rN "1"*- *#tlJ rHE supERroR-couRr STATE OF GIORCIA STATE OF CEORCIA er rdt LEIGI' E. PATTDRSON, Dhrrict attorney lor rhe Rome ( ( ( ( lN ff;11rg CII1L ACTION FILE NO. 15-CV-00764.JFL00< DERRY SCOTT RICIIARDSO\ LISA RICIIARDSON, JIMMY B. RICHARDSON, SHEITRYE RTCUARDSO\ DWAYNE L. RICqARDSON, JOEY RICHARDSON, KRISTOPIIER S. IIAYES, STEVEN BE nLL irdividually a (vb/a BEVILL CONTRACTING and d,/b/! SMD CONTRACTOR$, RUSSELL BI'RKIIALTER individually lnd d/bh T&R Electric, SAMUEL MA-X I'UCKER, .1), ROBERT MITCI'ELL ANDERSON DSR PROPERTIES, LLC, HENDERSON REAL ESTATE, INC., SUMMER}'ILLE BUILDING & sulPLY coMPANt" INC., OPEN ROAD HOT SHOTS, LLC, SCANNED RICIIARDSON ENTERPMSES OF CEORCIALLC, KADIMA, INC., SMT FAMILY, LLC, Dckndtnl i, per.onaht, THE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 241 RIVERBLUFF DRI\,'E, SUMMDRVILLE, GEORCIA, FM4llrNpEp covPLArN -_ SEIZURII Ul,lDEE TH C CEORCTA RACKETEfR INFLIJC\r-ED CORRUIf ORCANIZAT'IONS ACT The Sble of c@.gia. Judicial Circuir, ( a,el rlish E. pane6on, Disrricl Anohey fo! the Romc Srate or "Plaintiff,) p.Botun nd in rm nmed oF A\D fit6 this Comptainl against the Detmdanls t herein punuant to thc ceorgia Rack€teer rnfluenced and co@pt Orsdizarions Act, O.c.c.A. g r6-l4J ''Corgia RICO Act') and Anicle I er seq., (h€r€inaner refen€d lo a lh€ of Chapter 8 of rhe Orficiat Code of cmrgi4 O C.G.A. $ t6-3-l €r s€4., showine this Courr, in suppod rhe@i thc to owingl I.INTRODUCTION This is a civil acrion bloueht by tne St te ofceorgia puBumt ro O.C.G.A. S !6 14-6 (b) se€kine the equiiabl€ rclielproyided for and audonz€d by 6(a) asainsr rhe individual peens namcd as Deaendanb -2 r, pe8,,u, o.C.c.A. g l6-l+ in this Comptaint. The siale also seck injuhcriv€ Elief asai.sr rhe Defaddo dc and 2 This is also a RICo forf€itre ptuceeding brought by oc pu.susnl ro G.A s$ t6'l4-7(b) dd o. 6 'nlended well s of C@rgia d Defendants in rem in lhis prcperry of every kind lhar rh€ Defcn.ranrs in persa,ad hale Bed for use in the couBe ol d nore pdiculady rackctceiins activity Sralc (c) and s€eks forf€iture to the slate, puBuant to O.C.G.A. S$ l6-14-7(a), ofall prcpedy nmed a.<r identin€d Conplainr, fie II derivcd from, o! Htized thDugh a pattcn of ser forth in ihis Compranl PAPTIES IURISDICTION AND VEMJE t. penavn Detry Defendanr in Scolt Ricbardson (.Richd.lson,) jurisdidion and vcnue or fiis Coui. and an h subjecr ro the be s€rued ar 241 Riverbluff Drivq Sufr herville, Geo.sia 30?47. 4. Defftdant itr p€^o,ar lhis Coun and can be sd€d Lisa Richddson ir subjed ro the jnisdiclion and ve.ue at 241 of Riv€rbtuffDnve, Sunmenille, ceorsia 30?47. 5. D€fendmt n ,. ,rzh Jinmy B. RjchErdson jurisdiction and venuc of lnis Coun and cfl be l- sc ( J.8. Richadson ,) is subFcr ro rbe ed 2r t 88 Smitn Road, Summedi[e 6. t pe8,,ar Def€ndam vcnue ol this Courl od cah 6c Sherye Richardso. is subjecr to rhc jurisdiction and sd€d at r 88 Smirh Roa4 SunmeNi|€. Ceorsia 30?47. L Defendant i, pcb",ar DNalde L. Richardson (..Dwarie to lhe jurisdicrio. dd vcnue of lhis Coun dd c& Ricbardson,,) is subject be seryed ar 9894 Comm*ce Strcer, 8. Defendflt D p€6,nau Joey Richddso. is subjNt to this Coun dd en bc setued al 9394 Commerce Srree! Lbe junsdicrion and venue Sunneryi €, of 6corgia. 9. Delendaar in peBonah Krisrophr S. Hayes i..Hayes,) is subject ro rhe ju.isdiction and venue ofrhis Conrt and can be setued ar t?93 Litrre Texs vatrey Road, 10. Defcndat D /e6,naz Stevcn Bevill individualty and d/b/a SMD ConlracloB (.Bevitl Coud and can be sfl€d at 6878 dd ) k snbFcr ro the jNisdicrion and vcnue of this R{rearion LanE Acwordj. C@rsia 30102. Delenddt a pe6o,a,r Russelt Bulkhalrer individmUy ( Bu* halt€l') d,6/a Bevilt Consrtuction is strbj ect lo lhe j urisdi ctio. dd d,/b/a T&R Elarric and venue of this Coun and can be sened ar s65 Donahoo Road, Lindale, ceorsia30l47. t2. D p€'srndh Defe.dant jurkdiction ad Md Tuckr ( Tuckc', ) is subFct to Samrcl de vcnuc oa thh Co!.r and can be sened at 231 I Bumcu Ferry Roail, Rome. 13. D€fehdmt r peBo,zz Robed Mitcbcl Anddon ( And6on") is subjar ro the jurisdiction and venue of lhis coun and can be seryed al 6802 Manha Beny Highway, Derendanr junsdiction in pe\onan DSR propenies, LLc (.,DSR,,) js subjccr to ed vdue of this Coun and ce be s€ryed with proccss dd Noli.e of lhe Seiaft through irs reaistercd asent De.ry Richridson at 24r Riv€. Bluff Dnve. Summewille. 15. D€f€nddt |ne t pe onaa Hendeson Rqt Esare. rrc. (..H€nd6on") junsdiction and v€nue of this Cond and can be seryed wirh prccess k subjed ed Nolice ro of S€iarc though itr registered agem Dwatm L. Rjchardson ar 9894 Comnerce Shee! SLnmenillc, ceoryia 3074?. 16. Defcnd^nt in pe'sonm Sunmflitt€ Euilding & Supply ( sunnerville Buildi.e) h subject seryed with process and ro the Notie of Richardson at 9894 Conderce Sr€et juisdicrion and Company, Inc. vmue of rhis Conn and ce he Seizure thbugh irs resisrered agent Dwalme L. Sulmeoi .5 e, c€oraia 30747. t7. Dcfendanr ih pe,sonah OpanRoad Hor Shors, Inc. ('Hot shors") is subjocr to the julisdiclion and venueofthis Cou.l and can bes€eedwith Process utrotrgh ils Egislered agenr Dwa,ft L. Ricbardsod ed Nolicc ofseizu.e at 9894 Cohmene Srrec! Sunmeryillq Ceorgia 30?4?. I3, Defendahr in pe6onah Richardson E.rerpris€s of ca, LLC Enlerprisel) is subjed ro rhejurisdiction and v€nue ol rhis Courl procGs ed Notice ol seim Conn@e dd (..Richadson can be seru€d wirh rhroush irs regist@d asenr Dwayne L. Richardsor at 9s94 Slreer. Sunmetui tle, ceorgia 30?47. t9. Derend{r in personan Kadima, Inc. (,Kadiot.) Mdvenucofthis Coun and can be serycd with ploccss 's sublect !o the juisdiction lnd Nolice of Seiare thrcugh irs reg$tered ag€nr Thom6 H. Roge6, III ar 40 Artanb Stret, Marieit Ceorgia 30060. . 20. Defcndaor D pe^,,ar sMT Famity, LLc (..sMr') dd voueofrhisCourtandcan be scrued is subjccr ro rhejudsdicrion with process andNoriceofseizure through ns eg'stercd agentSam Tuckerat 23t ! Bulnell Feny Road, Rome, Ceorgia 30r65. 2t. Defendml rt /eD lbe Real propcrly loc?t€d at Georeia 30?47 is subje. to the juisdiction fld 24 r Riverbluf Dnve, v€nue of lnis Coun and cm be scfled th.oush ils oMeB Derry S. Richardson and Lisa Richardron sunfr eruillc, ceo.sia 30?47. Strnreniuq al24r Riv€rbtufDrivc, 22 Delondant D ..n rh€ pe6onat pmteny located at Z4r Riverbtuf Drive, Snnneryill€. Gccrgia30?47 issubjecttorhejunsdiclionmd venueofrhjs Court and can be seRed through ils own6 Dery S. Richardson and Lna Rjchardson at 241 Riverbluf Drive, Sumneruiue, ceorgia 30?47. III. fACTUAL BACKCROUND 23. Bcginning no later rhan 200? a.d continui.g thou8n 6e pEsent, the Def€ndanls a p€rs,ndu Derry Scon Richardsoni Lha Richard&nj Jimmy B. Richardsonj Richa.dsoni Dwayne L. Sherrye Richardsonj Joey Richardsonj Krisroph* S. Haye* Steven Beviu, individually d,/b/a Bcvill Contmcting and d/b/a SMD Burkhalter, individually and d/b/a T&R Eleclnq Smucl Ma Co.dclos; Ru$ell Tuckeri Robeft Mnchell AndcBon; DSR Propenies, LLcj Hendeson Reat Esr:r€. tnc_i Sunneryi|e Buitding & Snpply ComFany, Inc.; Open Road Hol Shols, LLC; Richardson Enterp ses ofceorgia, LLC| Kadima, Inc.j md SMT aamily, LLC (.Dcfendanrs D pe,rouaa..) en8agcd in ad conntued at leN rwo or moro &rj of dd ofieB lacket€ding aclivity. to wir, violaiion of srarc raw retating ro theft, againsr rhe Floyd Counly Board of Education c FCBE ). 24. The rclationship benveen ihe Defend^rs 'lnteensc pu6!e1 lo O.C,C.A. g k personan nd 16-14-3(6) (hereinafter ot\e6 consfturcs erercd ro s e ..RICo 25. Such acls ol Eckctcding activiry 6 welt a the conducl RICO Enlerpnsc occuned in Ftoyd County. Celgia. acdviry ed rh€ A such opontion of the RICO Enterprise occuned wirhin 26. Thrcugh such a patrem of ncket€ering acriviry, rhe Defendants in pe^.,@r and orhe6 unlawfllly obrained money, and with such money acquir€d and mainr.ined, both dimtly md indiecdy, imftsrs in dd conrol ofpenonal dd @l propeny inctudins. but not linit€d lo, rhe real and peNohat plop€rties namcd 6 Defendmb iin fe,,. THE SCHEME AND PREDICATE ACTS 2',1_ Beginnins no le,ler lhan 2007 and continuihg though ro individully and wnh fie prscnt, Richardson othe^ eskblished a RrCO Enlerpnse ror lhe purpose otobraininC United Slats cumncy and pbperty throush a iucgal then opcation in violarion of pafn of mckeredinc acrivily in an ehptoy* workine in its corgia lav. 23. Ar all relevanl iines Richardson wd a FCBE mintcnanc€ departnenr 29. At all relevdt limes Richardson hed lh€ ru&onry ro submit purchase orde4 on -8 30. Al all .€leva.r timcs Ricnard6on and orheB did submir fraudulenr iniiatcd invoics on hehalf of FCBE whereby Richaid.on woutd Eceive csb and mdchandile 31. Richardson and Oe othd panicipants ref€ftd ro6 in lh€ RICO Enterpns. (colhtivety Panicipanrs ) woutd reeive paynchts fron FCBE to which lh€y wre nor €nrnled and wotrld rheEafter divide the tiaudulenllyobtained tunds among thmselves. 32. The Palticipdl., in imheEnce of lhe RrCO Entc9rise, subnitred f,audutent Purchase Orders clensibly for lnc bnefil ot FCBE wten in fact lhe items purchascd weF for thc beneft of Richardson ed otheB. For exabple. Richardson submirted flaudulent FCBE purchase ord€6 to. sncb fiings 5 cnandelieB md viking kitchen appliances thar where doliveEd ro hin pemo.a yand are now prdenr and beine uscd.r Richardson\ hom€ lomted al 241 Riverbtuf Drive, SumnFi e. ceorgia. 33. on i.romation and betiei rhe rolal theft fron the FCBE exccods Six Hundred ThoBdd Dotta6 ($600,000.00). d d€sffibed horein Said tunds ve.€ doren fbm the FCBE rhrougn a par€n of Qckelftnng acrivity and lo the ,jclribent ot lhe Floyd county 34. Richardson purch.s€d, Popcny locared ar scd and mainrained Defenddrs the Rcal and pdonal 24t Riverblurr Drive, Summeruilte, C€orgia with the slole. money md nems he obr.ined by denauding rhe FCBE. 35. The illesal acls comnnled 6y Defenda.c consrirure pH,caE acrs un,ler cot Lhe T oNE i,Rackclerlnnuenced ddCom O.CC A I l6 r4-l ers€a RICO 36. Plaintiil rcalleges md jnco.porat€s by Etercnce herein the all€gations PaEEraphs I throngh 35 ofthis Conptaint os itrhe same wer tulty ser oa fonh herein. 31 Defendanls in p€^d,a,, and the olher panicipants aE .bersons,, for purposes or o.c c.A $ 16-144. 33. The dsocialion in fact of rhe Def.ndants in one anothoi constnules !n ''entcadse prnuflt to pcErrau o c.G.A. $ and othr panicipanLs wnh r6 l4-3(6). 39. Beein.ing no latd rhan 2OO7 and continuing to the prcsnr, th€ Defendanb u /e o,ar lnd othe^ unlawtully fld throush a p,uen of EckererinA acrivity and frcn the proc€eds denved tnftrron. acquied and nainlaincd, dneclty and indn€ctty. inter€d n fld confiol of rul properiyi peBonal prcpeny and noney in violation ofo.c.c.A. g 40. The Defcnde$ D pcho,az of rhe RIco Enrerpns€ ihmngh a and othe6 conducted panm oa dd pa,ticipared in thc aflais @kcleeiing activity 4 that tem is d€fined in O.C.G.A. S 16-14-3{3). Specifielty, lhc ..racketeering adiviv.comhnted by RICO e' reDns..onshB otmutrjpte \,otdrion. (a) Anicb 2 ofchapter t3 oaTnE 16 rhe oirh. fo owinE: olde Otncial Code ofccorgia Afliouted relating ro then, said off€.se constitutins lackereedns aclivity hdqO.C.G.A. $$ l6-14_ (b) The Participels in tutth@nce of the RICO Entrprise, did i. Floyd CoMry krowingly condud or alt€npr ro conduct findcial [arsactions invotving poceeds ofa specifi€d unlawtulacdvny wirh rhe inrenl !o @nceal or disguise $e natu€, rocanon, source owne6hip, or conrol of the troceeds ofspecified unlawful v'orarion ofl8 u.s.c. undro.c.c.A. etiviry in g 1956 (a)(lxBXi), eid offensc constituting rackete.ing activity $0 r6-t4 3(8)A) dd (9)(A)(xxix). Throush lhc palrem ofack€teering activiry and the proceeds deriv€d rherefmfr dGcnbed helei.above, rhe RICO entepnse a.d rdnecdx i.rqesrs in srares curency ed dd contol orber piopedies. ha 4 acquired and daintaincd, bolh .ti€crly ofproperry inclnding, but not [nned !o, Unired 41. This Coun puEnant to hs the &lhority to gnnt lhe injunctive retief sought by ptainrill o.c.c.A. 0g tcl4,6(b), l6-14_9 aid 9,l l_65. COUNTTHREE Racketcer Infr ucnced and Cotu o c.G.A 5 i6-t4-t .r5€4 oinhmrofa Recerver s ro Rtco AItDefcnddb /n l?eu 43. Plaintiff rcalleges and incorpohres by refftnce th€ allegations of Paragraphs I rhough 4? of thh Conplaint s ia the sme weE tuly set 49. As a consequence of the untawtul ac6, pactices, set rorrb hftinabov€.lhe Defenddrs D dd p.rso,au dd llansacrions. have dneclly 6 nore tully &d indnectly, acquned accumulated propeny and dsets, inclnding proporly betongine lo FCBE in addirion lo propeni6 nmed in lbis Conplainl, and olhd nonies and deriv€d from a pauem fld tunds dirccrty rEcqbte lo ofdckcredins activity. 50. Pldntif is mftted ro rhe appoinrraent oa a eceiver wirb all lhe power ed .urhonty senehlly qcrcisabl€ by receivem undd rhe taws oa thjs Sbre, inctudins, wnhout limibtion, rhe power and authonty: (a) to lake imediate cuslod, control, add poss6sion of rhe 6sets of Do&idants subFct to this comptainr inctuding the ptupertia DefendmB u /cri (b) to marehal aid accoum to this Coun ror lhe sscc sejzed; B, .!ned herein rhe s all moni€s obhin€d by then cxpenditure propeny of ofwh lnat the rhe ploceed. a v€ as d accounling ot rxe lo purchse, acquire, and obrarn atl evcr kind md descnption and whe.€v€r tocatedj Cor. pu6ud ro OC.C.Aq lo-t4-6rah2). imF.e !€sonabl€ resrictions upon rhe tuture2criviries and inveslmenG of txe Dcfddec in pe'sonht i^ct|n'iag bur nor Unned to. prchibiting then aron cngagins in rhe samc rlpe ofendeavu,s as the enteDnse alleged hereinabovcl rhal rhe court, psla to o.c.c.A.g 16_11 6(a)(3), or(q ne dissolulion of any RrcO entelpnse contb ed, omed or opeBted by my of the Defendmlsr and that the Coun issu€ sucb addirionat apprcpriare oldcs and Juo8nenb (a) 4 nay be ploper ro e,iectuare the rhe coud renpotuily and ptueemty rclief sought undei enjoin rhe DefendanN paronah frlm disn6rn& ,on\eyrnS. rorferinC, 6sibn ', ns. ol otheMise ali€naling propenx both le6onat ahd real, inclndins monoyi beloncing ro FCBE, prcpedies lislcd /e,, 6 a Deaendtui d and o$er propdties which were used to tunner, obtain€d dd/or de ved lhnueb untawtul acls unlil ihher oder of lhh t5- (a) lhc Coun appoint a recciver pelrrnan. propedy tisred s ovr all propeny oa Defcndanrs D Defendanrs u /e_, a welt a or orher pDpedies which w€re used to tunho, obraioed md/or derivcd througb unlawtut ers and that such powd taws dd @eiv$ be v6ted with a thc alrnoriry genm y exetieblc by rec€iv6 uoder the of lhis Statc. inctudi.g, wirholr timilation, rhe power and 0) to !a!e immediate custody, conrrot, &d posassion or rhc 4s6 of thc subjd !o lhis aclion, any properry tisrsd 6 DefendflLs t /eu, a w€tl as other propenies which we.e uscd to tunher, oblained md/or derived through nnlawfut acrs (ii) !o naBhal and (iii) ro p6.we aconnt to this Court for the sels seized; and protecl such ssers pending tudher order of this Couq and ('v) '.sure lo iate such acrion as rhe availabitiry the Court may enter in (a) th€ Coun prope. oder pwldt dy iay bc dnecled by lhis Coutr ro of such asels ro respond lo any judgment thisacrion; orher Eli€f lnar it deens apprcpriate and to O.C.G.A g l6- 14_9j dd (6) that rne Coun Crel to ptaintif such olher and turthe. relief d@ns jusl ahd equiubte. -16 6 the Coun G) to pGerue and prc&ct snch dse6 pending tunh€r oder or rhis (d) to rake such action a nay be dirccred cout; and by lhe Court to insuetheavaitabitityof such 6sers to respond lo anyjudgoenr lhe Court nay ent€r,n lh$ actDn. COUNI FOUR ia RJc(ered lnfluoced and Com O.C C A 5 l6-14-l er sca. RICO Rel'cfa b all Detenda.b 51. llaintif| rqlt€ges and ihcorpo6l6 by refemce thc rhmlsb 50 auegadons of Padgmphs of this Comptaint as iflhe sane wcre fully scr 52. Pusnmt to o.c.c.A. med'es again$ all ! 16_149, ptai.drT h entnled to such other add turlher tne Def€ndm6 nnder the Ceorsia RICO of law thar may be appropriate fld Act oi my otbd povision proper. WHEREFORE, Plai.liff pmys for rclief against all the Detendants rhat $c coun, 6 rblows: puBuant 10 o.c.c.A.g 16 14,6(axl), ome. h€ Defddanrs ro divesl lhenselves ofany imeEsts in my c,rerpnse. Ear propenyj and penonai propeny acquied by lhem diEctly or indnecdy, a a rcsutr of the rcts, pncric€s dd tums&rions in which they have dsagcd rnrough rheir viotarjons oa lhe C€orsia RICO Act rceardlss of wherher li e held by then legallt equitably Defendanls u ZeBa,az provide a to such pmpcny and a$ers is or benotcially and that tu and conplere accounting dre of R6pccrtully subfriu€d ihisr_Zz3ay of May, 20 I s. LEICI{ E PATTIRSON MICHAEL C.IAMBROS Special Assistanl Dast icl Anom€y Ceorsia Bar No. 4321 l3 The Lambros Fim, LLC 1355 P@htree sdet NE. t7- IN TEE SUPERIOR COI,RT STATE oFGEORGIA "" STATE OF GEORGIA arel LEIGII E. PATTERSON, District Attorney for the Rome ( ( ( ( ( ""'- 'f,JM Il\J OFFICE I2 2015 crvllAcrroN cLERK FILE NO. r 5CV00?64-JFL00/ ( ( z- ( { ( DERRY SCOTT RICHARDSON, ( ( Defendlnrst ( ( ( ( ( FLOYD COUNTYSCI'IOOL DTSTRICTI ( i ( ORDER CRANTINC PLATNTIFF'S MqTION TO ADD PARTIES The Slale of Circuit, ( Sbre") c@€ia * r"l Leigh E. parenoh, DisFicl Atloney fo! the Ronc Jtrdicial and, puBuant ro O C.C.A. to add Lisa Riclurdson; Jimmy B. {91 I -2 | , has fited . notion ro afred its Conplsint Richr&on; Shcirye Richardso,; Dwalne L. Richtrdson; Joey Richardso"; Knstopher S. I-tayes: St€v€n Bevil individua y and d6la Bevilt Contractins md d6la SMD Conl@loBt Rusell Burknalt€!, individuaUy ed d/b/a T&R Elecdc; Smuel Max Tucker; Robert Mitcheu And€Gonj DsR Poperlies, LLC; Hendeon Rcal Astate, rrc.j Sunnetui e Buildins & Supply Conpany. Inc.; Open Road Hol Shoq LLCi Richardson Enterpnses Georgia, LLC; Kadir4 Inc.i and SMT Fdily, LLC a of D€fehdeis r, perso,az in $e abov€ SCAT{NED I\rG@nt to O.c.c.A. g9- t I,21, ..[p]anies on morion ofany party o! on irs just. Bmase n app€a6 oM initiative my bo drcpped or added by &y srlge oflhe acton ar oder of lle coun and on such tems 6 are to the Conrt ihat addition of Lisa Richardsoni Jihfry B_ Richardson; Sher.ye tuclardsonj Dwayne L. Richddson; joey Richardson; Kristophe. S. Hayes; Stevcn Bevilt individually and d,/b/. Bevill Conr.actine and d,/b/. SMD Conrdctosi Russelt Burkhalter, individually Prcpedies, dd Ltai d,6/a T&R El€ctric; Smu€l Max Tucker; Roben Mncheu Ande4oni DSR Hendelson Real Estarn rnc.; Sumfrewille Building Open Road For Shots, LLc; Richardson Enrerp.is6 of Ccoreia, LLC; Kadima, rnc.; and SMT Family, LLc a thesame raci. andciffsrdcGasthoseatleged will not be & Supply Conpany, rnc.i par.y defe.ddts is prcper since the clains ro be madc againsr then eis€ our unfairly prejudiced by rhen addition their alleged participaton in rheState,sonsinal Comptaintj the of new,,nies 6 pani6; dd lhc Stale ctains ro have lqmed oa dd invotvenflt of io lne RICO €nteQnse alleeed in rhe originar Conplainl thiough subscquenr irvAiiearion, it would be app.oprkte to pemn the Stare to add then as pany defendanr. Barr I Aue,3o2 c^. App. S2r (2oto). Accordinety, it h ORDERED thal lhe slare's Molion ro amend lhe Conptainl ro add pa.ty dcfmdanls is GRANTED. Lisa Richddson; Jinmy B. Richardsoni Shenye Richardson: Duyn€ L. Richardsoni toey Ricnd.bon; Knstopher S. Hay€si Sieven Bevilt individualy and d,/b/a d,b/, sMD cont actors; Russelt Buikhatter. individually and d,rh/a Bevi Conraclins and T&R Etcdncj samuct Max Tuckerj Robcfi Mirchell Andeno.; DSR propedies, LLCi Henderson R€al Esbte, tnc.: Sumn*ille Bnilding & Strpply Compmy. Edeerises ofceorgi!. LLCi (adima, Inc.; in p,rso,zz in this vrlh a tnci Open Road Eoi Shots, od sMT LLcj Richaldso. s Derendmrs Famity, LLc shatr be added acrion. The Slatc is dircted to scwc the roesoins newty added Defondsrs Sunfrons and the Fi$t Anended Conplaint in thc ma.ner prcvided by law. fl .€ Mo ts4vo6j6<f - zIFt'a> so oRDERTD dds -/?iay ofM.x 20 r j. S, speiar asisrant Dislrict Artomey C@rsia Slat€ Bar No. 4321 t 3 CHGFruDCE
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