N B S S C A Winter/Spring 2013

The National Bit, Spur & Saddle Collectors Association
Winter/Spring 2013
PO Box 1969, Addison, TX 75001
2013 Calendar of Events
Always contact the show for last minute info or scheduling changes.
Jan 23, 2013 - Prescott, AZ - 7th Annual Cowboy Collectors Gathering
Prescott Rodeo Grounds - 9am to 4pm - Admission $5
Tables Available - Contact: Larry Howard 928-710-8255
Larry Peck
Crisis Fund
Jan 24, 2013 – Mesa, AZ –NBSSCA Board Meeting. All Invited.
Contact: www.nbssca.org or bitandspur@aol.com
Jan 26,27, 2013 - Mesa, AZ - High Noon Western Americana
22nd Annual Show & AuctionMesa Convention Center, 263 N Center St,
Mesa, AZ 85201 Contact: High Noon LA, Inc., 9929 Venice Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90034
Telephone: (310) 202-9010, Fax: (310) 202-9011, info@highnoon.com
Walt Roberts
Jan 26,27, 2013 - Monterey, CA - The West in Art and Artifacts Show
Contact Paula & Dick Plum, 619-670-4803 or indianartsmarkets@yahoo.com
Web site: indianartsmarkets.com
John Balsiger
(405) 260-0775
Jan 26, 2013 - Rapid City SD - BLACK HILLS STOCK SHOW
Collectors Auction, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
American Cowboy...bits, spurs, cowboy leather , U.S. Cavalry, Antique
Firearms, Rodeo Memorabilia, Brand Books, Western Art, Western
Americana and Native American collectibles.
Contact: Win Bauer 605/456-2971...bauerdiana@sdplains.com. www.bhssf.
Peg Schaffer
Feb 22-23. 2013 - Alpine, TX - 27th Annual Trappings of Texas
Contact: Museum of the Big Bend, www.sulross.edu/museum
Feb 23, 2013 - Prineville, OR - Annual Antiques and Collectibles Auction,
Prineville, Or ;
Contact Ramona Hulick, Turmon Auction Service Inc, www.auctioneer-4u.
net, 541 815 6115 or 541 548 5770
John Clark
Scott Tarbell
Mar 8-9, 2013 - Amarillo, TX - 29th Annual Western Collectible Show
New Schedule - TWO DAYS ONLY!
Contact: Judy Hoodenypyle at jewell@martineer.net or 580-512-1940,
Dwight & Linda Huber at lghuber@suddenlink.net or 806-206-6934
Apr 6-7, 2013 - Tulsa, OK - Wanemacher’s Tulsa Gun Show
www.tulsaarmsshow.com 919-491-0401
Joe Flores
April 13-14, 2013 - Dallas, TX - Dallas Arms Collectors 2013 gun, knife, and
western heritage show. Market Hall, Stemmons Expressway (Interstate 35
East) Dallas, Texas.
Contact show chairman at (972) 369-6062 or www.dallasarms.com
Ramona Turmon Hulick
Hall of Fame Chair
May 3-4, 2013 - Redmond, OR - Annual Cowboys, Indians, and Antique
Auction; Deschutes Co Fairgrounds, Redmond, Or;
Contact Ramona Hulick,Turmon Auction Service Inc, www.auctioneer-4u.net,
541 815 6115 or 541 548 5770
May 8-12, 2013 - Abilene, Texas - Western Heritage Classic
Contact: coyote@northwestmules.com
George Gill
John Upton Holden
Vice President
May 18,19, 2013 - Pasadena, CA - The West in Art and Artifacts Show
Contact Paula & Dick Plum, 619-670-4803 or indianartsmarkets@yahoo.com
Web site: indianartsmarkets.com
Dave Wilson
June 8-9, 2013 - Dallas, TX - Dallas Arms Collectors 2013 gun, knife, and
western heritage show. Market Hall, Stemmons Expressway (Interstate 35
East) Dallas, Texas.
Contact show chairman at (972) 369-6062 or www.dallasarms.com
PO BOX 1969
2013 Calendar of Events
June 14-16, 2013 - Deadwood, SD - 6th Annual Dakota
Plains Show & Auction at the Deadwood Grand Casino
and Convention Center.
Contact: Rick and Margi Oleson, 605-209-4322,
dakotaplainsauction@yahoo.com or
Jun 21-23, 2013 - Denver, Co - Brian Lebel’s Denver
Old West Show & Auction
Contact: P.O. Box 2038, Carefree, AZ 85377 - 480-779WEST
Deb Broussard, Show Manager, deb@denveroldwest.
com - 480-250-7515
Brian Lebel, Director, brian@denveroldwest.com, 602432-7602
Jul 12-14, 2013 - Cody, WY - 2nd Annual New Frontier
Show & Auction
Contact: Scott Tarbell, 913-406-8057
Jul 12 - 14, 2014 - Cody, WY - 38th Annual Winchester
Gun Show
Contact: Margi Oleson, margioleson@yahoo.com
Nov 9-10, 2013 - Tulsa, OK - Wanemacher’s Tulsa Gun Show
www.tulsaarmsshow.com 919-491-0401
Nov 2013 - Santa Ynez, CA - Santa Ynez Valley Historical Museum’s
29th Annual Vaquero Show & Sale
Contact: Chris Bashforth, Ph: (805) 688-7889 Fax: (805) 688-1109
Email: syvm@verizon.net www.santaynezmuseum.org
Nov 30/Dec 1, 2013 - Dallas, TX - Dallas Arms Collectors 2013
gun, knife, and western heritage show. Market Hall, Stemmons
Expressway (Interstate 35 East) Dallas, Texas. Contact show
chairman at (972) 369-6062 or www.dallasarms.com
Dec 1-2, 2013 - Sacramento, CA THE WEST IN ART AND
Freeborn Hall, University of California Davis, Sacramento/Davis Ca.
Contact: indianartsmarkets@yahoo.com
Dec 13-15, 2013 - Monterey, CA - Monterey Cowboy Poetry & Music
Festival Monterey Convention Center
Tickets at 800-722-9652 or montereycowboy.org
Jul 18-21, 2013 - Dayton, WA - Mule Mannia
Contact: coyote@northwestmules.com
Aug 3-4, 2013 - Albuquerque, NM - NMGCA Old West
and Military Collectible Show
Contact: www.nmgca.net or PO Box 13687,
Albuquerque, NM 87192, 505-262-1350 or
Sept 5, 2013 - Jackson Hole, WY - Western Design
Conference Exhibit and Sale
Sept 5-8, 2013 - Lubbock, TX - 25th Annual National
Cowboy Symposium
Contact: Monica Hightower, P.O. Box 6638
Lubbock, TX 79493
(806) 798.7825
Sept 21-22, 2013 - Dallas, TX - Dallas Arms Collectors
2013 gun, knife, and western heritage show. Market
Hall, Stemmons Expressway (Interstate 35 East) Dallas,
Texas. Contact show chairman at (972) 369-6062 or
dallasarms.com www.tulsaarmsshow.com 919-491-0401
Sept 27-29, 2013 - Montrose, CO - 20th Annual
Montrose Western Show & Auction
Montrose County Fairgrounds - Charlie Kaupke,
Auctioneer - Consignments now being accepted.
Contact Joe & Carol Rinderle 970-523-5377 or email
Oct 25-27, 2013- Fort Worth, TX - 22nd Red Steagall
Cowboy Gathering www.redsteagallcowboygathering.
com Contact Tonya Ward
at tonyamcward@gmail.com or 817-454-3859
Nov 7-10, 2013 - Amarillo, TX - WRCA Finals www.
For additional information, please see
advertisements in this publication.
Please contact the show directly for any last minute
Have a new show or auction in your
area that the
NBSSCA should publicize?
We often list other shows, auctions, sales so that our
membership can have as many options as possible.
Let us know of your event/show/auction so that we
can help to send both Dealers and Shoppers
to your next event.
National Bit, Spur & Saddle Collectors
PO Box 1969 - Addison, Texas 75001
bitandspur@aol.com - www.nbssca.org
Annual Membership - $40
Life Membership - $300
News from the Range
October 2012 The Texas Style Bit & Spur Makers Association made a generous donation of $5423 to Women’s Protective Services
in memory of Jerry Cates.
Jerry founded the TSBSM and would have been so proud of his group for donating to such a great cause.
Sent in by Cecil Blasingame, Canyon, Texas
October 2012
Congratulations to Linda Kohn and Joseph Sherwood, Los Angeles, CA on the birth of their first grand daughter.
September 2012
Wedding Congratulations to Melissa McCracken and Brian Lebel on their recent wedding.
From Hawkhill Press - Jody and Ned Martin - A request for any one who has a special hitched horsehair bridle made
in prison that has provenance. They are gathering information and images for their next great book! Contact them at
hawkhill@earthlink.net or www.hawkhillpress.com
Congratulations to Denise & Barry Burgess
A beautiful ranch wedding is hard to beat! Congratulations to Denise
and Barry Burgess on their September 2012 wedding held in Hendricks, Oklahoma. That handsome man to the left is our own Walt
Rambo of Durant, Oklahoma who among his other talents of noted
author, accomplished spur maker, educator and world traveler is also
able to perform marriage ceremonies.
Congratulations to Barry & Denise on their marriage.
The NBSSCA Pony Express is back in production. We can’t please everyone but we do it for those that want to keep
in touch on a monthly basis with news of shows, auctions and other informations that is timely.
Show Safety - We all feel that we are with family and friends at the shows and by and large that is true. However, the
changing times bring the need for us all to be a bit more cautious. Here are some proactive ideas for keeping you
and your business safe.
1. A Picture is Still Worth A Thousand Words - Upon completion of show set up - take several pictures of your booth/
table space with your cell phone. If something turns up missing - or if you think something is missing you can refer
to the photos. Often we learn that the item was accidentally left at home but if it is stolen, it will be helpful to have a
picture to share with the authorities or for insurance purposes.
2. Get a Bank Account at Wal-mart - We all seem to carry a lot of cash and foolishly we carry it with us - usually in a
big bank bag! We often make ourselves a huge target. Wal-mart is open 24/7 in most areas and you can make daily
deposits before or after show hours to put cash/checks in for safe keeping. Alternatively, get a money order with that
cash and put it in an envelope and send it home.
Have a good idea? Let us know so we can all have a safe show season!
Have news to share? Send it in to us at bitandspur@aol.com, pictures always appreciated
and we’ll get it out to the membersip.
The Hitchcock Museum - Hitchcock, SD
Ray and Rita Waldner have a story to share. Their museum in Hitchcock, SD is a treasure trove of western memorabilia and historical
artifacts. It was 1998 when Ray & Rita first opened the doors to the
Hitchcock Museum, acquiring the former Kingdon Variety Farm Store
building owned by the Kingdon family. It was quite a task to organize
and display their 40 years of collectibles and antiques. It consists
of homestead items, western memorabilia, Dakota Territory items,
Indian artifacts, hardware store items, a license plate collection, lots
of old pictures of families from the Hitchcock and newspaper articles
from Hitchcock and the surrounding area towns, and much much
It has been fun, interesting, time consuming, and a learning adventure.
We feel the museum is an asset to the community, by preserving the
history for our children and grandchildren.
Visitors have come from 36 states in the US and from 3 foreign countries. It is free to visit and any donations go to help maintain the upkeep and daily operation of the museum.
In 2005, Bob Brown, known as the Leonardo of leather, created a picture of Chief Joseph out of leather for the museum in Hitchcock, South
Dakota. Bob was 95 years old at the time.
Ray and Rita received a letter on Bob’s letterhead from Bob on July 17,
2005. It states, – ”Here is a picture carved for your museum of Chief
Joseph, great chief of the Nez Pierce Nation. I have spent two weeks
carving and creating this personally for you. Hope you enjoy it. Say
hello to your 112 townspeople for me.
Let me hear from you when you receive this. No one can carve like this regardless
of age. You have a prize.” Bob Brown.”
In September of that year, Bob’s family sent his obituary. Bob was 95 at the time of
his death.
Also, Jim and Kathie Smith, Bob’s daughter and son-in-law, sent a book that Bob
Brown wrote – Bob Brown Remembers. For more information or to see more images from the museum, go to www.hitchcocksd.com The Hitchcock Museum is open Sunday from 12:00 to 4:00 PM May through October, or by appointment by calling 605-266-2769 or by writing to PO Box 5 Hitchcock, SD 57348.
Any donations can be sent to Hitchcock Museum in care of Ray or Rita Waldner PO
Box 5 Hitchcock, SD 57348.
Spurrin’ On - Charlie Kaupke
Not to try and reinvent the wheel, or in this case the spur, I am led to share some thoughts about spurs. Many books on the history
of spurs and spur makers have been written and are available. There is no need to go there. This article is about spurs and us today.
First, I think it must be said that spurs are on the top of the list of cowboy tools. They make a statement, represent a culture, a love,
the Cowboy Spirit. To believe this, puts us in a group or culture of our own.
Next, why do people buy and own spurs? If you ask that question to more than one, the answers will be varied. Here are some of the
reasons the author would like to share:
1. Use as a cowboy tool
2. Decorate a home, office, business, etc.
3. Sell for a profit
4. Collection addition
5. Addition to a western memorbilia or gun collection
6. Investment
7. Heirloom
8. Combination of the above.
My wanting spurs go back to a very young age and has never left me. It started with wanting a pair of Crockett Toots Mansfield spurs
at 8 or 10 years old. It never happened. Later Dad bought me a pair of inside marked eagle Crockett spurs at a Wichita junk store,
for around eleven dollars. That kind of done it and I have been involved with spurs ever since.
Today, my enthusiasm is still as strong as ever. I find my reasons for owning spurs to fall mainly under three of the above listed reasons. They are for profit, investment, and/or collecting.
Profit is not a bad thing. Many want to be a part of the “Spurs for Profit” scene. It is not that easy, there are no how-to books, no easy
way to learn. It is a school of “Rowel Marks”. I still like the buying, selling, and trading part. It provides part of my livelihood. Also it
has provided an avenue to make many good friends. I will probably go to my grave swapping spurs and other western items.
The investment concept has been good over the last 30 to 40 years. Between inflation, increased collector demand, increasing
maker prices, some makers destined for notoriety, spur investing has been a good thing. What the future holds, no one knows. I do
know that I will continue to buy and invest in spurs, looking for the next rising star or stars.
My area of concentration, in this article, is the collecting of spurs. Beyond being a cowboy tool, I still believe the collector has been
the driving force behind the spur culture. It has and I believe it will continue to be centered around collecting and the collector.
When I think of collecting, it is not just about the dollars. It is about a goal, a mission, a statement, a purpose. Collecting requires
focus, patience, and determination.
I like to look at and admire the spurs that I buy for an investment. Some can be called art and some are truly cowboy tools. Whatever
they are, they have a different meaning than the spurs acquired for “The Collection”. These are the ones that stop me and I want to really look at. They have a significance that speaks out.
Together we are going to look at four pair of spurs that have been around my casa for quite a while. I am not saying these are great
or would make the cut for many collections. To me, they are important and represent things that make them collectible and set them
The first is an unmarked pair that have Candy
Hamer engraved on them. Candy Hamer is
listed on the employee list of the 101 Ranch. It
has been documented that he was involved in
the rodeo business in the 1930’s. They are of
a style I have never seen before, but do have
California flair. Whoever it was did a fine job
of work. They represent rodeo and wild west
history, the 101 Ranch, and Oklahoma history.
The next pair belonged to Fred Hunt, a marshal in the 20’s and
an Oklahoma prison warden from 1935 to 1943. They have his
ranch brand on them and that brand was listed with the Oklahoma
Cattlemen’s Assoc. up into the 1970”s. I would say that they were
made in the Oklahoma prison system, during his tenure there. They
represent law enforcement, ranching, a colorful man of his era, and
Oklahoma history.
The third pair belonged to silent Movie actor Jack Holt. He
was the father of B movie actor Tim Holt. It was said that Jack
Holt played polo with Will Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and
other Hollywood celebrities. They are totally encased with
engraved sterling silver and are a polo style. Though unmarked,
they show the Hollywood style of silver work. The Holts were
from Oklahoma and these spurs ended up with the prominent
Overholster family of Oklahoma City and were sold at an estate
auction. They represent the Silver Screen, Hollywood flair, an
equestrian event, and a movie star with Oklahoma ties.
The last pair to discuss is a pair of E. F. Blanchards. These were made in Datil, N. M. for a rancher and carry his brand. The man
ranched in New Mexico and east Texas. He later became a livestock inspector in New Mexico. These are far from being highly
finished. I was told that they were one of Mr.
Blanchards earliest stainless steel spurs. These
say so much it is hard not to take hold of them and
look closely and listen. They represent a sure ‘nuff
cowboy, a highly collectible maker, ranching history,
and a regional style.
While writing this, it makes me stop and think about
the spurs I have owned and did not or could not
keep. It makes me stop and appreciate some I have,
as only I can. What they mean to me is a personal
thing. At the same time, yours are most special to
you. Collecting is a personal thing, do not chase
another’s likes.
In the Bible, Book of Hebrews 10:24, it reads, “And
let us consider how we may spur one another on
toward love and good deeds (NIV)”. It is something
I try to be better at, everyday. As you go down the
trail in pursuit of your next spur treasure, I hope
something said here will spur you on. No matter
how much we like spurs or how many we have, the
spurrin of one another on in love and good deeds is
what it is all about.
God did say he would bless the joys of our hearts. We put him first, not because of the blessings, but because that is what He wants us
to do. I hope you are blessed with the pair your collection needs, the pair that will speak out to you, the pair that keeps spurrin you
Charlie Kaupke is from Stillwater, Oklahoma and owns a wholesale horse equipment company, auctioneers, host a Christian radio
show, and can be seen at some the regional bit and spur shows.
A New Association has Arrived!
A few months ago with the impulse of famous saddle maker Pedro Pedrini this new association was created.
The goal of this new group is to promote the art & tradition of hand made saddle making and cowboy horse gear
and to share with others their knowledge of these unique arts. (Saddle making, leather carving, braiding, silver engraving, cinch making and more)
Most of the members are master saddle makers & artists and have won many awards over the years at many saddle
making contests in the States for their work.
For the first time 10 wonderful hand made saddles and horse gear were exhibited during Equita’Lyon, the largest international horse show held in Lyon, France in November of each year.
Founding Members: France: Yves LESIRE (President), Michel GIGANDET (Secretary), Alex NANTON (Treasurer),
Raphael SULTAN. Switzerland:Pablo ULLI, Yves HIRCHY Germany: Wolfgang FEY, Fritz RIEDEL
Congratulations to this fine group for their work in preserving the artistry and crafts of our Western heritage. We look
forward to all that they do in the coming years.
Matt Humphreys - 2012 Adolph Bayers Spur Maker of the Year
Matt Humphreys is so very deserving of
the honor of Adolph Bayers Spur Maker
of the Year.
Several years ago when J. Martin Basigner and the NBSSCA teamed up to
present this annual honor, Matt and Russell Yates each made one of the trophy
spurs which were awarded to Billy Klapper and the late Jerry Cates.
This prestigeous award was established
in 2007 and the recipients have been
the Who’s Who of spur making. Billy
Klapper, Jerry Cates, Kevin Burns, Bill
Adamson, Russell Yates, Jerry Wallace
and now, Matt Humphreys.
Matthew Humphreys roots run deep in the ranching heritage. His grandfather, Jim
Humphreys, is only the sixth man to have managed the famous Pitchfork Land &
Cattle Company. Matt grew up in Dickens, Texas, and learned much of his spur and
bit making techniques from helping and watching his dad, Jimbo, who manages the
Guitar Ranches at Spur. Matt took an interest in the craft and started making spurs and bits in his spare time while still
in high school.
While on a break from classes at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Matt
attended a series of engraving classes at Johny Weyert’s in Alpine, Texas.
By the time that he graduated from Texas Tech with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Animal Science, he had already set up his own bit and spur
shop in Lubbock. He now resides with his wife in Spur working out of a
shop he just recently built.
Humphrey’s work is turning heads from coast to coast by cowboys and
collectors alike. He has also built pieces for J. Martin Basinger, Red McCombs, Trent Willmon, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Antonin Scalia. He has
been making the trophy awards for the legendary Motley-Dickens County
Old Settlers Reunion at Roaring Springs, Texas, Ranch Cutting Horse Association, and Western Heritage Classic.
Matt tries to separate his work from others by trying new designs and using gun style engraving techniques. He gives credit to most all bit and spur
makers for there generosity and willingness to share thoughts and ideas.
Matt finds inspiration in everything from custom built motorcycles to state
of the art architecture. Although his wife is his toughest critic he gives her
credit for her patience and support in everything he does.
On behalf of J. Martin Basinger and the National Bit Spur & Saddle Collectors Association we congratulate Matt on this honor and look forward to all that he creates
in the future.
L to R - Bill Adamson, Jerry Wallace,
Perky Cates, Matt Humphreys,
J. Martin Basinger, Billy Klapper
Upcoming NBSSCA News
NBSSCA Scholarship Forms Now Available The forms are now available for the 2013 NBSSCA Scholarship Program. Any member or immediate family member is
eligible to apply for college or trade school scholarship.
Contact Director John Balsiger or email bitandspur@aol.com for forms.
Completed applications are due by April 1, 2013 with the awards announced in May 2013.
NBSSCA Hall of Fame Nominations Nominations for the NBSSCA 2013 Hall of Fame are now being accepted. If you would like to nominate a deserving
member who has had significant impact on the betterment of the association, please contact Director John Clark.
Nominations need to be in writing and please provide a brief description of the person and their merits for this award.
Directors are no longer eligible for nomination and the vote will be done by the Board. Member voting no longer accepted.
NBSSCA Board of Director Nominations Five of the Eleven Board seats are up for election this Spring. Directors Flores and Wilson have decided to step down
so their seats will be open. Directors Peck, Gill and Schaffer have opted to run again if nominated. If you know of
someone who would be good on the Board and should be nominated to participate, please send your nominations in
writing to any Director to bitandspur@aol.com. Written nominations only will be accepted.
A Director who is not up for re-election will be appointed to accept the votes and to organize the counting committee at
the Western Heritage show in Abilene, Texas this May.
Ballots will be mailed later in the year and votes will be cast by return ballot only. Email voting is no longer accepted.
Antique Leather Restored for Collectors
Lucky Stars
...where the Old West is Remembered
Western Heritage Gallery
Denton, Texas
Made in America
5800 N. I-35 - Stonehill Center www.thewesternheritagegallery.com
Support NBSSCA
Members and Makers!
This is a 16” Visalia on Ken Raye’s own bar design. This saddle was a winner at
the 2009 Boot and Saddlemakers Roundup in Wichita Falls, TX. It is equipped with
a rifle scabbord, saddle bags, swell bags, 15” eagle beak tapederos, and a cantle
pouch. All Pieces on the saddle are geaometric stamped and buckstiched with
kangaroo lace. All hardware on this saddle is handmade by David Andrews. This
saddle is a collector piece, but is very rideable, and
fit a horse well, as it has
Ken Raye’s very popular bar design.
l KB&P
Ken Raye’s Custom Saddlery
Baton Rouge, LA
580-695-5000 gggcon44@yahoo.com
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