-\.lii: lirl Sangam World Centre Community Programme Amy Bush tJ Personal Details FullName Ge n0etI Preferred Name Natronalrty Do you have any olher nalionalitres/passporis? PassporUTravel Document Number Date of Bidh 1DD/MtM/yy) Age In Years Address Country of Residence Telephone No [4obi]e No Skype lD Email lMay we share your .$ .H $A. t' -tl conlact details wthin the WAGGGS netwo.k? yES/NO lf selected may we share your emailcontact wiih your fe ow partc pants? yES/NIO Ho"! d d you 't,to ou aboul t1s ooponu, tty? Photo Please attach a photo of yourself, so we can ger ro Know you better Term Dates 1 September - 24 Novenbet 2OjS lj Week programme ll se ected. do you want to be considered ior schotarsh p? Full Programme Fee Scholarship from Amy Bush Bursary s, b ) o \t Sangam ;r irrijr ai.jr:l www,sangamworldcenire.org 5,ri ;t i. ll if you answered yes above please ndicate wnat you w contfibute frnanciaIy to your an0 what your l\lember Organisatron (rf app rcable) wrll contnbute I nancrally to lhe expenence Please Note Wor/d Centres can receive up to 50+ apphcal ons for posrtions When fil ng olrt lh s apptcatron form p ease keep this in mind and ans!.rer rn one paragraph on y for each questron ldoo o,r'narer! I Selrpncec n rolail Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting Experrence Name of Gtrt Gu de/cirl Scoul association of which you are a member Present pos hon rn Girl cuiding/Gtrl Scouting Are you an aclrve rnember? yES/NO have you votunleered/worked in another World Gurde or Scout Centre? yES/NO li yes, please specify flave you stayed at or attended an evenUprogramme at a Word Cenke? Whal evenUprogramme? Have you vrs ted a Wortd cuide or Scout Centre (specify whtch centre and when)? g s, 8 A- \- o n s, t Whal is your understandrng ofthe mission and vision ofWAGGGSt Give a brief descnption of your Girl cu ding/Grrl Scoutlng Experience Other Relevant Experience Please give a brief descriptlon of your experience In the fotowing fretds International or Cross-Cultural Ex0erience Educatron/Tratntnq Recetved a, ct ( A:., , r-. r r, . - t1 a,:: Sangarn ., .,: :r:.. 11 '.r-.' wwwsangamwo.ldcentre.org i \.i ii,li Work/ Professional Exoerience Team Work Personal Statement Descflbe vourself as a person Descnbe vour leadership and social sktlls ramme? choice your placement 1 beinq vour first t,lr :l :E :{ r,\tJ $A- t' wj be based upon your tntere Working with chitdren Working with p Working with young people Health issues Environmentalissues Working wrth peopl who are Sustainability differently-abled (h -c Teaching general Working with men end Violence Teachrng English Againsl Women a Girls Crafts Siop the Violence Dance and Music Free Being Me Ca Women s empowerment Oiher Primary health care Other 2l Health care 3 b 3 ( as marKed : ll i j . r , ..t .,., , Sangam 4 \ irr , .,. r ':':r;rr;,nt:r Pr|]' .i'r .rr . : r.:t.; . rjj:.\u.J.j:..1: - , .., .r. www,san gamworldcentre.org '1 with [rental a disabilily) pargn 1\ ,') (v, Whal do vou lhtnk wti be tne To\l -hallenqtnq asoe.r rT lt s pro ws-!!q manaqe lhe challenoe? yp! What rs vour understandino of Communitv Leadersh 02 Police Record Check In your home country have you had a poljce records check? yES/NO ir yes, please supply evidence such as a certificate Answeflng no to this question wi/l not exclude you from being selected bul we I asK your International Commissioner to research and then srgn off the form References t\ { Please list two people that can be contacted as your referees One shoLrld be a Scouting person and one othef that is not your famiJy These people m 0e contacted to provjde a reference for you. Phone Number EmailAddress BA- t' 3 t 3 d iflGuiding/Gjrl Sangam ' _ Ar]]ii Ra.r,, Yeair,yrii., :' ,., i ': ti:r .) I :.ia)i r|6i ',: www'sangamwortdcentre_org .:. , honship to )lf)(,! l ;,:r!(i,illl International Commissioner Approval Thrs dppl,'alon tc an acc-rale representalton ol Who belongs to Name ofWAGGGS Menbar Otganisatian I have the reason to belreve the applicanl has rne necessary ctearance w country to work with children and young people I endorse them to repres our Member Organisation through this experience We agree to support them on their re rn !c spread rnternatronal fflendship and share therr World Centre Name of lntemationat Comnissioner .$ Telephone of lntemational Commissioner H BA. t' 3 b 3 ( Enail Address of htemational Comnisstonel Date Applicant's Signature This application is a trite and honest represenlation of myself and my experience Sangam World Centre may verify this information at their discretion. incl my referees for more information and consuliing my national cjrl Guiding organization. Applicant s Signature Please email this form to operations@sanqamwotldcentfe oro rr.i,.r' r-li i !.r (i.r..r4.".. Sangam r'- ] . r' ;, ,, 1 . -) , www.san gamwortdcentr€.org .: : l agree thal ng contacling irl Scouiing
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