January 17,2015 To, 1) The Secretary BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 Code No.:- 517385 2) The Secretary National Stock Exchange of lndia Limited Exchange Plaza, plot No. Ci1, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 Symphony:- SYMPHONy Series :- EQ 3) The Secretary Ahmedabad_Stock Exchange Complex, Opp. Sahajanand Complex, ^amohenu Panjarapole, Ahmedabad - 380 015 Limited Code No.:_ 51760 Sub: Outcome of Board Meeting Dear Sir, we are pleased to enclose herewith the unaudited standalone Financial Resurts arong with Limited Review Report for the second quarter ended on December 31, 2014, which has been approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held today. Further, the Board of Directors has dectared interim dividend of share having face value of T 2/- each. we also enclose herewith Data sheet containing second quarter ended on December 31 , 2014. t 4 (200%) per equity company,s performance for the Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For, Sym ony Limited Cha t Gandhi Gompany Secretary Encl: (i) Unaudited Financial Results along with Limited Review Report (ii) Data Sheet E-mail lD: corDorate@svmphonvlimited cotymphony T: Limited, 'saumya., tsaker c rcre. Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 14. tndia F.: +91-79-26425930 I www.symphonyiimited.com crN 132201GJ1988P1C010331 +9L-79 26424130, I E I gY,\4Pn<:,NY Ltt14r'rgt} Net sales/income lrom operations {Net of excise duly) Ope.al n.t & Other d.ome olal income from operalions {net) 15,141 Changes ii nveftories ofnn shed !oods vr'.nk nprogress Empoyee benelrls -axPenses Depre.ralo. and amonsalon erpense Sellnq & O slrbllror expense +350/, Profit from operations before Ilnance cosls (1-2) Proflt before tax (3'4) Net Profit lor the period {5-6) Paid-up Equ(! Share Captal (Face Valle Rs 2/ per shrrc) Reserves excl!rdinq Revakrali.f Reserve as per Sanncr Slr-"e1 prev ous accolrtng year Earnins Per Share {or Rs. 2l each ) (not annualised) Select lnformation for the Ouarler and HalI Year ended Decenrber 31. 2014 PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING b Percenlaqe of shareholdin.r Promolers and Pro rolers gro!p sharehold ng P edqed / Encrnrbered b 26 233. 20.233I 26 231I Percenlage of shares ( as a % of llre lotal sharehold ng of pronrol,Ar and promole, group) Percenlage of shares ( as a % ol the lolal share capilalof the conrpanll Non encumbered Number of shares Percentage oi shares { as a '/" of lhe lola sharehoding oi promoler a.d prornoter gro!pl Percentage oI shares ( as a % oi lhe lola share capila of the company) CON]PLAINTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDEO ON DECEl\4BER 31, 2014 allhebegirnngoltheqlarler NL Receled dlr,rg the quarter 7 i Disposed off during Ihe quarler lTheaboveffanciaresullshavebeenrevevjedbytheAudllCommilleesndapprovedbVlheBoardofDireclorsallhemeetinoheldonJanuarvlT20l5 a resllts for lhe quarler/ haiyear efded on December 31,2014 3TheCompanyhasrevseddeprecratonraleofiixedassetsasperihe!setulllespecifed n the Schedule oflhe Conrpanies Act 2013wei July0l 2014 Accordingly depreciaton o, Rs 765 acs on acco!nt olassers vr'hose usef! iifeisareadyexhausledasonJoy0l.20l4hasbeenadjLrstedtorelanedeainngs 2 The Slatulory aud tors of lhe companv have car ed out lfiriled revievr' oi lhe Inafc 4TheBoardofDireclorsnlheirneetnghedonJanuaryrT2or5declarednterimdvidefdot200%ie.Rs4/lPrevioulyearl00%i.eRs2/-)pe.equityshareoi d vdend w llbe pad of January 30 2015 5 PrevLols perlod iieures have bee. rearra,roedheqrouped wherever .ecessarv lo nrake lhem co.nrarab e wth lhe iiqLres of the cutrenl period Proit before lnlereslend Taxes (PBlr') Less: Finaice Cosls Total Protit After Tax Profit (PBIT) % on Capital Employed (Ann!alised) 173.20% 7.96% I Tlre c.mDa.V has lwo Drma.v seamenls namev Hotre Appl.nces and Corporate I u.ds oo Capita Empoye{lhasbee..acualedonaveragemo.rhycapla 2 Segrnenl Proft {PBtT 'r, lrom erd of Derod lo averaqe f ronl v balan.es) re.a cllaleo accordinoly Employed (PBIT % oI Honre Applances ofprevrous perods aso t4 cr1 Net Sales i lncome from OPeralions Segmenl Prof l Betore nleresl and Taxes Less Secondary Segment Capital Emptoyed F fanc," Cosls : sta.dalone Stalement ofAssets & Liabilities Deretred lar ldb il es I Nel) ib) Olhercutrenl I abi lies 200ye Cash and cash equva. rls )short tenn oans.na adva.ces /,'r i4, .,x i7.nJ Date ? t':,L January 17, 2015 I F.r: +9\ ir. -2€4r.atat) r SU,IIO JU?|lBo IYINDOW A.cl'ic Arclej Shah & Dala Bharat S. Shah Chartered Accountant B.Com. F.C.A. Bl101,2nd F loor, Neelam Apartments H iiabaug C rossing, Ambawadi Malay J- Dalal Ah B. Com., Grad. CWA, F.C.A. medabad-380 006 Phone : (O) 26568896(F)2656017 E-mail : shah.dalal@gmail.cor Review Report To The Board of Directors Symphony Limited Ahmedabad We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results of Symphony Limited ("the Company") having its registered office at "Saumya" Bakeri Circle, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad 380 014, for the quafier and halfyear ended December 31,2014. ("the statement") except for the disclosures in Part II with respect to ' Pafticulars of Shareholding' and 'lnvestor Complaints' which have been traced from the details furnished by the management and have not been audited by us. The slatement is the responsibility ofthe Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a repoft on the statement based on our review. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) 24l0,"Review of lnterim Financial Information Perfomed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Institute ofChartered Accountants oflndia. This standard requires that we plan and perform the revierv to obtain moderate assurance as to ,i,hether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Our review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analyical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement of unaudited standalone financial resuits prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards notified pursuant to the Companies (Accounting Standalds) Rules, 2006 which continue to apply under the section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 and other recognized accounting plactices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 4l ofthe Listirg Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any mate al misstatement. For, SHAH & DALAL /if"q .:/ rRN N0. \i^ :ri^-^.^^..* :\ios'i3z '-:r\ Ahmedabad Date: 17 /01/2015 Charlered Accountants MALAY J. DALAL i{n uv.i /<) \'.);,{.'" -)-------1:i'V -< il. Ji;,r'i:ii7 \ Firm Registration no : 109432W Membership Ntrrntfer - 36776 SYMPHONY LIMITED Data Sheet : Performance Analysis for the period ,lst July 2014 to 31st December 2014 Q2FY15 15 141 3't.4% 413 15,555 8,458 5,219 48.1 30ah 3,602 14,011 1,130 15,141 4,866 315 5,181 238,668 27.4 55.94/a 16.6% 33.6% 33: 6,934 20,418 237 .gak 5.90/a 2000/a 1 PBIT % on Capital Emptoyed of Corporate Funds Segment has been catcutated on monthly average capital empJoyed to work out appropriate return %. 2 lnvestment of Corporate Funds jnclucles investment in GroMh I\,4utual Funds and Fixed l\laturity plans, income of which is accounted on maturiiy / distribution of dividend.
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