Parish Newsletter 20p For the Holy Spirit West Bridgford, and Our Lady of Grace,Cotgrave The First Sunday Of Lent/ 9 March 2014 This month the Parish Newsletter is supporting the charity – CAFOD HOLY SPIRIT ACTIVITIES Rotas: This Week Next Week Rotas: This Week Next Week Euch. Ministers Counters Week 3 Jon Higham and Elizabeth Higham Week 4 Pat Greenwood & Richard Greenwood Readers Shop Cycle 2 Margaret Corcoran and Margaret Laverty Cycle 3 Dorothy McGowan and Philppa Duffy Rotas: Sunday Coffee 9am This Week No Refreshments Next Week No Refreshments Rotas: Children’s Liturgy This Week Jenny Bentley Next Week Theresa Channell Sunday Coffee 10.30am The Brennan Family The Longhurst Family Children’s Liturgy Pre-school Anna Bryne Angela Knott APPEAL FOR VERGERS AT 6.30PM MASS: More Vergers are needed at the 6.30pm Mass. If you would be interested in helping, please speak to Fr. Michael or Fr. John after Mass. TRAIDCRAFTStall this weekend at the end of Fairtrade Fortnight. Pop in, see our bargain buys and get a free sample of coffee. Also a selection of handmade Fairtrade Cards is available. DURING THIS LENTEN PERIOD There will be Stations Of The Cross at the Holy Spirit this Sunday at 5pm and Our Lady Of Grace at 4.30pm. Daily Lenten reflections prepared by the chaplaincy at the University of Nottingham and can be found at; The ‘Walk with Me’ Lenten booklets are also available and can be found at the back of church and are £1. Cafod Lent Fast Day 14th March The Theme is "Dig Deep" Dig Deep into our shared faith that commits us to the poor. Dig Deep into the reasons why 842 million people worldwide don't have enough food. Dig Deep in solidarity this Lent Fast day. Envelopes for your donations will be given out this weekend and collected in the second collection on 15/16th March. HARRY WHEAT RIP—Please pray for the repose of the soul of Harry Wheat who died recently. Please keep Tony and the family in your prayers Fairtrade Fortnight 24th February - 9th March RAFFAELLA BIFFI RIP– Please pray for the Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Can you do your bit to help? Can you buy an extra product? Visit the Traidcraft stall today. repose of the soul of Raffaella Biffi who died recently. Her funeral will be 10.45am Tuesday 18th March at the Holy Spirit. Please keep her family in your prayers. SOCIAL CLUB AGMThe Social Club AGM will be held in the Social Centre on Tuesday March 11th at 8pm. Please come along and show your support. We are struggling to recruit new helpers and would be grateful for any assistance you feel you could give to maintain this valuable and almost unique Parish asset. If you would like more information without obligation please contact Chris Hoban 0115 9141882 or Chris Farmer 07954583402 CONFIRMATION 2014 There will be a Mass followed by a meeting for candidates, parents and Catechists on Monday 17th March 7.30pm. For further any information regarding Confirmation, please email: BAPTISM COURSE 12TH MARCH 2014 If you would like to attend this month’s Baptism course, then please pick up a Baptism form from the porch and bring it along to the course and email; to confirm your attendance. We can also email you a Baptism Form at the above email address. The course is on Wednesday 12th March 2014 8pm-9.30pm upstairs in The Holy Spirit Social Centre. Please remember to bring a completed Baptism form. BRIARS RETREAT WEEKEND – CONFIRMATION 2014 A big thank you to all those volunteers who have agreed to help and support our young people at this year’s Confirmation Briars Retreat Weekend. We currently have 49 young people who will be attending the weekend. LAST WEEKEND’S FIRST COLLECTION RAISED: £989.60 Thank you WELL DONE CHERYL ! Well done! to Cheryl Silcock for completing the Rushcliffe 10K Run in 57 minutes and 34 seconds. Cheryl has raised £335 for Fr. Vincent’s charity. ( Inset is a photo of Cheryl with her children George and Rose taken just after completing the run). FAITH IN FAMILIES Please can you return your Faith in Families boxes during this month of March. Thank you Eileen Widdicks. There will also be a Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday 23rd March 3pm at the Holy Spirit, for Sister Maureen Brennan, ( an Adoption Social Worker), who recently retired From Faith in Families. After, there will be also refreshments in the hall. Cheryl would like to say a big thank you to everyone that sponsored her. NEW COUNTERS ROTA 2014-2015Counters, if you have not received your new Counters Rota by email, please pick up your new Rota in the Sacristy. There are envelopes with your names on. Thank you for all your help. Catherine ( Parish Secretary) Sick and Retired Priests Fund February Draw- 200 Club. 1st- D. McCarthur, Three other £10 winners; M. O'Sullivan/S. Haughney/K&P Moran. Holy Spirit BookshopHoly Communion/Confirmation cards, missals, rosaries and gifts now available. Children’s books, cards for all occasions, medals and other gifts. St Patrick’s Day Cards and Key rings are also available. Please come and have a look and see what we have to offer . LENTEN TALKS: There will be Lenten Talks exploring the richness of Catholic Social Teaching, with lively discussions on various social topics. In the Cathedral Hall from 6.45pm-8pm. Every Tuesday March 11th/ 18th/ 25th. Bring your friends and family, all our current Father’s and other friends from neighbouring parishes are in the line up. For more info see: PARENTS EVENING: You, your children and their Catholic Faith The next session will be Tuesday 1st April 8-9pm in the Hall of the Parish Social Centre. Refreshments included. All welcome. Childrens’ Stations Of The CrossThere will be a Children’s Stations Of The Cross Good Friday morning 18th April at 10.30am in the Holy Spirit Church. Feel free to come along and bring your children. There will be coffee and hot cross buns afterwards in the Parish hall. Available dates at the Briars Open Confirmation Retreat’s: Friday 14th-16th March Friday 13th– Sunday 15th June Day Retreat for Parish/ Families Saturday 24th May Saturday 5th July Interested? Please contact: Bernie Walsh: Telephone: 01773 852 044 or email: COTGRAVE ACTIVITIES THE CHARITY SHOP IS NOW OPEN: All volunteers should re-register their names and contact number on the sheet at the back of church. Thank you. DON BRADY RIP– Please pray for the soul of Don Brady who died recently. Please also keep his family in your prayers. CAFOD LENT FAST DAYCafod Lent Fast Day is Friday 14th March. Fast Day envelopes are now available this weekend at church. Please collect your envelope from the table in the church foyer. You may also wish to gift aid your donation if you are a tax payer. Envelopes will be collected in the second collection next Sunday 16th March. TRAIDCRAFT COTGRAVEStall is this weekend Sunday 9th March. 50/50 Monthly Draw February winner- Mo. McKerr A list of previous winners are at the back of the Church on the notice board. Anyone wishing to join please see Chris Murray before 11am Mass. All the money received in for the month is split between winner and Church. Thank you to everyone who is in the draw. Chris JOB VACANCIES Our Lady’s Perpetual Succour Academy , Bulwell, Nottingham. St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary Require from September 2014 a full-time and permanent class teacher. Closing date: Wednesday 19th March 2014 A Voluntary Academy Tewkesbury Close, West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 5NH Temporary Full-Time Class Teacher position available (To cover maternity leave) Salary: Standard Scale Acting Head Teacher : Mrs M Dales For details please email: Visits to the school are warmly welcomed and encouraged. To request an application pack please email the above address or alternatively, you can download from the e– teach website CONTACTS AND HOLY SPIRIT ORGANISATIONS Number on Roll: 414 ORGANISATION CONTACT TEL. NO. Baby and Toddler Group Louise Anglin 07724599582 Brownies Claire Spencer 9142508 Visits by prior arrangement with the school office by ringing 0115 9147889, are very welcome. Cafod and Traidcraft Mary Crosby Catenians Tim Connery Please contact the school office or visit the school website to download an application pack. These should be returned addressed to the Head Teacher of the school. Children's Liturgy Angela Knott Cubs Carol Colaluca 9231770 Golf Society John Carolan 07764285863 Guides Pat Greenwood Holy Spirit Youth Project Cheryl Silcock 07540096234 Parish Pastoral Council Anthony Squire 8374539 Scouts Margaret Walker 9899553 S.V.P. Peter Molyneux 9235395 The Governors wish to appoint a dynamic and highly motivated teacher to join our team for 2 terms initially from April 2014 to teach a parallel Year 5 or Year 1 class. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The post is subject to an enhanced check through the Disclosure and Barring Service. Closing date: Wednesday 26 March 2014, 12 Noon Newsletter Editor: Catherine Giavarini 8780642 9821978 9149959 U.C.M Bernie Turner 9233127 Fellowship Group Mary Elliot Smith 9149473 Social Centre Bookings 11am-5pm Mon-Fri E mail: Tel: 0115 8465059/ 0752 8080093 WEBSITES Parish: www., www.ourladyofgracecotgrave Deanery: PARISH CHURCHES The Holy Spirit Our Lady of Grace Melton Road Candelby Lane West Bridgford Cotgrave Nottingham Nottingham NG2 7JW NG12 3JG CLERGY TEAM Parish Priest– Fr. Michael Brown Tel: 0115 9814271 Assistant Priest– Fr. John McCay Tel:0115 9810320 29 Charnwood Grove, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7NT. Email Fr. Michael or Fr. John at; 9234866 Mon-Fri Chris Farmer 07954583402 Cricket Team David Paton 9231397 H.S. Badminton Tony O’Dwyer 9452648 Lourdes Maria Dabrowska H.S. Football Steve Murphy 9147207 9452681 CONTACT DETAILS FOR COTGRAVE ORGANISATIONS Parish Pastoral Council Anne Ferguson 9892693 Children’s Liturgy Karen Richards 9374565 Traidcraft Lynne Harrison 9140577 CAFOD Sandie Clogg 9893149 SVP. Clive Spalding 01949 843528 SCHOOLS Primary School Senior School St Edmund Campion The Becket School Head Teacher Head Teacher Mrs D. Longley Mr J. McGeachie Tel: 0115 9147889 Tel: 0115 9824280
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