Fr Don White PARISH PRIEST Fr Frank Gilbert ASSISTING PRIEST Anne Wellings: Parish Secretary Kevin Hogan: Parish Manager ( Park Avenue) Beryl Mills : Sacramental Coordinator Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday : 9am-2pm. Postal Address: Email : Website: PO Box 9874, Frenchville, 4701 PENTECOST……. YEAR B…… 23rd/24th May, 2015 1st Reading: ACTS 2: 1-11 On the day of Pentecost the Gospel is preached to all nations. Responsorial Psalm : ‘LORD SEND OUT YOUR SPIRIT AND RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH’ © 1981 (ICEL) all rights reserved 2nd Reading: GALATIANS 5: 16-25 The Spirit is our guide and our life. Gospel: JOHN 15: 26-27; 16: 12-15 The Spirit continues to lead us into the fullness of truth. PARISH MASS TIMES: Monday 25th May - Sunday 31st May, 2015 **Weekday Times: Monday : 9am MASS Park Avenue ( for Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians) Tuesday: 9am MASS Holy Family Thursday: 8am EMMAUS COLLEGE MASS CHAPEL YAAMBA RD Friday : 9am MASS Holy Family 9am MASS Park Avenue **Reconciliation Saturday: 5.00pm - 5.30pm Holy Family & Park Avenue **Weekend Times: Saturday: 6pm Holy Family 6pm Park Avenue Sunday: 7am St Maria Goretti 8am Park Avenue 9am Holy Family 6pm MASS St Joseph’s Cathedral (Regional) PENTECOST The feast of Pentecost celebrates the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples and giving them insight and enthusiasm to continue the ministry of Jesus. The gospel reading is one of the experiences of the Risen Lord the disciples had when Jesus breathed upon them indicating that the Holy Spirit was with them. The actual events of that first Pentecost are recorded in the book of Acts and are recalled in this week’s first reading. The Gospel account is a reminder that Jesus had already imbued the disciples with the Spirit but, as so often throughout his ministry, they were a bit slow to catch on to the significance of what he had done. It seems that they needed a more tangible experience to jolt them into action and Acts records the very physical experience of the Spirit entering their midst as a roaring wind before settling upon them as tongues of flame. Jesus had breathed the Spirit upon them but it took the roaring wind to make a real impression on the disciples. It is the same Holy Spirit who moves in the Church today and significantly who is given to us sacramentally in Baptism and Confirmation and who gathers us today for the celebration of the Eucharist…….May we see God’s Spirit at work in our lives…………Fr. Don. Prayer for Pentecost Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen. PARISH NEWS & NOTICES PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9am-2pm. When the office is closed, please leave messages on the office answering machine, or email and they will be attended to as soon as possible. In a medical emergency (after 5pm weekdays; weekends 24 hours) to contact a Priest please call 1300 555 555 and ask for pager number 26933. PLEASE NOTE: Changes to this week’s Masses th Monday 25 May, Mass for the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians will be held at Our Lady Help of Christians’ Church Park Avenue at 9am . There will be NO MASS on Wednesday morning 27th May at Park Avenue Church. Please remember in your prayers those who have recently died: Lynette Chillingworth, Marjory Spargo, Bob Williams, Marci Bartley, Dawn Reuter, Diana Johnson, Consuelo Quimbo, Auring Comedoy, Hermie Tabada & Jason; Vince Johnson, Annette Gilbert (Miami), Maureen McHugh; Shirley Baynton, Eileen Hynes (Maryborough), Alice Loch, and all those who have gone before us in faith. Anniversaries: Stan Stablum (20th May), Keith Mansfield (27th May) ; Robert White (28th May) EMMAUS COLLEGE 8am Mass is held every Thursday morning ( except during school terms) in the Chapel on the Yaamba Road Campus (Behind the Library). All parishioners are welcome to attend. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME A Liturgy of the Word for Eucharist will take place on weekend 30/31 May for the children enrolled in our Confirmation/Eucharist Programme. All candidates should choose 6pm Saturday (Our Lady Help of Christians Park Avenue or Holy Family) or 9am Sunday (Holy Family). This is an important part of the programme so attendance is vital. For further information, please contact the parish office (49282800) or Ministry to the Sick and Elderly: If you know of someone who is need of anointing of the sick either in hospital or at home please contact the Parish Office 49 282800. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please remember Marcia Ilott, Bob Butler, Alf & Mary Lorraway and Don Nash in your prayers for the sick. READINGS NEXT WEEKEND THE MOST HOLY TRINITY…YEAR B Deuteronomy 4: 32-34, 39-40 Paul to Romans 8: 4-17 Matthew 28: 16-20 SURPLUS GREEN PLASTIC CHAIRS for sale $5.00 each. If interested please call the parish office on 49 282800. ****PARK AVENUE MARIAN LADIES: Due to unforseen circumstances, our MAY GET TOGETHER HAS BEEN CANCELLED. DIOCESAN NEWS & NOTICES Happy birthday to Phill Mackenzie for 26th May. PARK AVENUE MASS CANDLES: Gifts of Norma Pegg and Derlene Hume and family; Larcombe Family. Our parish will conduct the annual Propagation of the Faith appeal next weekend (May 30/31) ROCKONIA PARISH LADIES CLUB will be holding a “BRING–N-BUY” with morning tea on Thursday morning 4th June at 10am in the Holy Family Church Hall. Our famous auctioneer Pat will travel from Koongal for the occasion and will be keen to get the best bids for the goodies you bring along for auction!!! Eg craft, cakes, slices, relish, jams, books plants etc. What a great morning it will be….call Marie 49282620 Or Anne 49282839 for more information. ============================================== PARISH PASTORAL COUNCILS’ REPORT, APRIL & MAY Relocation of the new parish office: PPC members have inspected the new location and work in progress for the new parish office. It is clear from the Gospel reading for this weekend that Jesus wanted to assure His disciples that although he had to depart from them, He would not leave them alone. The message back then is the same today: no matter how bad things might seem, Jesus is always with us. Only today, the Spirit that Jesus promised to send is now made manifest in other ways. One way the Holy Spirit can be experienced is through the work of missionaries. These men and women of God, like Sr Rose in Madagascar, go to the four ends of the Earth to guide, advocate, protect and bring life. The Spirit not only upholds these priests, brothers, sisters and lay people but it transforms the lives of those the missionaries have contact with, such as Noel and Angeline, and their children. With your support, the Church can ensure Noel and Angeline, and their children will, as it says in the first reading, “prosper and live long”. With your generosity during this appeal, we can provide them with “living water”, both real and spiritual. David McGovern, Queensland Regional Director Maintenance of parish web-site & use of U-Tube Channel: The web-site has been updated in some areas , more work to be done in the area of Information on Parish Sacraments . Our parishes need to look at ways of using the U-Tube channel more effectively. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK OUT OUR WEB-SITE , visit - Revitalising Lay Ministries: Involvement of new arrivals and young people. Rotation of PPC Membership: There are currently vacancies on the PPC. A discernment process for new members will be held later in the year. PPC meetings will now be held every 4th Thursday of the month. next meeting will be Thursday 25th June. Do you have any parish pastoral items or concerns you would like raised or put on the agenda? Just call Anne at the parish office and your message will be forwarded to the parish council members. ROCKONIA: John Kennedy (Deputy Chair); Julieanne Gough; Carmel Hoffmann: Phil Mackenzie: Greg & Carmel Hayman; Don Thomasson; Helen Dean ( St Anthony’s School). PARK AVENUE: Michael Donohue (Chair); Lyn Adams; Cathy Lawrence; Alan Barker (St Joseph’s School) and Kevin Hogan (Parish Manager). ============================================== ROCKHAMPTON CHURCHES’ TOGETHER COVENANT OF PRAYER: Please pray for: THE WORK OF SCRIPTURE UNION. R.C.I.A. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Please call the parish office 49 282800 for more information. CATHOLIC LEADER is on sale at the front of the Church – cost is $2.00. Diocesan Celebration to farewell Monsignor John Grace Bishop Michael invites all parishioners to farewell Monsignor th John on Thursday, 28 May 2015 at St Joseph’s Cathedral as he leaves to prepare for his appointment as Rector of Holy Spirit Seminary. Program: 4.00 – 4.45 pm Afternoon tea in the Cathedral Courtyard 5.00 – 6.00 pm Mass in the Cathedral 6.30 – 8.00 pm Social evening in The Cathedral College’s Multipurpose Centre You are invited to attend two free workshops on The Three Worlds of a Biblical Text (facilitated by Dr Laurie Woods) on Thursday 25 June from 9.00 am – 12.30 pm at the Kevin Castles Centre, 152 West Street Rockhampton. To register: phone (4931 3691) or email ( by Thursday 18 June to assist with planning. More info on the Church noticeboard. DATE CLAIMER: Ignite Conference 2015 24-27 September – Redcliffe, Brisbane. The Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton abides strictly with the principles and procedures of Towards Healing. The Diocese is committed to healing for victims by providing a sensitive and compassionate response to complaints. Contact the Response Coordinator Melissa Davey Ph 1800 830113. email: TO HIRE THE PARK AVENUE TENNIS COURT HIRE: please collect the key from Kerry’s General Store in Main Street. Please complete a blue “Tennis Court Hire Advice” form & return in the envelopes provided with payment - $9 per hour daytime & $12 per hour night-time. CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL - Rockhampton Diocese 2015 annual convention will be held on July 17, 18, 19 at the Kevin Castles Centre , 152 West St. Rockhampton. For more information contact Sharon McDonald, 49874696. DATE CLAIMER: “Grease” the musical will be performed by the students at Emmaus College from 24-26 July. Tickets are now on sale from the Pilbeam Theatre Box Office. Eveyone is welcome to come along. North Rockhampton Catholic Schools St Anthony’s, Feez St Phone 49283401 St Joseph’s, Park Avenue Phone 49221906 St Mary’s, Nobbs St Phone 49285658 Emmaus College, Main St Phone 49235700 “IT’S TIME TO CHANGE IT UP” – Reconciliation Rockhampton Service at St David’s Anglican Church, Simpson St, North Rockhampton Sunday 31st May from 7pm-9pm. Everyone is welcome – for more information call Adele Giles 0412696714 or see the Church noticeboard. TRIVIA NIGHT hosted by the Rockhampton Dragon Boat Club will be held at the North Rockhampton Bowls Club 29th May at 6.30pm. More information on the church noticeboard or call 0407654057 for bookings. PARK AVENUE LITURGY ROSTER Weekend 30/31 May, 2015 SATURDAY 6PM Door Welcomers: G & J Black Mass Organisers: I Cavanagh & B Johnson Readers : B Johnson, I Cavanagh, M Pettett, Offertory: Senini Family Collectors: D Gill, G Pettett Eucharistic Ministers: S Pettett, D Senini,P Lawrence G Thompson Altar Servers: G Fitzgerald SUNDAY 8AM Door Welcomers: M Keys, P Borthwick Mass Organisers: D Hume, S Larcombe Readers : S Larcombe, D Van Nunen, J Downing Offertory L Adams, P Borthwick Collectors: S Schwarten. Eucharistic Ministers: M Keys, K Svenson, D Hume, L Adams The sponsors on the back of our Parish Bulletin sponsor us, Please sponsor them if you can.
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