3 Bnbal R.ad, Gmud & FiBt nm. Jansrura Erkmio!, NewDellit 10014 Ph.:+91114357t4t9, 4t661,140 4355241!.24327064-62 Id: +91.Ir.2432?053,,131039 E-Eail: ala@saleg8lir SPEEDPOST/COURIER t2.05.15 1. M/sViacom13[,loiionpiclles Zon BizWodd,SubhashRoad-iq vile Pa e (E6sl),Mumbai-400057. 2 [,1. SanjayLeea Bhaneti 601/8 Swatit\rir? C@pe€liveSeiety, JVPDScheheGutmoh4crcssRoad, Juhu ftrumbai- 400049 3 . Ml Radh:Krishna Jagadamudillvtr. KfBhl C/o M/sM.com 13Motionpictures zionBizwo d,SubhashR@d? VilePade(Eas0.Mumba 400057 lvrahadshl€, lndta 5 . ConlEl B@rdol Fi m Cenficarionlcener Boardl 91 E, Bha€tBhavanWhireHou*Compound walkeshwarRoad,Ws keshwar, SUBJECT: Noticecallingfor Rflovat ol obje.lionabtes.enes lrom lhe l,lovieGabberis Back,releasedon 0105.15and dafrageslo Epulation of doctoE/ nembef of our ctieni duelo deramalion caus€d. lndianMed'€ Assm'at'on lFeadOuadeoItMAl,hav,nq ilsofte ar PEslate,NsOolri Dethi- 0002 On ins|lctions fi@ and on behaf of our ctient,we herebyserueuponyou r. DELHI Thal our client is lhe targel pai ndia voluntary oqani*tion of modemfr€dicinedoctoE,havinqmoe than 25 ta6 memere/ dslors spre.d over 30 stalas/ uT Branchesaid 1700 Lo€ or our clientiq to B€nchesall over India One of lhe objecllves mainrainthe honoraid diqnilyand lo uphod lhe inlereslol lhe 2. and produedlhe Thal you addressee no 1 and 2 havepromoled in theat€sa I "Gabbe. which eleased and scre€ned move s Back". no.3 is th€ dnecd andYou ove. ndi. on 0105.15Youaddr€ssee proleqonisl ol lhe saidmove. no 4 slhe addressee c€nsoGhip andc assifi€lionbody no 5 is! slatutory Youaddresse€ of Govemmenl of Inromalonand Broadcaslng. undd the Mlnisrry public under lhe exhibilloi ornlms India lt s laskedwlh egtralinq ra'{drs t s e p i o v < ' o n .o r l F e C r r d l o s d o r a . l ' 9 5 2 cerlilcarLons lo films lelevsion shos. lelevision ads and publications saleof hne n ndi:. Filmscn be pubcly lor exhibilion, exhbledin ndiaonlyaftertheyarecenifledby$eBoad i ' Fqpe. u'y e' bf,iad r a lor lFe abov. <ral"drddre ."es, i1 andolherpovisonsof Act,1952, amodancewthlheC nematog€ph thal no mov€or scede obliqalion:nd ee esponsible law areunder ol rhe moviewoud nciieor lkely lo incle ol commssionof aiv offence@uld bepublcallyexhiblled Acl,1952and Ir is furhersubfiiltedrhalignorngthecinemaloq€ph h.ve oths provsionsof ew, yoo lhe aboveslated add.essees 4 slaled movle whereby addressee no crealeda sceneh lhe above for lhe treatm€ni andlhe doctors bkes a deadbodylo lhe hospilal palenl anJ the dead in oder to m:k€ money Ireated inrenliona Ly chargedfor lhe teahent and aft€r makl^genoughmoneyhave sceneon decaredihe palient!s lustdead The saidinlenlionalac, padof youaboveslaledaddressees in lheslal€dmove havenolonly membeEotourcl entbulalsohave rowecdrhed gnly or lhedoclorcl provoked/ incr€lhe pubc at largeagainsllhe nobe profesionol nl is respecfurysubmit€dlhatyouthe aboveslaledaddressees, pub c solhal crealetalsesenselonin the orderlonake moneyand a hit.haveeusedimfreiselosslolheEpulaton rhemovl€beoomes lo rh€ doctod nembeB ol our c enl and havealsooealed teelinqol dodtoc halredn thepublicagalnsllhe you or lh Tha(acrsandomissons ciiefra Actol youthe addrcsses normsandcanonsol responsib€ byma ce againstd$lors/frefrbe6 ofo$ d ent n hasbeenaclualed panicuar. The actsof you the add€sseeslanlamounl lo blalanl per you fte se detamalory Funher scandal mong€ringaid add€sseesseek10 dengGledodtoE/membetsof our clienland n th€pubLicestimalon ham lher mpscabler€putation Th.t youlhe addressees ae asked10immediatelysldp thescr*nng or lhe said move as th€ same ls €using graveprejudic and nepa€b e njurylo doclore/memberof our c enl. In rhe facrs and ciEumstrn@sstated above,we lheretorecau upon you atovestaledaddreseesto mmedal€y€mdetheobjeclonabtesenelas slaledabovelfrom rhe movie Gabberis Back"feitingwhcn, re nave rnsltudlions rrcmourciied Io inllale eselpDceedn9 aqainslyoulhe above statedad,iressees as povidedunderth€ provisonsot r*. !l yourrsk and 3 Funher, we €rruponaddr€ssee no.5 to banthemovie.cabbsis Back.wiih immedale efccl,I tthe object onabt€*enes iiomlhe moviesa.€ removed faillngwhichwe have nsrructions iromour ct€nrlo initiare tega proceedinq againstyou lhe sbove sLred addrcsseeno 5 as providedund* lhe provisions of l&, aryouriskand @sl Fonherwe aso call up.n you address€eto rends wrlren apctoqyin NalidnarNewspapere ro rh€ dmlod memberof ou ctienland DavRs 5 0000,000/as compensation to ouf c enl forthedet maroncausedrorhe dccto'gn€m5eEof ou. c enr,wthd 15 d:ys tom tod.y ra ins whichre woud beconst€lnro iniilare leqaproceed youtheabovest led ngsagainsr addressees. bolh i clvlandciminaral vourriskandcort asa
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