SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION iretro Manlla, Philippin6 FORM 23-A INITIAL STATEMENT OF BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP OF SECURITIES Filed pursuant to Section 23 otthe Securities Regulation Code rading Stal6m6nl SISON, STEPHANY (Les0 I (FhEl) J. METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY (MBT} '3. Tar ldanliticslion Numbor 2'16-350480 12m (Provinc6) 1. Cless (MonlwDay/Yoar) Dkoclor omcer ] Give titl6 FILIPINO (Postal Cod6) ot Equity S6curity COMMON llbla l2. Amount of Securilios Bonoficielly o'r'\,n€d 3. PercontEg€ (%) Hold Zero Zero lollows---.... -----.nothing (1) A poEon b dlrectt or indneclly lhe beneficislown6r ofany oquity socurity with r*p€cl lowhich he has or shar66: (2) (A) (B) Voling porvor vvhich includos lhe porvsr lo vol€, or to direct the voling d, sl,bh a€curity; and/or lnv.slmer por.wr which includ€6 th6 pourer to dispo6€ ot, or to direct th6 dbposltion ir, such s€cudty. A percon will bG de6m€d lo hav6 en indh6ct benslicial int6r6st in Eny oquily 3€curity which ls: (A) hold by mombera of a p6non'. immodiale famlly shsring lhs 6ame houa€hold; (B) (C) (O) b6lorr) ] 10% Oflnor otr", N/A (.p6cify below) Etocolivo Assi6tant assioned at the Of,ico of lhe Cormrale S€croisrv Equlty s€curltla! Bcnaficlally Own.d Remind€r: R6pod on a 6operat6 line for €€ch cles6 of Equity 6€curilio6 b€nelicistly owned direclly or indkecily. (Prinl or Type Respons€s) * Dal6 of Original (Ch6ck slleppliceblo) 4. Citiz€nship City (cily) 10 February 20'15 (Midd16) l/F Metrobank Plaza, Sen, Gil Puyet A\re., Makati (Month/Oay,rYeer) hold by e p.dnar in which Buch p6t5on i6 a gonoral p€rtnor; held by e corporallon of which suoh p6l6on 16 6 controllin0 Gharoholdef or subiecl to any contacl, arangem6nl or undoElanding whioh 0iv63 such paBon voting potiror wlth r€€pect to luoh 6€curlv. 4. Ownsrship From: Oir€ct (O) or lndirecl (l) 5. Nsture ol lndirgcl B.noliciel Olvnorshlp Zero N'A FORM 23.A (coitlnued) Tebl6 ll - Dorivaliv€ Securilies Benelicielly O/vned (e.9,, waraants, 1 . O.rlv.tve g.cudty Eraiclalbla and Explr.llon (ironthro.y/Yearl 2. ELta Date Exercb€bl6 N/A N/A optldts, convanibh aecualtler) l. TlU. lnd Amount of Equlty S.curltlc. Und.rlylng th. 4. Conval.lon or Eraacllc Prlca of Darlvatlva Sacurlty Oerlvallvc Securlty Expiraiion Dale N/A fill6 CrVnglhlp Form ol Oarlvatlva 5. accurlty (Dlrcct or hdlr.ct 0) (ol 3. Naturc oI lndlract Bah.flclal Of,rEathlp Amounl of Numberof Sh6r6s N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MllLd Sigdarure of RF{ojling Person STEPHANTUJ. SISON Ofnce of the Corporate Secrctary Expl.nallon ol Responses: lntsnlionalml3ttltamoni3 or omission oftrcts i3 s Cdmlnal Viol.tions under the SRC. Note : File five (5) copies of this form, one of which must be manually signed by the reporting person, Date 5,ilE
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