May 10, 2015 - Corpus Christi Parish

Week of May 10, 2015
Sixth Sunday of Easter
The Pastor’s Musings
Dear Family in the Lord,
As we honor our mothers this weekend, certainly our hearts are also filled with gratitude
for the gift the Lord Jesus gave us from the cross, the gift of His Mother to be the Mother of us
all. Tremendous graces are outpoured when we place ourselves in the care of our heavenly
mother, entrusting ourselves to her, seeking her intercession and asking her to bring us ever
closer to her Divine Son. Just as our earthly mothers teach us by their example, not simply by
their words, so we who look to Mary can learn much about trusting faith (Annunciation),
carrying Jesus within to others (Visitation), holding up Jesus for others to see (Nativity),
standing in solidarity with those who suffer (Mary at the cross), and we can echo in our hearts
her words, as we often can clearly remember important details of life our mothers taught us
through simple phrases, as we hear her say at the wedding feast of Cana, “Do whatever He
tells you."
Traditionally, the Church invites us to honor our Lady in a special way during the month
of May. We can pray to her more fervently, make reparation for our neglect or the tendency to
“take Mom for granted.” We entrust ourselves to her, ask her to unite her prayers with ours
and, in meditation on the mysteries of the Rosary and the events narrated in Sacred Scripture
concerning her, we “page through the photo album in our mind” to be reminded of her
example, nearness, beauty, and loving care. Many of us can remember “May altars” set up in
our classrooms at school and in our homes. These became daily ways to think of Mary, turn to
her, and pay closer attention to her example. In many instances, they are focal points to gather
as a family or individually to pray with her. It's not too late! In your home? A decade a day is
a great way to rediscover the Rosary. Pondering the mysteries one by one is a great way to
rediscover the Rosary as a meditative and contemplative prayer, rather than rote prayer in
rapid fire. Perhaps a visit to the church for prayer before Jesus in the tabernacle can include a
“side stop” to Mary's altar in our church for a little one-on-one with her. Make May minipilgri-mages part of your day this month! You’ll be surprised by what she gives you in return
and how your heart will expand to love her Jesus as she does!
This week I invite you to join us for the Fatima triduum as a way to set some time aside
to honor our Blessed Mother, deepen your understanding and appreciation of the mysteries of
the Rosary and your ability to link these mysteries with your life for a more reflection praying
of this important prayer. I will offer teachings on the mysteries each night at homily time in
the context of Holy Mass at 7:00 PM, and then we will pray a reflective “scriptural Rosary”
that intersperses scripture passages with the prayers to help focus more intently on the
mysteries. Consider coming to our Immaculate Conception Church nightly this week, Monday
through Wednesday. The last night celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima,
commemorating the visit of our Holy Mother early in the previous century, when she taught us
the value of the Rosary and doing penance for the salvation of souls. Later in the month, on
the last Thursday (May 28) we will gather for Rosary and Benediction at our St. Catherine
Church then process outside to the Mary Garden next to Nazareth House for our May
Crowning. Plan to join us in this traditional act of love for our Mother and Heavenly Queen.
Finally, this Thursday we mark the 40th day of Easter, and commemorate the Lord's
ascension into heaven. He took His disciples to wait and pray for the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit that would come upon them, enabling them to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.
In the Acts of the Apostles, we read how they were locked in fear, and locked in, literally, in
the upper room, gathered in prayer. The Acts tells us that “with them was Mary, the Mother of
Jesus.” So, for nine days after His return to the Father until the day of Pentecost brought the
Spirit with tongues of fire and mighty wind, they were praying in union with Mary. This was
the original “novena.” Many of us are familiar with a novena – the word means “nine” and is
a nine day period of prayer offered in thanks or for a particular intention, often times leading
up to an important event or great feast.
Well, this was the original novena! I urge you to join me in making a novena in preparation for Pentecost. I will pray the Rosary each day from this Friday (May 15) through
Saturday (May 23). In doing so, I am seeking to pray in union with Mary as the apostles did
and ask her to pray with me that I can open up my life with ever greater trust, that I can
activate the gifts of the Holy Spirit poured out in me at my Confirmation, and the anointing of
my Ordination, by being more receptive and giving the Holy Spirit greater freedom to work in
my soul. A great way to honor Mary's month and prepare for the great culmination of the
Easter season, the Solemnity of Pentecost! This greater receptivity to the working of the Holy
Spirit can affect us all, individually and as a parish family, long beyond the feast, if we truly
open ourselves. What about praying for those discerning vocations too during these days?
Will you join me? Activate what you have received in Confirmation, unwrap the gifts of the
Holy Spirit that were sealed in you. During the days of the novena, I personally am grateful
for the gift of my Confirmation (May 16th) and my Ordination to the Priesthood (May 18th).
Remember, as St. Louis deMontfort taught in “True Devotion to Mary” and as St. John
Paul II often underscored, if God chose to come to us through Mary, why shouldn’t we realize
we can go to Jesus through Mary? She adds to our efforts to adore, to be receptive and open,
she unites her prayers and praises to ours, and as she did in her life ,she helps us to be able to
“magnify the Lord” making Him more visible to those around us in our time and place!
With you on the journey,
The Week at a Glance
Monday, May 11
Fatima Triduum Mass – 7:00 PM (IC C)
Baptism Prep Class – 6:30 PM (EDPC LL)
Tuesday, May 12
Bible Study (in Spanish) – 5:00 PM (EDPC LL)
Marie Rivier Associates Mtg – 6:30 PM (SPS)
Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98
Fatima Triduum Mass – 7:00 PM (IC C)
Wednesday, May 13
Prayer Cenacle – 2:00 PM (SC C)
Marie Rivier Associates Mtg – 6:00 PM (SPS)
K of C Ladies’ Aux Meeting – 6:00 PM (SJ H)
K of C Mtg – 7:00 PM (IC H)
Fatima Triduum Mass – 7:00 PM (IC C)
Thursday, May 14
Ascension Thursday Masses
8:00AM (SC)
12:10 PM (IC)
7:00 PM (IC)
Exposition/Adoration – 8:30AM-6:30PM (SC)
Prayer Shawl Ministry Mtg – 2 PM (SJ H)
Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98
Contemporary Choir Rehearsal – 7 PM (SO)
Friday, May 15
Breakfast Group – 8:30 AM (SC H)
Wedding Rehearsal – 5:00 PM (IC C)
Italian Class – 7:00 PM (EDPC LL)
Saturday, May 16
Wedding Liturgy – Noon (IC C)
Rosary – 3:30 PM (IC C)
Sunday, May 17
Televised Parish Mass – 10 AM, Channel 98
RCIA – Noon (SPS Library)
Choir Practice Spanish Mass – 1:30 PM (SC)
Spanish Mass – 2:00 PM (SC C)
HSYM C1 & C2 – 5:30-6:30PM (YR SPS)
Traveling Vocation Icon
This week, Ann & Denis Hebert
will receive the Icon of Jesus
Knocking at the Door into their
home and intercede in a special way
for Shannon and all in formation, for
those discerning, and for many
vocations to rise up from our
20/20 WINNER$
$25 Winners ~ Week 12
# 237
# 33
Annie Osborn
Rick Wojnar
May 10, 2015
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
Intentions For Holy Mass
MAY 11 Easter Feria (weekday)
8:00AM SC Sr. Bernadette Whitney,
by the Maloney Family
7:00PM IC Intentions of Joe Gionet,
by Paul & Joan Strait
MAY 12 St. Nereus and St. Achilleus
St. Pancras
8:00AM SC Jessica Stewart,
by Theresa & Walter Kowalczyk
7:00PM IC Intentions of Rosa Kim,
& Peter and John Hong, by Maria Hong
Wednesday MAY 13 Our Lady of Fatima
8:00AM SC Jessica Stewart,
by Graham & RoseMary Kent
7:00PM IC Angel Aseoche, by his Family
MAY 14 The Ascension of the Lord
8:00AM SC Robert Ornellas, by his Wife
12:10PM IC Irenee Lebel, by Frances Noonan
7:00PM IC Pro Populo (For our Parish Family)
MAY 15 St. Isidore
8:00AM SC Deceased members of the Ricci & Addorio
Families, by the Family
MAY 16 Easter Feria
8:00AM SC Eileen Rais, by her husband Bob
7th Sunday of Easter
4:00PM IC Joseph LaRoche, by his wife Lorraine
MAY 17 7th Sunday of Easter
8:30AM IC Kevin McHenka, by Marilyn & Mary Kay
10:30AM IC Deceased members of the K of C Ladies’
Auxiliary, by the Auxiliary
Celebrant’s Intention
2:00PM SC in Spanish
4:30PM IC Pro Populo (For our Parish Family)
This Monday through Wednesday, May 11th,
12th, and 13th
Holy Mass at 7:00 PM followed by praying
the Scriptural Rosary
Teaching on the mysteries each night at Mass
At Fatima, our Lady spoke of the devotion of the five
First Saturdays of the month. Praying the Rosary and
reflecting on the mysteries for 15 minutes were part of
this devotion, along with Holy Mass and communion.
Many have remarked that they would love to enter the
mysteries more deeply and be able to connect them to
their daily life. We are offering this Fatima Triduum to
help deepen the appreciation of the mysteries of the Holy
Rosary. Join us! Tell others! We will gather nightly and
will culminate with the celebration of the Feast day of our
Lady of Fatima on May 13th. (Nightly services at our
Immaculate Conception Church.)
To schedule Mass intentions, please call Marilyn Chavez at
the St. Catherine office, 436-0344.
Morning Prayer
All are invited to join the community gathered before the daily
Mass, Monday through Saturday, as they pray Lauds
(Morning Prayer) from the Liturgy of the Hours at 7:40 AM at
our St. Catherine Church.
This Thursday, May 14th, the fortieth day after Easter, is
the Solemnity of the Ascension of our Lord, a holy day of
obligation. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM at
St. Catherine Church, and at 12:10 and 7:00 PM at Immaculate Conception Church. (Note that due to evening
Mass, there will not be Evening Prayer and Benediction to
conclude our adoration day this week.)
Our Reflection
Of God’s Generosity To Us!
Weekend of May 2/3, 2015
$ 11,351.00
$ 1,909.00
$ 13,260.00
Last weekend envelope/EFT users
contributed 86% of our income.
Poor Box Donations
Sanctuary Lamps
At Immaculate Conception Church, the
sanctuary lamp will burn this week in memory of
Gail Newton Duffy, as requested by the Edward
Brulotte Family.
May 10, 2015
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
Parish News
NEW! Happy Mother’s Day!
To all our Moms, we extend our best wishes for this day
and pray the Lord, through the intercession of our Blessed
Mother, shed abundant graces and blessings upon you. We
remember and commend to the gentle embrace of the Lord all
our mothers who have gone before us in death as well. The
names of all who were enrolled in our Spiritual Bouquet of
Masses are being carried to the altar at the offertory
procession of each Mass this week for prayerful remembrance
and then will remain on our Lady’s altar for the remainder of
this month.
NEW! Young Adult Ministry
We are off to a great start with some good ideas and great
hopes for what this newly-developing ministry can bring to
our parish for those ages 18 to 30 something! Twenty-two
gathered for dinner and idea swap last Sunday. Others, unable
to make it last week, have expressed interest in plugging in as
well. Watch for more!
NEW! Maintenance to Mission
Our committee’s work is well underway in determining
capital expenses and addressing situations of deferred maintenance in all buildings of our parish. We are doing a ten-year
projection with the consultation of experts to be able to have
an accurate picture as we then plan for the best use of facilities
matched to our needs. This work is vital, as you can imagine,
if we are to be good stewards and plan responsibly for our
parish, its mission, and its financial stability. We will share
some preliminary findings in the near future and then provide
opportunities to come together to explore the information. In
the near future, we plan to discuss various aspects/options
with the planning office of the diocese to get their ideas and
input as we move forward in the process. The parish owes a
debt of gratitude for the care, diligence, and hard work of the
members of this committee! More to come!
NEW! Moms Group
Calling all Moms, Grandmoms, and beyond! Join us on
Tuesday mornings from 9 to 11 AM at St. Catherine Church
Hall! We are beginning a new mini-Bible study by Stacy
Mitch called “Courageous Love.” Please contact Brittany
Molda for info:
NEW! Anointing of the Sick
As we observe these Easter days of healing, wholeness,
and new life, we are planning to offer an opportunity for those
who may be struggling with major health issues or chronic
illness to approach the comforting and healing touch of the
Lord in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
This sacrament is not reserved to those on death’s door,
nor is it given simply as a blessing. The sacramental grace can
be of great benefit to those who struggle with chronic illness,
those battling major diseases, those increasingly weakened
and challenged by age, and those suffering the debilitating
effects of mental illness as well. You? Someone you know
and could invite? (If you have further questions regarding
this, please feel free to speak with Father Gary or Carol, our
Pastoral Minister.) Those who will be facing serious surgery
are likewise invited to be anointed. The anointing will be
imparted following each Mass next weekend, May 16/17.
The homily on that day will dispel many of the false ideas
that are often out there that keep people from asking for the
graces of this great sacrament, or that cause situations where
fear keeps people from asking for the anointing, for themselves or for a loved one, until death is imminent, and, oftentimes, by the time we are able to get to them it is too late. We
hope you’ll find the homily that weekend enlightening and
that you can get the word out to those you know too!
NEW! Pot O’ Gold Raffle!
Saint Patrick School is having a gift card raffle! We are
filling a big bowl ("Pot O' Gold") with gift cards from all
kinds of places, with a winner-take-all raffle on the last day of
school, June 11th. Tickets are only $10.00 each and will be
sold until the drawing! The winner will take home over a
hundred gift cards! Visit the Saint Patrick School main office
to buy your ticket today!
NEW! K of C Ladies’ Auxiliary
The Knights of Columbus Ladies’ Auxiliary will meet on
Wednesday, May 13th, at 6:00 PM in the St. James Hall.
Brynn Chute will be speaking to us about the Portsmouth
Senior Center. Light refreshments will be served. All Catholic women are welcome to attend. For information, please call
NEW! Recently Baptized
We warmly welcome Gavin Gamester, who was given
new life through water and the Holy Spirit in our parish
community! To his parents and godparents we extend our
congratulations and prayerful support as they live out the
commitment they made to be “the first teachers of these
children in the ways of faith.” In the words of the rite, “may
they be the best of teachers, bearing witness to the faith in
what they say and do.”
NEW! Casino Trip
Corpus Christi Parish will be sponsoring a bus trip to
Foxwood Casino in Connecticut on Friday, June 26th. To sign
up, call Marilyn Chavez at 436-0344. The cost is just $35.00
per person and includes a surprise package when you arrive.
Call soon to reserve a spot!
Parish Scholarships
NEW! Baptism Preparation Class
Parents preparing to have their child baptized must attend
a special class, which is held monthly at the Eileen Daly
Pastoral Center. The next scheduled class will be held on
Monday, May 11, at 6:30 PM. Please call first to register at
603-436-4555, X 24.
Each year, Corpus Christi parish offers a number of partial scholarships to students who will be/are attending college
for undergraduate studies. Father David Alexander Sullivan
Scholarships are available to members of Corpus Christi
Parish who have attended area high schools. The application
deadline is May 15. Applications are available from the
parish office or on our website:
May 10, 2015
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
NEW! Catholic Charities Appeal
Throughout our state, the compassionate care of Christ
and His Church continues day in and day out. To many, it
may all go unnoticed, but, to those who find themselves in
need, the services offered provide a tangible sign of care and a
great source of support and comfort.
Here in our Seacoast area, the local Catholic Charities
efforts are directed out of the satellite office in Rochester, with
counseling offered in office space at our Nazareth House, the
former St. Catherine rectory. In addition to counseling services, NH Catholic Charities operates the NH Food Bank and
offers a variety of parish and community services, as well as
outreach to young parents in crisis through Our Place. The
elderly receive wonderful loving care in a number of nursing
homes operated by NHCC as well. A portion of what is collected in each parish is available for use locally through
outreach efforts, in our case, Portsmouth Catholic SHARE.
The annual appeal to support these ongoing efforts is now
underway! You’ll find envelopes and informative brochures
with more details at the church entrances. Please prayerfully
consider your investment in supporting this vital work! Our
parish has historically been most generous in support. After
you consider what you can do, in a pledge or one-time gift,
please return the envelope in our collection or mail it directly
to the NH Catholic Charities office in Manchester. Thanks in
advance for your consideration of this vital need!
NEW! Stewardship Corner
Standing hopeful for the blossoming of Spring, we
certainly are happy to have this tough winter behind us!
We are reminded of it as we put together a number of
repair projects that will need to be undertaken as a result
of the harsh conditions. On the financial front, the
number of hard-hit weekends, especially with many of the
storms being coastal in origin, is obvious in that the
offertory took a hit a number of times. We are so grateful
to all who turned in offerings from weekends they were
unable to get out, however, there is still a shortfall since
some have not had the chance to do that yet. If you could
help us with any back offerings from this time, it would
help greatly, as we are moving toward the June 30th
ending of the fiscal year. Thanks for your understanding!
In addition to the “income” impact, on the
“expenses” side, the effects of this harsh winter can be
seen in these areas, among others:
∗ Snow removal from the three properties and
ice melt, etc.: $16,551.28 (We saved close
to $6000.00 by only partial plowing of the
lot at St. James, otherwise this total would
have been close to $21,000.00.)
∗ Heating costs for our facilities (not including
the school) totaled $38,990.84. Even though
it was much colder for longer, this total was
about $1000.00 less than last year, since we
made changes in use of churches.
Thank you for your understanding and support
according to your means! May God, never
outdone in generosity, reward you!
Marketing Experience Out There?
We are hoping to put together a Marketing Committee
to apply good principles to help create greater
awareness and appreciation of some of the wonderful
things we bring to our local community. This work
can promote these good works, open them up for
exploration and discovery, and, we hope, have greater
benefit in the lives of those around us. We will explore
“marketing strategies” applied to our parish, our
school, the work of Portsmouth Catholic SHARE
outreach, and what our Calvary cemetery offers.
Is this something you have training in ...a talent for?
Willing to invest a little time and talent in this area for
Please contact Kate Gordon, our business
manager, or our pastor, Fr. Gary, and give them your
contact info within the next couple of weeks. You can
contact them at 603-436-4555 (X 25 for Fr. G, X 12 for
Kate) or (for Fr. Gary) or (for Kate).
Ride to Church?
With winter past, there have
been some winter shut-ins who
have asked if we could find them
transportation to be able to come to Sunday Mass and we've
been happy to do it! (Thanks to those providing this valuable
service to our parishioners who either don't drive or find
parking to be a challenge). If we could help you in this way,
please give a call and leave your name, address, phone
number, and Mass of preference for Fr. G and we'll work on it
for you!
World Meeting of Families in
Philadelphia with Pope Francis
The 8th World Meeting of Families will be held in Philadelphia, PA, from September 22 to 27, 2015. Pope Francis
will celebrate a public Mass on Sunday, September 27. The
Diocese of Manchester is sponsoring a pilgrimage to this
World Meeting and Papal Mass. Families and those who minister to families can join others from around the country and
the world to explore issues that affect family life. For information and pilgrimage details, please visit the diocesan
If you are interested in attending this meeting, please
contact Roxanne Raeside Wilton at 603-436-4555, X 24 or The deadline is May 19th.
NEW! Eucharistic Weekend
June 5 – 6 – 7 will be very special days here in our
parish, beginning with the First Friday and culminating on the
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ – the Feast of
Corpus Christi – the patronal feast of our parish! Watch for
more!! This weekend will include special opportunities for all
of us, individually and as a community, as we express our love
and deep appreciation for the gift of Jesus Himself in the Most
Blessed Sacrament!
May 10, 2015
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
Annual Mother’s Day Flowers Fundraiser
Seacoast Birthright friends and volunteers will have
carnations available at the church exits after Masses this weekend. A $1.00 donation is suggested to help keep Birthright’s
free confidential services available to women facing an
unplanned pregnancy. We offer a gentle, loving alternative to
abortion. If you wish to make an additional donation, make
checks payable to Seacoast Birthright. Thank you.
NEW! Bereavement Support Group
Catholic Charities NH, in conjunction with Corpus Christi
Parish, will host a bereavement support group. The group will
meet Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 AM for ten
weeks. We will meet in the basement of Eileen Daly Pastoral
Center. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, June 9th. The
cost of materials is $25. Please pre-register by calling Sr.
Helene at Catholic Charities NH, 603-332-7701.
NEW! Wedding Bells!
Next Saturday, Tiffany Patel & Daniel Chadwick will
pledge life and love in the sacrament of Marriage in our
Immaculate Conception Church. We extend our congratulations and prayerful best wishes to them! May He who brought
you together bless you in abundance in the years ahead as you
live out this wonderful vocation.
NEW! Vacation Bible School
It’s not ’til July... but... plans are underway and supplies
will soon need to be procured so this could be our best ever
summer adventure of faith for our kids! Parents, don't delay!
Info flyers are at the main entry of IC Church. Please read
through and return ASAP. Next to the rack of flyers you will
find volunteer signup sheets – we need both adults and teens.
Could you help? Take one and get it back to us ASAP. We
are SO THANKFUL to all who've come forward, ready,
willing, and excited already! FMI, contact Roxanne Raeside
Wilton at 436-4555, X24 or
2nd Annual Car Boot Sale!
Next Saturday, May 16
8:00AM – 1:00PM
St. James Church Parking Lot
*Clearing out your closet?
*Downsizing your house?
*Kids heading off to college?
*Want to get organized?
Whatever your reason might be, if you have too much
stuff, consider donating it to our spring sale. The Car
Boot Sale supports our teens for summer programs.
Donating items for the sale is easy. To schedule a merchandise pickup from your house, call 603-498-3131.
Or donate items at the parish office, 2075 Lafayette
Road, on Mondays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
We are accepting items in good saleable condition:
home décor, furniture, lamps, china, glassware, sporting equipment, small working appliances, print, paintings, bikes, and children’s indoor & outdoor furniture.
Vendor space is also available.
For more information, please contact
Maureen Boyd at 603-498-3631
Faith Formation and
Youth Ministry Registration
Even though we're just wrapping up, please take a form
from the IC Church entry and take the time to sign your
children and youth up for next Fall's program start. This will
be a BIG help as we plan for space, teachers, and supplies
needed. By June 1st – please! Details are on the forms
clearly marked in a rack in the back of the church. For
questions, please contact Roxanne Raeside Wilton at 4364555, X 24 or
Youth Ministry
NEW! Confirmation Schedule
Sunday, May 10
5:30-7:30 PM, YR SPS
C1 & C2 Decision Point
Sunday, May 17
5:30 PM, YR SPS
T3 Bible Timeline
NEW! High School YM Upcoming Dates!
Sunday, May 24
Youth Group
What Goes Up – Pentecost
Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery
Holy Mass will be celebrated Monday, May 25th at 10:00
AM at our parish’s Calvary Cemetery. All are invited as
we remember our departed loved ones, especially offering
the Mass for all who were laid to rest in our Calvary and
St Mary cemeteries. Please bring your own chair.
NOTE: There will NOT be an 8:00 AM Mass on
Monday at St Catherine. (In event of rain, the Mass will
be at 10:00 AM at Immaculate Conception.)