THE STALLION EXPRESS - Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School

Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School
Friday, April 17, 2015
Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School educates and equips today’s youth in faith and
knowledge while guiding them to become Christian leaders.
Prayer Requests
Every week we pray for students, parents,
supporters, area schools, and congregations. If
you have a prayer requests, we would be happy
to include them in our prayer time.
• Please pray for the Prom and Post-Prom
planning committee members and students
for a fun and safe night.
• Please pray for all students taking the ACT
All FFA members are expected to attend in
correct FFA attire. Please let Mr. Kasten know
how many people from your family will be
attending 226-3315 or by
next Wednesday. Family, grandparents are
welcome to attend. Greenhand awards will be
given to first year AG students and chapter
awards will be given to second year students.
Installation of next year officers will also be
Cap Collecting
Scrip Order Due Tuesday, April 21
We have another Scrip Gift Card order due
on Tuesday, April 21st at 10am. Please be
sure to get your order turned in on time. We'd
hate for you to miss out. Call the office at 2263315 if you have any questions. Thanks for
your support!
Awards Night Friday, May 8
Awards Night for all sports, academics,
activities, including recognizing all seniors will
be on Friday, May 8, starting at 7:00 pm.
Financial Aid
All families applying for financial aid need to
turn in a new application each year. If you have
not done so already, please request a form from
the school office.
FFA Banquet
The FFA Banquet will be held on April 18,
2015 starting at 6 pm in the commons at COR.
Bottle Cap Collection will end May 1. If you
have a large load of bottle caps that you would
like to drop off at the school, please contact
Mrs. Heard so she can make arrangements
( to pick them up.
Thank you to all of our supporters who have
collected their bottle caps for this service
project. A final update will be provided after all
caps have been dropped off at Green Tree
Metal Collection
You can’t part with that old Allis-Chambers
manure spreader that’s parked, weed covered,
in the back forty because you may need some
of the parts one day. Same with that ’48 Ford
pickup half buried behind the barn; you’re
going to restore it, good as new. What part of
that AC manure spreader will work on any of
your new machinery? And what about that
John Deere combine that caught fire during the
’98 harvest and has been behind the barn since?
What if we told you the Lord could make better
use of your junk that you? Metal prices are
high and the Christ Our Rock Lutheran High
School Foundation is providing collecting
services to turn your trash into cash for the
furtherance of Christian education. Drag it in
or call us to drag it out.
Take your scrap to any salvage yard and either
have them send a check to Christ Our Rock
Foundation at the school address, 9545 Shattuc
Rd, or call us to schedule a pick up.
Coming Events:
Saturday, April 18
Monday, April 20
Tuesday, April 21
Wednesday, April 22
Thursday, April 23
Friday, April 24
FFA Banquet 6:00pm.
Track practice 3:30 to 5:00pm.
Softball Game against Ramsey HS 4:15pm.
Baseball Game against Brownstown HS 4:30pm.
Track Meet against Greenville – COED 4:00pm.
Baseball Game against Sandoval HS 4:15pm.
Softball Game against Webber HS 4:30pm.
Track practice 3:30 to 5:00pm.
Track practice 3:30 to 5:00pm.
Baseball Game at Metro East Lutheran HS 4:15pm.
Softball Game at Mulberry Grove HS 4:15pm.
Track practice 3:30 to 5:00pm.
Softball Game at Ramsey HS 4:15pm.