:llll SPECIALREPORT fermag,com fn-rn" Ei -= _!t J l,f l4 PRoDUcrs SMART HOODADDS UV O The Editors lntroduced atThe NAFEM Show. the new EcoArch Ventilator takes the efficienc/ of EcoArch and adds ultraviolet light co convert grease particlesthose that make it into the duc!-into ash. Efflcienr capture is still aided by smart placement of front-mounted, high-velocity cartridges.The UV section is accessible from outside the hood, which means cleaning and upkeep are easien A patented, high-intensity bulb located at the duct collars allows for more efficient Erease reduction and maintenance, says Avtec. Meanwhile, EcoArch maintains its energy-efllcient design with an aerodynamic arch top that dramatically reduces the amounr of turbulence created within the canopy. ln addition, the exhaust plenum is located in lhe front of the hood, which further supports low exhaust requirements but also provides easier and safer access to the filter medium for cleaning purposes.As an option you can choose to locate controls on the outside of the hood to facilitate easy adjustments. Sa m pl e his timc every year we look back at the mosl interesting and exciting new products rve saw the year before. It's a fun way to revisit items tha[ got a splash du ng the year but may have been missed bv some of you on the first go-around. Luckv for us. 2{)11 rvas a good year for product inh-oductions, so rve had plenLy o[ things to considcr for this Editors' Picks story. The year started with product intros galore at The NAFEM Show in Febr-uary, and throughout Lhe year we saw energy and labor saving irems hitting lhe market. Among the ploducts rvhich represent the major foodservice equipment categorics-you'll find a couple of purely high-tech approaches, one designed to help you track energy usage acr-oss multiple sites and the other designed to wirelessly monilor and rcpolt food safety tracking. Anong the heavy equipment in our picks, take a look at two [ew, innovative ftyers, an advanccd ice machine line, a unique oil liliration approach developed in Germany and adapted for the nl y With a NAFEM Show and other key events in 201 I , our rounds at the trade shows turned up some smart and unique technologies. Read on for I 4 new products we thought deserved another look, United States, and a ferv other thirgs we believe you will find interesting and useftrl. We'll continue walking the tlade shows this yeal to find the rnosi useful ancL efficient products we can and report on thelr in the magarine and at our'website. Herc's to an innovative year for foodser-r'ice equipmentl THE ULTIMATE DRINK MACHINE Trust the folks at Coca-Cola Co. to come up with new ways to use their products.The Freestyle machine lels customers choose from more than 100 carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks and juices and lets them mix and match shots of as many as they like to create totally custom beverages. Even more amazinE, the company says lhe new machine fits in the same footprint as an eight-valve dispenser.The Freestyle capitalizes on the same micro-dosing technology hospitals use to meter medications, which allows the machine to use syrups that are nearly 14 times more concentrated 30 MARCH 2OI) FER than conventional bag-in-box products.The system yields the same number of servings from a 46-oz. cartridge as you'd get with a 5gal. bag-in-box. Customers use a touch screen on the front of the dispenser to cuslomize their drink choices, from raspberry-flavored Dasani water to cherry-vanilla Coke Zero. t BETTER COOKWARE, BETTER EFFICIENCY We dont often choose cookware for our Editors' Picks roundup, but this item was worth it. Eneron made a big splash a couple of years ago with an innovative stockpot tha! turned the energy-efficiency question on its head and promptly won recotnirion at the 2009 Kitchen lnnovarions Award competition.While the entire industry wresded wirh equipmenr efficiency, Eneron studied the cookware, and decided a ribbed heat sink on the bottom of a pot would greatly increase energy elficiency and cut cook times.TheTurbo Pot was born. Test data from the Food ServiceTechnology Cenrer confirmed 50% greater energy efficiency and cool<times cut in hall So why did this technology make our picks for 'l ll Now rhe company has a full line of stockpots, sauce pans, frying pans, etc., all with the distinctive heat-sink bottoms, which makes the technology even more accessible for a wider audience. REMOTE MONITORING OF REFRIGERATION LED HOOD LIGHTING DEBUTS Would you like to be able to keep track of all your refriSeration at multiple sites? Monitor temperaturesl Update databasesl Create custom reportsf Get diagnoslics? Make adjustments remotelyl Heatcraft has unveiled a web-based system tha! lels you nl y Big news for lighting, and hoods.As we went to press this item was being introduced at the AHR Expo: a first-of-its-kind, recessed LED lighr fixrure lhart remp-rared ro 176'F. \ly'hat's so special about that? With its hith-heat tolerance, the eco-friendly L82 Series O LED Hood Light can replace traditional incandescen! and fluorescen! lighring. Supplied with a prismatic tempered glass lens and two 22W LED lamps, the hood light has the highest lumens per watt in the industry, says Flame Gard, and a! 4%" high, the fixture is suited for limited overhead clearance applications.The light fearures a sreel housing with a white, baked-enamel finish and a satin s/s face frame to match the interior of the cooking hood.The light is offered in a 4' model, and 2' and 3' models are in development.The two 22W LED lamps can save up !o 30% over with ),our regular browserThe HeatcraitVantage Console gives you real-!ime data around the clock and is compatible with Heatcrafts Beacon ll refrigeration site, system and lhe l"lojave Advanced Gas Defrost system. Hot Sa m pl e srandard T8 fluorescent lamps, says Flame Gard, while providing a total light output of 4,000 lumens. These fixtures are UL and NSF listed for use in commercial cooking hoods, and they meet all of Ehe requiremenrs for NFPA 96 and NEC 410. do all that and more, through a sinSle web- THIS FRYERTHINKS OF EVERYTHING lntroduced in early 201 l, the OCF30 30-lb. fryer produces like a 50-lb. fryer while using 40% less oil and l0% less energ/ than its 50-lb. counterparts, says Frymaster:The OCF30 comes in both 8as and electric versions with full- and split frypots and built-in filtration.The SMART 4U 3000 controller offers such fea- tures as monitoring of oil quality, oil life, equipment performance and more.The controller works with you and for you, tracking filtration cycles and prompting you to observe the filtration schedule.An optional OilAttendant feature automatically monirors oil levels and replenishes as needed so your crew doesnt have to top-off manually. ltleanwhile. the FootPrint PRO filtration system removes frying byproducts to extend oil viability.An open-pot design allows full access to the frypor for easy cleaning, which in turn helps your sraff manage oil life.The OCF30 is available in 2- ro 4-ba(ery configurations. J t' FER |'4ARCH 20 t 2 31 SPECIALREPORT fermag,com POWER JETS CLEAN DISHES FAST FOOD SAFETY AT HAND moTe recently added a smallgroup of efficient warewashing Products to its stable. For example, Hoshizaki's Energy Star-certifi ed, high-temp JetWash Dishwasher features lhe company's patented high pressure nozzles. six directional wash arms (three above, three below), and separale wash and rinse pumps.At 0.53 gal./rack, the unique desi8n consumes less water than competing models, accordin8 to the companl, and saves enerSy and operational cosls.lt! a quick, powerlul option for smalle- operat ors.Tne Jet Wash Opera(ion Panel can record dala as dishes go through tre 53-sec. clear ng cycle.The single-ra(L dishwasher Tequ res no loo s !o remove parrs. wlicl n ares basic cleaning and main- on a schedule or makes them available on demand.With the CCP Dashboard, you can see every measurement crucial to safe oPeration. ln all, you get an easy way to log and report food safety steps. including temperalure monitoring, hygiene and more. EI #-1 II SPINNING FOR A HEALTHIER PROFILE Iittle background: Pitco incorporated Spin Fresh Cenrrifugal Fryer technology rnto a countercop unic a couple years back and then won a 2010 Kitchen lnnovations honor for it. Now Pilco has added the technology !o a full-size unit called rhe SpinFryer.As with the countertop uni!, the basket in the SpinFryer lifts out of the oil and then, under a clear cover, slarls spinning.The uni! uses centrifugal force to spin excess oil off of fried goods and sends it back into the fryer va!.The result is fried food with fewer calories;a crispier, less oily flavor profile; and a reduction in oil costs. First, a Sa m ra ninS an easy Process. schedules and food safety tasks.To support scheduling, the CCP Minder comes with an easy-lo-use\ y'eb tool called CCP Plannen It! a custom electronic form fiat helps you set up tailored CCP parameters and loads task schedules via the Bluetooth Sateway into fie CCP MindenThe program delivers reports, alerts and analysis nl y of courSe, and O years, I e ice machines for many pl Hoshizaki has offered CCP (Critical Control Point) I'4inder, a food safety schedulinS, logginS and reporting lool, is wireless, paperless and doesn't require a PC connection.The unit comprises the CCP Minder instrument, CCP Planner and the CCP Dashboard.You can protram the portable and rugged Minder to accommodale multiple users' THE ICELESS FISH TABLE dont keep it fresh. Randell! lceless Fish Table, a.l<.a. Model FX2WSFSs, allows /ou to manage temperature throughout the entire fish Fish is unforgiving if you PreParation space and to tion and AJC compressors, heat exchangers, fans and pumps PreParing, staginB portions for cooking.The unit combines patented FX drawers for bulk stomge that can be set to precise refriSerator and freezer temps, plus a chilled work surface and prep rail for staging and holding prior to cooking.You can specify an array oPtions and accessories. MARCH 2OI2 FER You've heard about waste-heat recovery in foodservice, but have you heard of thisl Refcon has developed an approach tha! consolidales refrigeration and air conditioning comPo_ nents and then reclaims the heat from these processes for Process, from storing raw fish porlionang and 32 COMBINE COOLING AND A/C FOR BETTERWASTE HEAT RECOVERY of water heating. Refcon says its fa€lory-assembled system, called Ener8yPal<,combines high-eftlciency refrigera- a modular cabinet.Also used: glycol cooling solution to replace traditional coolants and ABS pipinS with insulation to replace copper tubing. CombininE lhese elements reduces the overall number of components needed for each, says Refcon, and caplures 90% of the waste heat from cooling and AJC processes. ln addition, Refcon says this energy-saving approach helps designers achieve as many as l6 LEED certification credils compared to conventional hiSh-efficiency mechanical systems, which may provide only a few LEED credits each. EnegyPak lets you monilor all functions remolely and comes with an alarm system to let you know when something needs attenlion. an -I I SPECIALREPORT fermog.com LIKE MERGING DECKAND CONVEYOR O THE SUSTAINABLEWAYTO MAKE ICE The new ProdigyAdvanced Sustainability line of icemakers from Scotsman offers a variety of features to support sustain- pl e able operations. lntegrated controls help optimize water and energy efi)ciency as well as provide enhanced service diagnostic data.A programmable seven-day, l5-point system allows you to manage ice levels so you can choose the amount of ice you need and when you want to make it.An advanced network control system provides information about machine performance history, and if an operational issue arises, Advanced Sustainabiliry controls can self-diatnose the problem. Current machine status is easy to assess with five LEDlighted universal symbols, and a tone/buzzer feature supporls those lighted symbols. Meanwhile, the patented\ /atersense adaptive purge control reduces scale buildup for a longer time betlveen cleanings, says Scolsman. Easy-to-remove panels provide clear access to internal components, and a reusable air filter removes easily from the outside. lcemaker components m I There! innovative, and then there! reolly Systemfiltration lnc., based in New jersey with parent headquarters in Germany, has unveiled a truly new and different kind of oil filtration.TheVito Oil Filrradon system takes the lllter to the oil ra[her than vice versa.Just rake the handheld filtetl immerse it into the vat, and push the button.Vito fikers the oil, unde' pressure at 30 psi, right there in the vat, at cooking temperature.Wi$ a filtering cycle of less than 5 mins..Vito will filter the oil innovotive. five to eiSht rimes, dependinE on vat caPacily, extracting particles down to 5 microns, which is finer than typical filters that trap particles around 20 microns and bigger The result is much cleaner oil,lonSer oil life and better food flavor and quality. TheVito 50, sized for vats up to 50 lbs., will filter I l0 lbs./ min.;rheVito 80, lr for larger vats, ups that to 210 lbs./min. carry a 3-yr: warranty on parts and labor. OHMIC STEAM CHANGESTHE GAME What happens when two truly innovative companies enter into a partnershipl lnnovation, maybel Wood Stone, the srone-hearth cooking people, and ldeasWell Done, advanced concept develoPers, have teamed up to produce Ohmic Green TechnoloSies.Two of the new products are ohmic steamers.The basic idea: pass an electric aurren! directly through water: which instantly, simply and energy-efficiently creales heat lhat turns the water to steam. Instant on, instant off, without the usual energy losses of idling, mechanical losses, etc. Simple design means simple cleaning.A removable-container steamer works with, for example. standard steam pans or fraclionals, or other containers.A reservoir steamer uses pulsed or constant steam !o let you do portion steaming, retherm, etc. 34 I1ARCH 20 12 FER 5r tro vt0 Sa t TOTALLY DIFFERENT OIL FILTERING nl y lntroduced in lanuary 201 l, the Qll Deck Oven combines Eas-powered infrared energy at the bottom and customizable, electric radiant energy a! the top for a quick, thorough baking process. By not using blower fans, the oven offers quiet operation and fewer moving parts to be concerned with.You get a graphical control panel that allows you to cook any product wilh just one touch of the screen. lYeanwhile, the infrared heating elements deliver intense energy to raise product temps while the radiant heat delivers consistently browned crusts.The Qll Deck is available in single-, double- and triple-stacked models, all sending in a footprint of l l6"W x 48"DA helpful feature, the front sandwich door,adds rhe oprion of a shorter cooking cycle, which means you can customize your menu with items that don't need a full pass of the conveyon Other derails: belt is 32" wide, conveyor sPeeds range from 2 mins to 25 mins., and cooking temps are adjustable from 200'F to 600'E I
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