Did you know… estimates suggest that without rapid action, 1.4 million people could be infected with Ebola by Christmas? CAFOD has released £200,000 to our partners in Sierra Leone and Liberia, but we need to raise more money to scale up supplies of hygiene materials and protective equipment, to support safe burial practice. With much fear and denial on the ground, raising public awareness is a good line of defence. Robust action now means that we can save lives. With CAFOD, the Church is on the front line of efforts to halt the spread of the virus. CAFOD DIARY DATES CAFOD Memorial Mass at St Annes, Westby on Saturday 22 November at 11am CAFOD Advent Prayer on Wednesday 10 December at Holy Family at 7pm Parish of Holy Family, Freckleton & Warton with the Parish of St Anne, Westby Mills Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Lowry 1 Lytham Road Warton PR4 1AD 01772 632254 E-mail: holyfamily@live.co.uk OCTOBER, the MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY Soon it will be that time when we are reminded of the importance of uniting our prayers with the Mother of God and conforming ourselves to Christ as revealed in the mysteries of His life. We grow in our appreciation of Christ through meditating on these mysteries. We do, however, need to be careful that our prayer does not become wordy and mechanical. Pope Paul VI said “Without contemplation, the Rosary is a body without a soul.” therosary3.com is a scriptural Rosary. Whether you are already in the habit of praying the Rosary and want to renew the spirit of your prayer, or whether you are new to the Rosary and want to learn how to quieten your mind and heart, therosary3.com will help you enter more deeply into the Mysteries of Christ. Come then, come to a quiet place within … visit therosary3.com. To Jesus, through Mary ... website: www.holyfamilyrc.org.uk Lancaster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees, Registered Charity No. 234331 Nearby Catholic Churches: St Joseph’s, Ansdell & St Peter’s, Lytham Holy Cross Kirkham & Wesham 01253 737037 01772 683664 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year A 19th October 2014 Divine Office: Week 1, Weekday Readings: Week 29 (2) Mass Times & Intentions at Holy Family Sat 18th 6.30pm People of the Parish Sun 19th 10.45am Intentions of Laoise Niamh Nolan Mon 20th No Mass Tues 21st No Mass Wed 22nd No Mass Thur 23rd No Mass Fri 24th No Mass Sat 25th (10.00am) No Mass Sat 25th 6.30pm Special Intention Sun 26th 10.45am People of the Parish Please note there will be no prayer before the Blessed Sacrament at 6.00pm on Friday Morning/Evening Prayer before Mass: Monday – Wednesday (except Requiems and Holy Days). Rosary before Mass: Saturday morning. Confessions: Friday 6.30pm – 6.55.pm & Saturday 5.30pm – 6.00pm. PRAYER BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FOR VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND DIACONATE IN THE DIOCESE: Each Friday 5.55pm – 6.55pm. Please pray for those who are sick, housebound and hospitalised, especially: Mark Charlesworth Cecilia Fitzgerald Laoise Nolan Daryl Turner May Lawton Frances Moss Margaret & Greg Morris Dorothea O’Donnell and all our friends and relatives who are ill. Last Week’s Offerings: Gift Aid Envelopes/loose £324.70 + £125.00 (Standing Orders) Total: £444.70 Many thanks and blessings TODAY: Is World Mission Sunday. There is a special collection for APF-Mill Hill. Please pray for all those who have died recently and all those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Mary Christine Chadwick, Albert Edward Foulkes, Norman Cox, James Hunter, Gerald Bawden, Mgr Francis Gillow, Monica Bamber 500 Club Draw - October: £50 Rose McKinless £10 John Burns James Cartmell Celia Fitzgerald Kathleen Wilding Michael Cooper SAFEGUARDING TRAINING DAY 25 October (10 – 3.30pm) - Our Lady Star of the Sea Does your role in the Church involve you in activities with children, young people or vulnerable adults? If so, you are invited to attend a Safeguarding Training Day to find out how we can create church environments which are safe and welcoming for all. Anyone interested in attending please contact Christina King (Holy Family Parish safeguarding Representative on 01772 634297. For more information and further Training Days please see the poster in the Church porch. th SHALE GAS 'FRACKING'. Applications are being made to start fracking at sites within the diocese of Lancaster. To help parishioners with the discussion on fracking the diocesan Faith and Justice Commission is making available a number of documents. These can be found on www.lancasterfaithandjustice.co.uk/environment-group/. There is a poster in the porch. Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis (a message of hope for all people) 7.45 – 8.30pm Tuesday 28th October 4 , 11th & 18th November th Maximum 10 people A list will be at the back of church weekend 18th/19th October CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES Once again it is time to rely on your generosity and ask for items to go in the shoeboxes for children who are less fortunate than ours. You can either fill your own shoe box or donate one or two items from the list and these will be packed by Holy Family children either at school or during the 10.45am Mass by our own ‘Little Church’. Thank you in advance. WHEN IN HOSPITAL The Catholic Chaplaincy Team of any hospital needs to be informed if you or a relative wish to be seen by chaplaincy. Either inform a member of the ward staff that you wish to have a chaplaincy visit or let Fr Kevin know and he will pass on details to the Catholic chaplain’s office. Story Meditations by Father Anthony De Mello A priest was walking down a street when he saw a little boy jumping up and down trying to ring a door bell. The poor kid was too small and the bell too high. So the priest went up and rang the bell for the little fellow. Then turning to the kid with a smile, he asked, “What do we do now?” The little fellow said. “Run like hell”. NOVEMBER THE MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS During November the Saturday vigil and Sunday morning Masses will be offered for the Holy Souls. NEXT SUNDAY there is a special collection for the sick and retired priests fund. GOOD NEIGHBOUR GROUP meet in the presbytery at 7.00pm on Thursday 30th October
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