail. 32.3 Bicycle Safety and Education Program. (a) Bicycle Safety Curriculum. (1) The Bicycle Safety Act requires that the Bicycle Safety Education Program curriculum include instruction concerning: (A) the safe handling and use of bicycles; (B) high risk traffic situations; (C) bicycle and traffic handling skills; (D) on-bike training; (E) correct use of bicycle helmets; (F) traffic laws and regulations; and, (G) use of hike and bike trails. (2) This curriculum developed by the department for teaching bicycle safety is known as the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course. (3) This curriculum may be taught in phases, and each phase may be taught separately or during the same day. A minimum of one phase shall be taught as a demonstration or education component. Phases shall be taught according to the order stated in this section. All three phases are required for the course to be certified as a SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course. The phases are as follows: (A) Phase I (Demonstration) – Traffic Law and Mr. Zamboni Video; (B) Phase II (Education) – includes components from Phase I plus Supercyclist Lesson, Cycle Jeopardy, and Who Else Wears Helmets; (C) Phase III (Certification) – includes components from Phase I and II plus the Safety Inspection and Skill Course component. (4) The SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course is available for inspection at the department’s Austin Headquarters, in the custody of the Training Bureau, Bicycle Safety Coordinator. (5) Deviations, modifications, additions, and deletions from the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course by the Bicycle Safety Course Provider or instructor are not allowed without written permission from the department. (6) Non-curriculum materials developed to enhance public awareness and promotion of the safety program may be distributed as appropriate. (7) The instructor to student ratio for classroom instruction is dependent upon the size of the classroom and the experience of the instructor teaching seven to ten year old children. (8) The instructor to student ratio for the on-bike instruction is dependent upon the number of instructors and their experience in teaching seven to ten year old children. (9) Whenever riding during the course, all instructors and students should wear a bicycle helmet: (A) that meets Snell Memorial Foundation, American National Safety Institute (ANSI), or Consumer Protection Service (CPS) standards; and (B) has no visible damage. (10) Bicycles used in a course must meet all safety requirements for operation on public roadways; be owned by the student, the course provider or instructor, or accompanied by written permission to use if owned by another person or entity; and be of the appropriate size for the student in accordance with the recommendations of the department’s curriculum. (b) Bicycle Safety Course Provider. (1) Only those entities licensed by the department may offer the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course to the public. To qualify for a license, a course provider must apply in writing using the application form supplied by the department. The course provider must agree to: (A) register students, collect and account for student tuition, if applicable; (B) promote the courses to attract students; (C) provide insurance coverage for the bicycle safety course if required by facility provider; (D) submit all necessary training records to the department and maintain records in accordance with the licensing agreements; (E) enlist instructors to teach the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course; (F) train instructors to teach the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course in accordance with the requirements set out in subsection (a) of this section; (G) schedule instructors to teach the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course; (H) monitor the content and quality of the course to assure compliance with the requirements in subsection (a) of this section; (I) provide access to a first aid kit whenever on-bike training is taking place; and (J) accept full legal responsibility for the safe and proper conduct of the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course. (2) All bicycle safety course providers must provide access to a classroom and on-bicycle training area. (A) a suitable classroom must meet the following requirements, which may be adjusted appropriately for students or instructors that may require accommodations due to a disability: (i) be large enough to comfortably accommodate all students and instructors; (ii) contain at least one adequate seating and writing surface (if applicable) for each student; (iii) contain appropriate support system (desk, table, or podium if applicable) for the instructor; (iv) have audiovisual presentation equipment appropriate to the curriculum, including a chalkboard or equivalent; and (v) not be in a private residence. (B) a suitable on-bike training area must meet the following requirements: (i) have a paved surface, including asphalt, concrete, or other all-weather surface of suitable traction; and (ii) be large enough to safely accommodate a bicycle safety training range layout approved by the department, secure from vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and free of surface hazards and obstacles. (3) The application for a course provider’s license will be denied if: (A) the applicant cannot provide sufficient information and documentation to enable the department to evaluate the applicant’s request for license; (B) the applicant knowingly presents or allows to be presented to the department any false or misleading information relating to a request for license; or (C) the applicant has been convicted or placed on probation for: (i) any felony of this state or any other jurisdiction; (ii) any offense involving moral turpitude with a child or any other minor; or (iii) any offense involving tampering with a government record or driving while intoxicated where the offense occurred within the previous five years. (iv) the department may construe any probation or conviction which is for a criminal offense arising from a penal provision from another state, federal, military, or foreign jurisdiction to be its closest equivalent under the penal provisions of this state. (4) A safety course provider’s license may be suspended if the provider, an instructor under control of the provider, or a member of the provider’s organization directly involved with duties involving the training program: (A) fails to continue to meet the requirements of this section; (B) has been convicted or placed on probation for: (i) any felony of this state or any other jurisdiction; (ii) any offense involving moral turpitude with a child or any other minor; or (iii) any offense involving tampering with a governmental record or driving while intoxicated where the offense occurred within the previous five years. (iv) the department may construe any probation or conviction which is for a criminal offense arising from a penal provision from another state, federal, military, or foreign jurisdiction to be its closest equivalent under the penal provisions of this state. (C) knowingly or recklessly disregards or fails to comply with any departmental rule, written policy, or written procedure regarding the bicycle safety and education program; or (D) knowingly allows an instructor to give, or a student to receive, classroom or riding instruction if either the instructor or student exhibits any evidence of, or effects from alcohol or drugs. (5) The course provider’s license may be canceled if: (A) it was based on false or incorrect information or mistake, such as clerical or other nonsubstantive errors by either party; or (B) if the discrepancy causing a suspension under these administrative rules has not been corrected within the time limit prescribed by a suspension. (C) the course provider has been convicted or placed on probation for: (i) any felony of this state or any other jurisdiction; (ii) any offense involving moral turpitude with a child or any other minor; or (iii) any offense involving tampering with a government record or driving while intoxicated. (iv) the department may construe any probation or conviction which is for a criminal offense arising from a penal provision from another state, federal, military, or foreign jurisdiction to be its closest equivalent under the penal provisions of this state. (c) Bicycle Safety Instructor. (1) No individual may teach the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Program unless they are under administrative control of a licensed bicycle safety course provider. Each provider may establish their own instructor qualifications; however, the instructors must meet the following minimum qualifications. (A) instructors must agree to teach the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course in accordance with the department’s developed or approved curricula. (B) instructors must be: (i) trained by the provider in the proper conduct of the SuperCyclist Bicycle Safety Course; (ii) free from addiction to the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs; and (iii) physically and mentally competent to conduct classroom and on-bike instruction, including riding demonstrations. (2) Approval as an instructor may be suspended or canceled as determined necessary by the course provider. The department recommends that the course provider deny an instructor’s approval if it was based on false or incorrect information or mistake. (3) Instructors may not complete, issue, or validate a certificate or course completion to a person not successfully completing all of the course. A period of absence for any portion of scheduled course instruction will require that student to repeat that portion of instruction prior to issuance of the certificate of completion. (d) Notice and Hearing Requirements. If the department intends to deny, suspend, or cancel a course provider’s license, an opportunity for an administrative hearing must be given as provided by Texas Government Code, Section 2001. (e) Suspension. The term of license suspension under subsection (b) and (c) of this section, may not exceed one year. If the reason for suspension still exists at the end of the suspension period, the suspension automatically elevates to license cancellation. To again become licensed, a disapproved program provider or instructor must reapply and meet all current requirements for a license. (f) Quality Assurance Visits. (1) Quality Assurance Visits (QAV’s) may be scheduled and conducted at the licensed bicycle safety course provider sites. During the QAV, the focus will be on the adherence to requirements outlined in subsection (b) and (c) of this section. (2) The QAV’s will be conducted by department personnel or by persons authorized by the department to perform them. (g) Notification of Legal Actions. All bicycle safety course providers shall notify the department with the details of any legal action, which has been filed against the provider, its officers, or its instructors within 30 days of such action. This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency’s legal authority. Issued in Austin, Texas on . Thomas A. Davis, Jr. Director Texas Department of Public Safety
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