Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. This announcement appears for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for any securities. 中國全通(控股)有限公司 China All Access (Holdings) Limited (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 633) ISSUE OF SHARES UNDER SPECIFIC MANDATE PURSUANT TO THE INITIAL NOTES SUBSCRIBED BY ASIA EQUITY VALUE LTD Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Initial Notes, the Company allotted and issued in aggregate 5,772,444 Shares to AEV (as holder of the Initial Notes) on 27 March 2015 to repay in aggregate HK$14,257,937.5 (comprising repayment of Quarterly Installment of HK$10,000,000 and Interests of HK$4,257,937.5) due under the Initial Notes. Reference is made to the circular of China All Access (Holdings) Limited (the “Company”) dated 2 February 2015 (the “Circular”) and the Company’s announcement dated 18 February 2015 in relation to, among other matters, the Specific Mandate sought from the Shareholders for the allotment and issue of Shares, at the option of the Company, to repay Interest and/or Quarterly Installment due under the Initial Notes pursuant to the terms and conditions thereof. Terms used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Circular unless the context requires otherwise. ISSUE OF REPAYMENT SHARES AND INTEREST SHARES Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Initial Notes, AEV (as holder of the Initial Notes) elected to defer part of the Quarterly Installment due on 27 March 2015 in the aggregate amount of HK$44,590,000 to the next succeeding payment date (that is, 27 June 2015) and the Company elected to repay in aggregate HK$14,257,937.5 (comprising repayment of Quarterly Installment of HK$10,000,000 and Interests of — 1 — HK$4,257,937.5) due on 27 March 2015 under the Initial Notes in Repayment Shares and Interest Shares. The conditions precedent to the issue of such Shares have been fulfilled and a total of 5,772,444 Shares (comprising 4,048,583 Repayment Shares and 1,723,861 Interest Shares) were allotted and issued to AEV (as holder of the Initial Notes) on 27 March 2015, subject to the amortization mechanisms as set out on pages 12 and 21 of the Circular, pursuant to the Specific Mandate. The Board considers that the Company’s election to repay Quarterly Installment and Interests in Shares under the terms and conditions of the Initial Notes allows the Company to reduce its debt and increase its equity base, resulting in lower debt to equity ratio. Number of Shares Issued The aggregate of 5,772,444 Shares (which are fully-paid ordinary Shares upon issue), having an aggregate nominal value of HK$57,724.44, represent approximately 0.34% of the issued share capital of the Company immediately before and after the allotment and issue of such Shares. Issue Price per Share The issue price for such Shares was HK$2.47 per Share (the “Issue Price”), which was determined based on the calculation mechanisms as set out on pages 11 and 21 of the Circular (that is, 92% of the arithmetic average of the five lowest VWAP in respect of one Share from 26 February 2015 to 25 March 2015 (both days inclusive)). The Issue Price represents: (i) a discount of about 14.83% to the closing price of HK$2.90 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange on 26 March 2015; (ii) a discount of about 13.88% to the average closing price of about HK$2.868 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the five consecutive trading days from 20 March 2015 to 26 March 2015 (both days inclusive); and (iii) a discount of about 11.72% to the average closing price of about HK$2.798 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the ten consecutive trading days from 13 March 2015 to 26 March 2015 (both days inclusive). — 2 — Rights and Ranking of the Shares Issued The Repayment Shares and Interest Shares rank pari passu with, and carry the same rights in all respects as, the Shares in issue on the date of issue of such Interest Shares and Repayment Shares. GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE GROUP The Company is an investment holding company. The activities of its principal operating subsidiaries include provision of integrated information communication application solutions and services, and research and development and production of a wide spectrum of products and parts in the supply chain of various types of mobile terminals. GENERAL INFORMATION ON AEV To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiry, (i) AEV is a limited liability company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and is principally engaged in investment activities; and (ii) AEV is not a connected person (as defined in the Listing Rules) of the Company. — 3 — SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY Set out below is the shareholding structure of the Company immediately before and after the allotment and issue of in aggregate 5,772,444 Shares to AEV on 27 March 2015: Immediately before the Immediately after the allotment and issue of allotment and issue of 5,772,444 Shares on 27 5,772,444 Shares on 27 March 2015 March 2015 (Note 8) No. of Shares % No. of Shares % Connected persons and substantial shareholders Mr. Chan Yuen Ming and Creative Sector Limited (Note 1) Mr. Xiu Zhi Bao and his controlled corporations (Note 2) ZTE (H.K.) Limited (Notes 3 and 4) Sub-total: 547,996,000 32.65 547,996,000 32.54 186,577,469 11.12 186,577,469 11.08 139,543,493 874,116,962 8.32 52.09 139,543,493 874,116,962 8.29 51.91 Public Chance Talent Management Limited (Notes 5 and 6 ) AEV (Note 7) Other public shareholders 18,226,000 7,658,787 778,153,167 1.09 0.46 46.37 18,226,000 13,431,231 778,153,167 1.08 0.80 46.21 Sub-total: 804,037,954 47.91 804,037,954 48.09 1,678,154,916 100.00 1,683,927,360 100.00 Total: Notes: (1) Mr. Chan Yuen Ming, an executive Director, is deemed to be interested in all the Shares in which Creative Sector Limited (the entire issued share capital of which is wholly-owned by him) is interested by virtue of the SFO. (2) Mr. Xiu Zhi Bao, an executive Director, is deemed to be interested in all the Shares in which Novel Ray Investments Limited and Abundant Plus Investments Limited (the entire issued share capital of both of which are wholly-owned by him) are interested by virtue of the SFO. — 4 — (3) As at the date of this announcement, ZTE (H.K.) Limited is interested in convertible bonds in the principal amount of HK$350,000,000 which may be converted into up to 109,375,000 Shares at the initial conversion price of HK$3.20 per Share (subject to adjustment). No conversion has been made as of the date of this announcement. (4) ZTE Corporation is deemed to be interested in all the Shares in which ZTE (H.K.) Limited, its wholly-owned subsidiary, is interested by virtue of the SFO. As at the date of this announcement, ZTE (H.K.) Limited is a connected person of the Company at the subsidiary level as ZTE Corporation and its controlling shareholder(s) hold more than 10% equity interest in certain subsidiaries of the Company. (5) Central Huijin Investment Ltd. holds approximately 57.26% equity interest in China Construction Bank Corporation, which in turn holds directly or indirectly the entire issued share capital in the direct and indirect holding companies of each of Chance Talent Management Limited and Prosper Talent Limited, namely CCB International Group Holdings Limited, CCB Financial Holdings Limited, CCB International (Holdings) Limited and CCBI Investments Limited (collectively, the “CCB Subsidiaries”). Therefore, each of Central Huijin Investment Ltd., China Construction Bank Corporation and the CCB Subsidiaries is deemed to be interested in all the Shares in which Chance Talent Management Limited and Prosper Talent Limited are interested by virtue of the SFO. (6) As at the date of this announcement, Chance Talent Management Limited is interested in convertible notes in the principal amount of HK$200,000,000 which may be converted into up to 70,200,070 Shares at the adjusted conversion price of HK$2.849 per Share (subject to further adjustment). No conversion has been made as of the date of this announcement. (7) As at the date of this announcement, AEV is interested in the Initial Notes (with a total outstanding principal amount of HK$217,090,000 as at the date of this announcement) and has a right to subscribe for the Additional Notes on or before 15 July 2015. No conversion has been made by AEV under the Initial Notes as of the date of this announcement. Please refer to the Circular for further information regarding the Initial Notes and the Additional Notes. (8) The information shown is based on the disclosure of interest of the relevant shareholders (as the case may be) under Part XV of the SFO up to the date of this announcement. — 5 — FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS Save as mentioned below, the Company had not conducted any equity fund raising activities in the past 12 months from the date of this announcement. Intended use of net proceeds as announced Date of announcement Fund raising activitiy 14 April 2014 Top-up placing of 120,000,000 Shares at HK$3.20 per Share pursuant to the 2013 General Mandate Estimated net proceeds of approximately HK$373 million as funding for business development purpose — 6 — Actual use of net proceeds as of the date of this announcement Fully utilized as to (i) RMB204 million (equivalent to approximately HK$261 million) for settling the final instalment of the consideration for acquisition of 51% equity interests of Shenzhen City Changfei Investment Company Limited (深圳市長飛投資有 限公司) and (ii) approximately HK$112 million as prepayment for procurements by the Group for the provision of wireless data communications application solutions and services. Intended use of net proceeds as announced Actual use of net proceeds as of the date of this announcement Date of announcement Fund raising activitiy 23, 24 and 27 June 2014 Issue of the Initial Notes in the total principal amount of HK$230,000,000 due 2016 by the Company for subcription by AEV pursuant to the 2013 General Mandate Estimated net proceeds of approximately HK$229 million to repay part of the existing convertible notes issued by the Company and for business development purpose Fully utilized in financing procurements by the Group for the provision of communication solutions and services by the Group to its customers outside Mainland China for the purpose of developing the overseas market 21 November 2014 and 3 December 2014 Placing of 133,332,000 Shares at HK$3.00 per Share pursuant to the general mandate granted to the Directors at the annual general meeting of the Company held on 27 June 2014 Estimated net proceeds of approximately HK$391 million as funding for repayment of borrowings and/or debt securities and for business development purpose Fully utilized as to (i) approximately 39% (approximately HK$152 million) as pledged bank deposit for securing banking facilities in the PRC; (ii) approximately 18% (approximately HK$70 million) as additional paid up capital of a wholly-owned subsidiary in the PRC; and (iii) the balance (approximately HK$169 million) as general working capital of the Group — 7 — Intended use of net proceeds as announced Date of announcement Fund raising activitiy 23 December 2014 and 26 February 2015 Issue of the convertible bonds in the total principal amount of HK$350,000,000 due 2017 by the Company for subcription by ZTE (H.K.) Limited pursuant to the specific mandate granted to the Directors at the extraordinary general meeting held on 5 February 2015 Estimated net proceeds of approximately HK$349 million to repay outstanding borrowings and/or debt securities and for business development purposes. Actual use of net proceeds as of the date of this announcement Utilized as to (i) about HK$102.5 million for redemption (including payment for outstanding principal and interest) of the HK$100 million 10% guaranteed notes issued by the company upon maturity in February 2015; and (ii) about HK$121.5 million for repayment of revolving credit facilities utilized by the Group. By order of the Board China All Access (Holdings) Limited Shao Kwok Keung Chief Executive Officer Hong Kong, 27 March 2015 As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors are Mr. Chan Yuen Ming, Mr. Shao Kwok Keung and Mr. Xiu Zhi Bao; the non-executive Director is Mr. Xu Qiang; and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Pun Yan Chak, Mr. Wong Che Man Eddy and Mr. Lam Kin Hung Patrick. — 8 —
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