4 09 tNG PEOPLE, DRUGS ARE NOT THE AN8W1 Hi! 40mrt 1 I FORMERLY LUBBOCK piGEST Pi (..,,, , Yusp(1per for All IVopIp Serving the Hlnck Popiil,i(.n ..f l.i.Sbi.rk Ci.untx and (hp Surrounding Area m Pnnu.nl Inrh-penHrn- 85f Worth f t MUb-- Black PretB of America M Meet Mrci itret VOL XM, NO. 44 AUGUST 9 THRU AUGUST 15, 1999 "JBBimBBBBBBBVJBlBBBBBBMaBB Cansus Bureau Says: Mr. Charles Average Child Support Payment I Payments Received By White Mothers Twice That Of Black Mothers Terrell Succumbs ; r according to a survey by the pport paymentsfaceivad by White women Iff 1987 was about double the amount received by Bbk mothers, Commerce Department's Census Bureau? Payments to Black mothers averaged $1,500 compared r HHHBHHHKjftjB aJMBBfcffiffPMlm- - .iByB HLw w'If . ?1LBb1bb8b1Hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Young Life In with$2,950 for Vh1te mothers, the" survey fouridi Fifty-threpercent of Black e women with children present from an absent father were living below the povertylevel, about twice ths comparable rate for While' mother (26 percent). About 36 percent fo the 2.7 Black women with children from absent fathers were awarded child support payments as of 'spring 1988. Nearly 800,000 were to receive payments in 1987 but 'only about 73 percent of them actually received payments. The award rate for White million mothers was 69 percent, but the proportion fhat actually Tej:eiyeclpayrreritss;$ifc 'the same -- as that of Black, . Mr. Charles Terrell Funeral services were held for longtime resident, Mr. Charles Terrell, 80, Wednes-daj- ; afternoon, August 8, 1990, at Bethel African Methodist BpiscopaL Church with I. C. Cooper, Jr., Presiding Elder of the Rev;. Northwest Texas Conference of the A. M. E. Church, officiating. Rev. A. L. Dunn, is pastor. Burial was held .in Peaceful Gardens Memorial Parkimder the direction of AdamsPlains Mr. Terrell was also a retired insurance agent for Atlanta Funeral Home. Mr. Sunday Terrell passed away evening. Insurance Company, and Was a steward at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Life Mqthodist Hospital after a lenghty illness. A dedicated newspaper and counselor for the Southwest Digest, from 1977 until 1986, he was born in Blooming Grove, Texas and moved tg Lubbock, for many years. He was a member of Booker T. Washington American Legion Texas in 1930. Post No. 808. Mr. Terrell married Jessie Mae Howard. She died in 1957. He was a veteran of the U. S. Army where he served in World War II. He leaves to mourn his death: a son, Thomas of Lubbock, Texas; a grandson, Pictured left to right: Tamara Collins, Charles Thomas, Yuri Townsend, Erica Matthews, Benji Garcia, Jim Shearer, leader; Michelle Forster, Avis Nious, leader; and Keevonya Wilkerson. This photo was taken on top of Mt. Pecos Baldy in New Mexico, some 12,500 feet high. 1990, Young Life took 9 kids and 3 adult leaders July 12-1backpacking in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains in New 6, Mexico. The trip was designed to give the kids and the leaders a physical, mental, and spiritual challenge. They learned how to trust each other in tough situations, got to know each other and God better and learned how to work together as a family. They stretched themselves to the limit and can now have the great feeling of "I did it." mothers. Additionl the survey: highlights from Health insurance was included in 21 percent of child support awards to Black mothers and 43 percent of awards to White mothers. About 8 percent of divorced or separated Black women were awarded alimony payments compared with 18 percent of Whites. As in all surveys, the data are subject to sampling variability and other sources of error. and many friends. "Mary Love" Alderson Jr. High Student Earns Role In LCU Drama Production t Jameelah A. Wallace, an eighth grade student at Alderson Junior High School, has earned a role as Julia in an Lubbock Christian University (LCU) drama production entitled "Mary Low," by Dr. Mary Jo Clendenin, an education profeeeor at LCU. Atwutt 84 Jb 88, 1990 at Lujjbock Chriaflen Unfcrstty at 8 p. m., "Mary Love" wW be ptptti in th Roe theater, inside the C. Art L. Kay Love and the slaves are trying to keep things going; sanding to the men and preparing for a new baby. All of this is done while worrying supplies about family members hi the army. Actors and actresses include: teacher, student, businessmen and others: John businessmen and others: John Wallace and his daughter, ilamaeJah; Dadrick Dun, Mary HflBBBkPBBBF aRkk. mia BBB9lTvhBBBBwE JaBB. j.l4ry is abfit kw Ann Lawton, Charles JameUh A i on but tfcf Wallace Andereon, elementary echool euperintendent; Me. Patricia Johneon, director of etetl development; Me. Alease Elaine Bailey, director of counseling. Theodore Philip M err ell, principal TidwellEleme tery School; Me. Mac Evelyn Jorm-CleDale Fowler, hieloty elementary ached eumatU wpvtotftoil M Awry, mmm eufiarintendert. feint teacher, &Vey Hie ieAeo Me. Utu k, Saunders, Rodney Marshall and hie daughter, Christine; Pat Lynch, lm OobJe, Tad author's Monroe, I w4re Lieutenant Roberf He SEVEN PRESENT AND ONE FORMER North Format Independent School District teecher end edminictretor$ were awarded coveted Doctor of Education (Ed. D) degree during the recent epring commencement. Left to right, Wj. Nellie R. Christian Davolopment The p JBBB and Mary Jo Or. E Don Ufc?i9M dfroctinf and it aaMI B Jm f HUBftjf A t met m tmm L Ammim, m$mmt popm, Qmmmef Cdkagu mimmkkmmmam CwricukMvlmtrttkitK tffctaeBTfa it Oeittf ejeJc9aeofit m Cevfon TkoMt$4 Hkrmmpmwi Simoom Hih$0oot, ttrnhpemmmm dMortMFofet Inelependoni Bchooi DeeUict. (mm am jftftAfeat. Baafe aBBABaaasV .AbbbbbA MaT aaaMii f . vsmriaow aaUwrsraf a TKitka WI... lb ate CMw OB Tom delivered another Only $SM.M Par Month! If yoM wafer!, minor maintawanca, first two months are FREE RENT. ATTENTION: 602-S3I-M- 762-244- 6503 24th ST 150825THST 131926THST 361332NDST 2705 33RD ST 5021 36TH ST 3204 37THST. 471537THST 613737THST 200439THST 491739THST 530639THST 1510 40TH ST 130242NDST 1508 45THST. 50849THST 20252NDST 50155THST S J 51255THST '2li657THST I I 03 56146OTHST 49li65THST 2830 66TH ST 2131 73RD ST ST MARY OF THE PLAINS HOSPITAL 322084THST 2205 88THST 5513y6THST For employment information, call: 03 03 3513 BANGOR 1905 E COLGATE 9608 DIXON 601 N.DOVER 8219 FLINT 5 4000 24th Street Lubtxxk, Texas Equal Oppoitunity Employer 03 4610GRINNELL F6r more information 4709 MARSHALL 6003 ORLANDO regarding employment 407TEAKAVE VERNON AVE AVE P AVE Q 7702 6104 6121 2108 opportunities at Lubbock General Hospital. - 8THST 20249THST Call 2 03 3404E16THST 1 Opportunily EmployBr niki uuuitf i fnfermatlan regarding smpleymMt 270592NDST 1309 ADRIAN ST 1830 E AMHERST 2612 E BAYLOR 2820 A&B CORNELL494 210 DAVID 220 DAVID AVE 4527 MARSHALL may be obtained by calling 4 -- $32300 3 1 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 $18,950 " $17,100- - v I 1 $19,300 $21,250 $39,850 $54,000 $62,200 1 . 2 2 2 2 $2700 3 1 $29,000- 4 3 3 2 1 $1850 2 1 $33,500 $35,950 $42,200 $29,850 $32,750 $31,350 $14,000 $43,700 $17,700 3 2 $2600 3 3 1 1 $13,250 $13,700 $ 9,350 $12,800 $15,850 $11,100 $12,900 $26,000 2 2 112 .112 112 1 2 2 1 3 -- 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 $,$00 2 $26550 CODE PRICE CASH $13,450 VCASH $13,450 CASH $10,400 CASH $7,450 CASH $11,000 QUADRAPLEX 3 3 2 2 4 309 AVEFA&B 903 6THST 5 2 3 1 AVEFA&B 6 2 311 AVEFA&B 5 DUPLEX CASH CASH $22,550 $16,300 $20,650 VCASH $22,200 3 2 $22,600 1 3 $22,500 1 3 $13,250 3 2 $21,000 2 2 $15,750 1 3 $10,100 CROSBY.T.Q.N , i'2& 1 $l5;76o , 03 601ELONS " i427'S?CROSBY O494-168307-7- 48 CASH VCASH CASH VCASH 604 3RD ST 3 31650 1 UJXEJUJUANJ) 1827 8THST 100510THST 116 E ADAMS 3 3 2 2 113 ELM 2 1 104 MIKE ST 343 PECAN 113 POPLAR 510 A&B9THST 3 3 4 4 3 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 03 110612THST 71015THST 403 AVE L 03 113 CEDAR 1617 GRANT 1717 GRANT $26,500 $12,650 $18,550 $18,050 $38,700 $48,650 $21,050 $12,600 $12,350 $17,600 $11,400 $19,600 $14,000 $11,500 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 CASH DUPLEX VCASH CASH CASH VCASH VCASH VCASH LITTLfiFjjHLD 724E16THST 2 1212 AVE B 302 E. ELM ST 0 1 $13,-5- 3 1 3 2 $17,150 $24,700 VCASH PETERSBURG VCASH CASH CASH 2306 E 1ST ST 1 2 ELAINVIEW. 802W.26THST VCASH CASH CASH VCASH CASH CASH VCASH CASH VCASH VQASH 1220 AVE L 03 3 1 3 1 tulia 5 3 circle 31 drive 514 EBROADWAY . 21? N DALLAS 494-y6- 41 494151506-20- 3 $19,000 $22,000 12 $19,250 4 2 3 1 $39,000 $11,150 $12,900 YMGA 2 $34,700 CASH DUPLEX 5 VCASH CASHDUPLEX 30SN9THST CASH VCASH CASH 494'149062.703 3 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL PURCHASERS AND HUD PARTICIPATING BROKERS A contact has been awarded for sales dosing services in the Lubbock area. Effective all 'closing for HUD owned properties wiH be executed at: West Texas Tide Company. 916 Mam. Sute or J 002. NCNB Txas BuMng. Lubbock. TX 79401 Phone OJdca TO Hours: 3. Monday thru Friday. BROKERS SHOULD CONTACT NANCY FLOYO AT COORDINATE A GLOBING TIME MORTGAGE COMPANIES SHOULD CALL VV5ST TEXAS TITLE COMPANY AT 806-74- 4 8441 TO PROVIDE INFORMATION NECESSARY FOB DEBD 744-844- 1 -- ,6 i fcf trie vrti4wWnt fe Ory pfBrte en aeuva r aarwrfaaivra) rnwant wtfjeBfi arivw wiui iwrewryT Ttw Srtoj pfto it HOD'S Mlimal f Wr nwrtrt VAkw; HUO rwrtNriMH jtalinai LlaaVAl aaiAaaAaalA Lfta ituut f tMni'nn W nnnanf aTHan thai Ifajwiej awrVt ImiI VvfJfVVVfi fmy Ilia nfnaffj pWfrl VfftJTf JWa tw aatk KOOP&l'S -- WfW .4. . ttAKAAl Aaaa a&tmliiiA lu aji a n aivaBi n aiap wwfwfw la i ewi i w LflauiaMei Bfwaiivi ifwwi o&Af4aUAA aTirrlminejIInn al "ftaAataft MaateA' WPPW MlriWnHnnl rf9fivnF HW VapQeaWi avaMBajaajaj pam rMMawvv U I y ai 1 WmmA bnAAtfaafUMi aaauiMui ttMAAvaa aaanvnFwivBnaain rvapi aj rreae einlanaliaa imant i U w - uoi (H).FIot t5' i --1 arwaaaap eeai avMuaviaaaul pftwwf MatMtof Six 'aaaaJl mM has mm iaHrupsd m4. bttl Ml aft laalal laa) BMAAaAai BatAf ww 4 P aaaww ifr?i mi orct el4MMl hMwi 0 days el aooa4anee aale. Ittoetaains w oaAoel any owHtaminfi oonttac m m tt ( My n an mansion a to HUD. aHar ts wr aWh day. Swlif must wausit an.wrtanalaw on Mw km fcijUhirwWt sertHtod fcmds lar tZTO, taaraumtnj a IS day aamwam. at $18 aer day Tins must raannaalaalf w'wwpb aWMaraS Maafat naallalill anal wwwh tdUiAiaaai aUk aV talAlel flaaa asnaM aM AT" BnA falM taaal Hi anP yaBF" fwvia " yi BA wpiwwiwwitTw UjiAuuji tMBBMaeat ah alkji SPBJ BPaWWBBBBI j wwi ppia AAJi1Lf nyif ifi rfjFaejnra BfiaMnMa iu rvwy ' atmaiiirlailt nw piaavifVf Ajjuald Lai aj ipaMP at rmt aaaifm a flaaaal "aaal lal AM gaBUkt aaJ rffnft aaa pat npPBa"afaj mbaj AeVaaAlaftA aaaW aaaia awaaja laalH liJHattAJaafal avewveFVTa aaw aaA aWTf ni MOO T aaaaffTan au aa awai Aftk eaaat uyjg paw aleBBj aMAAfalal aaw aiaial apvtarapvt latf maUI H ajaajaj aaaaAta aia pP M Kaaaal teJLAai SPiajv yija1 IbrajaMfR.j al it H00 AakAAfaU vVWaaTfH. wprat auali nn ftktaaA aspppapaji fwiwi akJaAM awi fcaA aaJ aapn ygjjgAif pppv aaVi BAVKAkJB,Atj gj&ajUbJ WfF ibwpppAdMplLajLa aAajAUJt an WWaNCWf fHMtOHAatWi KACC. OOifHL KBUPwH iflN, OA OajaJli NTtlWaTIO HBiaONa pHOUiS OANTAOT THf BPjGjfCPJI f THPM AaOAM TO THf aawrawnaa uaiao k axinwnm ap papaHi aa mM m m HJOm tm n twnnat Tjwt PTPparaFaBf bbjiW' ittiriniiiiiriiiiMiiiiriinii pimnimquurr iiniiiLiigmjiijngrTijimTi aadl BBaaBaaBl pasanaaj fvnjff kja NOT raSPOWSBLf FOR EAROnS OR OMMtfJIONt THAT MAY AW1AR IN TMtt AO. II mM hup pawaMiiaa am owaaao row saue to quaufmp wwa waaaa wthout IHATIONAL .'V r A.3I LETTER NG BtfUB&aBAJkJdaaB: BU A fLAAf BHafli afbdMaaaBHW auMBJaiHBAal aBalatt ap BaaBUutf ewi arnPanrvPavv BpnBp dUk ai waRTaPw sfpsnt Bl ewiwffipwww pjy yKLuMaajJMa taubAjUgiAfJ HftA iPaA ufe LaLB aIaji ihfl BMaMisftalBYK ail ary BtaiatafiaaAaWI jpwwappaw iPwwwwaippBP aajjpaafl ananaRPf paapwa ww s a aiYweaaapHi aiiw staa fcat laaaralal lajiii pv ta ijAdWdjfeAai ajpaw pajaan wav ipfMma laBVaaAaaal AaMaUiaV kabMuiuJa lav ABaiaft w9wwwiw fivy fMky fwf A pKjttdtdl SapBj ajBjapnBaPBBj fpvmy wanay aa'aaw to close a EXTENSION OF SALES CLOSING DATE HUO MejuifM nm aft sales itajaaJeBtf lai aaw Iblalal u irfiaffaajajaa aka aLakt aat llAemaJahi ear aaat pv vfejtnrw mrij ajiaj ajTVapnaarivr in aana ujaaWalaaUM jkBaalaaal qM aal lUal eaaAatauaw auiakff riln aaq enw bji aai aarry fVfaj awfan ww naf naarvi av rwjw ffTaawawa fwfi? iwnaiiiflca ao ' eaaaW taJal bal PKE-QUALIfYI- nllU iBBflOaj IM kfl $io.oo v IFMPArWlON. HWOKifra ouesTioNa othcr than thobi making arrangements MALI SHOULD BE DWiCTBO TO THC LUCBOOK HUD OFFtCE. 1 m , 1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION J aEARTH " $26,250 $19,900 $15,400 $14,050 $10,300 $11,200 1 ajh. LUBBOCK BDR1W BATH FHA CASE 712 LANNYST 1210 E REPPTO 1202 E BROADWAY 612 CACTUS LANE 707 E LAKE ST ' $2450 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 DUPLEX $53,400 $44,500 $,48,000 $38,300 2 2 2 765-718- DUPLEX 1 1 Lawn Kapt Claan .IBID OPENING pATE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1990 9:00 301 STO.ISfi 1 Qultx APBRNATHY 1 ' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 &2 Badroom 101 WACO 5613 AVE B 2007 AVE L 2019 AVE M 303 AVE. T 2 2 5 Naar Bu Una 2802 Junlpar Avanua ADDRESS $46,700 $33,000 $41,800 $23,000 $21,900 $31,900 $17,850 $18,300 $24,100 112 1 153966-703 1 1 1 03 2 2 .1 514E.76THST. opportunities at Methodist Hospital 793-413- 03 -- 1 3 03' 48 2 J 2 3 03 192422NDST 130426THST 504 E36THST 1115 41STST 271468THST 2 1 2 3 2 93 Now's your chance to take Advantage of the excellent Real Estate values offered by HUD CODE' $16,400 $14,350 $12,100 $43,250 $34,000 $38,450 $15,00Q $41,200, $15,700 $12,700 $19,750 $25,250 1 2 03 2210 48TH ST. OPPORTUNITy-EMPLOVER" 1 Subject to availability - new listings 1 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 03 03 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 747-4- 4 Many With BUI Paid VEHICLES V PRICE m-19- 4 NO DEPOSITI A-41- BATH 5516 17th ST. 4 IJ'AN EQUAL I5, iDRMV 591713THST. 1920 17THST ) CALL SEIZED MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 199,0 4;45 p.m. 1802 E. 1ST ST. 3022 E 3RD ST 2409 E 7TH ST City of Lubbock 31 from $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, Cfiavys. Surplus Buyers Guide. (1) Ext FHA CASE I 762-157- "af GOVERNMENT LUBBOCK ) WITH THE f H, SwMa Unfurnished Duplexes & Apartments $115.00 thru $175.00 naMHaoaMiMHMam si EXPIRATION INFORMATION JOB early mornings: CaM Middieton, Ben Andrews, Alonzo Jackson, Katie Lynn. Also, George Thompson, Rev. F. N. Nelson, Wilson Campbell, Nancy Robertson, strong lk aret Silt Eat 71k Straaf Mil Ba Real Values In Real Estate Hatp Wawtfd Avnu (06) For Rent 150824THPL J vJ&iuaf maUMANCfe AOENCY 7WCa Lubbock, Tmm T9401 Johnaon, K. G. McCultaifh, Charles Jackson, Rodney Pitts, Encina Parson, Arthur Chase, Rev. A. L Dunn, John The Ushers of New Hope are looking for all you this Sunday, August 12th, at 3 p. ns. 743-335- .1 JOHN P. CERYANTS2 M who remain are: Anner sermon. .The New Hope Choir sung as they alway do in a most spiritual manner. Our visitors were welcomed to New Hope by Sister Celestine Kyle. 796-689- atfiBBav mm J 1. .1 II BaBa-Jr""' Our lick and shut in Rat atifl look rafhar tonaj. Among them During the morning worship hour, Pastor BiHy R. Moton 8, "EOE" 0 ists Cork k Drukkfftt Services were well attended last Sunday morning at New Hope Baptist Church with Sunday School being the first business of the day. This was another good lesson, J; Him jaaaaW, eMBaaaiaBBBBaVVlBBBasf avHaaalaMBaalaaiMMft ' . ! TbTWI pa Blew Fatatia Prica k Pnli CMRjrirvofi, orovrHnr nootrt would say .... IJS set what going on in Lubbock this week.. : Atmmt 10th. aVMitfnMt WMtHeA. Now as sh i a (Mg-- .... cohawt ... hat bean baasastf s$ be abft 10 come homt alter 1 be aWa to comt idrw aJMr a )antiiy flkwas... She .. RUaW fi I ... WMnVS 4i wnMMI w thank aach ot you for your many prayets and kind deedc while in the hospital. JFOR f 'ftai waaw aaa raawmiwav aaav fq oeja? mhm, KCmyW, Mt mm, Lubbock, Tmm 701 6y ugjAgj aWPH Dajeat. Or you May write to Boa 8KS, Lubbock, iMc P. &,taKi mi J3 ijbi iwawajaj ejRwajPBBj,pBBBBjB awaMak St iiJbjfNMtariii an . 8LP MOTtVAUD aaVOaTTtt WrViiflelD. iqAm 'nrBteaaaaafc rn ir toma mij aat-yif-yg- am" " " RoJ vaumw In Kal Kstatt JiAPITMINT OF HOytma AHp RSMISftiSJEiEffSBJftt'iaf '5SwarTip,aBWS8jp p ,appaspaaBaaa aaa mmmmmMmmmm URBAN DaWILOrWtfi: KflflaV. naaaaH . ajTaawajBBi i aeeaaamaaalfclMaV Day Cam Ffrst Graduation OBSEQUMS Louism Moore OuedaH Pinal rite were read for Mrs. Louim Moor last Tuesday morning, August 7, 1990 at 11 a. m. at St. Jamta Baptist Church with Rev. Kado Lang, pastor, officiating. Center, grandsons. Mrs. Moore was born July 2, 1916 to Aaron and Rosatta Gibson in Cameron, Texas. She moved to Lubbock, Texas In 1940, coming from Cameron, Texas. Shejs Baptist, and a member of SU James Baptist Church. parents and her husband, Tom Moore, Her preceded her in death. She leaves to mourn her passing: one son, Sammle Moore of Fort Worth, Texas; four daughters: Tommie L. Ffftch and Mary Helen Anderson, both of Lubbock, jTexas, Cora Mae Baldwin and LLLmilMaLamB ft Honorary pallbearers Were Michael Session and CJyde, ejnMMmiB Henry Ephriam, both The children of Mr. & Mrs. George Thompson, Sr. will honor them in their 47th Wedding Anniversary. With take place August 16, 1990 at 7:30 p. . at Alexander Chapel COGIC, 46th and Avenue P. The guest speaker will be Smdra McDonald, program coordinator of the Early Learning Centers. The Early Learning Center; , provide quaj,lty daycare . sejjyloes and are funded by the United Way and Texas Lubbock, Texas, Fred Gray of Bav City, Texas and Aaron GlBson, Jr., who preceded her the theme, "This Is Your Life," the affair is set for Saturday, August 18, 1990 at 7 p. m. at the in death; three sisters: Schools Texas where he received development in automotive and graduated from that institution of Postal Jobts!Start $11.41hour! For application info call A "ATTENTION: u".1 Ext. -j- M-4140- Graduates are Justine vAIvarez, ." t Church, 4207 East 63rd Street, where Rev. Homer Avery is pastor; The public is invited to attend this anniversary. Manuel 762-320- 9 Day or Night! Crystal, M&rtlnei, 1 4 LUBBOCK POWER & LIGHT 10th and Texas Lubbock's aony M-tJC- Vhhbaltle fought the victory won Enter thy Master's joy. CALL: (806) James, Katherine Keich, Efyalta. i : Keauridna Gonzales, r- - Public or Private Occasionsl Waddings - Birthdays - Anniversaries Funerals Or Just To See How You Look ' ; : v,- - 0n vjdeo, Janetta Suarea,( Garz Jerernjah Payne, Joseph ygrfjipt o ood wen Rest from thy loved rmploy Rent -A - Camvmman , Joel Senchez, . Eil... ma; six sisters: Gaynell Session, Gayle Session, and Johnetta Boyd, all of Lubbock, Texas, Fayrene Cravin, Betty Boyd and Sherry Dedrick, all of Oklahoma; a host of other relatives and friends. , learning. He leaves to mourn his passing: his mother, Elsie Mae Boyd; his father, Ivory Robert 5, ; Boyd, Jr.; his wife, Debbie Boyd; one daughter, DeAnd-ra- e Boyd; 10 brothers: Clyde Boyd, James Boyd, Jerry Boyd, Ronald Boyd, Wilber Boyd, Robert Boyd, Ronnie Boyd, Mitchell Boyd, Marvin Boyd, all of Lubbock, Texas, and Author Boyd of Oklaho- Ivory and Elsie Boyd. He wa& raised In Lubbock, Texas and attended public school here. He also attended Scout FtoM Executive wanted, to work wMfl Mfefiei In Lubbock and 5 area ootmuoa. Mutt uat aoraonoi our and be available evening end woofcont NaUonol anel toe tratfXng aveUOb pint exoaftorri ftoneMa. CoKoft utoroe m recrelfcm, adweatton or eojrtvlont. Call 74 ItM for apollcaDon package. Wff i Baptist First Progressive Margaret Miller of Fort Worth, Texas, Attie Lee Barnes and Emma Franklin preceded her in death; 20 grandchildren, 38 great grandchildren, a host of relatives and friends. . ONvea. opportimrty wifl Department .of Human Services, Payne, Michelle Che vet, io enena puoec Graduation Honor Parents Annie Lee Moore, both preceded her in death; four brothers: Jim Ephriam and (iytitfe-838-888- Mr. Boyd, was born FeBr&afy 25, 1957 in Lubbock, Texas to mp ftnt Will Billy W. Boyd - Funeral services for Mr. Billy 33oyd were held Tuesday afternoon, August 7, 1990 at the Church of The Living God with Elder Willie Barber, pastor, officiating, jpterment was held in Teaceful Gardens Memorial Park Under the direction of Curry Funeral Home. Pallbearers were Danny Ray Foster, John Brown, Eddie Rowe, Ron Dillard, Bobby Pigeus, and Kenneth Bibbs. will Children were her bt fifteen students Avenue K, wffl Jackie Rutherford; teacheT, Carolyn Roberts; and assistant Funeral Home. 4 laHy Uwnaif ceremony this month. Under the direction of Connie Coleman; assietant director, Interment was held in the City of Lubbock Cemetery under the directions of Curry Pallbearers 101 HI C ft. . 9381 QnlvMome-Owne- - tUtilfcv d M" UK. 4 : ) a iup1 --jMOiar'.jj iimi w m iiw mm iwhii ihw tm iiwV m ,f'm" mv i' h' ADAMS PLAINS FUNERAL HOME l (806) 765 - 5555 609 18th Street w B C L E Lubbock, Texas o a- - JaaaaaanBaaaaaaaaaBL. jJHLw- - gMaLJSaaaaBBBK 1 LaaaaaH O ! BBaaaaaaaaaal Rev. Roscoe Adams 'OwnerMortician .ti--- Debra Curry Secretary " LLLLLHaeaaaflaaa jaaaaaaaaV9alaaaaaV aBBBBrBp "wBBBBBBBBBt i aaaaaBaeaaaeaV aaaaaavaaaBJHaBaBflaaaHBaaanBawHaaBi aBBBBBBBawSBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHBBBBaaBaBBT HBaaB lLV Joan Y. Ervin Attendant 30 Guof St I Cmtkmt And Strvic. $1,787.00 This Im a quality cakt. Not on Economy Unit t' Rev. W. L. Griffin Atte .Ami 4. .1 ft Hardin Bejawv Atteaaiaiat jaawaaMaaalaM t AO Am PLAINS PWmftAL HOME j Preo EawaaManawe Steven "Graw Expense Not (nclu4txt. - i- OPINIONS COMMENT: EDITORIAL your DEAR DIALOGUE! When my sunbathes by the pod, hcRaa to go nude Shouldn't he worry about ha tiairdng Jkri Mattox A.F., Culver Chty.Caftf. DBAR A.F.t Yep. A Harvard Uittversity paper says that heought to wear his fig leaf, or some protective cover. Male private parts are particularly susceptible to developing skin cancer from exposure to ultraviolet light Harvard soys the risk may be 300 times as great for tliose who but aU over, than for those who do not Attorney General Crime Victims May Get Compensation jEnch year an estimated 84 million com oe are committad nationwide. Six rjmHon of than are crimes of violence, jnfclio aftarmath of violent crimo, the lOQSnt victim may suffer physical IMlItnt, loss of income, or even the Of lovsd one. Inhocant victims of violent crime, including victims of sexual assault and drunk drivers, may be eligible for assistance through the Texas Crime Victims Compensation Act. The program is designed to help pay not covered by insurance or other bensfit. ex-ptos- es Fund Pays For Need Depending on the circumstances, approved claims may provide compensation for: loss of earnings or support up to $200 a wook; funeral expanses up to $8,500; reasonable medical, drug, and rehabilitation costs; psychiatric caio or counseling for victims lose than 17 years old or for family member pfdocoasod M Victims; ; ?9 We of minor children. Who Is Eligible? vicumjofT Waalw crime; aji t!hn?Jlirar injured i s You Must Report The Grime In order to qualify for compensation: victims must report the incident to law enforcement officials within 72 hours unless the victim is under 17 years of age or there is a valid reason for reporting later; a claim must be filed within one year of the attack, unless the victim is under 17 or there is medically documented evidence of a physical incapacity; the victim must cooperate with law enforcement officials in their investigation and prosecution. How To File A Claim result of going to porson or a DppV Qr While attempting b 'Wwmt a crime of violence: a Surviving family member of a deceased victim; a resident of any state, possession or torritory of the United States and the crime occurred in DEAR DIALOGUE: I took some heavy doses of Agent Orange when I wau in the army in Vietnam. Can you tell me what effect that might have on me 25 years later? D.T., San Antonio, Tex. D.T.: DEAR The jury seems to stiM be out regarding exposure to the defoliant, sprayed on junes and swamps during the war. Contact the Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Victims for information on effects and treatment, call toll-fre- e: f Connecticut, For a second opinion c?!l the Veterans of the Vietnam War, medical visits. The record can help to make trips to the doctor, Contact your local law enforcement offices, District Attorney or County Attorney for assistance in filing a claim. After verification of eh'gibility by the Attorney General's Office, the Workers' Compensation Commission may award compensation. Our office also educates law enforcement officials of their duty to inform crime victims of their rights. tomaybtohjifuaro: she a Texas resident and the crime occurred in a state that does not have a crime victims compensation program. health-car- For iflecord i Record For Your Child - Families who move can give their new physician, new school or day worry-fre- services companies, provides or administers coverage for more than 42 million people. York, NY 10010. e. care center an instant update on their child's health. For your free copy, send Over two million Americans are 85 otVtf 17 Record to help you keep track of your child's growth ancj Dr. Frank I). Drake, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at University of California, Santa Cruz, is chairman of the Board of Physics and Astronomy, National Research Council. Dennis Stacy is a science journalist and editor of the Mutual UFO Journal. Ilk work has been featured in Omni, Smithsonian Air and Space, and the New Scientist magazine, a Brit- Ifib TmhMrn itrm Ena pil lnVnuvTIi development, health immunizations and history, family , P.O. Box 2553 - Lubbock, Texas 79408 $15.00 Per Year - $25.00 two years Editors - Publishers T.J, Patterson Eddie P. Richardson An independent newapepar serving tba Lubbock. Wast Texas. South Plains of Texts and Eastern New Maxioo areas printing the nawa impartially - supporting what it believes tu be right without opposing what it baliava to ba wrong, without regard to party potitios. Devoted o tha Industrial. Educational. Social. Political and economical Advancement ol Black Peoplo. You may ba critical of aomelhinga that are written, but. at least you will have tha satisiagtion knowing they are truthful and to thi point. People will ramct to thai which is precis, and wa will publish time arUclee aa orecmeiy and factually, as is humanly possible We will also give credit and respect to those who are doinf good things for the Lubbock Area and tfm people. We will be critical ol those who are not doing as they hes.eatd they would, and this, we think, is tat. our resotuiion to you: "Feel Ire at anytime to thts office tor information concerning this newspaper or any other matter that is ol eoncern to you. " fhia Is not a propegenda stmt r ado to eheatie or vilify, fhie is a newspaper mode to educate and not to agitate So. this is eM Jteflonal AdytrtfJtnfc Aftprtftntntlvt Media, I no. 2ifh Street, Sultt 103 New York, N.Y. 10001 0 Ptemt: (212) W7-400- Do you believe that UFOs exist? - Yes. And according to the most recent Gallup ' Poll on the subject, so do 250 million people. Nine percent of all adults (one in 1 1) believe they actually have seen one. Extrapolated worldwide, these are staggering numbers. In addition, 50 percent of those polled answered yes when asked if they thought there were people somewhat like themselves on other planets in the universe. What rote should the federal government playjit terms ofresearch money? I wholeheartedly agree with those who think the great majority of the expected "peace dividend" should be spent on our pressing needs at home. On the other hand, tens of millions of government dollars are being funnelad into the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), and that project only looks for electromagnetic signals away. By Supercollider Originating light-yea- rs standards, SETI's budget is mlnjscule. By civilian UFO organization standards, however, it's astronomical. If th"y can fund SBTI, why shouldn't tbay allocate a paltry million dollars toward (he saaveh for axtratmnttrial life-forin our own backyard? Wfcsk tot UFO are ether The assumptioft, of coarse, it that mil UFOs rsaasiint ipnoashiai from Matter plan. This patently if not fee eat. Many are mtaii'iatiHnrf MAaUSbl 9aaaa fajswi tjMAM fjpMul ansajsy affVi IllaaBaa'fafWaTiaa'ai Mlwrwel Baal aMMntAfNt f warn WamamUamaVm DEAR DIALOGUE: I stopped smoking a year ago. Is it okay to have an occasional smoke? 1 still crave one. tfMMtt aWTKMB TCKBaWII m VflJPW. A mty 99 emm akft aWtjofiiy for MOtMflto Mwtwnc iiiMQMMflii V ftg tLm lAu auwaflaam smmI's ffelkws wiM kern tshamced science ami am mrtemmitt 1 m a)ar m m aem aHHs mjSH MftQflaMaf aVaflsOaa J MMMaS CSai aWaf sajAWasi MBMaaj el-lay- t lip Jlsiiaa weU-spe- at 0 tatat a aRalnBSv I know a ea Jaatt 3saftsBaark4 I'd pay to kaov Do you believe that UFOs exist? No. Not as spacecraft from other intelligent civilizations. The dramatic claim that UFOs are the products of alien civilizations requires, as with all dramatic claims, dramatic evidence. Not only is there no dramatic evidence, but not a single piece of verifiable evidence in any form. Tb accept UFOs as the work of extraterrestrials, scientists require that an artifact be produced: an object clearly not of terrestrial origin or new information from the purported aliens wltich we did not know before, but which can be proven true. An example would be a fact about a distant star system. Despite all the sightings, reported landings, reported contacts and abductions, not one artifact has been provided. Therefore, scientists cannot now accept that UFOs are a phenomenon caused by extraterrestrial civilizations. What role should the federal government play in terms of research money? No funds stank! bf provkted to explore (lie possibility (hut UFOs are alien spacecraft. However some real phenomena associated with UFOs are interesting in their own right and should be supported. Examples are studies of "ball lightning" and of distortion of human perception in unusual situations, for example, about 10 percent of people who see a very Mftn meteorite "hear" stnauhaneoMsly j sound described as "bacon frying." This aiitpeKwption occurs with paopie of all origsss and eriwatfoaaj levels. The B.F., Norfolk, Va. DEAR B.E: If you were a heavy smoker (more than a pack a day), try to remember what you went through in order to quit Now you're home free. Why run the risk of going down that road again? The answer Is No. Don't. Do you have a question about personal hygiene or wellness? Write The Dial Corporation, Greyhound Tower, M.S. 1616, Phoenix. AZ 85077. i Cancer Questions Q. It cervical cancer always associated with sexual promiscuity? A. No. Cervical cancer can ocour In anv woman or ojrl, although It is more common In women who smoke, those who first had sex before sm 18 or have had many sex partners and in women whose mothers weft given the drua diethylstii- bestrot (DES) during pregnancy. Some viruses also have been associated with cancer of the cervix. career 3fiT flBKMQaf Maasa asut naaaiain ntaaaaema nf atdsa itmmmoieemueMm. WUat in W-- adiar maasUa tar UFO for etiaMnpie, voty hrifbt aeteejittt falind "bolides" or "hiebah's." Ssfdung bwmafi activities I, such as serial teftfeltaf of nulMary or, the actual basis of wittesfinsad tABclattlsjr ceida, tt? lt(t(t?fttJj tktK?t'iKd ear LcaMrad And kataws. There are far more hoaxers man people imagine, and some ot shem U ate extremely c lc v tag ( iBev waji WwanBsaw toMtJwiat tf rea ejSFSr TotottiwrsAwUPae - tf itt 1 "W0-"CAM(B- fll M Canoe Intennatton Service) 0 Anderson Omarm Center i m oa- - me thus w$ know UPOft mb nutty a pfofhuM of amis kymem. The boftoai lia s that Die "U" in WO stmk for "UrwMlsoV' SttaMi flghmaM aereJr boat Ikw for at vena Ai lh A.I., Glendale, Ariz. DEAR A.I.: Simple carbohydrates, like sugar, are rapidly absorbed in your bloodstream, potentially throwing several, of your body's systems out of kilter. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and vegetables and products made from them, break down slowly through 27 steps. So the release is a beneficial, of their energy-boosteslow, steady process. Complex carbohydrates also are rich sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. rs Do UFOs Exist? keep track of your child's immunizations and medical checkups. That's why MctLife is offering a free folder called DEAR DIALOGUE: After my annual physical examination, my doctor recommended that I consume more complex carbohydrates and cut down on simple carbohydrates. I don't under- stand why. For further information, contact the Texas Attorney General's Office, P.O. Box 12548, Austin, Texas 78711. The Attorney General's Office is the people's law firm. Were here to help you. Southwest Digest 331 W. e MetLife, one of the nation's largest insurance and financial Your Child's Health Today more New York than over, it is important to B lack dentist and other providers faster and more Toxagj Free Health your name and address to Metropolitan Life, Health and Safety Education (16 UV), Box HR, One Madison Ave., New & Thursday, August AyLdh MtVM THIS N THAT aapHgj It aw aanal gjaaFW" lor look .... JWtat tndSatlufc leaders to HELPED US AT THE DIGEST! THIS N is happy to hs had THAT CHAMJES a friend as our TERRELL .... com way. .. Nearly tinea the IOC beginning of tha Now this it what more of our older kids need .... If we had more efforts like these .... SOUTHWEST DfQEST ... TERRELL .... lan. INSPIRATION TO EEmju Sc THIS N THAT .... whan this effort first got Ha was there with sfsried artftther on of our deceased fiends MR. JEFF JOINER .... who worked as Mr. Terrell .... What .... THIS thai man N THAT .... is trying to say is itiM .... BLACK MEN .... like fhe .... CHARLES TERRELL ... help us younger brothers Utirn what is out there in that W13tld.... Now don't get us wrong .... at times .... THIS N THAT .... disagreed with the method of a ... CHARLES TERRELL .... but thank GOD .... he came our way.... Words will never express .... how we appreciated this man .... and all that he contributed to this media.... THIS N THAT.... is saying that this .... EDITION 91. .... MT. PECOS MAWY .... tome 12,500 feet .... where the kkk did tome backpack for Now thitwat tuff a km day work .... but the kids enjoyed it have to worry we wouldn't Main services begin with a flary processional song by the CRIPES A about the BLOODS .... who are Juet muddinfl up the water in our community.... One day .... there day will come.... and We won't have to worry about our kids being shot after some basketball game .... as did recently happen in our community Hope the BLACK CHURCH .... is paying close attention to these Pastor Hasting and the Power House COGIC in Post, Texas conducted the services. Pastor Jennings of St. Luke Baptist Church of Amherst, Texas expounded on "Work On The Potter's Wheel," from the book of Jerimiah 18:14. Come and join in this week long revival and anniversary of these, servants of God. Rev. Sts. Linda Johnson broke the bread of life with us. From the book Numbers 9:15-23- . The subjefl was "Time To Move At The Commandment of The Lord." congregation. moving, soul stirring A TWO POSITIVE PROGRAMS Slater Imatha leaac choir and altar prayer. The following happened; a succession of songs by the Junior and Senior'Choirs and message was brought forth. Many were blessed. Three came forth for prfyer. We .hank God for .hs vSS. .... which involved a few of our BLACK KIDS .... and also note the SHOOTING OF A BLACK YOUTH .... here last week.... Anyway .... thanks to ....ths .... BLACK Con't oh Page 8 Pilgrim's Pride Leg Quarters LB. WtTTTM ri1 in Fun's Lean Beef Bottom Round Steak Evening services last Sunday were in keeping with the fullness 'J spirit of the day. After devotion and song by Family Pack the Choir, Rev. David Johnson brought a touching message. His subject was "Nor Tie You At 3:00 p. m., the Soul Seekers 16th annual anniversary opened at St. Matthews. Con't on Page 7 m wigs- wigs (AUGUST wigs wigs- - wigs . -- wigs-wigs-wig- 1 s- rrS V V D. C. KINNER THE BARBER SAYS: "LET US CONTINUE .... to work with in the our own .... KIDS I I f V 1 1 :t jmmr XSStT -- , HiisMalaVr m tlassH I Garden Fresh I 1 Cantaloupe I Green Cabbage I I The Ultimate in CHARLIE!!! .... tomorrow I at wororMp, ana prawc unto God last Sunday. Sunday School began with the Supt. at hit pott of duty. Th the Supt. at hit pott of duty. The lesson was weft taught and shared. The Sunday School lesson was reviewed by Rev. David Johnson, associate us to achieve some of our goals.... Thanks friend today Southwest Digest, Patje wannew nan a wt oay 9, 1990) .... is In dedication of .... CHARLES TERRELL .... our friend who came our way for just a little while .... and helped community. f, 1990, Saptfsr Nsm JCJPS .... v4vj TERRELL V a4a1g)kng)guf Sweet & Juicy ReaJy-to-We- ar Premium Quality Grown In Texas; Jumbo Size designer wigs and hairpieces If,we be we'll glad V'9Hn " SPEAKING jaaVsPPaVsK TffVggggggggggggBC.' ABOUT BBHHBBBBHsBIIMBI 100 Human hair for weaving - braiding PLUS KIDS!! THIS N THAT .... is very proud of two good projects .... which involved our kids recently.... One was the .... TRIO OF BLACK GIRLS .... who spent a few day at Camp Rio Blanco.... As -- TIHISIA REED, LOVIE & AFRICA DANFORD DOUGLAS .... have said ... MORE OF OUR BLACK GIRLS NEED TO GO TO CAMP .... You know if you think about that .... it does THIS N make a lot of sense THAT .... hopes that the community hears what these Office: (806) 765-665- Downtown ROAD WAY & Texas 763-11- Mo, .fas 3 laTl AAte IXXeJ lllVV II 06 I 24 hr. Answer. (806) 796-846- 1 6 n 508 "0th St., Suite ,000.00" SAVE $1 D Lubbock, Texas 79404 0 4 'THE CAR DEALkH WtTH A PROVEN REPUTATION In Welcome" "Tftf SUPER SUMMER SAVINGS! lmthruks Accord J 986 Ford Escort LX - Auto IWOmjrokt Capnce ifWFofa rmpo w 5Sp. AMFM Couwtfr r. Low r. Low Mik - CatIt AMFM ONLY 6,795 t YOUR CHOICE 7,995 Sto Ford Tmnpo Auto AMFM - 7 Cmist - fts lmFord Taurus Wagon Auto AMFM CacM - Cnmt YOUR CHOICE 7,995 TUt . 'WflWi Mk iff mm 1987 1989 it CaMm DV lot . t.t. i r . ah aw.- -, fiisf . nMawniiifi iJbiurlietfe0U 194 Okk Cutkm Cwa ittSNmsonmXX r mi ma r. 22 5-l- a. Mac Mil ihm t Iteac CurHUKme JiW . Amotuar Van "bkOe Baurw mm. imNmmmmr r. a..l Mmd Nwtl m ACM hiiAUTY" now 7,995 uwi.995 now 7,99b mm 9.996 IMM i mW W Load t.m wot V-- l lmJnp Grand Waoonmr M Pome AMFMUmto ia& now 2,995 wa$ 3,995 lt,0CQMh$ OmkKaiOwnr Cnrnt BIm Udo AMFMStrnto-V-- 1990 awawasHBWBWJHS.: L99& EmnW 9,791 tn ma V .. i.m TTop Chmk Out Thm BANK FINANCINQ - CREDIT UNION 7Q& ONLY 2.996 Auto AMFM Storm rJtaf Basil 14 ONLY 26,495 hdlnCohf KmUmt now 6,995 now 8,995 now3,m ONLY Srnff 11 MMMBEMS WELQQM&ti 7,m 6.5 Oz. Bag Family Slz; 24Ct. -- MMRRt I LemonadeWtm Mimte Maid iKHIBH 1 I HIJ 'Ms.-- Raft ft, . Southweet DlpM. Tliwwhy t .1,-- 1 ii li Hi M i-.- B9I Kowr Absence from Church is A Vote To Close its VVHVH'VK'K'BVK'B'H BBBB mmm mmm BK BBBV mmm BBBB HBBI mmm pcact, tnckirancc, The Outreach Prayer Breakfast Members of tht Outreach Pmyr Bfwkft mat tait &iftifdy Ift08!h8 In the lovely Shepherd. We ,ir his sheep; not dumb, frighh ned, passive romGFiknd Ste. S. Nah followers; wise enough to follow one who will lead us in the right places and in right ways. This Psalm is not to focus on the ahinTal, like qualities of sheep, but the discipleship qualities of those , animals,, but obedient St 9i0d 'Vn. Truly this meeting biassed our souls. Devotion and others, ine morning scripture lessc-- uSs taught by Sis. Annie Day. Her Subject was "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Har saripture was the 3rd Psalrris. . The Lord is try shapherd, I Shall not want In describing .4,. resTdent iy . af a sfaphtrd, Dauid ' prate out ifcfvfrfc own tfis Lord Experiences, bic&i&rfal had Spent his eary years caring for sieep.. Sheep are completely dependent on th shepherd for t prouision, guidance, protection. The New Testament calls Jesus the Good Shepherd. The Great Shepherd. In John, I Peter and Hebrews, he is called the Head 4 I w 1m m$ J$ He could have seen about the land, the very next day." "People come up with many excuses today: than to come to the table of grace. (My daughter, Myra, ha a good one, she says I don't want 10 get saved now: l want to maue sure l m ready; i don t want to oe like the hypocrites I see in churches today.) salvation hath appeared to all men. Luke 14:19 And another said, I have bought five yokes of oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee have me excused. Lord, I've bought five oxens, and for my fields they ,will plough, I don't think I'll be able to me today, "I must try them out." - nvst go this day; 1 need to have them proved, therefore if you will: "please have me excused," ' fvthiMffoal WQUld bill; a nitf& of Hind, not khowitrir anything about it, it could be hills and valleys even solid rock; or live stock that could be old, blind or lame'.) Luke 14:20 And another said, I hat married a wife, - Sj W, and therefore I cannot come. "Lord, I've just married this sweet little lady; sorry I can't come. So from this great lLsupper, "please have us excused from." iff (He wasn't asked to divorce her: he could have left her for a few hrs, or better yet bring. her to shouhereff, the more the merry.) Luke 14;21 So that servant came, and showed his I potrd these things. Then the master of the house being k WffV Akl U his servant, go out quickly into the streets i&g). ianiw of the city, ami bring all the "mieftta", so my 3 Isoimhi amy be filled. "And they aU came and could have fetN; ftYMty excuses to give. o I can't find mv way. The lame: mm Mind, I can't f Ii mmm mmm. WWK Dm by wnaj to bt 1nfHityHl by Fskknt'Buriaaofi.pid arty good coma out of Naaartth?? presiChristine Borlaton, dent; Ardtha Hardrick, vice president; Elnora Jonas, secretary; and Dorothy Hood, reporter. 6; d1 "We can win over evil, Lubbdick!" smiling, Lubbock. You're looking good. (You can Keep Henderson, afd Sister Day who has come back with us jftter a few weeks absent We thank God for these women. They help to make this world a better place to live in. The Memorial BujldinfiFund needs your continued support. CftVlELS PHARMACY Workmen's Compensation Charge Accounts PCS PRO-SER- V SENIOR CITIZEN'S DISCOUNT MEDICAID GENERIC DRUGS COMPETITIVE PRESCRIPTION PRICES Open: 9A.M.-7P- . M. Outreach Prayer P. O. Box 1223, Lubbock, Texas. 7940S. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Breakfast, WiMMaam am JMmm Monday Thru Saturday Closed on Sundays! A 769-53- 1 1 632HJ' OF FROMTHEfOF SERVING LUBBOCK AND THE SOUTH PLAINS SINCE 1890 PARSON D. A. SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS I 1901 BROADWAY AT AVENUE S 1 k.H aBaaaaH 763-43- Hosea was a poet as well as a prophet. His little prophesy is full of similes and illustrations drawn from natural objects. In Hosea 14:5, "we have his beautiful suggestion of what Gcd means toHispeoplejandofwIiatHedoesfbHKerhiwill'Deas' the dew unto Isreal. We can imagine something of what these words mean as we read them in the light of the geography of the Holy Land. For this is a desert country. For more than half of the year it receives no rain at all. During the long, hot summer it never rains, so how does life sjo on? The answer is the dew. Onshore winds bring1 moisture from the Mediterranean which condenses to form dew on blades of grass and other vegetation, and this literally means the difference between life and death. One would prefer a soaking rain. The dew is second best. Here in the hot arid months when there are no soaking rains, the dew sustains life in the most unlikely places. It is said by some that no place on earh appears more barren and sun scorched in summer than thewilderness of Judea. Yet in this death-denlindesert, life continues. The blessing of the dew is , the hope In our lives, when the greater blessings are withheld, we can trust the lesser mercies. We do not always receive the best, yet there is enough if we have the wisdom to trust God's promises While we ask for what we want, God often responds by givttig us what we need. His blessings are not always large or dramatic They may be like the dew; not the best, yet enough-tsustain us and discipline us with the power of going on. 33 hhh am mm mm mm mi em, imhimtLmnxm. mm mm mm mm mn. g an xz: ms tm ma imni en. m ilvmi mm ms mm mm mm h i God's Word Ou SHielcl Jes ?s Christ Our Salvation The Holy Spirit, Our Teach r , ' , 1522 EastjMaln Lubbock, Texas i Rev. D. A. Smith, Pastor Rev. Edwin Scott, Assistant Pastor ma it Curry Funeral Home 1715 East Broadway Avenua Lubbock, Taxis (806) bBbW LbhIbbbK 763-506- 6 afMmW - , Closing prayer was offered 30th Strott. To ail oar tick, "God wants yon wait" Raid H Tlhnxwcfa 7:14; Jamas 5:14-16- . Mark 11:22-2- sou rmd if physica)l or siHritujJK;. Ikt included: Our ox, Eva Cade, Dssle Cora Celastine McAlkter, WilliamlfrCyon Nash, Ruby Write: make it!) rnornlng in tht home of Delbert and Dorothy Hood, 2132 East jMhMi HtVHaWVn I liF .H .K .H 1. HH.BIKJ KV.Mf att& .SattajaH onecolse The excuse didn't make any sense, have me excused: I pray. I mmm. ij VaBHaflHNaVLiii - Jesus said, a certain man made a&reat and you also have to lie. You see ,mmm mmm mmm - 1719 Atfsntift Can't Come; I've Other Errands To Run!!!" The land wasn't going anywhere, it stays in the same place, A! umS love. Thought of the week: "Many are running around saying why don't God do something. God is looking down at us saying, why don't they do ""I The first of the two of them was businessmen, in their business they buy, sometimes in business you have to cheat; m '"gNtV bi'rtwatt". known as Christians by our began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. "The Lord is that great man: "people don't outright just refuse, but they do the next best thing, they begin to make up an excuse. h .HrH. Think about it! Breakfast was Mrvtd bufftt styia by tetirrNaah. k wmi have access to patience, holding your r,tarfdayetehy: and they all with I mmm Doors Wt wi matt on Saturday received. We oue you We are I Luke 14:16-1- 8 fp'f t control, temperance, rrrarSr We Thank God For Jesus "Lord, mmm H. some-tim- s love." Read all the 23rd Psalms, and remember if the Lord is your Shepherd, lift up your head; you'r somebody. Smile, prepareth a table in the presence of our enemies; someties there's things on that table we don't want, like self i ana mmm everything you need! Thanks, Sister, for this lesson. It was well taught and recognize the Good Shepherd, follow Himl When we alow God, our Shephewrd to guide us, we have contentment; when we choose to sin, however, we ate choosing to go our own way and we cannot blame God for the environment in which we find ourselves. This teacher said: "He - HBBW sorrow, on the tabk pmtiStmK and also wtodom to Htoch us hwo to bt fowiy. Stnc&tht tobts is pnpottd, um th wisdom that Qodgoum us to treat all mankind Rke you wish to be tratd with you uho follow when you , t I'J CTORY si ' ' x. i . i Ossie Curry a, - rrE?T LTJiawi - - .... ... . u 1 a ajjone medietor Vetvwn Go ad mem the mom Ckot it Jesus. the Lord for inviOnf ms to the table of grace Je pdfe k. was Uhidj with mm vWoam seWol m I frmW tmt s ltfr, free i iit. thjk I 0ir 4mm filial Ummmlf bhBBKbm ' abbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ?bbbbt SbbbbbbvbiBbhbbbhbH Tht Hocno Funtral Stt vie for thoM who can't sfford tht hfgb ct rf tormM 1 Hi X' V8IPPHHip ' ' jPiiPHPi'W $1,895.00 mgaWmwmmmmmt llggijgjji)j iMilS M fjjjlK f ' ijSaHjS M Mm laiaw SmW mwWtQ iKpKfC QQmf 09Wm 4gaYi AbW mmmmwsmwmimw-- mm Coors Brightens Hope For Literacy Cftffiiuirfr mmmmmmm rado MXEMCA W r ' f 80401 ' 250.000, Minority In high school and college, fc'i normal for kids to participate in more I But WmWm MM KnOlWMM(C Of - DETROIT With many ofj, the OIC representatives from across the country looking on, Moses Brewer, Assistant National Program Manager for the Coors Brewing Company, presented a check for $250,000 to Rev. Leon Sullivan, Founder and Chairman of Opportuni-tie- s I 1 26th Annual Convocation for OIC and is part of a $1 million commitment over the next five years. The money will be Used to enhance the for A-414- 0. Civil Commission, reference to the absolute necessity for literacy in America, J Ph.: (806) 1 sli- JL State License: " Charles Plaoks Complete Halrstyling For Men Women Manicures 762-189- 6 or 762-189- Complete Foe t Care 1716 Eas f Broadway 7 Lubbock, Texas Catherine - Mary - Namoi ...to our neighborhood Con'tfrom Page 5 Bless Me." His scripture was. We were Genesis 32:24-33- . With a copy of this Ad 12 blessed and encouraged in being exhorted to hold on to God, even in the storms and month Rent FREE. Efficient 1 Bedroom 6c 2Bednooms Starting at $190.Q0 God will bless us. fan's Dub Caprock Shopping Center Phone 792-71- BOB 61 - & Cat's Hair Corner B m 6 (TACL B00 147$ H 1. 745-545- St: Matthew News particularly among women and minorities. "In the future," Fletcher said, "kids will have to function In a world you cannot imagine. The future work force will be composed 5 PLANKS & Refrigeration A-- C literacy is the, key. Miranda Mack, Southoat Community Relations Regional Manager stated, "Coors is pleased to enter into a partnership, with OIC to eradicate illiteracy in this country." ' Rights made, - agreed that however Luncheon, keynote speaker Arthur Fletcher, head of the n 763-317- Foundation Repair- & Install Heating & Air Conditioning Units Sullivan called for the government to "provide funds to restore full service to the Civil Rights. Commission;" Everyone present Family Literacy Program now in place at OIC centers across America. At Government the PM Editorial Services 747-594- women and minoritwill, infaotflBe In the interest of national best security to educate our future work fori? so we can be Gompetitlvefwith the rest of the world." Dr. Sullivan, who called Mr. Fletcher a "civil rights leder who .... figfits and stands his grojnd," also had strong.yyords for literacy as a cornerstone of olvil rights. During the luncheon, Dr. ndustrialiration Coors' No telephone calls will be accepted. You will be notified if selected. of 83 ies- Centers (OIC). The grant was made recently at the Dunbar Membership Drive 1 OIC FounderChairman of the Board; Miranda Mack - Coors Regional Manager; Elton Jolly - OIC President & 6EO; and Moses Brewer- - Coors Asslstant National Programs Manager. ATTENTION: GOVERNMENT SEIZED VEHICLES from $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. (1) Ext. of-tow- Attn: Jim Shah - Project Director - Leon Sullivan L to R Hank Aaron is the top home-ru- n hitter of all time with 755 homers. A member of baseball's Hall of Fame, Hank is senior vice president of the Atlanta Braves. t The Athletic Booster Club of Dunbar High School is in the process of our annual membership drive and we are asking all alumni and Panther friends to support our athletes. Membership dues are used in various ways to support and enhance the Dunbar Athletic Program. This year, we anticipate a more competitive football team with our new Athletic Director and Head Coach, Otha Woodard. Already other athletic programs have shown vast improvements in all areas including player attitude. The Athletic Booster Club hopes to have greater fan support than ever before and we plan to have buses for out- games so students and fans can support our athletes as they travel. We seek financial support and extend to you the opportunity to be apart of your community and Dunbar. Too often, we the public, criticize, badmouth, gripe and complain about this, that and the other concerning our alama mater, it's faulty and students, yet, we the public, will not do our part. Money and numbers rule today's world, regardless of the level of society you are dealing with. West Lubbock High Schools have strong, well financed school support groups, because they understand the benefits derived from alumni and community involvement in the total educational process. Be a part of PANTHER PRIDE - join the Dunbar Athletic Booster Club. Annual membership is $10.00, and donations are also accepted. Your alma mater, the community youth, a stronger Dunbar image throughout West Texas is worth the sacrifice. Contact Roy Toler, Francis Eddin, 744-they will come by and sign up 8606; or Dwight Pierce, Athletic Booster Club season. Or you can for the 1990-9complete the form below and include your dues or donation and drop it in the mail. DUNBAR HIGH SCHOOL NEEDS YOU! DUNBAR STRUGGS ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB QMCHMpiVlg 12S0 Broadway, No. 509 Lubbock, Texas 79401 j 5, CmMW H W0t to: MaH Mmume league club. On the other hand, I just don't know how these guys can really put in enough effort in trying to make themselves better athletes better football players, better baseball players without concentrating on one sport. Bo Jackson has been able to do it for the last two years, but I think that the older he gets, the more he's probably going to concentrate on one or the other. Even in playing one pro sport, there's a danger that an athlete will wear himself out. But with two sports, you never give your body a chance to rest during the year. You go from one sport to the other, and each requires a different finesse. In football, you can afford to have huge thighs. In baseball, you can't play built that way. You need to be a little more streamlined, like Deon Sanders, in order to be a great ballplayer. A few athletes in the past have managed two sports. Ron Reed, for instance, played basketball for the Detroit Pistons one season and also pitched for the Atlanta Braves. Gene Connelly of the Milwaukee Braves and the Philadelphia Phil'ies also played in the NBA. There were a few of them through the years, but I still think you have to concentrate on one sport or the other. Reed, for instance, didn't have a Hall of Fame career, but he certainly had a better career in baseball than he would have hid in basketball. He was a dependable major-leagu-e pitcher for many years. All sports require diffeient areas of concentration. It's hard tobe tops in more than one. And I'm not sure it's fair to the teams you play for. A pro athlete is paid to give his all to his team. Must don't seehow that's possible, when one sport is always, going to take away something from ' the other, no matter what, lil 602-836-888- $m Binhwn DviopiBiiit beat-kno- 01 990. WMIVIVtf 1 1 K hen it cornea to playing more than one pro sport, I personally don't like it. I think one of the sports always hat to suffer. professional Of course, Bo Jackson is probably the athlete today who plays two sports, playing for the Kansas City Royals and the Los Angeles Raiders. Bo is a very gifted athfote, and I think Daon Sanders is probably going to be in the same catogory. The New York Yankees and the Atlanta Falcons are lucky to have Sanders. Dcon may not hit as many home runs as Bo, but with his speed and some of the other things that he can do, I think he will contribute a lot to a major MM M. AMUSEMENT CO., DAVID SOWELL MfH'S OEfAHTMEHT 3512 Avenue Q (806) 744-065- 6 Lubboqk, Texas 79412 Bringing The Finest In Games And Music To The South Plains! The Sign of a New Neighborhood Friend 4; 1, 1 g m 5 Jg NAME i ; i ig g ADDRESS CITYSTATE 23P CODE YEAR ORADVATW I' 1 K MEMBERSHIP DUES (Chvk Or) $10.00 Make chack or money order tot H Dtuibar-Athiet- fc n Donation, Z " e&$$r CWb I I mmm mm ! mm mmmi I 'in I J..zH zzm m Ym M I 1 "J. llll'M kj a T HI m 1 1 Our new sign is appearing in front of home offered for sale by the VA. Contact a real Mtai broker to i aspect a property or to asuist you in placing an offer look into these properties today. Qm of thorn may raJw your of owning a home a reality. ; Sk with Opportunity ' Athletes tian one tpon, and that's Una. 'Ma$km$ jMVrTWWPIMQv''' IMiWVOTWk MMMMkHfttii benefit e. AistifldG fo ftNi IModk, T$m INK m OntemrmnH P. a H?EG3t? Dual-Spo- rt MMftflftf. Wt It Tim (M htkMem F$r I m rrtck in Your Th i tmt And mmmmmuummi Th 4if t Ptag S. wttkmm t Dt, Thursday, August f, lfft Troop 327 Campers Return AiguM S, Friday, 1990, Manor QM Scout Grten-Fai- r Troop 327 nwmbws; Tihteia Rccd, Lovte Daflfofd and 1j Africa Douglas rturnad from Camp Rio Bianco. VHeim spent almost 2 wttkt white Lovie and Africa stayed 5 days Camp Rio Bianco provided in the girls tha opportunity to enjoy Kving in the outdoors, making arts and crafts, hiking, swimming and many other activities. The uniqueness of Camp fto Bianco is the opportunity for normal girls to interact on a daily basis with the handicap girls who also attend camp. Tihisia was a biq sister while Africa and Lovie with the were playmates ACTRESS ESTHER ROLLE RECEIVES AWARD Esther Rolle (second, right), displays the 19 NAACP Chairman's Civil Rights Leadership Award that the veteran actress received at the NAACP 81st national convention recently in Los Angeles. Ms. Rolle, an Emmy award winner with over four decades of acting experience, is the third recipient of the annual award, which honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of civil rights. The award was underwritten by Anheuser-Busc- h Companies. Shown offering congratulations to Ms. Rolle (from left to right), are: Mick Lewis, corporate ajfairs southwest region manager for Anheuser-BuscCompanies; Dr. William F. Gibson, chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors; and Henry H. Brown, vice president of market development and affairs at Anheuser-Busch- , Inc. -- handicap. "What I Christ Temple Family Day will be observed Sunday, August 12, 1990, beginning at spiritual blessing. Morning worship will begins anitfO a. m. There will be Special presentation from' the young and old. The choirs will be singing, along with soloists and gospel preaching. Dinner will be served immediately Hazel Douglas for providing the transportation to and from Camp Rio Blanco for the girls. "Without your efforts and support, our girls would have certificate of completion from Camp Rio Blanco and feel that more girls should attend. Lupe Cuevas, Troop 327 leader, expresses a sincere been without transportation and would have missed camp," said Ms. Cuevas. Our Found.. ig Fathers considered a government-supervise- d postal system very Important. Also, Christ Temple Junior and Senior Choirs will be guest choirs, soloists, and groups featured from Lubbock and the surrounding cities; Plan now to attend these 1 celebrate their choir annual Saturday, August 18; 1990 it 8 p. m. and Sunday evening, August 19, 1990 at 3:30 p. m. You don't want to miss this gospel spiritualtreat. There will great services. information If you need, about these services, please all 6320 or 806-765-- " 4. The City Wide Ushers will meet Saturday, August 11 1990; at Smith Temple Church, 1522 East Main, at 5:00 p. m., Where the Rev. D. A. Smith is pastor. Ushers, will you please bring your can goods. Also we can learn a lots from each other. So everyone who can be present, please be present on Saturday. Lethridge, president; Sister Minnie Brother Tommy Darthard, reporter. . .f The Saturday evening presentation w'!l be tKe Wouth West MeaT&ompany The public is cordially invited to come and see this special presentation. Sunday, August 19th, the members of, St. Luke is inviting :all their former members n to come and and worship with them. Sunday service will begin at Retail Wholesale Specializing In Personal Service in-to- & out-of-tow- & 3:00 p. ni. "We There are great plans for all who attend, and will be blessed with their coming. Brothers Arthur Curry and Lee Andrew Dial, chairpersons and Rev. J. H. Ford, pastor. Quality Meats Accept Food Stamps!" 1713 E. Broadway Lubbock, Texas Business: (806) 741-11- Specials 74 ; Elder Vance McDonald 50 Lb. Family Pack - $79.95 25 Lb. Economy Pack - $34.95 Lubbock Church of God in Christ 1802 Avenue J Lubbock, Texas 799-362- 'Just opened! Come In and Get Acquainted!" 8 YOUTH FOOTBALL LEAGUE 1990 SIGN-UPS SATURDAY AUGUST 18lh mnl SUNDAY AUGUST J 9th SOUTl'tPLAINS MALL, (CARDINAU5 SPORTING GOODS) SATURDAY lQ;im;0pm SUNDAY IpnvOpm .. tnd "EOE" "Devils Funeral" at 7:00 p.'ht since his time as our LuJ&oek ! 19, 1990. .... congressman THIS N THAT .... has learned that he will, be here for a .... SENIOR CITIZENS FUNC TIQN come ... this month.,... THIS N THAT .... h . THIS N THAT month. hopes be will look in this area ... bascule thr m fi many active fgnjor cfthmrt in Eat Regional Services Specialist - Degree in governmentpublic administrative preferred. Some experience in local government grantcontract management or similar administrative capacity desired; Submit resume to South Plains Association of Governments, P. O. Box 3730, Lubbock, Texas 794B2. -- Homecoming Service Saturday and Sunday, August 18 and Position Announcement I Church, 306 East 26th Street, will observe their Annual Christ Temple COGIC J. GIVENS & SISTER DOUGLAS or for SISTER DOUGLAS seeing that the kids went to .... CAMP RIO BLANCO .... and .... JIM SHEARER ....a nd and JIM SHEARER .... and .... YOUNG LIFE!! CONG. qOMBEST ARE YOU COMING EAST!! THIS N THA T .... can't recall a ,5time when .... CONG, LARRY COMBEST .... has sponsored a function roure a The St. Luke Baptist CHAMBER. qpmputtr subjects. , City Ushers Will Meet THIS N THAT Ow combination of post-gradua- nuers, Mr. R. J. Givens and Annual Homecoming Service the services. of avenue a next year." All the girls received Prairie View A&M University, Dickerson received his MBA from Syracus Universite ty and did studies in various financial D. W. extends a spiritual invitation to members, their families, and former members and their families, friends and well VVorshippers families who so desire to come and worship with them and receive a eAst HAPPY CAMPERS: Pictured above, from left to right: are Africa Douglas, Lovie Danford, and Tihisia Reed who attended Camp Rio Blanco this summer. The girls are members of Girl Scout Troop 327 of Green Fair Manor Apartments. Each girl stresses the need for more girls from Green Fair Manor Apartments to attend camp riet summer. thank you to Jh, Lubbock Black Chamber of Entrepre Haynes, pastor, cordially following exparlanca as a financial manager and administrator in both private and public sectors. An alumnus of HHpH&BjBt IIIjIbbbbbbH will Christ Tern bhbBIHbbbbbbH to PVAMU with axtenslva remember mosTabout camp," Family Day At a. m. Bishop BHHHiiiiiEl Q. bn lJBE JL':: BBBHBBflBSBKi experienced at said LoVie. And from Africa, the youngest of Troop 327 to attend camp, "we didn't stay long enough; I want to go back Dfckwson hag named Director of Davafopmant at Pralrta Viaw A&M University. Ha oomaa Harvey remain with me a long time," stated Tihisia. "Just being able to go to camp and make new friends is what 1 will camp h 9j45 aaaap7jMHBwBHMiH : you or someone you know is 60 years of age or older afid has recently been released from the hospital, Options for Indflpanfler.t Uvin,, from Resources United can help. Options can make this difficult time easier for you and your family Dy providing the resources you need for your recovery at home. If TUESDAY AUGUST ZUi hutcwinson Junior man school 0102 . cant5n) 7im-9p- m THURSDAY AUGUST 23rI MAE SIMMONS COMMUNITY CHNTER (23rd and OXK) 7Mii-0j- m TUESDAY AUGUST 2Slh MAE SIMMONS COMMUNITY CUNTliR (23rd and OAK) Can our RswurceLine for free information about Options. We're here to help you be happy, healthy, and secure In your own home. 7pm-9n- 0. 1 7jMii-0M- trpJnsd couawflon puts information $9 tftout cancar lit your gtrtip. Jut t dial: m L. SLATON JUNIOR I lldl SCHOOL (1602 n TWURSDAY AUGUST 30tU high school oin n. MATTi'iiiws ltet mm OV akkon) ; PLAINS MAlx CARDINAL'S) t- SB00-4-CANQ- 1 t; SR BRING YOU Cmm Resources IMed For Seraors t U D. ,n iiMei mibi - i. is Aw) mim A mzSlm PtJORTOAUaulT3l, WW. PAYMIJNT MlTACOOWAMY AAdeetoaCaiW CMI i mm tor aoo ii in 4 IflHPS v pip" . V JIBCStSTRATlON. i
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