October 12, 2014 Worship Centers: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 201 44th St. South Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave. Parish Offices: 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: (406)452-6491 Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon Fax: 452-6495 Email: hsparish@holyspiritgf.org Website: www.holyspiritgf.org School: 2820 Central Avenue Phone: 761-5775 Email: jwichman@holyspiritgf.org web: www.holyspiritgf.org WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith, WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer. WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by welcoming and ministering to all people with compassion and hope. Rev. March 1999 “The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.” Pope St. Gregory the Great Join the Youth Group this Sunday for breakfast! On Sunday October 12, 2014 our Youth Group kids will be sponsoring a breakfast following the 8:30am and 11:00am Masses. We are working towards upgrading the technology @ Sts. Peter & Paul Center. Come join us and meet these amazing young people and enjoy a hearty breakfast. Envelope Alert: Your new envelopes should have arrived! Please destroy the set that came earlier and use the new ones. We post contributions by the envelope number. If you aren’t sure of your envelope number, please call the parish office. Holy Spirit Parish Annual Harvest Dinner Sunday, November 2nd 11:30 a.m - 4:00 p.m. Sts. Peter & Paul Center Menu includes: baron of beef with all the trimmings, cabbage rolls, salad bar, & homemade pies Adults $9, 6-12 $5, 5 & under - free Join us for good food, fun & fellowship. Raffle tickets will be available. Help needed with set up, serving and clean up. Sign up sheets will be available in the hallway or call the parish office. Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 12, 2014 Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday – 4:30 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass Schedule Holy Spirit Day Chapel: Tuesdays 5:15 p.m. & Thursdays 8:30 a.m. Park Place (3200 15th Ave. S) Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. Holy Family Chapel (2800 Central Avenue) Fridays 8:30 am Reconciliation: Saturdays - 4 pm Holy Spirit or by appointment Mass Intentions: Tues., 10/14 - 5:15 p.m. - +Jack Thelen r/b B.A. Thelen Wed., 10/15 - 2:30 p.m. Park Place - Vernice Doughton (sp int) r/b K. Walters Thur., 10/16 - 8:30 a.m. - +Kay Albright r/b C. Bauer Fri., 10/17 - 8:30 a.m. Holy Family - Ron Javornik (sp int) r/b R. Patterson Sat., 10/18 - 4:30 p.m. - +Rich Osweiler. r/b Kangas Family Sun., 10/19 - 8:30 a.m. - +Mary McDaniel r/b Maronicks 11:00 a.m. - Ken & Edna Palagi (sp int) r/b J. Peres Readings for next week: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Old Testament: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 New Testament: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Coffee & Rolls Schedule October 12th: 8:30 a.m. - Youth Ministry Breakfast - No Coffee & Rolls October 19th: Knights of Columbus Bus Schedule: October 18th: Deva-Anne & Bob Pinski October 19th: Kevin & Angie Nurre What’s Happening This Week… Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted Sunday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Youth Ministry Breakfast after both Masses Youth Ministry - 6:30 p.m. Sts. P&P Pastoral Council - 7:00 p.m. Conf Rm Religious Formation 6:30 p.m. Sts. P&P RCIA - 7:00 p.m. Sts. P&P On the website: Log on to www.holyspiritgf.org to find:\ Sign up for adult Fall Bible Study Information on sacraments: weddings, baptism, more! Reminder: Please join us to pray the Rosary at 4:45 p.m. on Tuesdays and 8:00 a.m. on Thursdays at Holy Spirit and 8:00 a.m. on Fridays at Holy Family. Please update your information with the parish. Have you dropped your land line? Have you changed your address? Do you have a new email address? Please call the parish office with any changes, 452-6491. Do you know where your serving dishes are? Check the shelves in the corner or the social hall. PARISH STAFF Pastor Associate Pastor Deacon Deacon Deacon Parish Administrator Worship RCIA/Adult Formation DRE/Youth Minister Christian Service/Elementary Formation Administrative Assistant Maintenance Fr. Dick Schlosser Fr. Dave Wilkins Dcn. Mark Zenner Dcn. Bill Medved Dcn Pete Woelkers Mark Meyer Mary Dupuis Larry Guilbault Aubrey Rearden Cindy Eultgen Karyn Jenkins Chuck Osterman Liturgical Ministers for October 18, 19 4:30 PM Bread Baker 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Sub requested ~ see Web Terminal K. Seilstad A. Trunkle J. Knutson Holy Wash Sacristan S. Pedro J. Gort K. Krattiger Greeter S. Dunston V. Pedro S. Turner D. Clutter C. Munsterteiger B. Munsterteiger G. Saunders R. Wilson G. Wilson Usher D. Hogan B. McDonald Bill Chafin D. Lorang G. Philpott Justin Philpott Cross Bearer M. Friman G. Nunez Katelyn Rutten Altar Server R Bowman B. Held R. Munsterteiger R Bowman CLW Kyle Rutten Rachel Ryan S. Bloomgren D. Hayes H. Schaffer Reader M. Kostelnik P. Cahill M. Preciado Brenda Chafin C. Ingman C. Romanchuk Gift Presenter A. Cereck J. Cereck D. Lesmeister Nickol Family Nicholson Family L. Friman S. Mayernik B. Thelen A. Cereck J. Cereck Hans Fehres A. Klundt D. Maronick R. Maronick B. Medved K. Walters M. Davis Mari Held L. Stenzel J. Stenzel Marley Held S. O'Connell T. O'Connell J. O'Connell J. Witham A. Bulger D. Heffernan M. Heffernan T. Paul Carol Paul B. Rutten G. Tremper P. Tremper P. Woelkers Euch Ministers M. Munsterteiger B. Munsterteiger C. Munsterteiger Monique Nickol Melissa Nickol Megan Nickol C. Nunez M. Zenner Recycling Schedule: First Week: Newspaper - Tarnowski / Cardboard - Blair Second Week: Newspaper - Weinheimer/ Cardboard - Sanders Third Week: Newspaper - Stubbs / Cardboard - Shipley Fourth Week: Newspaper- Kimmel/Cardboard - Hamilton Fifth Week: Newspaper - Schwanke/Cardboard - Strauss Adult Formation Larry Guilbault 452-6491 ext. 205 lgilbo@holyspiritgf.org RCIA : The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the way our parish prepares people to become Catholic. We meet every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Sts. Peter & Paul Center (old church & school) Call or email Larry at the above address or just come on over. All are Welcome! 1st session for Children will be Wednesday, October 1st. Contact Larry for information. Adult Formation: The Bible study will be The Gospel of John: The Word Made Flesh which will start the week of September 21st and end in November before Thanksgiving and the 1st Sunday of Advent. It is not too late to register. We have books left so leave me a message or email. You can also get info and registration form on our web page www.holyspiritgf.org Are you planning a Wedding? A booklet with Holy Spirit Parish’s wedding guidelines is available in the magazine rack between the double entrance doors of the Church. Call or email the office for more information. Youth Ministry Aubrey Rearden 452-6491 ext. 207 aubrey@holyspiritgf.org Cell Phone: 868-6713 Youth Group Sunday Nights 6:30-8:15pm @ Sts. Peter & Paul Center Youth Group This Sunday! Sunday October 12th, 6:30-8:15pm Join us tonight @ Sts. Peter & Paul Center for our gathering of Youth Group. If you are in the 7th—12th Grade join us for a night of food, fellowship, and fun! Registration forms will be available in the entrance of Sts. Peter & Paul Center if you have not already filled one out! Middle School Youth...Mark your calendars: We will be heading to Butte for the Diocese of Helena’s Junior High Rally on Saturday November 8, 2014. Registration packets were given out at Youth Group this Sunday, and are available in the book rack in the entrance of the church. Registration is due back to Aubrey by Sunday October 26, 2014. Elementary Faith Formation Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 cindy@holyspiritgf.org Pre-K thru 6th gr Wednesdays, 6:30—7:30 pm @Sts. Peter & Paul Center We have grown and we are off to a great start! We have 22 catechists for 11 rooms of children (two in every area). This includes child care for the volunteers, Pre-K, K, and 1st grade – 6th grade. Due to larger numbers in the Pre-K and 2nd grade we have added another class! We have a person who decorates the classrooms & bulletin boards. Many parents/ grandparents/aunts & uncles have volunteered to help once a month or less. You are greatly needed in these ways: assist the in the classroom when a sub is needed and to set-up and take down the tables & chairs in the gym for our second – 2nd grade class. Sacramental Preparation Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 cindy@holyspiritgf.org @ Sts. Peter & Paul Center Parents & 2nd—6th Grade Children The next session will be on Wednesday, November 5th @ 6:30 pm at Sts. Peter & Paul Center. Parents meet in the old church and children meet in the gym for room assignment. Holy Spirit School Jim Wichman - Principal / jwichman@holyspiritgf.org Helen Boysun, Administrative Assistant. 761-5775 www.holyspiritgf.org Please join our Holy Spirit School students, faculty, staff and parents as we celebrate the liturgy each Friday morning. Mass is in the Holy Family Chapel and begins at 8:30 a.m. Our students enjoy seeing parishioners! Our elementary grades (grade 1-3) are busy classrooms. Each grade has smaller class sizes allowing for more interactions between the teacher and the individual students. The first grade class will lead their first school Mass on Oct. 10. They are already busy preparing for that special day. Each class will have the opportunity to present the Mass for their school and all our guests. This is a terrific way for the students to learn more about the Mass and our Catholic faith. If this sounds like the place you would like your child to be, please call Holy Spirit School and schedule a tour. Or better yet, schedule a day for your child to spend some time with a class. Just give us a call. Job Description: Holy Spirit Catholic School is seeking a qualified person to teach middle school Math & Science. This is a full time position. Academic Qualifications: Applicant must possess a MT educators’ license with endorsements in the areas applied for. Please request an application, jwichman@holyspiritgf.org or call the school (406) 761-5775. Send it in along with a Cover Letter, Resume, and Copy of College Transcript. Completed application may be mailed, emailed or dropped off at the school office. Holy Spirit Catholic School saves Campbell labels for Education and Box Tops for Education. These programs help our teachers get valuable supplies for their classrooms. If you have any labels you would like to donate, please drop them in the collection basket and we will collect them. Thank you for your support of these programs Christian Service Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 cindy@holyspiritgf.org Family Promise: Thank you again for your response for the cleaning supplies needed for the Monsignor Joseph Gluszek Hospitality House. Some items we still need: protective gloves, wall & floor cleaner, window cleaner, sink & tub cleanser, toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom disinfectant, rags, plastic buckets, scrub brushes, paper towels, garbage bags. If you can supply even 1 thing it is a blessing. We do not have and we will not have a budget so everything comes from us, the community. Aubrey Readen and the youth group will come to clean on Oct. 19th. What a blessing we have in this young leadership. If you have any questions please call and leave a message for Kathie @ 781.5033 St. Vincent de Paul thanks each individual and family who contributed to the 198# of food and bags picked up Mid September. Your generosity is appreciated and your donations help us get through each month. We thank you! St. Vincent de Paul Staff, Volunteers, & Clients. (card on bulletin board) Worship Mary Dupuis 452-6491 ex. 206 mdupuis@holyspiritgf.org Choir Practice: Music practice gears up again in September. Come in by way of the shrine door ~ follow the sidewalk to the right around the side of the church. All are welcome to join in the leading of music ~ all voices and most instruments are welcome! We specialize in developing young cantors to lead the music at the psalm ~ come join us! Gluten-free and LOW gluten hosts are available for those who are not able to tolerate the baked bread or regular hosts we use for our Eucharistic bread. Please contact the sacristan when you arrive for Mass, and they will put aside a host for you. Liturgical Tidbits: Community: Our participation in the prayers, songs, and actions of the liturgy helps us to form community with those around us. Singing together causes a feeling of togetherness. This is one of the main purposes of the entrance or gathering song—to form us into community through our mutual participation. This is why the presider should stand and sing a verse or two with us once he gets to his chair. He also is part of the assembly, the Body of Christ. Singing with the community helps to symbolize this and also to bring it into being. At Holy Spirit, we’ve begun singing all the verses of the Gathering Song, so we can understand the full meaning of the chosen text, and more thoroughly form as the Body of Christ for our Eucharistic celebration. The monthly Mass to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life will be celebrated at St. Ann Cathedral on Wednesday, October 15th at 6:00 p.m. All are invited to come and pray. Stewardship CARE & SHARE 2014: Every gift given to Care and Share 2014 is put to work immediately to support and build our Catholic Church in the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings. Thank you for carrying out the work of Christ here at home in our own Catholic backyard! Our Care & Share assessment this year is $97,000. So far we have received $50,679. Next weekend is the Annual World Mission collection. We are invited to reach out and help build the churches in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please remember them in your prayers. Envelopes are available by the parish office for those who would like to participate. Parish Council of Catholic Women Our PCCW meeting will be held on Monday, October 13 at 1:00 pm. in the parish conference room. Final plans for the Harvest Dinner will be discussed. The PCCW will hold it's Fall Card party on Tuesday, October 14th at noon. Call Vonnie Adkins, 453-3653 for a table, or if you would like to fill a spot. The worlds' best salad luncheon is served and parishioners are invited to join us for lunch. Cost is only $7. Mark your calendars now!! Milestones Registered in September at Holy Spirit: Ryan & Becky Acra and children Zachary, Perrey, Haven, and Lakey; Glen Caniparoli, Rey & Grace Cannet and children Makaela and Noah; Jordan & Becky Cobb and children Lewis, Charlotte and Henry; Bob & Andrea Dean and children Zachary and Ruby; Brenda & Danny DeBolt and daughter Brianna; Keith & Tessie Hagerich; Cheyney & Jen Lorenz and children Braxton, Brady and Brooklyn; Keith & Phalynda and daughters Grace, Sophie and Evelyn; Jim & Sandee McKenna; Allison & Cameron McKnight and children Morgan, Maya and Molly; Raelynne Calbick, Adam McCurdy and children Parker, Ethan, and Brody; Joe & Victoria Nelson; Michele & Shaun O’Dell and their children Xaudrien and Phoenix; Marty & Amy Quinslisk and children Faith, Killian and Finnegan; Josh Ramstead and children Shayne, Aria, and Kash; Joe & Jenny Sundy and children Devon, Luke, Sophia, Anabelle and Evelyn; Keith & Casey Schumacher and children Britney, Drew and Taylor; Shaun & Jena Tatarka and son Treyton; Mary Toeckes, Mary Beth & Darron Tolan and children Gabriella, Garrett, Emma and Isaac; Didimo & Sonia Palma and sons Julio and Andrew; John Hocevar. Welcome to our community!! Courtesy Announcements Mark your calendar as Great Falls Central will hold its first Discovery Day of the year October 21st. Discovery Days are a great opportunity for current 8th graders from Catholic Schools, Home School and Public Schools to experience high school at Central for a day. Call the school Advancement Office at 216-3344 or email to hsmith@greatfallscentral.org to reserve a spot St. Martin de Porres Annual Taco and Silent Auction Fundraiser - Friday October 17th from 11-6 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 906 Central Ave W. Proceeds benefit the non-profit mission to help the less fortunate, needy and those with disabilities in our community. The auction closes at 5 p.m. Deliveries available by calling 788-2291. Harvest Dinner - Our Lady of Lourdes Church - Sunday, October 19th from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall (400 14th St. S). Turkey & all the trimmings. dessert. Try you luck at our raffle! Over 12 $8, 6-12 $6, under 6 free. Visit our country store with homemade goodies, canned goods, craft items. Town Pump will be donating $15,000. to St. Vincent de Paul if we match donations in that amount during the remainder of October & all of November. Please consider making your Christmas donation before the end of November so we can reach this goal! Great Falls Interfaith Association is Once Again Sponsoring Bed, Blanket, & Bedding Month During October. The need is great! Please bring new or clean used blankets and bedding to church to be collected & distributed this winter to the needy by St. Vincent de Paul. Donations are gratefully accepted; mark envelope or check for SVDP Blankets. Boy Scouts Troop #4 Pancake Breakfast, Sunday October 19th, 8 a.m. - 12:30, K of C Hall (906 Central Ave W). Blueberry pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, juice & coffee. Free will offering. Visit the bake sale tables sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women. Cum Christo Weekend Dates: Our Men's & Women's weekend dates have been set for November 20-23, 2014 and will be held at the Ursuline Centre. Come spend time in prayer & reflection and learn more about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. For more information or an application please call Carmen @ 761-1805 or go to bigskycumchristo.org
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