COVER SHEET 1 1 3 4 1 SEC Registration Number B E N G U E T C O R P O R A T I O N (Group’s Full Name) 7 t h F l o o r , 1 0 6 P a s e o U n i v e r s a l R e - B u i l d i n g , d E M a K a t i R o x a s , C i t y (Business Address: No. Street City/Town/Province) Mr. Reynaldo P. Mendoza 812-1380 (Contact Person) (Group Telephone Number) 1 2 3 1 Month Day 1 7 - C (Form Type) Month (Calendar Year) Day (Annual Meeting) Not Applicable (Secondary License Type, If Applicable) Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned File Number LCU Document ID Cashier STAMPS SEC Form 17-C Instructions February 2001 Remarks: Please use BLACK ink for scanning purposes. 1 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 17-C CURRENT REPORT UNDER SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SRC RULE 17.2(c) THEREUNDER 1. .............May 31, 2013 .................................................................................................................... Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) 2. SEC Identification Number ....11341..... 3. BIR Tax Identification No. ...000-051-037..... 4. ............BENGUET CORPORATION.................................................................................................... Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter 5. ...........Metro Manila, Philippines................ 6. (SEC Use Only) Province, country or other jurisdiction of Industry Classification Code: incorporation 7. .Universal Re-Building, 106 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City...... Address of principal office ......1226........... Postal Code 8. ............812-1380 / 751-9137………................................................................................................. Issuer's telephone number, including area code 9. …………………………………………………………………………................................................. Former name or former address, if changed since last report 10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding Convertible Preferred Class A Common Class A Common Class B 217,061 110,259,787* 66,783,397* (*) – Net of Treasury Shares of April 30, 2013 Total consolidated outstanding principal debt as of March 31, 2013 – P1.5 Billion SEC Form 17-C Instructions February 2001 2 II . lndicole ihe ilem numbers reported herein: ........ltem 9. ln compliance with the Notice of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) dated October 20, 2006, hercio are Sworn Certifications of the Company's independent directors, i\4essrs. Bernardo IVl. Villegas (Annex "A") and Albedo C. Agra (Annex "B") that they possessed at ihe quatjfications and none of ihe dlsqualificaiions provided for in the Securities Regulatjon Code (SRC) and its lrnplementing Rules and Regulations / Company s l\lanual of Corporate covernance. Nlessrs. Bernardo M. Villegas and Alberto C. Agra are the incumbent independent directors of the Company. They continue to remain in office on ho d-over capacity until their successors are elected and qualified because in the lastannua stockholders'meeting of the Company held on [Iay 30 2013, no election of directors was held because the Temporary Restraining Order issued by the Supreme Court in 1993 enjoining the holdlng of e ection of directors has not been lifted. SIGNATURES Pursuont lo lhe requirernenis of the Securiiies Regu olion Code, lhe issuer hos duly cqusecJ this report to be signecl on ils beho f by ihe unclersiqned hereunlo du y outhorized. BENGUET C Date: Mav 31.2013 Asst Corpo Signoiure * Prinl nome ond litle oJ the signing olficer under ihe signolure. SEC Foml 17-C Instructions February 2001 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR 'iNilIg,q'A' I BERNARDO M. VILLEGAS Filipino, of legal age and a resident of 496 Northwestern Street Greenhills, San Juan Metro Manila, after having been duly sworn io in accordance with law, do hereby declare that: 1. 2. laman ndependent director of Benguei Corporation. I am affi iated with the folowing cornpanies or organizations: Comoanv/Orqanization BenquelcorD Nickel l\4ifes lnc. Posii on/Re aiionshiD lnsu ar Life / Transnailonal Diverslfied lnc Dua lech Foundat on lndeoendeni Director D rector & Consu tant D rector& Consu tant 2012 to presenl 1999 io Dreseni D 1998 1 964 1981 1995 1995 2004 1995 1972 ll,4anila Bulletin MakaiiBuslness Club D rcclor Pilioinas Shell Foundaton Univercitv ofAsia and the Pacinc Center for Research and Communicalion PhiliDoine Econom c So.ieiv Depadment ofEconomics-De La Salle Dlreclor Committee on National Economv & Patrinronv Economic Research Bureau Graduate Schoo of Business-De La Sa le Senior Vce Presideni to oreseni to Dreseni to 2010 to 2001 to 2001 to 2006 ta 1974 Chairman Chailnran Director 1964 to 1 969 1986 1967 io 1 968 Direcior 1967 lo 1 968 Director 1969 Phil. Economic History, Nailonal Hisiorca Preparaiory Commission forConstitutional Retorms & Consiltuional Cornmission Productivity Dev. CenierNaiional Economic Council & Proaram lmoementaiion Aoencv io 1972 1999 Consuliant 1968 to 1969 3. I possess a I the qualifications and none of the disqualiiications to serve as an lndependent Directoa of Benguet Corporation, as provided for in Rue 38 of the Securities Regulation Code. 4. 5. lshall faithfllly and diligently compy with my duties and responsibijt es as independent director under the Securities Regulaton Code I shali lnfom the Corporate Secretary of Benguet Corporation of any changes in lhe abovementioned nforrnation within fve days from its occurrence. D".", ,}tAI .$2 SS,t Nrakati city. ffi_[]{0di}prit SUBSCRIBED AND SwoRN to before me 2013 at tvtakati Ciiy affant exhibited to me his Passport #E84802303 expiring onFebruary 26, 2017 and issued by the Depaatment of Fore gn Affairs-lvlania Book No. Series of 20 l:ta Jittf aa95. attliER lrArrqii n!E-! lOR J!,ilrER sl. cERTrFrcATroN oF TNDE'ENDENT B" DrREcroR d\t{ld&$" l, ALBERTO C. AGRA, Filipino, of legal age and with restdence at #124ih Street, Saint lgnatius Village, Quezon City, after having been duly sworn to jn accordance with law, do hereby declare thati '1. 2. I am an independent director of Benguet Corporatron. I am affiliated with the following companies or organizations: Comoanv/Oroanlzalion Balatoc Gold Resources Coro. Benquetcoro Nickel I\,4ines. lnc. Forensc Law & Policy Strategies, lnc. or Forensic Soluiions Pos tion/Re aiionshi. lndeDendeni Director ndeoendent Director 20121o Dresenl Auo. 20101o oresent Columnlst' Companies/Business Sea'Chanoe. Business [,4]ffor Phillppine Ass. of Govi. Corporate Lavwers (PAGCLA\M Ex-Offcio Chairman Aieneo de llanlla Universily Professor of Laws Co ege [,4etropolilan WateMorks Sewerage Chief Regulalor, Offcer- n-Charge System (MWSS) Regulatory Offce Ex Officio Trustee, Board ofTrustees oflaw ofJ!sice Deoartment Apri 2009 io present Dec. 2008 to pfesent Nov. 1993 io Dresent (on ieave l"riemester AY 2010,2011) Sepi.2007 io June 2008 March 2007 to preseni IVar. 2010 lo June 2010 Office ofihe Solicitor General Office ofihe covemment Corporale CounselDepartmenl of Justice Associates in Rural Deveiop rnent, a USAID funded program on Acting Solicitor General & Statutory Counsel of lhe National Govt Government Corporaie Counsel Jan 2010 io June 2010 Mat.2OA7 Mat 2O1O Sialulory Counsel Consu lant 1997 Social DeveloomentWorker 1983-1985 Wo*ers College, Cefter for CommunilV Services 3. I possess all ihe qualifcations and none of the disqlaliflcations to serve as an lndependent Director of Benguet Corporation, as provided for in Rule 38 of the Seclrities Regulaton Code lshalfaithfuly and diligenUy comply with my duUes and responsib tities as lndependent dlrector under the Securties Regulation Code. I shall inform the Corporate Secretary of Benguet Corporation of any changes in lhe abovementioned informaton within five davs from its occurrence 4. 5. Done, ,t?iFz 502mlyakaii crty C. AGRA . Aff ant APR252013 - - trai bI Apri' 2013 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN ro before -rd't^id at ll,lakat afflant exhlbited to me h s Drivels License No. NO2-82-007417 expir ng on April 3 20 issued by the Land Transportation Office of East Avenue, Quezon City. no. No Paoe Book l, /[dJ 4? Nn Nn )-l ser es of AT1V ity, nd i/.4ir I 2i-iaf:.t54 r;.:r':1r.,- :: .:.: .,:::.r-?e Mali,\l,.,';, :i]:,i-r)irER sT.i
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