DAILY BULLETIN OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL February 23, 2015 116-52 1. Feb. 21-28 National FFA Week 2. Feb. 23 FFA Greenhand Degree Ceremony @ 6:30 AG Building 3. Feb. 24 Bulldog Pride Breakfast @ 7:30 4. Feb. 25 Government EOC 7th & 8th periods 5. Feb. 27 Spring Pictures 6. Feb. 27 FFA Pancake Breakfast Everyone Welcome 7. March 1 FFA Soup Luncheon @ 11 in AG building Everyone Welcome 8. March 4 Bond Issue Community Meeting @ 6:00 in HS Commons 9. March 6 Live Volleyball/Clue 7-12 Grades @ 6:30 @ HS 10. March 6 FFA CDE @ Brunswick WHAT’S HAPPENING ON MRS. FLESHMAN’S BOARD: Missouri State High Patrol Troop B Student Alliance Program . Juniors and Seniors interested in learning about the Highway Patrol may fill out an application found in the guidance office. Taking part in this program will enhance your knowledge of the patrol and have the potential to help you begin a career with the Highway Patrol. The program will take place on Saturday, March 14th and Saturday, March 21st from 9:30 am - 4:00 pm. MU Engineering Dept events listed below, see guidance website for more information. May 2nd Mother & Daughter Engineering Day April 18th High School Day July 12-17th Engineering Summer Camp — Week 1 July 19-24th Engineering Summer Camp — Week 2 Free ACT Prep classes offered on Truman's campus the Saturdays before the ACT. You are allowed to attend even if you aren't signed up to take the ACT. Please let Mrs. Fleshman know if you are interested in attending so that she can e-mail a list of attendees to the program. Available dates are April 11th. MESA (Medical Exploration in Science and Anatomy) Spring Dissection Events: March 12, 4:30-7:00 - "Bite Me" - Dissect mink head and neck, learn numbing techniques used in dental procedures, and perform dental extractions from a cow jaw. RSVP required at nemoahec.org or 660-665-6404. FFA WEEK Feb. 22-March 1 Monday: Greenhand Appreciation Day: Congratulations to all Greenhands on all your hard work Tuesday: Teacher Appreciation Day: Potato Bar & Chili for lunch Wednesday: Wear your Official Dress: Those wearing Official dress gets lunch in Mrs. R’s room Thursday: Donut Day Donuts in Mrs. R’s room Everyone 7-12 grades come enjoy a donut Friday: FFA Shirt Day Breakfast in AG Building 6-8 Wear your FFA T Shirt Everyone Welcome Sunday, March 1 Soup Luncheon 11-1:30 in AG Building Everyone Welcome TRACK: Anyone interested in participating in high school track needs to sign up with Coach Fleshman. First practice will be March 2nd and all athletes are required to have a physical to participate. LUNCH MENU Monday: Grilled Chicken Wrap, Beans w/cheese, Pears, Carrots w/ranch Tuesday: Hot Dog, Fries, Mixed Vegetables, Pineapple SPORTS ACTION HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Feb. 21-28 BB Districts @ MACC @ Moberly Feb. 25 Girls vs. North Shelby @ 6:30 Bus leaves @ 4:30 March 3 BB Sectionals TBA March 7 BB Quarterfinals TBA March 12-14 State BB @ Mizzou Arena @ Columbia TBA BASEBALL March 14 BA @ Boonville Jamboree TBA
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