87th Kansas FFA Convention

87th Kansas FFA Convention
May 27–29, 2015
Kansas State University Campus
Manhattan, Kansas
Wednesday, May 27
KSU Alumni Center
Noon – 4 p.m.
Thursday, May 28
McCain Auditorium, Lobby
7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday, May 29
McCain Auditorium, Lobby
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Go All Out!
The 2015 State FFA Convention theme embodies what FFA members do best while in their blue jackets and
looking toward the future of agriculture. Kansas FFA members are the hard-working leaders of tomorrow. We
look forward to recognizing peers and celebrating accomplishments during our 87th Kansas FFA Convention.
Greetings from Taylor Green, State FFA President
Dear Convention Guest,
Throughout this past year over 8,800 FFA members in 176 chapters
have been known to do one powerful task — “Go All Out.” From
developing Supervised Agricultural Experiences to enhancing skills
in Career Development Events, members have shown a desire for
continual growth and improvement this year. We are excited to
recognize their achievements at the 87th Kansas FFA Convention,
where over 1,500 of these members will come together in celebration.
We would be obliged to have you in attendance at this event.
Therefore, I would like to extend this invitation to you.
Taylor Green
The mission of the National FFA Organization is to develop students’ potential for
premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Our
convention theme, Go All Out, represents how Kansas FFA members strive to continually
do their best in these areas. As the leaders of our future, each FFA members grows through
hands-on experience, service, passion, and excellence. We are excited to recognize their
accomplishments and instill in them an enthusiasm to keep achieving their goals.
Proud to support Kansas FFA
The 87th Kansas FFA Convention will be held from Wednesday, May 27th through
Friday, May 29th. It will take place in McCain Auditorium on the Kansas State University
campus. Our convention schedule is filled with sessions that provide inspiring messages
from speakers as well as recognition of accomplishments from our agricultural education
students, including proficiency awards, career development events, and many more. We
hope you will join us in celebrating the growth and achievements of Kansas FFA members
this year. We would be honored and grateful for your attendance at the 87th Kansas FFA
Convention. Get ready to Go All Out!
Taylor Green
2015 Convention Schedule
Special Speaker – Ruth Ann Myers, Eastern
Region National FFA Vice President
Wednesday, May 27
State Proficiency Award Winners – Agricultural
Education through Equine Science, Placement
11:45 a.m.Fourteenth Annual Kansas FFA Career Show,
KSU Alumni Center
7 p.m.
OPENING SESSION, McCain Auditorium
National Chapter Awards – Student
Recognition of Chapters Participating in the 2015
National Land, Homesite, and Range Events
Parliamentary Procedure Awards
Recognition of Kansas Chapters to Participate in
2015 National FFA Career Development Events
Presentation of Stihl Outdoor Power/Crader
Nursery Scholarships
Recognition of Career Development Events
Sweepstakes Winners
Kick-Off Speaker – Patty Hendrickson
Thursday, May 28
8:30 a.m.
SECOND SESSION, McCain Auditorium
National Chapter Awards – Community
2014 American FFA Degrees
Leadership Information Recognition
KAAE Essay Awards
2 p.m.
THIRD SESSION, McCain Auditorium
State Proficiency Award Winners – Fiber &/Oil
Crop Production through and including Wildlife
Scrapbook Awards
Job Interview Recognition
Recognition of Schools and Advisors of State
Special Remarks from Collin Klein
7 a.m.Foundation Annual Meeting, Bluemont Hotel
7:30 a.m.
Convention Business Session, McCain Auditorium
9 a.m.
FIFTH SESSION, McCain Auditorium
AgriScience Student Recognition
Remarks from Kansas Senator Garrett Love
Recognition of State FFA Degrees
Election of the 2015–16 State FFA Officers
John Deere Gator Drawing
11:30 a.m.State Band & Chorus Recognition,
K-State Student Union
2 p.m.
SIXTH SESSION, McCain Auditorium
4:30 p.m.
Stars over Kansas Pageant
5:30 p.m.Kansas FFA Foundation Ice Cream Social & B104.7
Live Remote, McCain Lawn (first 500 served)
Presentation of Triple Crown Awards
Recognition of Past State FFA Officers
6:30 p.m.State Convention Band Concert, McCain
Installation of 2015–16 State FFA Officers
Greetings from new State President
Meet the Candidate Session
6:45 p.m.
John Deere Gator Finalist Drawing
7 p.m.
Fourth Session, McCain Auditorium
Conferring of Honorary State Degrees and VIPs
National Chapter Awards – Chapter Development
Keynote Speaker – Grant Baldwin
Career Development Event
Dessert Social Recognition Event
Career Development Events (CDEs) help students develop the
abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform
effectively in a competitive job market.
Team members and chapter advisors of all first place state winning
CDE teams at the KSU State CDEs; top four Parliamentary Procedure
teams (senior–novice); top four Creed, Prepared/Extemporaneous
Speaking, and Job Interview finalists; national qualifying Land Judging
teams; and the top two teams in Quiz Bowl will be recognized on
Wednesday, May 27 at 5:30 p.m. in the Tadtman Board room, KSU
Alumni Center. Kansas FFA Career Development Event coordinators
and foundation sponsors will also be recognized.
Proficiency Award Luncheon
Proficiency award sponsors, winners, parents, and advisors are invited
to a luncheon on Thursday, May 28 at 12 p.m. in the KSU Alumni
Center. The agricultural proficiency award program recognizes
excellence in supervised agricultural experience (SAE) programs.
The program rewards FFA members at the local, district, state and
national levels for exceptional accomplishments in progressing toward
specific career objectives in agriculture.
“Stars Over Kansas” Luncheon
Friday, May 29
The Stars Over Kansas sponsors, district star award winners, parents,
and advisors are invited to a luncheon on Friday, May 29 at 12 p.m. in
the KSU Alumni Center. The Stars program recognizes exceptional
achievements among Kansas members receiving the State FFA
Degree, the highest degree of membership that can be awarded by
the state association. Each district selects an nominates their most
outstanding candidates in the areas of Star Farmer, Star in Ag
Placement and Star in Agribusiness.
5:30 p.m.Blue & Gold Celebration, Tointon Great Room –
KSU Alumni Center
Blue and Gold Reception
On behalf of the Kansas FFA Association and Foundation, all
sponsors, past and newly elected state officers, state stars, triple crown
chapters, advisors, and parents are cordially invited to attend the 8th
annual Kansas FFA Blue and Gold Celebration on Friday, May 29,
5:30 p.m. at the Tointon Great Room, KSU Alumni Center (main
floor). RSVP by emailing ksffa.register@gmail.com
1 – Alumni Center
2 – Student Union
Any vehicle parking on K-State campus must have a pass. Parking
passes can be obtained at the Parking Services office inside the
parking garage off of 17th Street for a small daily fee. Park in the
West Stadium lot or in lots A2 or A1, east of McCain. Visitors may also
park in the parking garage by the Union, and simply pay the hourly/
daily rate to the garage on site. Please call Parking Services with any
questions. 785-532-PARK(7275)